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136 Cards in this Set

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Hou xi
SI 3
Shu s, wood, master du
*strained neck
*acute low back sprain
= benefits sinews, expels ext wind, resolves dampness, elim int wind from du ch.
(best for upper spine, BL 62 if want lower) "back stream"
Wan gu + yang gu
SI 4 + 5
Wrist bone + yang valley
*local diseases, pain in wrist
=remove obstruction frm ch
Yang Lao
SI 6
*impaired vision (support aged)
With LI 4, LI 14, gb 37
=brightens eyes
(opp side hip pain/ tang)
Helps support blood supply to back of eyes
Xiao hai
SI 8
*elbow pain
=remove obstruction frm ch
(avoid. Ulnar nerve)
SI 9 jian zhen true shoulder
SI 10. Nao shu upper arm shu
SI 11 tian Zhong heavenly gatherin
SI 12 bing feng graspingwind
Used in diseases of shoulder + back
= remove obstructions from channel
(frozen shoulder, poor posture, gb disease)
Tian rong
SI 17
*sore throat, esp tonsillitis
= expels fire poison
Shao ze
SI 1
Lesser marsh
*lactation insufficiency (cv 17, PC 1) often d/t shi/stagnation

Mastitis/ Mai ya, slow milk prod
Fresh cabbage/pu gong ying as poultice
SI channel general fx
-clears mind, calms HT, regulates du
+ deadman - clear heat from pathway, assists clearing of HT, pain in ch (fire, toxins)
= opens orifices, promotes lactation
Even more general - SI channel
Dsease of head, nape of neck, shoulder and back, ulnar side of arm, eye, other areas where ch. Supplies
(zig zag thru LI 14, to du 14, branch to neck divide at cheek, another branch to gb 1, and branch to inner can thus BL 1
Quan Liao
SI 18
Cheek bone crevice
*facial paralysis
*trigeminal neuralgia
=expels wind, relieves pain
Ting gong
SI 19
= benefits ears
Ye men
SJ 2
Fluid gate
* ottitis media (primarily acute/shi)
* local pain
= clear heat, expel wind, benefit ear, remove obstruction frm ch
(damp heat in ear, yellow discharge)
Zhong zhu
SJ 3
Central islet / moves LV QI
*Ottitis media (chronic)
*local pain
*hypochondriac pain (thru shao yang)
*mood swings
Yang chi
SJ 4
Yang pool
*pain in wrist, arm, shoulder
*deafness/tinnitus (xu)
*thirst and retention of urine
Yuan source - move - yang qi flow and fluid metabolism issues
Wai guan
SJ 5
Governs ext + sides of body
*fever d/t pathogenic invasion
*h.a. (temporal)
*strained neck
=expels wind heat (also cold), release ext, remove obstruction frm ch.
Zhi gou
SJ 6
Branch ditch - ruler of costal/hypoc
*local diseases
*similar action to wai guan
*costal hypochondriac region
= regulate qi, remove obstruction frm ch, remove obstruct frm LI, clears heat (all 3 jiao), expels wind

