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92 Cards in this Set

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Plant kingdom
Algae - 20,000 species
Bryophytes - 25,000
Ferns 10,000
Fern allies - 1,000
Gymnosperms 1,000
Angiosperms 235,000
Flowering Plants
Most abundant group of plants on earth
Adapted to mesic, xeric and hydric habitats
Exhibit extreme diversity in form and growth habit (trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, aquatic plants)
One of two groups of extant group of seed plants, extant = opposite of extinct
Seed Plants
The most highly specialized plants are seed plants

Two groups of seed plants are recognized as:

Gymnosperms - (cone-bearing)
Angiosperms (flowering plants)
Gymnosperms (naked seeds)
Seeds borne uncovered on the surface of the cone scales
Angiosperms (enclosed seeds)
Seeds completely enclosed within a protective structure, the fruit
Characteristics of angiosperms
Specialized reproductive structures called flowers
Ovules enclosed in an ovary that develops into a fruit
Double fertilization
Endosperm development
Exploitation of animals as pollinators
Sexual Reproduction
Most plants and animals have life cycles that involve the process of sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction = any reproductive process that involves the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
Look at the sexual reproduction process and mitosis
Life cycles of Eukaryotic organisms
Exhibit one of three different types of life cycles
Gametic life cycle
Zygotic life cycle
Sporic life cycle
Gametic life cycle
Characteristic of all animals and some algae
Meiosis occurs during the production of the gametes
Gametes are the only haploid stage of the life cycle
Know all the pieces of the life cycle
Sporic life cycle (most plants)
Characteristic of land plants and some algae
Meiosis results in the production of haploid spores
Gametes are produced by mitotic cell divisions
Two distinct phases of the life cycle exist, one haploid and one diploid
The two phases alternate with one another in the life cycle
Diploid is the sporophyte
Plant life cycle
All land plants exist in two distinct forms (or generations) during their life cycle:

Spore producing generation
Gamete producing generation

There two generations alternate with one another in the life cycle (alternation of generations)

The spore producing phase of the plant life cycle is called the sporophyte generation

Cells of the sporophyte are diploid and undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores

The gamete producing phase of the plant life cycle is called the gametophyte generation
Cells of the gametophyte are haploid (produces sperm and egg cells)
Gametes are produced my MITOSIS
The Flower
A reproductive structure whose parts are believed to have evolved from highly modified leaves

The floral parts are attached at the end of a stalk called the pedicel

Typical flower has 4 sets of parts: sepals, petals, stamen (pollen producing), pistils (ovary or egg)
Floral Structure
Sepals -
outermost set of floral parts
usually small green leaf likeprotect flower in bud
Petals -
usually large, showy, colorful Attract pollinators

Stamens Consist of filament and anthers
Anthers contain sporangia producing spores that develop into male gametophytes
Pollen = male gametophytes, contain sperm cells

Pistils -Consist of an ovary, style and stigma
Ovary contains sporangia which produce spores that develop into female gametophytes
Life cycle of angiosperms
Sporophyte is the dominant generation of the life cycle in flowering plants
Sporangia are produced by a specialized reproductive structure, the flower

Two different kinds of sporangia occur, each producing a different kind of spore

Stamens of the flower contain what are called microsporangia where meiosis occurs and a large number of tiny microspores are produced

Each microspore develops into a male gametophyte (pollen grain) that contains sperm cells
Stamen Structure
Each stamen bears two anthers that contain microsporangia

Meiosis occurs and produces numerous microspores

Chambers are the mircrosporangia (diploid) where meiosis occurs and haploid microspores are produced and each of the microspores are surrounded by a cell wall once produced the microspores divide through mitosis and develop into a gametophyte, only the cell divides, the cell wall remains intact then another mitotic division occurs and only happens to the generative cell and three cells are produced and called a mature male gametophyte ( a tube cell and 2 sperm cells) also called a pollen grain

One cell is a tube cell and the other is a generative cell
In angiosperms this is a two step process
Pollination is the first step
Double fertilization
Pollination is the first step
Pollen = transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another, this is usually carried out by animals or sometimes wind

Second step is
Pollen grains produce a long hollow tube-like structure that grows down through the tissue of the pistil towards the ovule
Double fertilization
At the micro Pyle, the tip of the pollen tube dissolves and the two sperm cells are released
One sperm fuses with egg cell to form a diploid zygote
Second sperm fuses with the two central nuclei to form a single triploid cell.

