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10 Cards in this Set

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What best summarizes the theme of "Ozymandias"?

All human endeavors eventually disappear.

Dickinson supports her opinion that poetry is more expansive than prose (regular writing) by

using the metaphor of a open house to represent poetry.

What do "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and "The Battle of Blenheim" have in common?

The topic of both poems is a battle.

In "The Battle of Blenheim," Wilhelmine's words "'twas a very wicked thing" are ironic because

her grandfather says she is wrong even though she tells the truth.

How do the skulls symbolize the theme in "The Battle of Blenheim"?

They are treated without respect much like the reason for the battle.

Which word best represents the mood in "The Charge of the Light Brigade"?


Whose perspectives were represented in "Ozymandias"

The traveler, Ozymandias, and the sculptor.

How does the poet use imagery in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"?

He paints a picture of darkness and light as contrasting forces.

Which phrase best describes the speakers in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" and "Will there really be a Morning?"

appreciative of life

In life, Ozymandias, the "King of Kings," seems to have been

a conceited man.