Pian Li, LI 6 - edema, no sweat, diff urine, open waterways
Lu 7 is most ext acting on lung ch, supports d and d
Tian jing
SJ 10
*local disorders of elbow
= relaxes tendons, resolves dampness, dispels stagnation
He sea, earth, local - doesn't really tonify organ
Jian Liao
Shoulder opening/ crevice
*b syndrome/shoulder spurs
* local disorders of the shoulder
- removes obstructions from ch
Yi feng
Wind screen - Crossing pt of GB + SJ
*facial paralysis
*ear diseases
-expels wind, benefits the ears
TMJ, stimulates the facial nerve, may cause pain after needling when chewing
Er men
SJ 21
Ear gate
*ear probs, mostly tinnitus + deafness often d/t LV yang rising (HBP)
- benefits the ears
Si zhu kong
Silk bamboo hollow
*peripheral palsy's
*temporal headache
*eye diseases
*facial paralysis (trig neur, bells p)
-expels wind, brightens the eyes, stops pain
(moxa 1st for trigeminal neuralgia)
Gate er men SJ 21
Palace ting gong SI 9
Meeting ting hui
Tian chong
Celestial rushing
Back side of year up a cun
LI ch generally treats
Forehead, face, nose, mouth, teeth
LI channel trajectories
*At LI 16 internal branch goes thru SI12 + du14 (into lungs, down to LI, ST 37)
*crossover/ext branch to cv 24, du26, to LI20 /// frm LI20 goes to ST 1
***treats HEAT - LI 4/11
This ch. Doesn't really treat the LI organ though it treats borborygmus
The yang ch. Of the arm all treat
*Eyes, throat, febrile disease
*** the SJ + SI can treat ears
Look at cam pg 126
Shang yang
LI 1
Yang note - metal horary (Lu8)
*swelling + pain of the THROAT
*febrile diseases + syncope
-CLEARS heat, benefits the throat, calms the mind (by clearing heat)
He gu
LI 4 -it's 5 specialties
Joining valley - #1 4 face/senses
* reg + move xue / pain / stag
*direct effect on uterus
*rules, tx face/ mouth
*release ext/ usu wind heat
*emotional/ letting go, free flow of LI energy
He gu
LI 4
*mainly for disease of head + face such as h.a., toothache, facial paralysis
*disorders of ENT, -+ teeth
- dispels ext. wind, release ext, stim. dispersing fx of lungs, stops pain, removes obstructions frm channel, tonifies qi, consolidates ext, harmonizes ascending and descending
Yang xi
Yang stream -Jing river, fire
*for local diseases, wrist pain
-expels ext. wind, release ext, benefit throat (like hegu), stop pain
(divergent ch of LI goes to throat)
Pian Li
LI 6
Veering passage - luo (to jaw/ears)
But not as strong as SJ/SI ears
Lu/LI connection - waterways
*aching of the hand + arm
*redness of eyes (ST 1 connec)
*sore throat
- opens the lung water passages
Wen Liu
LI 7
Warm flow (five up from five) xi c
*bi syndrome of ch (h.a, sore throat, abdominal pain (weak), aching of of shoulder + arm)
*swelling of the face (d/t w/h, mumps) pain, acute, diff than li6
*Borborygmus (weak ability)
-clears heat, stops pain, expels wind, benefits the throat
Shou San Li
LI 10
Arm 3 miles (zu san Li tonify qi)
*local diseases, elbow/arm pain
-removes obstructions from ch.
*also used for allergy/immune issues, reduces histamine fx
:::deadman "circulation of qi+xue
In limbs, atrophy, bi syndrome
Qu chi
LI 11
Pool in crook / he sea, earth
Compare to he gu, more deep organ heat (int heat)
*diseases of upper extremities
*hypertension (with zu San Li)
*urticaria (hives/itching) he sea pts of all yang tx skin issues) w/bl40
Skin is yang, yang within yang
-expels ext. Wind, clear heat, cool blood, resolve damp, regulate ying qi + xue, benefits sinews + joints
Strong to clear. Shi heat in yang ming Fu organs
Bi nao
LI 11
Upper arm
* pain in shoulder/arm
*numbness/paralysis of upper extremities
*MYOPIA(nearsighted - poor vision)
* scrofula (usu d/t mycobacterium TB, painless, swelling, lymph, c/fev
-removes obstructions from ch, brightens the eyes, resolves phlegm + disperses masses
Points for vision
BL 1 jing ming
ST 1 cheng qi
LI 4 he gu
SI 6 yang Lao
Gb 37 guang ming
Jian yu
LI 15
Shoulder bone - lung + BL motility cross (use for stiffness:pain) w sj14
*disease of upper extremities, shoulder joint
- benefits the sinews, promote circulation of qi in the ch's, stop pain, expel wind
Lock/chain ::: he gu, qu chi, jian yu (post stroke, atrophy)
Fu tu
LI 18
Support the prominence - win sky
Acute emotional issues
*swelling + pain of throat
* hoarse voice
* simple goiter (thyroid disorders)
-benefits throat, resolves phlegm, disperses masses
*sudden loss of voice d/t emotions
Stag of qi/phlegm locally
W/ST 9 ren ying for diff. Swallowing, stroke, vocal cord issues)
Ying Xiang
LI 20
Welcome fragrance / goes to ST 1
*nasal disorders (obstructions, epistaxis, rhinitis)
* facial paralysis
-dispels ext wind, benefits the nose
NASaL POLYPS .. Meeting pt of ST + LI - expel wind heat from entire face
He gu, qu chi, jian yu (li15)
Used together frequently for disorders of shoulder joint and upper limb
SJ channel generally tx...
Edema, enuresis, shi urine, abd fullness + distention, neck/shoulder, arm, eye, ear pain
****goes to si12, to du14
Crosses gb 21 thru supraclav fossa, internal branch down thru 3 jiao, to BL 39
From PC, up neck, across cheek to SI 18, back into ear to 3earpts
SJ sinew ch goes to root of tongue
* regulates fluid metabolism/digestion
*distribution system for yuan source qi
*divides body into 3 jiao
Guan chong
SJ 1
Rushing pass/ templeh.a, acute,shi
*sore throat
*congestion of ear
- restores consciousness, stops convulsions, clears heat, expels wind
LI 4 vs Lu 7
LI 4 // fever + chills dominant sx
Stomach ch generally tx
•Mainly indicated in treating diseases of gastrointestinal tract, mental illness, febrile diseases, and diseases where the channel supplies, such as head, face, chest and abdomen and the anterior aspect of the lower extremities
ST 1 cheng qi
Tear container / ST meet yang qiao + ren
•Eye Diseases

