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170 Cards in this Set

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Cell Wall
Made up of eukaryotic cells bounded by rigid cell walls to exterior plasmalemma. Area between cells is called middle lamella
Middle Lamella
Important in fruit ripening as enzyme pectinases secreted and breaks down pectin
Plasma Membrane
Important for surviving frost. Semi-permeable, continuim throughout plant. Plasmadesmata (pores) occur thru the cell wall.
Continium of living materials. Allows for transport of minerals and metabolites without leaving the cytoplasm
Non-living portions of plant tissue. Ie. the middle lamella or xylem
Composed of 3 major components: Lipids, Proteins, and Carbohyrdates
Lipids (40%)
Made up of polar and non-polar components. Contains phospholipids, sterols, and glycolipids
Have a phosphate group which is the polar end linked with a glycerol molecular to a non-polar fatty acid tail.
Sugar based hydroxyl is polar with non-polar fatty acid tail
Cholesterol with a hydroxyl attached to a non-polar fatty acid tail.
Double bond (kink) formed in tail and allows less tight packing and greater freedom of movement
No kink formed and has tighter packing and more rigid
Proteins (40%)
enzymes that have important roles in transport of metabolites across the membrane
Carbohydrates (20%)
linked to proteins and lipids. On proteins the carbohydrateact to orient the protein and 3D confirmation of the protein when dealing with the membrane
Liquid Crystalline
Stage where cell wall is semi-permeable and alive
Solid Gel
Stage when at freezing temperature where permeability increases- visible as H20 soaked area
Critical Temperature
Temperature when turns from liquid crystalline to solid gel
Cool Season Crops
Higher number of unsaturated (double bond) fatty acids incorporated into phospholipids which slows down freezing process.
Warm Season Crops
Higher number of saturated fatty acids incorporated into phosopholipids which does not slow down the freezing process
surrounded by a porus, double membrane nuclear envelope. contains DNA and RNA
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Transportation network of lipids and proteins. Lipid synthesis does occur, regulates cytosolic concentration of calcium. Smooth and Rough E.R.
Dictyosomes (Golgi Apparatus)
Give rises to vesicles, assembling complex carbohyrdates for cell wall, synthesizing carbohyrdate side chain for glycoproteins in membrane
organelle surroinded by double unit membrane. Centre of respiration and responsible for converting sugars into energy
Used for storage (H20), digestion (enzymes for breakdown),pH and Ionic homeostasis (reservoir for calcium), defence (secretes glycoside and protein inhibitors), sequestration of toxic compounds, pigmentation (anthocyanin)
Made up of several different types of protoplastids
unpigmented plastid that contains starch granuales
colourless plastids involved in synthesis of monoterpenes (voltaile compound found in oils)
plastids with development from proplastids to chloroplasts that has been arrested by low light. Contain no chlorophyll
green, photosynthetic plastids responsible for energy capture bounded by a double membrane
Thylakoid Network
Chlorophyll contained in thylakoids which has 2 distinct types of membrane domains, stacked (grana thylakoids) and unstacked (stroma thylakoids). Light rxn occurs here
Grana thylakoids (stacked) and Stroma thylakoids (unstacked). Dark rxn occurs here (using ATP)
cone bearing (naked seeds) plant, more primitive
flowering (enclosed seed) plant split into Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons
Approx. 65,000 species
1 seeded leaf
Parallel leaf veins
Flowers in 3's
Fibrous roots
Stem vascular bundles are scattered
Pollen (single pore)
< 10% are woody
Approx 170,000 species
