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50 Cards in this Set

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Which malleolus is more anterior and shorter, the medial or lateral?
What are the 7 tarsal bones?
1. calaneus
2. Talus
3. Navicular
4. Cuboid
5. Cuneiforms - 3- Medial, intermediate, lateral
What does the calcaneus articulate with?
Talus, cuboid
On the calcaneus, what does the:
Sustentaculum tali do?
Peroneal tubercle separate?
Sinus tarsi contain?
1. supports talus above and allow FHL (flexor hallucis longus ligament) to pass below
2. peroneal tendons
3. vascular fat pad and interosseus ligamentous complex
1. What does the talus articulate with?
2. What m attach to it?
3. What arch is it very important to?
1. Tibia/Fibula, Navicular, calcaneous
2. No m
3. Lateral Longitudinal arch
Which cuneiform bone allows the 2nd metatarsal to key into place?

What metatarsal is the midline of the foot?

What bones articulate and what motions occur at:
1. Talocrural joint
2. Subtalar joint
3. Transverse Tarsal joints
1. Talus, the tibia/fibula - plantarflexion, dorsiflexion
2. Talus,calcaneus - inversion, eversion
3. Talonavicular, Calcaneocuboid (inversion, eversion)
What is the talocrural joint supported by?

What might forcibile eversion lead to?

What is the most torn ligament in the body?
Deltoid ligament

Potts fracture - bone gives way before the ligament, leads to avulsion of the medial malleolus and impaction of the lateral malleolus

Anterior talofibular
What are the three arches of the foot?
A Medial Longitudinal Arch
B. Lateral Longitudinal Arch
C. Transverse Arch
How old are you before adult configuration of foot arches is apparent?
5 y/o
What bones does the medial longitudinal arch consist of?
Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, 3 cuneiforms, and 1, 2, 3 metatarsal
What bones does the lateral longitudinal arch consist of? What does it rest on while standing?

Which arch is higher and more important? Medial or lateral longitudinal arch?
Calcaneus, cuboid and 4th, 5th metatarsal...ground

Medial longitudinal arch
What bones does the transverse arch consist of? What tendons assist in maintaining the coverage of that arch?
Cuboid, 3 cuneiforms, and the bases of the metatarsals

Peroneus longus m, posterior tibial m
What will forcible eversion of the foot do?

Eversion- Potts fracture, avulsion of the medial malleolus and impaction of ther lateral malleolus

Inversion- tearing the weak anterior talofibular ligament
1. What is another name for the medial ankle ligament?
2. What does the ligament start on?
3. What will it spread out to?
4. What is its fxn?
1. Deltoid ligament. 4 ligaments
2. Medial malleolus of tibia
3. talus, calcaneus, navicular
4. stabilizes the foot during eversion
1. What does the lateral ankle ligaments fxn?
2. How many ligaments are there?
3. Ligaments come from what to what/
1. stabilize the foot during inversion
2. 3
3. Lateral malleolus of fibular goes to the ttalus and calcaneus
1. What ligament is the primary lateral support of the foot?
2. What ligament is the primary support for the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
1. Long plantar ligament (calcaneocuboid)

2. Plantar Calcaneonavicular (Spring)
1. What ligament suspends the talus?
2. What does the spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular) connect?
1. Spring ligament
2. Calcaneus to the navicular bone
Where does the long plantar arch run to and from?

What does it support?
Runs from the plantar surface of the calcaneus to teh cuboid and the bases of the 2nd to 5th metatarsals

Lateral longitudinal arch
What ligament lies deep and medial to the long plantar ligament?
Plantar calcaneocuboid (short plantar ligament)
What is the fxn of the foot ligaments?
Provides primary intrinsic support to the foot arches
What causes pes planus (flat feet)?
A loss of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot b/c the ligaments supporting the arch (spring ligament) no longer fxns properly
B. a lack of development of the normal arch
What does the plantar aponeurosis m support, which helps which ligament?
Lateral longitudinal arch of the foot

Assisting the long plantar ligament
What are the qualifications of the 3 groups of foot m?
Medial - to the great toe
Intermediate - to the phalanges
Lateral - to the little toe
What m are in the 1st foot layer?
Abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digit minimi

All originate from calcaneal tuberosity
What m are in the 2nd foot layer?
Quadratus plantae, lumbricales, flexor digitorum and hallucis longus tendons
What m are in the 3rd foot layer?
Flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis,flexor digiti minimi (brevis)