•Expels wind,
•Brightens the eyes,
•Stops Lacrimation
ST 2 Si bai
4 whites/
•Eye diseases
•Facial Paralysis
•Expels wind,
•Brightens the eye
ST 3 ju liao
Great crevice/ST meet yang qiao

•Nasal disorders
•Expels wind,
•Removes obstructions from the channel,
•Relieves swellings
St 4 di cang
Earth granary/ ST meets LI, ren, yang motility

•Facial paralysis
•Expels wind,
•Removes obstructions from the channel,
•Benefits tendons and muscles
St 6 jia che
Jaw bone/ ghost pt
•Facial paralysis
•Masseteric spasm

•Expels wind,
•Removes obstructions from the channel
ST 7 xia guan
Below the joint / ST meet gb

•Facial Paralysis
•Trigeminal Neuralgia
•Removes obstructions from the channel
ST 21 liang men
Beam gate- pt of accumulations

•Regulates the Stomach
•Subdues rebellious Qi
•Stops vomiting
•Relieves pain
ST 25 tian shu
Tian shu - heavens pivot /LI mu
•Diarrhea (best for this, SP 15 not a category /constipation)
•Abdominal pain and distention
•Biphasic regulation on diversified functional abnormalities of the intestines
•Clears Heat
•Regulates Qi and Blood
•Relieves retention of food
ST 8 Tou wei
Tou Wei head corner


•Expels wind
•Clears heat
•Relieves pain
•Relieves dizziness
ST 9 ren ying
Mans welcome / ST meet gb
Window sky/ sea of qi pt

•Throat disorders
•Acute lumbar sprain
•Regulates Qi and Blood
•Removes masses
•Benefits the throat
•Relieves swellings
ST 18 ru gen
Root of breast

•Lactation insufficiency
•Regulates Stomach Qi
•Regulates the breast and lactation
•Dispels stagnation
ST 28 shui dao
Water passage /level w cv4

•Urination disturbance
•Irregular menstruation
•Lower abdominal distention and pain
•Benefits urination/ d/h in ub
•Opens the water passages
•Regulates menstruation
•Stops pain
ST 29 gui lai
Return / Returns menses /// uterine fibroids
Level w cv 3, KD 12
warm lower jiao/ hernias/ shi. Stagnation
•Relieves stagnation of Blood // strong mover
With zi gong for infertility /+ SP 4, 6, 8, LI 4 (reg uterus)
St 30 qi chong
Rushing qi / ST meet chong/ pt of sea of water -+ grain

•Meeting point of Chong and ST
•Used mainly to regulate groin and genital area.  
•Dr. Jin uses ST 30 to regulate anxiety prior to menses (running piglet qi) and also for chronic low back pain
Tonifies jing - pre and post natal qi/ moves qi + blood
ST 31 bi guan
Thigh gate
Hip groin, upper thigh, knee ( groin sprain, hemiplegia )
•Pain and paralysis of the lower extremities
•Removes obstructions from the channel
ST 32 Fu tu
Crouching rabbit - deadmen ( tx 8 disease in women / menses etc )

•Pain and paralysis of the lower extremities
 Wei syndrome/ muscle weakness
•Removes obstructions from the channel
ST 34 Liang qiu
Ridge mound / xi cleft (only xi cleft proximal to elbow/knee / the rest of ch are distal

