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36 Cards in this Set

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light reaction location
the granna stack membranes in the chloroplasts
green pigment assocaite w/ the granna stacks that absorbs light energy from the sun
electrons used in the light reaction comes from the splitting of water
product of the light reaction
oxygen, atp, nadph
dark reaction uses:
co2, atp, nadph
product of dark reaction
glucose makes 2 things
1) makes plant products--cellulose for cell wall
2) makes energy by breaking bonds and forming atp and nadh
cool-season c3 pathway first step
6 (5-c) sugars+ 6(co2) forms 12(3-c) sugars
enzyme used for c3

greatest growth in
rubp carboxylose

spring and fall
warm season c4 pathway first step
6 (3-c) sugars + 6co2 forms 6(4-c) sugars
enzyme used for c4

greatest growth in
pep carboxylose

mid summer
respiration occurs in
respiration breaks down ? and makes ?
gluclose and makes atp, nadh, co2
2 steps of respiration
glycolysis, kreb cycle
forages definitoin
leaves and stems that are consumed by animals
ruminant animals have a rumen (part of digestive system) which contain bacteria capable of partially break down cellulose
grazing definition
direct consumption of forages by animals (most efficient harvesting)
hay production
leaves and stem are cut and dried to less than 20% moisture

1.) mowing and conditioning- squeezes forage to reduce moisture
2) windrow- long thin rows of cut forage
3) dried to less than 20% moisture
4) baling: stored in small square bales, round bales, hay stacks
straw definition
dried stems of small grains used for bedding of animals (no feed value)
corn silage: Ensiling
production of silage
1)harvest entire plant at physiological maturity and 45-65% moisture
2) store in anaerobic conditions--upright silo, bunker silo, sausage bags
3) anaerobic bcatera convet carbohydrates to organic acids which lowers pH and destroys molds/microogranisms
4) silage production usually occurs on dairy farms
wet forage that is fermented and stored for later feed
forage quality:

cell contents
carbohydrates and proteins (100% digestible)
forage quality

cell wall components
cellulose: 60% digestible by ruminants, lignin isn't digestible
as plant matures..
produces flowers/seedheads so sell contents decline and cell wall components increase

quality declines
hay quality factors
1. physilogical maturity (stem/leaves indicate lower quality)
2) leaf to stem ratio
3) color
4) odor
5) foreign material
forage species
legumes are usually higher in protein content than grasses
2 grasses:
bunchgrasses and sod-forming
regrowth from crown, best for hay or silage, grow in clumps, don't spread
spread by rhizome/stolons, best for grazing, grow low and spread
cool-season vs warm-season
cool season grasses used for psature in spring/fall

warm sseason used as summer pasture

cool season planted in fall

warm season planted in spring
soil preparation
plant 1/4 deep to maintain good seed to soil contact...critical to provide moisture and protection from elements

rake to cover seeds with soil
most critical nurtient required during planting, for establishment
for maintenance after establishment, water less, but deeper
how to stimulate tillering
proper mowing height and frequency is critical for stimulating tillering
development of new shoots from the base of the plant or below ground