What m are in the 4th foot layer?
Dorsal interossei (4)
Plantar Interossei (3)
Peroneus longus and tibialis posterior tendon
What is the knot of Henry?
Anatomic landmark, common site of adhesions, tenosynovitis, and bifurcation of neurovascular structures
What n.s does the tibial n divide into posterior to the medial malleolus?
Medial plantar and a lateral plantar n
For the medial plantar n:
1. analogous to what in the hand
2. m that it innervates?
3. Cutaneous innervation to?
1. Median n
2. FFA: Flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum brevis, Abductor hallucis and the 1st lumbrical m
3. plantar foot from the medial border to midline of 4th toe
For the lateral plantar n:
1. Analogous to what in the hand?
2. Main trunk innervates what m?
3. Superficial branch is innervation to what m?
4. Deep branch is innervation to what m?
1. ulnar n
2. quadratus plantae and abductor digiti minimi
3. flexor digit minimi, interossei of 4th metatarsal space, and sensory from midline of 4th toe to lateral side of foot
4. Adductor hallucis, 2nd-4th lumbricals, remaining interossei
What area of the plantar foot do the following n provide cutaneous innervation
Medial plantar n
Lateral plantar n
Medial - great toe to medial 1/2 of 4th toe
Lateral - Lateral 1/2 of the 4th toe to the little toe
What a.s does th eposterior tibial a bifurcate into?
Medial plantar and a lateral plantar a.

Bifurcation is deep to teh adductor hallucis m
What a in the foot is analogous to the radial a of the foot/
Medial plantar a.
What m does the medial plantar a. supply?

What does the medial branch terminate as?
m of the great toe and the flexor digitorum brevis

proper plantar a to the medial side of the great toe
What a in the foot is analogous to the ulnar a of the hand?
Lateral plantar a.
Which a forms the deep plantar arch of the foot?

Supplies the rest of the m of the foot...

What does it terminate as?
Lateral plantar a.

Perforating aa and plantar digital aa
For pes planus, what does it present as, what is the primary cause?
Excessive foot pronation

cause is laxity of the spring ligament
What does pes cavus (claw foot) present as? What does this increase stress on and what is the primary cause?
Excessive foot supination

Stress on 5th metatarsal

tightness of posterior tibialis m
What is Hallux Valgus characterized, what is the lump that it leads to called/

What is the primary cause?
Lateral deviation of the great toe


Tight, poor fitting shoes
What is the origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
Extensor digitorum & Hallucis brevis?
O: Anterior calcaneus
I: externosr expansion of 1st to 4th toes. Most medial tendon is the extensor hallucis brevis
A: Extends 4 medial toes
N: Deep peroneal n
What is the origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
Abductor Hallucis, Flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi?
O: Calcaneal tuberosity
I: HALL-proximal phalanx, Digi-middle phalanx, Mini- lateral side of proximal phalanx
A: Hall - flex and abducts great toe, Digi - 2nd-5th toes flex, mini- abducts 5th toe
N: Medial plantar for hall & digi, lateral for mini
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the quadratus plantae?
L: 2nd
O: Medial and lateral side of calcaneus
I: Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
A: Assist pull of flexor digitorum longus
N: Lateral plantar
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the Lumbricales (4)
L: 2nd
O: Flexor digitorum longus tendons
I: Medial side of proximal phalanx and extensor expansion of 2nd - 5th toes
A: Flex MP joints, extends PIP and DIP joints
N: 1st by medial, 2-4 by lateral plantar
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
flexor hallucis brevis
L: 3rd
O: Cuboid and lateral cuneiform
I: Medial tendon with abductor hallucis, lateral tendon with adductor hallucis
A: Flex MP joint of great toe
N: Medial plantar
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
Adductor hallucis?
L: 3rd
O: Oblique head from the base of 2nd -4th metatarsals and long plantar ligament; Transverse head - plantar ligaments of MP
I: Lateral side of proximal phalanx of great toe
A: Adducts and flexes great toe
N: Lateral plantar
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
Flexor digiti minimi
L: 3rd
O: base of 5th metatarsal
I: Base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
A: flexes 5th toes
N: Lateral plantar
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
Dorsal interossei
L: 4th
O: adjacent sides of 1st-5th metatarsals (bipennate m))
I: 1 medial side of 2nd toe; 2nd-4th is the lateral side of 2nd - 4th toes
A: abduct 2nd-4th toes, flex MP joints
N: Lateral plantar
What is the layer, origin, insertion, action, and nerve of the
plantar interossei
L: 4th
O: Medial side of 3rd -5th metatarsals
I: Medial side of 3rd-5th toes
A: adducts 3rd-5th toes, flex MP joints
N: Lateral plantar