•Disorders of the knee joints and the diseases around them
•Subdues rebellious St Qi
•Removes obstructions from the channel
W ST 21 shi/ acute
T DEsCeND qi combo with cv 12/ cv 15 cv17 / ST 34
Diamond tx
ST 25 tian shu, cv 12 Zhong wan , cv 6 qi hai
Double diamond
ST 25 tian shu, cv 12 Zhong wan , cv 6 qi hai
+ cv 4 guan yuan, SP 15 da heng, cv 10 xia wan ( lower cavity/ Cv meet SP)
ST 35 du bi
Calfs nose /

•Local diseases
•Invigorates Qi and Blood circulation in the channel
•Relieves swelling
•Stops pain
W ST 24, 36 for chl flow
ST 36 zu San li
Leg three miles/ he sea, pts of sea of water + grain/ heavenly star / earth / command abd

•Abdominal distention
•Diarrhea, Dysentery
•Tonic functions:
•Treats chronic and asthenic (weakening) disorders
•Regulate Sp and St functions
•Regulates the Intestines
•Tonifies Qi and Blood
•Strengthens the body
•Regulates Nutritive and Defensive Qi
-**** strengthen SP + ST/ to strengthen qi of body/ tonify xue///resolve damp//can tonify or reduce (biphasic actions)
St 37 Shang ju xui
Upper great void / SI lower he sea pt of sea of blood
Mre tx intestines /gastroenteritis / appendicitis
•Abdominal pain (acute chronic damp heat diarrhea w ST 25)
•Dysentery, Diarrhea
•Regulates the function of St and Intestines
•Promotes Qi and Blood circulation in the channels
•Eliminates Damp-Heat
•Dispels retention of food
ST 38 tiao kou
Lines openings
1.5 to 2 cun depth / can use 45 degree angle

•Numbness and pain of the leg
•Pain of the shoulder joint / frozen shoulder
•Removes obstruction from the channel
ST 39 xia ju xu
Lower great void / lower he sea SI/ pt of sea of blood
Main fx regulate SI / damp heat/ Lin
•Lower abdominal pain
•Numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities (shin splints)
•Beriberi - b1 or thyamine xu (wet or dry / muscle fx lost/ tingling/ mental sx)
•Cloudy urine
•Regulates function of St and Intestines
•Eliminates Damp-Heat
•Promotes Qi and Blood circulation
•Stops pain
ST 40 feng long
Abundant bulge / luo- SP connects
•Cough and Asthma with much phlegm
 (hypertension/ depression / mental confusion)
•Epilepsy / rattling, misting, "substantial phlegm"
Jian shi PC 5 more invisible phlegm
•Resolves phlegm and damp
•Calms and clears the Mind
Phlegm head: dizzy, sinusitis, heaviness
Phlegm neck- goiter, lymph, thyroid, plum pit qi ( reduce cortisol (ST 36, ST 25 for serotonin)
Phlegm MJ / nausea, vomit, bloating
Phlegm LJ / abd. Distention, ascites, edema, mucus in stool, fallopian
ST 41 jie xi
Stream divide / jing river / fire pt

•Mainly local diseases
Ankle drops, polio, strokes (xu: so tonify the pt)
 Combo with pts for yang Ming h.a.
•Removes obstructions from the channel
ST 42 chong yang
Rushing yang / yuan
ST 43 Xian gu
Sunken valley / shu stream / wood
ST 44 nei ting
Inner courtyard/ ying spring / heavenly star/ water pt

•Headache (drain fire from st ch) both xu and shi heat
•Febrile diseases (sore throat, skin boils)
•Clears heat
Diabetes with shi hunger (wasting thirsting disorders)
+ eating disorders
Cravings/ / / shi heat + yin
With PC 3 qu ze , and tong LI (for fire affecting emotions)
Li nei ting (extra pt )-- morons neuroma
ST 45 Li dui
Strict exchange / jing well /metal

•Manic-depressive disorder
•Febrile diseases
•Calms the Mind
•Clears heat
(can't feel toes) + tx opposite Side of ch.red eyes etc With ST 44
GB ch. generally tx
*Mainly indicated in disorders of the lateral aspect of the body passed by the course of this channel,
i.e. disorders of the ear, temporal and hypochondriac regions
Also indicated in disorders of the eyes, mental illness and febrile diseases.
tong zi liao : GB 1
*pupil crevice: GB meet SI + SJ
Eye disease
Facial Paralysis

