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25 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 parts on the question checklist?

1. Does the question analyze a relationship?

2. Is the question positive, as opposed to normative?

3. Could you collect data to answer your question?

What does it mean for science to be falsifiable?

Hypothesis can be in principle rejected in the face of contravening empirical evidence.

What does it mean for science to be transmissible?

The methods used in making scientific discoveries must be made explicit for replication

What does it mean for science to be cumulative?

Both substantive findings and research techniques are built upon prior studies

What does it mean for science to be generalizable?

Knowledge should be applicable to many cases not just a select few

What does it mean for science to be explanatory?

It provides a systematic, empirically verified understanding of why a phenomenon occurs

What does it mean for science to be predictive?

Scientific explanation can lead to accurate predictions

What does it mean for science to be parsimonious?

Ockham's razor.....explain as much as possible with as little as possible. Make your explanations simple.

What does the proximity theory of electoral choice claim?

People vote for the candidate that they are "closer" to in party affiliation.

Why do we research variables and not constants?

We want concepts to vary so we can explain why they change. Constants do not change, where variable vary or change often.

What are 3 claims if X causes Y?

1. The 2 co-vary. A change in one produces a change in the other.

2. Temporal Precedence- A change in the IV (X) precedes a change in the DV (Y)

3. Direct relationship- covariation between X and Y is not a coincidence

What makes a good hypothesis?

It is an empirical statement, generality, plausible, and falsifiable/ testable.

What are the 2 types of relationships between 2 variables?

1. Direct relationship: More X=More Y

2. Inverse relationship: More X=Less Y

What is cross-level analysis?

Using data collected for one unit of analysis to make inferences about another unit of analysis.

The words we choose to describe behaviors and attributions are called _______


What does operationalization mean for measurement and data collection?

Process of deciding how to measure the presence, absence or amount of relevant concepts in the real world.

What does the American National Election Study focus on?

What party identification are you?

What can inaccurate measurements lead to?

Erroneous conclusions.

What is reliability in terms of measurement and data?

Producing the same results on repeated trials.

What is validity in terms of measurement and data?

Getting the "right" answer on repeated trials.

What are the four levels of precise measurement?


2. Ordinal


4. Ratio

What is Nominally precise measurement?

Values assigned to a variable represent only different categories or classification.

Example: Religion, Gender, Major

What is Ordinally precise measurement?

Observations can be compared in terms of having more or less of a particular attribute.

Example: Income or Level of education

What is an Interval precise measurement?

The intervals between categories or values assigned to observations do have meaning.

Example: Dates and Temperature

The value is important in how much larger/smaller

What is a ratio precise measurement?

Has full mathematical properties of numbers.

Example: 0 represents an amount. Is different from interval because 0 represents a degree of temperature but can't represent a date.