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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 processes of Human Resource Management ka?

1. Human Resource Planning
2. Acquire Project Team
3. Develop Project Team
4. Manage Project Team

What is a Staffing Management Plan and what 8 things does it contain?

An output of the human resource planning process.
The staffing management plan:
1. Describes how the project's human resource needs will be met and the timing of these resources
2. Includes how and where staff will be acquired
3. Describes the timetable and staff hours required of team members
4. Defines the release criteria for team members
5. Identifies team member training needs
6. Provides clear criteria for recognition and rewards
7. Could include strategies for compliance with various regulations, contracts or policies
8. Contains safety policies and procedures

What is the purpose of the Responsibility Assignment Matrix and describe the 5 roles & responsibilities therein.

This 2-dimensional structure relates group or individual roles and responsibilities to project work.
1. Specialized responsibility (R = Responsible)
2. Identification of those who perform the work (P = Participant)
3. Identification of those who may be consulted (I = Input Required)
4. Identification of those who must be notified (RR = Review Required)
5. Identification of those who must approve (A = Approval)

What are 3 common characteristics of a PM's Work Environment?

1. Extensive contact with people
2. Fast paced. working long hours.
3. Risk identification and vigilance

Discuss the 4 basic Leadership Styles.

1. Autocratic and directing,
2. Consultative autocratic and persuading:
3. Consensus and participating,
4. Shareholder and delegating (otherwise known as laissez faire or hands off),

Describe the 5 Types of Power (which are legit and which are personal?). Which does PMI recommend?

1. Formal: based on a person's position
2. Reward: based on positive outcomes the person can offer
3. Coercive (Penalty): based on negative consequences or outcomes the person can inflict
4. Referent: based on a person's charisma
5. Expert: based on the person's technical knowledge

List 12 ground rules for Team-Building Methods.

1. Start team-building activities early.
2. Make sure all contributors to the project, whether full or part time, are included as part of the team.
3. Plan team-building activities by phase or other major project or team change. Team building must be reinitiated and repeated after the occurrence of any serious risk events or change in project direction.
4. Recruit the best possible people.
5. Obtain team agreement on all major actions and decisions.
6. Communicate as frequently and openly as possible.
7. Recognize that team politics exist but do not take part or encourage them.
8. Be a role model.
9. Encourage and mentor team members.
10. Evaluate team effectiveness often.
11. Use proven and effective team-building techniques.
12. Move ineffective team members to positions that match their skills quickly.

What are the 7 Sources of Conflict?

1. Schedule issues
2. Priority of work issues
3. People resource issues
4. Technical options and performance tradeoff issues
5. Administrative procedures
6. Interpersonal relationship issues
7. Cost and budget issues

Describe each of the 5 ways to manage conflict?

1. Problem Solving
2. Compromising
3. Forcing:
4. Smoothing:
5. Withdrawal:

Define Authority

The right to make decisions necessary for the project or the right to expend resources.

Define Leadership

The ability to get an individual or group to work towards achieving an organization's objectives while accomplishing personal and group objectives at the same time.

Define Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)

Chart identifying what org unit is reponsible for the work package

Define Power

The ability to influence people in order to achieve needed results.

Define Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

A structure that relates project roles and responsibilities to the project scope definition.

What are the 5 basic requirements for conducting a successful project, in order of importance?

1. Choosing the right people
2. Finding people with a positive attitude
3. Obtaining people with the appropriate skills
4. Setting up the right organization
5. Using the right methods

What are the 5 Project Manager Roles?

1. Integrator
2. Communicator
3. Team leader
4. Decision maker
5. Climate creator

What are the 8 Project Manager Responsibilities?

1. Planning, scheduling and estimating
2. Analyzing costs and trends
3. Reporting progress and analyzing performance
4. Maintaining client-vendor relationships
5. Managing logistics
6. Controlling costs
7. Handling organizational and resource issues
8. Handling procedural, contractual, material and administrative issues

What are the 6 Project Manager Skills?

1. Communications skills
2. Organizational skills
3. Team-building skills
4. Leadership skills
5. Coping skills
6. Technological skills

Describe Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. What are the 5 levels?

1. Physiological, the need for food, shelter
2. Safety, the need to be safe from danger
3. Social, meaning the need for association
4. Self-Esteem, the need for self-respect, status
5. Self-Actualization, the need for self-fulfillment

Describe Herzberg's Theory of Motivation

1. Hygiene, such as pay, Poor hygiene factors may destroy motivation but improving hygiene factors do not increase motivation.

2. Motivators, such as interesting work, opportunities for personal growth

Describe McGregor's theory

1. Theory X assumes that workers need to be constantly watched and told what to do. worker dislikes work.only motivated by money

2. Theory Y workers are self-disciplined and will do the job themselves.

Describe Ouchi's Theory Z

High levels of trust, confidence by management results in high levels of motivation by workers.

Describe Expectancy Theory developed by Victor Vroom.

If workers believe their efforts are going to be successful and rewarded, they will be motivated and productive.

Describe Hersey and Blanchard's life cycle theory.

The style must change with the maturity of individual employees. Maturity is defined as the extent of job-related experience.

situation drives the leadership style to be used to motivate each worker