Expels wind
Clears heat
Brightens the eyes
ting hui : GB 2
Ear disease

Removes obstructions from the channel
Benefits the ears
Expels exterior wind heat
shang guan : GB 3
*above joint: GB meet SJ, ST
Local diseases, e.g. TMD
Remove obstructions from the channel
shuai gu : GB 8
*leading valley: GB + UB meet
Ear diseases

Pacify Liver yang
Removes obstructions from the channel
Benefits the ears
wan gu : GB 12
*mastoid process: GB meet UB
Facial paralysis


Eliminates wind
Calms the mind
yang bai : GB 14
*yang white: GB meet yang wei, SJ, ST, LI
Facial Paralysis
Frontal Headache
Eye diseases
Eliminates exterior wind
Clears heat
Removes obstructions from the meridian
Subdues rising Qi
feng chi : GB 20
*wind pool: GB meet SJ, yang wei, yang qiao
Pain and stiffness of neck and nape
Common Cold
Chronic eye diseases
Mental disorders
Ear diseases
Eliminates Wind (Internal and External)
Clears heat
Subdues Liver Yang
Brightens the eyes
Benefits the ears
Promotes Qi and Blood circulation
Clears the brain
jian jing : GB 21
*shoulder well: GB, SJ, ST, yang wei meet
Pain of neck, nape, shoulder and upper back

Relaxes Sinews
Promotes lactation
ri yue : GB 24
*sun + moon: front mu GB, meets SP ch
Pain in the intercostal region
Hypochondriac pain

Resolves Damp-Heat
Promotes function of GB and Liver
jing men : GB 25
*capital gate: front mu KD
Pain in the lumbar region
Renal colic

Regulates Kidney Qi
Removes obstructions from the channel
dai mai : GB 26
Irregular menses
Abdominal Pain

Regulates the Dai Mai
Regulates the Uterus
Resolves Damp-Heat
ju liao : GB 29
*stationary crevice: GB meet yang qiao

Disorders of the hip

Removes obstruction from the channel
huan tiao : GB 30
*GB meet UB/ heavenly pt

Pain in the lumbo-thigh region
Paralysis of the lower extremities

Removes obstructions from the channel
feng shi : GB 31
*wind market
Paralysis of the lower limbs
Expels wind
Relaxes sinews
Removes obstructions from the channels and collaterals
Relieves itching
yang ling quan: GB 34
yang mound spring
Pain in the hypochondria
Diseases of the biliary tract
Cramps and pain of the lower extremities
Promotes smooth flow of Liver Qi
Resolves Damp-Heat
Removes obstruction from the channel
Relaxes the Sinews
Subdues rebellious Qi
yang jiao : GB 35
*yang intersection: xi cleft of yang wei
Acute pain along the GB channel with stiffness and cramping of the leg muscles
Relaxes sinews
Removes obstructions from the channel
Stops pain
wai qui : GB 36
*outer hill: xi cleft GB
All painful conditions of the GB channel and the GB organ

Removes obstruction from the channel
Stops pain
guang ming: GB 37
*bright light/luo
Eye diseases

Brightens the eyes
xuan zhong (jue gu) : GB 39
*suspended bell: hui marrow
Sprain of the neck
Dizziness and headache
Wind stroke
Immune enhancement
Benefits Essence
Nourishes Marrow
Eliminates wind
Promotes Qi and Blood circulation
qiu xu: GB 40
*mound of ruins: yuan
Pain in the intercostal and hypochondriac regions
(Sour regurgitation)
Pain along the GB channel: esp headaches or migraines

Promotes the smooth flow of Liver and GB Qi
zu ling qi: GB 41
*foot governor tears: shu stream/ wood/ ext, confluent dai
Stops secretion of milk
Ear diseases
Pain in the external canthus of eye
Dai Meridian disorders

Resolves Damp-Heat
Promotes smooth flow of Liver and GB Qi
Regulates the Dai Mai
xia xi : GB 43
*clamped stream: ying s/h20
Eye and ear diseases due to heat

Subdues Liver Yang
Benefits ears
Resolves Damp
Clears Heat
zu qiao yin: GB 44
*yin portals of foot
Manic-depressive disorder


