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34 Cards in this Set

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Water is typically Acidic.
6.9-6.0 = Slightly Acidic
5.0 = Extremely Acidic
PH Scale 0-14
7 = Neutral
PH < 7 = Acidic Solution
PH > 7 = Alkaline (Basic) Solution
Minerals can be found in water
Typically: Limestone, Calcium, Magnesium
Hard water causes deposits inside pipes which can eventually clog the pipes

Water Softening

-Remove minerals or ions or combined with something that won't solidify when heated

-it is done using seolite or ion exchange process

-contains two tanks one contains zeolite mineral and the other salt crystals

Other Contaminants (Water)

Carcinogens: cancer causing agents such as PCBs, DDT, asbestos, and other insecticides.

Disease: bacteria or viruses in water supply
- Add Chlorine (.5 parts per million)
- Add Fluorine (improves resistance to tooth decay)

Static Head/Lift vs Water Pressure

Inches/feet of water that can be supported by a given water pressure

1PSI can lift column of water 2.3 feet (2.3 ft/psi)

If water main does not have enough pressure to reach upper levels an additional system is needed to create the correct level of pressure

Water can be sucked up to 33'

Downfeed System

Tank mounted on the roof supplies water to upper stories.

Water is pumped up to roof tank from basement. Considerable weight added to the roof

Water can be sucked up 33' vertically

Pneumatic Tank System

Pressurized tank in the basement used to supply upper floors.

May cause air to be dissolved into water.

Tankless System

One or more variable speed pumps added to provide pressure.

Pumps may wear out quickly but does not require extra structure or floor space in basement

Pipe Friction

Pressure losses due to friction.

Function of diameter of pipe, flow rate, and length.

Given in chart or problem

Water Heater Types

Water Heater: Standard, pressurized, rated in terms of volume and recharge

Continuous Loop: Hot water is continuously pumped around a closed loop in the building. Steady heat loss but typically no wasted water as water at tap is always hot

In-flow/Instantaneous Heater: Only cold water supplied to each fixture. Water heated at each individual fixture. High first cost, no heat loss in pipes

Pipe Expansion Formula

∆L = Lk (T₂-T₁)

∆L: Change in Length
L: Length
k: coefficient of expansion
T₂: Final Temperature
T₁: Original Temperature
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Pipe Supports
Steel: 6.5 × 10⁻⁶ (supports every 12 ft)
Cast Iron: 5.6 × 10⁻⁶ (supports every 12 ft)
Copper: 9.8 × 10⁻⁶ (supports every 6 ft)
PVC: 35 × 10⁻⁶ (supports every 4 ft)
Soil Line
Carry waste water from toilets, urinals etc. (Black Water)
Vent Stack
Air intake line for all fixtures
Separately open to outside air at top
Stack Vent
Vents the soil stack.
Section above the highest fixture in a soil stack.
Can also function as the vent stack for the highest level fixtures
Soil Stack
large pipe into which all of the soil and waste lines for one or more levels empty
Waste Line
Carry all waste water not from toilets or urinals (Grey Water)
Catch grease, hair, oil, string, rags, money, etc.
Required by code at certain establishments such as restaurants.
Provided with a means of clean out.

"y" shaped segment of pipe used to access a clog in the system.

Placed every 50 ft in pipes under 4" in diameter
Placed every 100 ft in larger pipes.
Placed at every change in direction over 45⁰

Manholes placed every 150 ft, and wherever another line is added.

Sewage Treatment
Public Systems: Settling chambers allowed solids to settle out, bacteria sludge treats the liquid waste.

Septic Tanks
Leach Fields
Pipe Materials

Steel: Schedule 40, joined mechanically using threaded end with joint compound or tape,

Copper: Used for supply piping, does not rust/resists corrosion, joined by sweating (type of soldering) which is reversible.

Plastic: PVC pipe is used for supply piping, ABS pipe used for drainage. Plastic pipe is not used exterior as it is harmfully effected by UV rays. pipes cemented together, can not be seperated

Gate Valve
Valve which is either fully on or fully off.
Globe Valve

Valve used to meter/throttle flow at intermediate rates

Check Valve
Backflow protection.

Prevents water from flowing the wrong way.

Typically a flap that allows water to flow one way but shuts when it tries to flow backwards.
Angle Valve
similar to globe valve but located at a 90 degree pipe intersection.

Valve used to meter/throttle flow at intermediate rates

Pressure Release Valve

safety device that release excess pipe pressure to avoid busting a pipe.

Surge Arrestors

stops pipes from thumping/rattling.

cushioning/dampening device.

Section of vertical pipe filled with air.

Fixture Unit

arbitrary unit used for pipe sizing, takes into account the likelihood that all fixtures will be used at the same time.

FU and gpm not proportional.

Depending on the fixture the maximum pressure in a plumbing system ranges from...

45 to 60psi
Beyond this, pressure reducing valves may be required.

Type ______ copper has the thickest walls and comes in straight lengths _________ or in coils _________

Type K
Straight Lengths = Hard Temper
Coils = Soft Temper
Used for underground supply pipe or where strength is needed

Type _______ copper comes in straight lengths or coils and is the type most commonly used for the plumbing systems in a building.

Type L Copper

Type _______ copper comes only in straight lengths, is the thinnest of all copper pipes and is used only where low pressure is involved. Such as branch supply lines, chilled water systems, exposed lines in heating systems, and drainage piping.

Type M Copper

Within the bldg. and to a point 3' outside the building the sanitary line is called the...

House Drain (Building Drain)

From a point 3' outside the bldg. to the main sewer line or private disposal the sanitary line is called...

House Sewer (Building Sewer)