2 seeded leaves
Netted leaf veins
Flowers in 4's & 5's
Primary Taproot
Stem vascular bundles in circle
Pollen (tri-pore)
> 50% are woody
Apical Meristem
primary meristem which cell division occurs and adds to shoot length
Axillary Bud
Found between the leaf stalk and stem, gives rise to a lateral branch or flowers. Remains dormant-under hormonal control
Root Apical Meristem
At the tip of the root, primary meristem adding to root length
Vegetative Apical Meristem
produces leaves inserted at nodes, internodes are very short so no obvious stem
Has little chlorophyll and acts as a pseudostem for meristem protection
Adventitious Roots
root system that arises from nodes at the base of the stem, replaces disintegrating seminal roots
Intercalary Meristem
Occurs in the region of the nodes where the meristemical tissue (cell growing) of grasses and are responsible for stem (culm) extensions. Leaf growth also occurs from here
True stem in grasses
Secondary Meristem
Occurs mostly in Dicot species (woody plants), vascular cambium and cork cambium. Adds to stem diameter & width
Vascular Cambium
produces additional vascular tissue, secondary xylem, and secondary phloem
Cork Cambium
produces the outer bark
Dermal Tissue
covers the exterior of the organs & include the epidermis and periderm(woody)
Vascular Tissue
conducting tissues-xylem and phloem
Ground Tissue
Metabolic, supporting, & storage tissues include the cortex, pith, and mesophyll
All tissues come from the meristem, give rise to 3 transitional meristems: protoderm, procambium, and ground meristem
Gives rise to dermal tissue
Gives rise to vascular tissue
Ground Meristem
Gives rise to ground tissue
Simple Ground Tissues
Parenchyma, collenchyma, & sclerenchyma
-Thin pliable walls
-alive at maturity
-capable of division
-large vacuoles
-metabolism and storage cells
-found in pith, cortex and mesophyll
Aerenchyma Tissue
-Specialized parenchyma
-loosely packed cells with large air spaces
-contributes to buoyancy
-allows oxygen into the plant for metabolism
Transfer Cells
-Specialized parenchyma
-irregular extension (invagination) of their primary cell wall
-involved in transfer or disolved substances
-ie carnivorous plants
Chlorenchyma Cells
-Specialized parenchyma
-contains chloroplasts & make up mesophyll tissue
-found in green parts for photosynthesis
-found on edge of cells
Collenchyma Tissue
-secondary thickening is cellulose and pectin
-collenchyma cells
-alive at maturity
-elongated, irregular thickened walls
-give strength & flexibility
-found below the epidermis of young stems & petioles
Sclerenchyma Tissue
-secondary wall thickening is cellulose, hemicellulose, & lignin
-dead at maturity
-highly thickened lignified secondary cell walls
-maybe star shaped or simple stone cells
-scattered in ground tissue or small clusters
-ie grit in pear tissue
-dead at maturity
-elongated, longer than wide with a small lumen
-found in stem cortex, vascular tissues, & some leaves and fruits
-Provide support
-ie cotton
forms a protective covering of plant organs, commonly 1 cell thick. Produced by protoderm. 3 roles protection, transfer, and allows uptake in roots
Parenchyma Epidermis Tissue
-living, lack chloroplasts
-exterior cell walls are thicker than inner walls
-fit together tightly
-secrete cutin (fatty substance) to repel water on surface of their outer walls to form a cuticle
-shoots and leaves maybe several layers thick- waxy barrier
-thin in roots
Guard Cells
-appear pairs in surrounding stomatal pore
-living at maturity, contain chloroplasts
-inner walls facing pores are thicker than outer walls
-function to regulate opening and closing of pores
-expands with no fluid, collapses with fluid
Epidermal Trichomes
-found on shoots and leaves, extension from an epidermal cell
-consist of one or more cells-maybe secretary