Calms the Mind
Du ch treats
  In addition to local disorders:
•The points on the head, nucha and face treat mental diseases, apoplexy, coma and febrile diseases
•The points on the back  and lumbo-sacral region can treat the disorders of the neighboring Zang-Fu organs and tissues, as well as gynecological disorders
GV 1: Changqiang
•Mental diseases
•Prolapse of the anus
–Regulates Qi in Du and Ren meridians
–Resolves Damp-Heat
–Calms the Mind
GV 2: Yaoshu
•Sacral backache
–Extinguishes interior wind
–Calms spasms and convulsions
–Strengthens the lower back
GV 3: Yaoyangguan
•Pain in the lumbosacral region
•**Irregular menstruation
(uterine nerve)
–Strengthens lower back
–Tonifies Yang
–Strengthens the legs
–Regulates Qi and Blood circulation in the Du meridian
GV 4: Mingmen
•Seminal emission
–Tonifies Ki Yang
–Nourishes Original Qi
–Expels Cold
–Strengthens lower back
(yang, jing, cold, damp / ankylosing spondylitis)
GV 9: Zhiyang
–Regulates Liver and Gall Bladder
–Resolves Damp-Heat
GV 10: Lingtai
–Promote Lung’s dispersing and descending functions
(lung physically + emotionally)
GV 11: Shendao
•Poor memory
•Cardiac pain
–Regulates the Heart
–Calms the Mind
(HT/physical + emotional, memory, depression, mania, palp)
GV 12: Shenzhu
•***Cerebral Palsy
–**Tonifies Lu Qi
–Strengthens the body
GV 13: Taodao
•Alternating chills and fever
–Regulates the Shao Yang
GV 14: Dazhui
•Neck pain
•Neck rigidity
•Febrile diseases
–Clears Heat
–Releases the Exterior
–Expels wind
–Clears the Mind
–Tonifies Yang
•Common cold
•Internal Heat
•Yang xu
GV 15: Yamen
•Sudden aphonia
•Post-apoplexy aphasia
–Clears the Mind
–Stimulates speech
GV 16: Fengfu
•Mental disorders
•Post-apoplexy aphasia
•Common cold
•Wind stroke
–Eliminates wind
–Clears the Mind
–Benefits the Brain
(brain, Parkinson's, mental)
GV 20: Baihui
•Prolapse of internal organs
–Clears the Mind
–Lifts the Spirit
–Tonifies Yang
–Strengthens the ascending function of Sp
–Eliminates interior wind
–Promotes resuscitation
(hemorrhoid, h.a., depression) :::seasonal affective disorder
GV 23: Shangxing
•***Frontal headache
–Opens the nose
GV 24: Shenting
–Calms the Mind
(fear, anxiety, insomnia)
GV 26: Renzhong
•Mainly for emergency cases
•Acute sprain of low back
–Promotes resuscitation
–Benefits the lumbar spine
(back pain)
BL channel general
Mainly tx neck, back, lumbo-sacral
*back shu indicated for zang/Fu diseases and disease of concerned tissues and organs connecting w/fx of these zang/Fu
*some pts for mental illness + febrile disease
(divergent ch to heart)
BL 1: Jingming
Bright eyes
*eye disease: redness, swelling, pain, blurred vision
-expels wind
-clear heat
-brightens eyes
-stops lacrimation
(ST, SI, SJ, gb, du, yin/yang qiao)
All yang ch except LI cross
(*endocrine, **insomnia, eye probs)
Jin: macular degen
Seasonal affective disorder / effects pineal grand
Ross (pituitary/hypothalamus)
BL 2: Zanzhu
Gathered bamboo
*frontal h.a.
*pain in supraorbital region
-expel wind
-brighten eyes (conjunctivitis, pink eye)
-remove obstruction frm ch
-stops pain
(nervous system: can't concentrate d/t mental exhaustion)
8 things BL ch can tx
Ch problems
Segmental connections
KDproblems: emotional/physical
Extraordinary vessels
Heart (divergent)
Int. Wind (as most ext merid)
Water metabolism
BL 7: Tongtian
Heavenly connection
*nasal obstruction d/t EPI, rhinitis or sinusitis (loss of smell)
-subdue wind
-Clears nose
(du + bl) - vertex, Xu head aches
BL 10: Tianzhu
Celestial pillar
*nucha rigidity (stress, EPI, injury)
*occipital h.a.
