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41 Cards in this Set

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Traditional Verse
Language arranged in lines, with a regular rhythm and often a definite rhyme scheme.
Includes blank verse, which is unrhymed iambic pentameter verse.
Free Verse
Does away with regular rhythm and rhyme, although it is set in lines and does feature the language of poetry.
Releases R&R
Narrative poetry
tells a story and has characters setting, and action
A narrator tells...
Lyric Poetry
expresses personal thoughts and feelings
Song's lyrics often express this of the singer
Dramatic poetry
presents characters who speak to other characters or to some unidentified listener
a comic poem written in three long and 2 short lines, rhymed in the pattern: aabba
a story told in verse and usually meant to be sung
the repetition of a word to produce an effect in any form of literature
the repetition of sounds of words, usually, but not exclusively, at the end of lines of poetry
1. End Rhyme
2. Internal Rhyme
Rhyme, time, lime, crime
the use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests the meaning
buzz, clang, purr
the pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds in a line of poetry
the repetition of beginning consonant sounds in a line or in several lines of poetry
Rhyme scheme
the pattern of rhymes in a poem
Shakesperean sonnets: ababcdcdefefgg
the repetition of similar vowel sounds, usually close together, in a group of words
fleet feet sweep by sleeping geeks.
the repetition of consonant sounds within a group of words
begging and dragging
Figurative Language
any language that is not intended to be interpreted in a strict, literal sense
a comparison between two unlike things with the intent of giving added meaning to one of them
I am a rock; I am an island
Implied Metaphore
does not directly state that one thing is another. Instead, implied metaphors suggest comparisons
Extended metaphor
a metaphor that is extended through several lines or stanzas of poetry
a comparison between two unlike things, using like or as
he was swift as an arrow
a figure of speech in which something nonhuman is given human characteristics
a figure of speech that is an expression common to a particular language.
an obvious exaggeration for effect
word "pictures"; a description that appeals to any one or any combination of the five senses
a writer's choice of words or expressions
a representation of the speech patterns of a particular region or social groups
black, brooklyn or southern
repetition of a line or phrase that is repeated at regular intervals in a poem or song, usually at the end of a line or stanza
Poetic license
liberty taken by a poet in deviating from rule, conventional form, logic, or fact, in order to produce a desired effect
a reversal of the usual order of words to achieve a certain effect.
"like the leaves of the forest when summer is green" instead of "summer is green, like the leaves of the forest."
a group of lines forming a unit in a poem
a reference in one work of literature to another work of literature, art, or a historical event
all the emotions and associations that a word or phrase arouses; the suggested meaning of a word
literal meaning of a word
the act of putting a writing into one's own words
any object, person, place, or action that has a meaning in itself and that also stands for something larger than itself, such as a quality, an attitude, a belief, or a value
the attitude a writer takes toward his or her subject, characters, and readers
tone of voice
the use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar or complementary in meaning or in structure
Petrarchan Sonnet
a 14-line lyric poem consisting of two parts: octave and sestet - named for the medieval italian poet Petrarch who wrote a series of sonnets to his love, laura
Shakespearean Sonnet
a 14-line lyric poem consisting of 3 quatrains and a conclusion couplet
usually, a stanza or poem of four lines; may also be any group of 4 lines unified by a rhyme scheme.
two consectuvie lines of poetry that rhyme