-hairs trap moisture
-forms boundary layer on leaf
-acts as protection
Epidermal Gland
-secretary cells (glands) may also occur in epidermis (carnivorous plants)
-excrete an alluring substance or digestive enzymes
Root Epidermis
-epidermal cells may have root hairs
-increase surface area for water uptake
Vascular System
-made up of two main cells: xylem (transport water and minerals roots-top) and phloem (transport sugars from site of production to area of metabolic activity)
Xylem Tissue
-dead at maturity
-produced by procambium
-made up of tracheids, vessel elements, parenchyma cells, and fibers
Vessel Elements
-large diameter
-conducting cell
-reduced or no end walls-perforatted plates
-join end-end to form vessels
-faster transport of water
-conducting cell
-dead at maturity
-elongated and form tubes stacked
-narrow and have tapered ends
-connected through bordered pits
-no secondary thickening
-better for transporting water at greater heights
Phloem Tissue
-living at maturity
-sugars move from source-sink
-sieve tube members & companion cells, parenchyma cells, fibers, &/or sclereids
Sieve Tube Members
join end-end, end walls contain pores which cytoplasm can extend (sieve plates)
-no nucleus, companion cell directs activities
Vascular Bundle
-primary xylem and phloem occur together
-phloem to outside, xylem inside
principle functions include: anchoring plant, absorbing water and minerals, storage, conduct absorbed materials into the plant body
Root Apical Meristem (RAM)
root structure occurs from here
Root tip
organized into four regions (bottom-top):
-root cap
-region of cell division
-region of elongation
-region of maturation
Root Cap
-thimble shaped cap that protects & covers RAM
-cells continuously added to replace root cap cells sloughed off
-gravity is perceived (statholiths-amyoplasts- stimulate auxins which cause cells on one side to elongate more-starch granuales settle against wall and stimulates auxin which causes elongation)
Region of Cell Division
-directly behind root cap
-meristematic region
-cells divide every 12-36hrs
-includes apical meristem & immediate area above
-very small area
Region of Elongation
-new cells elongate (pushes root tip through soil)
-root cap + region of division + region of elongation= ~1cm
Region of Maturation
where cell differentiation occurs & large number of root hairs are produced (root hair zone)
-root hairs don't live long
Dicot Root
-consists of an outer epidermis, cortex, inner stele (consists of primary vascular tissue bounded by pericycle & endodermis)
-epidermis (protoderm) consists of epidermal cells (maturation)
-thin cuticle
-many root hairs
-have fungal associations to act as root hairs
Root Cortex
-derived from ground meristem and loosely packed parenchyma cells
-perform as storage
-inner layer of cortex is endodermis
Apoplastic System
-gaps between cells allowing the flow of water and nutrients
-fast flow of water
-movement thru the inetcellular spaces & cell walls
Symplastic System
-water crossing the cell membrane -very slow flow of water
-movement thru the living cells from protoplasts-protoplasts thru the plasma desmata
Endodermis-Casparian Strip
-waxy material (suberin) embedded in their upper & lower (transverse) side (radial) walls forming casparian strip
-blocks movement of water and minerals in the apoplast cell wall
cylinder formed by xylem and phloem at centre of the root surrounded by 1 or more layers of parenchyma cells that form the pericycle
-gives rise to lateral roots
-contributes yo vascular cambium that produces secondary xylem and phloem (secondary thickening)
-contributes to cork cambium that produces cork cells that replace the cortex and epidermis in woody roots
Monocot Roots
xylem and phloem are not tightly arranged and alternate in a ring that surrounds an inner pith (parenchyma tissue).
