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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the two possible routes that a substance can travel into the xylem?
selectively permeable epidermal cell -> cytoplasm -> endodermis -> xylem
intracellular route
hydrophillic walls and extracellular spaces of root hairs -> casparian strip -> endodermis -> xylem
extracellular route
a continuous waxy barrier that stops water and solutes from entering the xylem
forces substances to travel the extracellular route to an endodermal cell
casparian strip
The upward push of xylem sap in a vascular plant, caused by the active pumping of minerals into the xylem by root cells
root pressure
The upward pulling of xylem sap from the leaves due to water loss
Transpiration can pull water u due to _____ and _____.
adhesion and cohesion
the sticking together of molecules of the same kind (eg. water)
the sticking together of molecules of different kinds
Transpiration exerts a pull that is relayed downward along a string of water molecules held together by cohesion and helped upward by adhesion
transpiration-cohesion-tension mechanism
control the opening of a stoma by changing shape, widening or narrowing the gap between the two cells
guard cells
A stoma opens when its guard cells gain ____ ions. The cells actively take up ___ and then _____ enters by osmosis. When the gaurd cells gain ___ they become turgid and seperate allowind CO2 and sunlight in.
In angiosperms, phloem contains food-conducting cells called _____ arranged end to end as tubes.
sieve-tube members
may contain inorganic ions, amino acids, and hormones but its main solute is disaccharide sucrose.
phloem sap
a plant organ that is a net producer of sugar
sugar source
an plant organ that is a net consumer or storer of sugar
sugar sink
The building of water pressure at the source end and the reduction of that pressure at the sink end cause water to flow from source to sink - down a gradient if hydrostatic pressure
pressure flow mechanism
a macronutrient important in the formation of cell walls, and it combines with certain proteins to form a glue that holds plant cells together in tissues...helps maintain structure of cell membranes and regulate their selective permeability
crucial cofactor for some enzymes...the main solute for osmotic regulation in plants...regulate the opening and closing of the stomata
a component of chlorophyl (essential for photosynthesis)...cofactor for several enzymes
a plant must obtain this to complete its life cycle
essential element
plants require relatively large amounts of these
elements that plants need in very small amounts
a mechanism by which root hairs take up certain positively charged ions (cations)
cation exchange
How do the root hairs maintain a net negative charge?
the root hairs release H+
absorbing NO3-
the remains of partly decayed material
most of the nutrients is on the ____ layer
what is the most common nutrition problem in plants
nitrogen deficiency
For plants to use nitrogen it must be converted into _____ or _____
ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3-)
a metabolic process by certain soil bacteria that turns N2 into ammonia (NH3)
nitrogen fixation
bacteria that metabolize N2 into nitrate (NO3-)
nitrifying bacteria
bacteria that provide ammonium through the breakdown of organic matter (humus)
ammonifying bacteria
What is nitrogen used for?
making amino acids
Together, roots and fungi form a mutaully beneficial structure called a ____.
mycorriza (fungus root)
roots can only form mycorrizae when...
they are exposed to the right kind of fungus
A swelling on a plant root consisting of plant cells that contain nitrogen fixing bacteria
Each legume is associated with a particular strain of _____.
a plant that grows on another plant
carnivorous plants are most common in places where the soil is deficient in _____ and _____