Process is termed double fertilization
Post fertilization Events
Zygote develops into an embryonic sporophyte
Triploid cell develops into a specialized nutritive tissue called endosperm
Integuments harden and thicken and develop into a seed coat (seed coat =mature ovule)
Ovary wall enlarges and thickens and develops into a fruit

Each seed contains an embryonic sporophyte surrounded by a tissue called endosperm that is filled with stored
Fruits are the mature ovaries
The process by which organisms change through time as a result of adaptation to their enviroments
Process by which two groups of organisms influence each others evolution
Coevolution between plants and animals
Flowering plants have evolved relationships with animals to help them with: protections reproduction dispersal
Usually (not always) these relationships benefit both plant and the animal
The Ant Acaia
Ants live in the large hollow spines of the acacia
The plants produce nectar and food bodies to feed the ants
The ants protect the acacia from other plants
Rewards of Coevolution
In most co evolutionary relationships , the plant provides a reward in return for the animals service
The most common reward is food
Flowering plants and Animals
The most common examples of coevolution between flowering plants and animals deals with:
Gymnosperms: pollen transported by wind currents
Angiosperms: Pollen is usually transported by animals, occasionally by wind
Gymnosperms Pollination
Most gymnosperms are wind pollinated (some cycads are pollinated by insects)
Not efficient
Requires large populations sizes to be effective
Energetically expensive (requires large numbers of pollens grains)
Angiosperms Pollination
Much more efficient
Large population sizes not required
Smaller amounts of energetically expensive pollen is required
Important factor in understanding the evolutionary success of flowering plants
Function of the flower
The function of a flower is to secure the successful fertilization of its ovules by the sperm cells in pollen grains that come from other flowers of the same species

A flower should:

Promote out crossing
Attract pollinators
Align pollinators to come in contact with the reproductive parts of the flower
Protect ovules from herbivorous insects
Cross Vs. Self-pollination
Cross pollination
Also called out crossing
Involves two different individuals (two flowers on two separate plants

Self pollination
Also called inbreeding
Involves one individual (one flower or two flowers on the same plant
Cross Pollination
Outcrossing is preferable to inbreeding
Crossing between individuals increases genetic variability of a populations
Genetic variability enabels a population to better adapt to a changing environmental conditions

Genetic variability is the raw material of evolution
Barriers to self pollination
Spatial separation
Temporal separation
Spatial separation
of stamens and pistils (dioecism; stamens and pistils borne on separate plants)

Ex. Ilex (hollies) only half the plants produce berries because of staminate and pistillate flowers are on separate plants
Temporal separation
flowers are perfect but the stamens and pistils do not mature at the same time

2 types of temporal
Protandry - anthers mature and release pollens before the stigma is receptive
Protogyny - stigmas receptive before the anthers dehisce and release pollens

Protandry - digitalis produces elongate racemes or portentous flowers
2 types of temporal
Protandry - anthers mature and release pollens before the stigma is receptive
Protogyny - stigmas receptive before the anthers dehisce and release pollens

Protandry - digitalis produces elongate racemes or portentous flowers
Protandry -
anthers mature and release pollens before the stigma is receptive
Protogyny -
stigmas receptive before the anthers dehisce and release pollens
A modification of flower structure that help prevents self pollination

Defined- the production of 2 different kinds of perfect flowers in a single population with the stamens and stigmas located at different levels

Ex. Primrose
Most common method of preventing inbreeding .
In most flowering plants, the stigma has an inhibitory effect on genetically identical pollen grains
Pollen grains may not germinate or pollen tubes may not grow properly
affable (adj.)
friendly, amiable
Floral Color
Produced by pigments and other means
Blues, purples, reds, and pinks are produced by anthocyanin pigments
Yellows are produced by anthoxanthins
Oranges are produced by carotenoids
Green is produces by chlorophyll
White is produced by air pockets in intercellular spaces

Flowers come in different colors because different pollinators have different color preferences
Bees prefer flowers that are blue and yellow
Birds prefer red and yellow
Moths prefer white and other light colors flowers
Floral fragrances
Fragrance is characteristic of many flowers
Fragrance molecules are not produced for our benefit, but to attract pollinators
Different pollinators are attracted to different fragrances

Beetles prefer spicy and fruity scents
Butterflies and moths prefer sweet scents
Bees prefer sweet or mint fragrances
Flies prefer putrid smells
Hummingbirds have a poorly developed olfactory sense and are not attracted to fragrances
Animals do not provide their carrying services free of charge
Floral colors and fragrances are signals that advertise the predator

