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31 Cards in this Set

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Political Parties generally are expected to all of the following except
Represted well-defined ideology
Goverment has a responsiblity to promote the materical equality of its cizens . WOuld classical liberalism and classical conservatism that would be most liekyl to disagree with the statement
neither of them
In general interest groups that are organized to specifically further the political objectivies of its members is
Associational intresest group
What is a collective good
something that betters everyone. Reason why collective works agaisnt political particpation is political particpation usually ppl dnt want to particaptiate bc they know no mattter what they do or donate it DOESNT MATTEr
political ideology

same for conservatism. classical liberals, socialism
individual human nature
indiviual and society
Indivual politcal beliefs
types or beliefs
Indetyfying specific beliefs
belief systems
belief system amoung others
organize material thats come to u
-gov power rational/do this because
justify. and explain gov
Idelogies agree or not agree
both depneding on what you think
-idelogies that agree w/ u
Running elections
CANT delivere
Political Particapation
is anything you do to influence gov policy
Ovs forms of Political Particiaption
How little political particiapation
begging ppl what u want gov to do
when you being to ask assemnt questions and try to answer them you are doing
Poltical analysis
Politcal analysis is
an attemot to describe and then to explain politicis descions
Everyobe is authortity
cam make ur own descion on what is right and what is wrong
reasons why u think the way u dpo
personal though. rationality, intution, personal experience, and promblem with personal though as a source of knowledge
Poltical science subfields
compartive politics
international relations
Politcaql theory
Boundary-spanning subfields
normative political knowledge
fundamental ideas that can be the biasis of in indidvual beliefs and actions
Political ideology reasons 3
indi human nature
proper relationship between the indi and human nature
desirabilty of est certian kinds of equality among indivuals
attempts to prevent or slow the transition away froma a society based on traditonal values and social hierachy
Indi conservatism
groups and others more imporant
Indi and society
unequal in power
Equality indi
doenst real care sympathetic
Classical Liberalis
higest value on the indviuals
liberalism indi
each person enjoys natural rights to life liberty and property
liberalism indi and society
celebrate a laissez faire economy. each person should be free to pursue her economic goals by any legal activity and to amass as much property and wealth as possible
Liberalism equality
equality before the law is imporant but gov should aviod those situations
most imporant goal is to provide high quality, relatively equal conditions of life for everyone with an active state assisting in the achievement of this goal.
socialism indi
caring for nature and there attitudes depends how enivorement is going
indi and society
most imporant value is the good of the society as a whole. thus interest must be subordinated to or at least coordinated with