-Very little or no cortex, so endodermis found inside of epidermis (exodermis)
-all water movement is symplastic
Storage Roots
-contain an abundance of storage parenchyma in the cortex & secondary xylem & phloem
-Water storage (pumpkins-cucurbitacease stores water in root cortex)
Aerial Roots
-adevntitious roots of ivy support climbing
Prop Roots
-prop roots of corn provide support
Velamen Roots
-Velamen Roots of orchids have a multiple layered epidermis & may contain chlorophyll
Epiphytic Plants
-Epiphytic plants less likely to be stepped on
-Pneumataphores spongy roots extending above the water to increase oxygen uptake
Propagative Roots
-produce adventitous buds that develop into aerial stems (canada thistle-suckers)
Contractile Roots
-contracted to pull the stem meristem below the soil surface (dandelions)
Parastic (Havstoria) Roots
peg like roots thar penetrate host plant to gain water & nutrients (miseltoe)
Nitrogen Fixation
-plants taking nitrogen from the soil in the form of NO3 of NH4
-some plants form symbiotic relationship with bacteria to fix the nitrogen for the plant
Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
-specific to plant species
-inhabits nodules on plant roots due to plant secreting signals for bacteria
-nodule formed from root cortex cells
-bacteria fix in N into Ammonium & ammino acids which plant can use (carbs & ATP)
Mycorrhiza (microbe association)
-describes the association between plant roots and fungi
-act like an extension to the root system for water, P, and N absorption
-Not species specific
-Host plants supply C & energy to micorrhiza
forms a sheath of fungal hypha arround the outside of the absorbing roots & between the cortical cells-replace root hairs
-Vesicular Arbuscular Micorrhizae (VAM) surround the root & penetrate & proliferate within the root cortex cells
-Infected roots may be shorter & wider than non-infected
Plant Stem Function
-Support (get leaves & flowers up to light/wind/pollinators)
-Transport (of water, minerals, & sugars)
-Storage (organs for water, starch, suagr, etc)
-Protection (thorns-stem, prickles-trichomes)
-Propagation (stolons, rhizomes, bulbs, corms)
Dicot Stem
-Epidermis (epdiermal parenchyma, guard cells, trichomes, cuticle)
-Ground Tissue (cortex & pith)
-Cortex (parenchyma cells near epidermis may have chloroplats, may also store sugars, water)
-Pith (parenchyma in center of stem-in some plants tissue breaks down=hollow stem)
Vascular Bundles-Dicots
-Surrounded by bundle sheath (Inner=xylem, Outer=phloem)
-Form a circle or cylinder (Outside=cortex, Inside=inside)
-Xylem & phloem separated by residual procambium-may become active vascular cambium & produce secondary xylem & phloem)
-Stems not always round
Monocot Stem
-most cases vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue (no division into cortex & pith)
-some stems are hollow (wheat)
-no secondary thickening because vascular bundles are not uniformly arranged
-stem adaptation, above ground, horizontal stems-"runners"
-stem adaptation, below ground stems
-stem adaptation, enlarged portions of underground stems (swollen) ie eyes on potato
-stem adaptation, short thickened underground stem covered by papery leaves terminal shoot/bud
-stem adaptations, compressed stem surrounded by fleshy leaves and central bud/shoot
-stem adaptation, flattened photosynthetic stems that function as leaves, may bear flowers & fruits
-stem adaptation, originate from axial buds of leaves (modified branch)
-stem adaptation, large trichomes (roses)
-stem adaptation, modified stems that coil around objects to supply support
Lateral Meristem
vascular cambium helps with the secondary growth increasing diameter
Interfasicular Cambium
part in between vascular bundles, cells are differentiated for new growth and aid in secondary growth
Fasicular Cambium
part underneath vascular bundle
little holes interrupt the periderm and allow for the diffusion of oxygen into the stem
secondary xylem, 3 basic functions: water transport, structural sport, and storage. Not completely dead (parenchyma cells)
Angiosperm wood have fibers for strength
Conifer wood and on average lighter than angiosperm because no fibers
Gymnosperm Wood
Pine, all cell walls have 2 walls and are lignified
-axial system ~95% of volume tracheids
-Radial system=rays
Radial System
Rays consist of parenchyma cells that function in lateral conduction of nutrients & water, xylem and phloem
responsible for photosynthesis but can provide protection, create offspring, trap insects for nutrients, control water movement, storage
Light Capture
Photosynthesize leaves must absorb light & CO2 and release O2