Rewards include
Food bodies
Principle reward in most flowers
Usually produced by specialized nectar gland or specialized groups of nectar producing cells in flowers
Principle ingredients include glucose, fructose, sucrose, amino acids and other compounds
Nectar glands
Can bee seen in many flowers
Usually located near the base of the ovary or corolla
Nectar productions
Most flowers maintain a delicate balance between the amount of nectar produced and needs of the pollinator

Too much - pollinator may be satisfied after visiting only one flower

Too little - may not be worthwhile for pollinator to visit flowers at all
Nectar Guides
Petals often bear lines or rows of dots that converge on the nectar source

Nectar guides à help direct the pollinator to the reward while causing it to come into contact with the stamens and stigmas

Guides are common in flowers pollinated by bees and other day flying insects
Pollen plays two roles in floral biology:
Male gametophyte that produces sperm cells for sexual reproduction
Reward for pollinators in some species

Pollen is nutritious and is used as a reward by some plants
Most pollen contains sugars, starch, proteins, free amino acids, oil droplets, minerals and vitamins

Has a high food value

Cacti, poppies, and mimosoid legumes are all insect pollinated but produce large quantities of pollen
Food bodies
Least common of rewards offered

Some plants produce oil rich food bodies that are offered as a reward to insects with chewing mouth parts
As insect feeds on the food bodies it contacts the reproductive parts of the flower

