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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the 3 main variables for error associated with lab testing?
1. Pre-analytical (pre-testing)

2. Analytical (testing)

3. Post-analytical (result generated)
What pre-analytical variables are important to Plebotomist?
- Patient assessment

- Test Requests

-Specimen collection

- Specimen transport

- Specimen receipt in the laboratory
When should blood be drawn?
When the patient is in the basal state = early morning, about 12 hour after eating.
What sorts of diet conditions are instructed of patients?

Why are they asked?
- Fasting (8-12 hrs) = no food, drink only water

- NPO = nothing by mouth; no water, no food

- Why?--> blood composition affected by food; sugar --> high glucose; fast food --> high fats.
If the patient is obese, what usually what vein do you choose?
The cephalic vein is often the vein of choice

Ask patient for best site.
Where to draw when veins are obstructed?
Draw below the damaged area or choose another site
What if the patient has an allergy to antiseptic, adhesive or latex?
-use alternative antiseptic

- use paper tape

- use non-latex tournequettes and gloves
How can stress affect test results?
- increase WBC count, renin, TSH, and the hormone cortisol.

- hyperventilation will alter blood gas results
How can exercise affect test results and what to do?
- affect certain test such as fibrinolysis

- inform physician; up to physcian to interpret results
Why is it important to collect sample at designated time?
- body fluid flunctuates during the day

- some hormone level decrease in afternoon (e.g. cortisol highest in morning)
How does posture affect test result and what to do?
-increased enzyme, protein, iron, lipid and calcium levels

- if the patient has been lying down for a long time, let them stay lying down.
How does age affect test result?
Different normal ranges for different age groups
How does mastectomy affect lab tests and what to do to avoid?
- Mastectomy - surgical removal of breast

- may have lymph edema on the same side as surgery

- more prone to infection --> due to decrease in flow of lymphatic system

- Do not draw on same side as mastectomy
How does Edema affect lab results?
Edema = abnormal accumulation of gluid in tissues that causes swelling

- localized or diffused in the body
- cause difficulties in palpating for veins
- blood --> contamination with fluid
How does drugs interfere with lab results? and what to do?
- drugs interfering with lab test or clotting e.g. aspirin

- To determine blood levels of medication, blood should be collected prior to next dose

-Collect blood at correct time otherwise lab values may be falsely increased/decreased
What to do when thrombosis occurs in patients?
Thrombi = solid masses comprised of blood cell that are lodged in blood vessels.

- clot blocks vein or artery --> makes venipucture difficult
What to do if patient has burns or scars?
- Avoid tattooed, burned, scarred areas

(scarred areas --> hard to palpate)

(healed burnt/scar sites = bad circulation --> false test results)

(new burnt area = infection prone, painful)
What to do when patient feels like vomitting/ is nausious?
- Ask them to take deep breaths

- use cold washcloth on his/her head

-inform physician
Is there diffference in testing results in gender?
Different gender have different reference ranges
How does tourniquet pressure or fist pumping afffect lab results?
Hemoconcentration = increase in plasma potassium, lactate, and phosphate concentrations
what are factors that affect blood draw?
-not inserting needle deep enough

- inserting needle all the way thru the vein

- holding needle bevel against the vein wall

- loss of vacuum in tube
What to do when patient starts to faint during process?
1. remove tounequet

2. withdraw needle quickly

3. talk to patient to keep him/her alert

4. lower patient's head and have them breath deeply

5. loosen tight clothing

6. put cold washcloth on forehead or back of neck

7. alert nurse/doctor of patient doesn't respond

8. have patient REMAIN for 15 min.
How does a hematoma affect lab result?
hematoma = bruises that forms when blood leaks into tissues.

- do not draw from hematoma site

- if hemotoma develops while drawing, STOP and apply pressure
What factors that causes hematoma?
- Veins to small for needle size

- Needle penetrates thru vein

- Needle partially inserted into vein

- needle removed while tourniquet still on

- inadequate pressure after venipuncture
What is petechia and what to do?
Petechiae = small red spots that indicate bleeding disorder

- Keep drawing
What to do if patient has excessive bleeding?
-Maintain pressure until bleeding stops

-not stopped after 5 min, call the nurse
What to do if you hit a nerve?
-Patient experience a painful sharp sensation radiating down the arm

- STOP draw, remove needle and apply pressure to the site

- fill out incident report and notify patient's physcian
What to do when patient is under IV?
- Draw from the other arm

- if no site is available, draw BELOW the IV
(have RN turn off IV for min of 2 min)

(Draw 5-10 mL and discard)

(Collect, afterwards turn back on IV)
How does hemolysis affect test results?
Hemolysis = the breakdown of RBC and the release of hemoglobin

- plasma/serum --> pink to red

- affect certain test like potassium
What to do when patient is lipemic?
-Serum appears milky = high lipids

- can result in bacterial contamination

- can't do anything except report
What to do if patient has a fistula?
fistula = fusion of vein and artery (by surgery)

-Specimen should be drawn on other arm.
What may happen when serum is separated for cells after 2 hrs
false test may occur:

Glucose: falsely decreased

Potassium: falsely increased

LDH: falsely increased