Dicot Leaves
Consists of a blade (lamina) and a petiole that attaches to the stem at a node, pair of stipules maybe found to deter insects
Blade, provides a broad flat surface for the absorption of light and CO2
Orients the leaf and hold it away from the sun, some can change the leaf angle to follow or avoid the sun
Compound Leaves
Either palmate (leaflets diverge from a single point) or pinnate (leaflets are arranged along an axis (rachis) odd or even), can also be bi-pinnate arranged
Leaf Arrangement
Avoiding direct overlapping or shading of other leaves, 3 types: alternative (1 leaf/node 180), spiral (1 leaf/node 137.5), opposite (2 leaves/node 90), whorled (3 or more leaves/node)
-Thick cuticle to restrict water loss (cutin)
-stomata for gas exchange & transpiration (usually on lower leaf surface)
Ground Tissue
-Mesophyll tissue chlorenchyma site of photosynthesis
Palisade Mesophyll
below upper epidermis, cells tightly packed, contains 80% of chloroplasts
Spongy Mesophyll
lower half of leaf, cells are irregular in shape & have large air spaces b/w them, 20% of chloroplasts
-green plastids responsible for energy capture-photosynthesis
-bounded by double membrane
-inner membrane system of thylakoids (stacked grana and unstacked stroma)
-light rxn in thylakoids
-dark rxn in stroma
-substomatal space aids in gaseous exchange
Vascular Tissue
xylem towards upper surface and phloem towards lower surface
Bundle Sheath Cells
-in C3 plants bundle sheath cells are small & inconsipicious w/ few chloroplasts
-in C4 plants bundle sheath cells are large w/ dense chloroplasts
Monocot Leaves
-mesophyll tissue has no pallisade layer
-leaves of some grasses have specialized bulliform cells
Bulliform Cells
-when leaves are water stressed, the bulliform cells collapse causing the leaf to fold inward
-helps reduce water loss, puts stomata on the inside & traps humid air close to the stomata, surface area also reduced
Gymnosperm Pine Needle
adaptation to conserve moisture:
-low surface area
-thick cuticle
-hypodermis of sclerenchyma cells
-few air spaces
-tightly packed mesophyll cells
-sunken stomata
Stomatal Opening
-When illuminated, guard cell pumps H+ ions out of cell creating pH and electrical gradient
-K+ and Cl- are channelled across the plasma membrane into the cell increasing osmotic potential
-Increase in osmotic potential draws H2O, guard cells turgid and expand opening the pore
Abcisic Acid
A PGR diffuses to the guard cell & stimulates to release K+ and Cl- causing H2O to flow out of the cell
Leaf Adaptations
-seedling leaves maybe different in shape then mature leaves
-protective spines
-water storage
-floral leaves-bracts (poinsetta)
-insect trapping
-region where floral parts are attached
-Outermost whorl of floral parts
-maybe leaf like or resemble petals
-protect inner part of flower from physical damage
-collectively called a calyx
-variable in colour, odor, attachment, symmetry
-collectively called a corolla
Petal Attachment
-Apetalous: no petals
-Sympetalous: petals are partially or completely fused
-Choripetalous: petals are seperate
Petal Symmetry
-Regular: all floral parts are of similar shape & size
-Irregular: all floral parts are not same size or shape
-pollen bearing structure
-includes anther & filament
-anther contains pollen
-collectively called andromecium
-includes the ovary, style, & stigma
-pollen lands on stigma & germinates & the pollen tube grows thru the style to reach ovule for fertilization
-ovary divided into chambers called carpels which contain ovules
-collectively called gynoecium
Sepals and petals together
flowers found in groups on a floral axis
stalk below the inflorescence
stalks below each individual flower
unbranched, flowers attached directly to central axis
unbranched, flowers are attached by pedicels to the central axis
branched raceme
flowers attached by pedicels which arise from a common point
-simple or compound
unbranched, pedicels of unequal length alternately attached along central axis
peduncle with flowers attached to a broad receptacle
Complete flowers
contain all floral components including sepals, petals, stamens, carpels
Incomplete Flowers
missing one or more of the components
Perfect Flowers
have both female pistil and male stamen repoductive structures
Imperfect Flowers
have only one of the reproductive structures (pistalate or staminate)
-occurs in anther
-each microspore form a pollen grain
-go from 2N-1N meiosis
-fuses with egg cell
-occurs in ovule
-4 megaspore cells produced from original (2N-1N)
-3 degenerate & only 1 continues to develop which undergoes mitosis to form a 8-nucleate sac