Ex. Clianthus (Carolina allspice)
Floral constancy
The association of floral characteristics with the presence of a reward leads to the development of floral constancy
Floral constancy = the loyalty of a pollinator displays to the flowers of a single plant species
It’s a learned behavior that benefit’s the plants and animal
Benefit to the plant: pollen is not wasted on flowers of other species
Benefit to the animal: increased feeding efficiency from concentrating on a single kind flower
Pollination syndromes
Sets of characteristics that adapt a flower to pollination by a specific agent are termed pollination syndromes
The pollinator of a flower can often be identified by looking at the features of the flower
Beetle Pollination
Beetles are primitive insects with chewing mouthparts and poor vision but with a well developed sense of smell
A large number of beetle pollinated species are found among the most primitive flower plants
Characteristics of Beetle pollinated flowers
Not showy, usually pale or brownish in color
Fragrance is usually fruity or spicy
Ex. Magnolia or Carolina allspice
Reward is pollen or food bodies
Ovules well protected (ovary inferior or plant containing toxic alkaloids)
Bee Pollination
Bees, butterflies, moths and flies are more advanced insects groups than beetles
Flowers are pollinated by these insects are more highly advanced than the beetle pollinated flowers
Bees are highly evolved insects with well developed sense of vision and smell
Bee Flowers
Flowers are usually blue, yellow, purple, white or pink (not red)
Lower petals enlarged to forma a landing platform (makes flowers zygomorphic)
Nectar guides present on petals
Nectar is the principle reward
Fragrance is sweet or minty
Petals are often fused to form a short wide tube
Butterfly Pollination
Butterflies also have well developed senses of vision and smell
Have a much longer tubular mouthparts
Butterfly Flowers
Flowers come in a wide variety of colors including red
Fragrance is sweet
Nectar is the reward
Flowers with slender tubular shape to accommodate butterfly mouthparts
Landing platform may be provided by either the flower or the inflorescence
Moth Pollination
Flowers similar in size and color to butterfly pollinated flowers
Differences reflect the differences in behavior
Usually white or light colored
Flowers are open at night
Fragrance and nectar are produced at night
Flowers are held away form the foliage
Yucca plant is a good example and honey suckle
No landing platform
Pollination of Yucca
Yucca plants are pollinated by small moths in the genus Tegeticula (commonly called yucca moths)
Female moth collects pollen from a flower, rolls it into a ball, then flies off to another yucca and checks the scent for other moths and if a female was there then she keeps going until she finds one without the scent of a female.
Then she pierces the ovary wall and lays eggs among the ovules
Then deposits pollen on the stigma of that flower
Moth larvae feed on developing seeds, but only consume about 20 percent
When mature the larvae chew through ovary wall and fall to the ground and pupate
Moth and Butterflies
Butterflies are diurnal insects that land on the flower when feeding
Moths are nocturnal or crepuscular insects that hover in front of the flower when feeding
Fly Pollinated Flowers
Usually reddish or brownish in color
Smell terrible, often like rotting flesh
Sometimes called “carrion flowers”
Pollination of Figs
Commonly cultivated species include Ficus Carica (north America) and Ficus sycomorus
Flowers borne in a specialized hollow inflorescence termed a syconium
Each syconium contains staminate flowers and 2 types of pistallate flowers
Fig Gall Wasp Life Cycle
Female wasp enters syconium through ostiolum when pistillate flowers are mature
Deposits one egg in the ovary of only the short styled flowers
Pollen on her body rubs onto stigmas of both types of flowers
Only long styled flowers develop seeds
Short styled flowers develop into small galls
Egg begins to hatch in a few days and male wasps emerge
Males are blind and wingless but have strong jaws
Fig Gall Wasp Life Cycle 2
Males begin to search for un-hatched galls, finding one they gnaw a hole in the side, insert the tip of abdomen and fertilize the female
Males then gather near ostiolum and chew a tunnel through the syconium wall
When tunnel is completed the male dies
Females hatch a couple hours later, each has well developed eyes and wings
Crawling through the interior of the fig they pick up pollen from the mature staminate flowers
Females exit through the tunnel and visit another fig
· More common in tropical regions than in temperate areas (more species of nectar feeding birds occur in the tropics)
· Hummingbirds are the only nectar feeding birds in North America
· Flowers usually large and sturdy to withstand visits from a large pollinator
· Red or orange in color, often marked with yellow
· Large amounts of nectar produced (birds need a larger reward than insects)
· Feeders usually red with yellow flowers
· No fragrance to hummingbird pollinated flowers (hummingbirds and other birds have poor sense of smell)
· Flowers held away from foliage
o Ex. Trumpet creeper vine
· More common in tropical regions
· In North America only a few plants are bat pollinated
o Ex. Century plants (agane spp.)
o Saguaro cactus (caregiea gigontea)
o Orgon pipe cactus (Lemaireocerus thurbeis)
· Flowers usually large and sturdy to withstand visits from large pollinators
· Light colored (white or yellow)
· Flowers held away from foliage
· Nectar and fragrance produced at night
· Not all flowering plants are dependent on animals to transport pollen grains
· Some species use other strategies to ensure that pollination occurs
· Two common alternative strategies are the production of cleistogamous flowers and wind pollination (abiotic pollination)
· Produce functional stamens and pistils
· Flower never opens so cross pollination can not occur
· Cleisto means “hidden” gamous = sexual reproduction
· Produce seeds as a result of self pollination
· Cleistogamous flowers appear to be a sort of “back-up” system in some plants
· Plants that produce cleistogamous flowers also produce normal chamogamous flowers (open bud flowers)
· If cross pollination does not occur, the plant will still produce some seed
· Plants that frequently produce cleistogamous flowers include:
o Violets
o Wood sornels
o Henbit
Also known as anemophily
· Entomophily – insect pollination
· Contharophily – beetle pollination
· Melittophily – bee pollination
· Psychophily – butterfly pollination
· Phalaenophily – moth pollination
· Myophily – fly pollination
· Myrmecophily – ant pollination
· Ornithophily – bird pollination
Chiroplerophily – bat pollination
· Anemophily – wind pollination
Wind pollinated angiosperms all share a number of characteristics in common
· Usually form large communities with many individuals of a style species (prairie grass, oak-hickory forest)
· Flowers small, greenish or brownish, and often appear before the leaves
· Petals absent
· Fragrance absent
· Nectar and other rewards absent
· Flowers usually imperfect, the plants often dioecious
· Stamens often have greatly elongate filaments
· Abundant pollen produced
Wind pollinated
species are spread all over the classification system and are not closely related
· Most primitive flowering plants are beetle pollinated
· Anemophily is not a primitive characteristic among angiosperms but has apparently evolved more than once
Wind and Animal pollinated
species usually produce 400-800 pollen grains per ovule
· Animal pollinated species usually produce 10-100 pollen grains per ovule
· Pollen grains small and smooth walled (wind carried pollen much smaller and smooth walled)
· Styles/ stigmas often plumose (feathery)
· Among angiosperms, anemophily is considered to be an advanced characteristic
· Wind pollinated flowering plants believed to have evolved from animal pollinated ancestors
· Several situations where animal pollination might not be efficient:
o When pollinators aren’t available
o When the environment keeps pollinators from operating efficiently
Distribution of wind pollinated angiosperms in Europe
o Central Europe 10%
o Coastal Islands 50%
o Arctic regions 40%
· The willow genus (Salix)
is widely distributed from temperate regions to the arctic
o All temperate species of willow are insect pollinated
o Arctic species are wind pollinated
· Tropical regions are characterized by dense forests
o Few air currents are present
o A tremendous number of potential animal pollinators are available over 95% of plant species are animal pollinated
Pollination is an important aspect of the life cycle of flowering plants
The evolution of most angiosperms is closely linked to that of their animal pollinators
Many biologist argue that the evolution of dispersal mechanisms has been equally important
Dispersal mechanisms -
adaptations that promote the spread of a species into a new species

