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27 Cards in this Set

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plasma proteins
-macromoleculs composed of aa's linked by peptide bonds
-made mostly in liver and plasma cells
-catalyzed in GI tract, kidneys, liver
functions of plasma proteins
1. Transport ex. albumin
2. Colloid osmotic pressure
3. Immune defense ex. immunoglobulins
4. Inflammatory response
5. Blood clotting
6. Signaling
serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP)
-separation based on net electrical charges and size of protein molecules, properties or medium and temp
-patterns characteristic of disease
(look at diagram- 52-68% of our proteins is albumin)
-reference range: 3.5-5.- g/dL (serum)
-functions: plasma oncotic P (tends to pull water into circulatory system), transport protein, blood product volume expander
Causes of hypoalbuminemia
1. decreased albumin synthesis
2. increased loss of proteins
3. acute/chronic inflammation and infections (ex. lupus)
decreased albumin synthesis
1. liver disease/failure (albumin good for dx and prognosis of liver disease)
2. decreased dietary protein
3. congenital "analbuminemia"
increased loss of proteins
1. renal disease with proteinuria
2. bruns and other skin disease
3. GI disease with protein losing enteropathy
4. orthostatic proteinuria (protein loss through kidneys when standing)
5. hemorrhage
decrease albumin levels also seen in...
1. last trimester of preg
2. OC use
3. prolonged bed rest
4. overhydration
-low levels assoc as independent risk factor for mortality in elderly
-EDEMA hallmark finding
causes of hyperalbuminemia
1. severe dehydration
2. prolonged tourniquet application
3. administer too much
-reference range: 10-45 mg/dl
-reflects current nutritional status
-short half life-2 days
-test/follow in all hospital pts
-obtain nutrition consult if <15mg/dl
-transport protein (vit A)
-useful to evaluate nasal fluids (CSF fluid has high prealbumin)
Alpha 1 antitrypsin
-RR: 100-300 mg/dl
-inactivates trypsin and other proteolytic enzymes
-inhibits thrombin (makes clots) and plasmin (degrades clots)
-acute phase reactant
-congenital deficiency syndrome: premature emphysema, childhood cirrhosis of liver
alpha2 macroglobulin
-inactivates many proteases
-inhibits thrombin and plasmin
-large molecular wt: retained with proteinuria
-nephrotic syndrome: body compensates by increasing this
-copper binding protein made in the liver
-if you dont have enough you can develop wilsons disease
antithrombin III
-natural anticoagulant
-RR: 37-184 mg/dl
-alpha 2 globulin fraction
-acute phase reactant
-binds free hemoglobin and preserves irons
-depleted in severe intravascuar hemolysis (caution-hemolysis may be present although haptoglobin may be within RR-acute inflamm episode, steroid therapy)
-slight decrease after blood transfusion
haptoglobin test limitations
-decreased haptoglobin concentration
1. OC's
2. strenuous exercise
RR: 2-3.6 g/L
-beta globulin fraction
-small molecular weight
-iron transport protein in serum: increased in iron deficiency anemia
C reactive protein
-acute phase reactant
-sensitive marker for inflammation
1. rises w/in 4-6 hrs and cleared rapidly
2. signals postoperative infections
3. signals transplantation rejection
4. high sensitivity CRP elevation associated with risk of cardiac event
C reactive protein additional info
-elevated results
-lipemia or hemolysis may give false elevated results
-obese individuals and women taking hormone replacement therapy have higher CRP levels
gamma globulin-immunoglobulins
-made by plasma cells
1. neutralize toxic substance
2. support phagocytosis
3. destroy microorganisms
types of immunoglobulins
1. IgG (most abundant); dominates in secondary immune response, crosses placenta
2. IgA: serum and secretion protection
3. IgM: dominant AB produced in primary immune response; ABO group Ab; doesnt cross placenta
4. IgD: signal B cell function
5. IgE: allergic rxns
clinical changes in gamma globulin concentrations: increased levels:
1. chronic infxs and malignancies
2. liver disease
3. monoclonal gammopathies
-Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (IgM spike)
-Multiple myeloma (non IgM splike)
4. AI rxns
multiple myleoma
-at least 10% plasma cells in the bone marrow and lytic bone lesions
-recurrent infections
-anemia, weakness
-kidney disease
-Rouleaux formation: stacking of RBCs (look at slide)
decreased levels in gamma globulins
1.primary immunodeficiencies
2. Nephrotic syndrome (losing a lot of proteins)
acute phase reactants
-Plasma proteins that increase in response to illness, infection, trauma and tissue necrosis
1. Alpha1 antitrypsin
2. Antithrombin III
4. Complement 3
5. Haptoglobin
6. Fibrinogen
7. C-reactive protein
total protein (RR 6-8.3 g/dL)
elevate levels seen in
1. dehydration
2. excess production of gamma globulin
3. chronic inflammation or infection
total protein
-decreased levels seen in
1. renal disease
2. blood loss
3. malnutrition
4. liver disease
5, severe skin disease or burns
6. prolonged immobilization