-expel wind (eye prob if d/t wind)
-clears brain (schizophrenia)
-soothes sinews
-remove obstruction from ch
(ankylosing spondylitis/ MS / tx whole spine)
BL 11: Dazhu
Great shuttle (weaving/mending) hui of bone
*bone bi: arthritis (osteoporosis, osteopenia)
*pain in shoulder + back (neck rigidity / also spine/back)
*promote bone formation in children
*prevent bone degeneration in elderly
-strengthen bones, soothe sinews, release ext
BL 12: Fengmen
Wind gate
*cough, asthma d/t EPI or lung disorders
-expels + prevents ext wind
-release ext (acute + excess best)
-stim lung dispersing fx
- regulate yin + Wei qi
BL 13: Feishu
*disease of lung, cough, asthma, pain in heat, pulmonary tb
- stim lungs d + d fx, regulate Lu qi + ying + Wei qi, tonify Lu qi, stop cough, clear heat (also phlegm)
***all lung prob/ expand, relax lungs, int, ext, xu, shi
Removes obstructions related to the throat (gateway to the voice)
Window of sky pts
BL 10, SI 17, SI 16, LI 18, ST 9, cv 22, gv 16, SJ 16, Lu 3, PC 1
- Disharmony of qi and blood btwn body + head /scrofula:goiter, sudden onset conditions (voice, hearing, schizophrenia)/ psycho emotional disorders (mania, disorientation, crying etc)
BL 43: Gaohuangshu
*chronic cough, asthma, pulmonary tb
-tonify qi, strengthen xu, nourish essence, nourish Lu yin, stop cough + calm asthma / chronic cough
Mxa 300 cones to treat
Severe chronic xu/ ESP Lu yin xu
Tnify qi + blood with chronic exhaustion +debility
BL 14: Jueyinshu
*cardiac pain
-regulates the heart
Hiccups, LV qi stagnation
BL 15: Xinshu
*palpation, chest pain, insomnia, amnesia, restlessness, epilepsy
-calms mind, clears heat, stim the brain, invig blood, nourish HT
(Qi, yang, blood, yin (shi or xu HT prob) strong fx on reg + tonify HT @ deepest level ///Chest discomfort/hypertension/mania
Depression, palpitations, cold extremities, insomnia,
BL 17: Geshu
*chronic hemorrhagic diseases (hui of blood)
*blood xu
*vomiting, hiccup
-nourish blood, invig blood, tonify qi, opens chest, removes obstructions from diaphragm (breathing + HT rate) pacifies ST qi
^heat, stasis, xu
(weak muscles, anemia, skin disorders: hivs, boils, psoriasis ESP with emotionally related)
BL 18: Ganshu
*pain in hypochondriac region
*dizziness/ h.a
*blurred vision
-benefit LV + gb, resolve damp heat, move stag qi, benefits eyes, elim wind
(Qi xu: lack of inner strength, certainty, self confidence
Qi stag/ pain h.a., PMS, depression, lv invade SP
D/h- jaundice, high cholesterol, alcohol abuse, elevated LV enZymes, hepatitis )
BL 19: Danshu
*jaundice, bitter taste in mouth, pain in hypochondriac region
-resolve damp heat in LV + gb
(gallstone, timid, indecisive,)
BL 20: Pishu
*abd distention, diarrhea, chronic hemorrhagic disorders
-tonifies SP + ST
-resolves dampness (edema, obesity, lethargy, heavy limbs)
(any SP xu esp, excessive worry/preoccupation)
BL 21: Weishu
-reg + tonify SP qi, resolves damp, pacify ST, relieve food stagnation
(tonify and harmonize center)
BL 22: Sanjiaoshu
*abd distention
-resolves dampness, opens water passages, regulates transformation of fluids in lower burner
BL 23: Shenshu
*lumbar pain, enuresis, edema, seminal emission, impotence, irregular menses, leukorrhea, tinnitus, deafness
-tonify ki + nourishes essence, strengthen low back, nourish blood, benefit bones + marrow, resolve damp, strengthen Ki fx of reception of qi, benefit ears
(Fear, will, depression, emotional swings)
BL 52: Zhishi
*seminal emission
* pain + rigidity of back
-tonify KD jing, strengthen back
Adrenal burnout
KD 27, KD 16, KD 3