May involve: seeds, fruits, and specialized vegetative structures

Efficient dispersal mechanisms benefit a plant in two ways

1. Reducing competition between parent and offspring
2. Allowing for colonization of new areas
Wind dispersal
Tumbleweeds - Whole pant, or a portion, breaks off and is blown by the wind, scattering seeds
Plants are always herbaceous, usually annuals
Ex. Russian thistle
Winged fruits
Wings usually develop form persistent bracts or perianth parts or as an outgrowth
Commonly produced by trees and shrubs
Usually produces in capsules that dehisce to release the seeds
Wings develop as an outgrowth of the seed coat
Plumed fruits
Feathery appendages develop from the pappus in many Asteraceae or from persistent styles
A tuft of silky hairs (coma) may develop at the end of the seed
Many Milkweeds and members

A coma is an apical tuft of hairs that aids in wind dispersal
Water Dispersal
The seeds and or fruits of many riparian species have corky waterproof walls are transported by water currents
Coconuts and sea beans may be carried thousand of miles by ocean currents and have thick walls resistant to germination in salt water
Ingestion of seeds and fruits
Birds and mammals eat the fruits of many species
Virtually all fleshy fruits are adaptations for animal dispersal
Seeds pass through digestive tract unharmed and are deposited somewhere else
- Lipid rich food bodies attached to seeds
They are usually dispersed by ants that carry the seeds back to their nests
Ant colony feeds on the oil and discards the seeds outside the nest
Adhesion to fur and feathers
Many seeds and fruits develop spines, prickles, hairs or sticky coverings designed to adhere to animals

The genus Proboscidea (devils claw) has unusual fruits that are modified for dispersal by large hoofed mammals
Transport in mud
Many species of aquatic and wetland plants have small seeds that are probably transported in mud attached to fur or feathers
Darwin suggested this method
Elastic dehiscence
Mechanical Dispersal
Elastic dehiscence
In species Geranium and Erodium the elongate styles separate into five curled slings
Seeds may be flicked a meter or more from the plant
Explosive Dehiscence
Mechanical Dispersal
In some species the mature fruit explodes and ejects the seeds a considerable distances
Wood sorrel commonly pop at dispersal
Fruit of the squirting cucumber
Mechanical Dispersal
is an oblong berry about 6cm in length
Turgor pressure builds up inside mature fruit causing pedicel to become detached
Fruit wall contracts suddenly and soft tissue inside fruit, including the seeds is squirted out
The diversity of angiosperms
235000 flowering species named
Total number may reach 1 million
The coevolution of angiosperms and different animal groups explains much of this diversity
o Grasses sedges
o Nettles oaks
o Elms hickories
· Wind pollinated species are spread all over the classification system and are not closely related
· Most primitive flowering plants are beetle pollinated
· Anemophily is not a primitive characteristic among angiosperms but has apparently evolved more than once
of the flower contains mega sporangia where meiosis occurs and a small number of large megaspores are produced.

Each megaspore develops into a female gametophyte (female egg) Ovules

Each ovule consist of a single mega sporangium that is surrounded by layers of protective tissue called integuments. Meiosis occurs in the mega sporangium and produces megaspores. One megaspore in each ovule will develop into a female gametophyte containing an egg cell.
Pistil 2
Ovary is surrounded by ovary wall and there are one or more chambers that contain ovules, the ovule consist of a mega sporangium and is surrounded by one or two layers of integuments that is open at one end (micro Pyle) , and each ovule is connected to the ovary wall by a finiculus. The mega sporangium has meiosis occur in each one and the end result is 4 haploid megaspores. 3 of the megaspores degenerate and the nutrients is absorbed by the remaining megaspore and is the functional megaspore, the megaspore will go through 3 successive mitotic divisions and form a female gametophyte that have 8 daughter cells that have a definite orientation, the egg cell, on either side of the egg cell are two cells called synergids and at the opposite side is the 3 antipodal cells and the 2 central cells are called “central cells or central nuclei”