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92 Cards in this Set

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Green Algae
unicellular photosynthetic plant
What are the Bifurcations in order?
1. Green algea & embrophytes

2. Embryophtes: Vascular splits off from Non-Vascular

3. Vascular: Seed splits off from Non-Seed

4. Vascular Seed: Angiosperms split off from Gymnosperms
what are 3 types of non-vascular plants?
What are 3 types of Vascular Non-seed plants?
Club Mosses
Horse tails
What are 2 groups of Vascular Seed plants?
ovules on scales

naked seeds- unenclosed condition of the seeds found naked on the scales of a cone
What are 3 types of Gymnosperms?
What are 3 types of Angiosperms?
Magnolid Complex
Magnolid Complex
They are characterized by trimerous flowers, pollen with one pore, and usually branching-veined leaves.
Monocotyledons or monocots
one cotyledon (seed-leaf)
"true dicotyledons"

seed typically has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons.

pollen have three or more pores set in furrows called colpi
What are 2 examples of Magnolid Complex?
Liriodendron tulipfera (tulip tree)
Magnolia grandiflora
What are 2 examples of Monocotyledons?
Lilium michiganense (Michigan lily)
Zea mays (maize, corn)
What are 2 examples of Eudicots?
Antirhinum (snap dragon)
Glycine max (soybean)
Plants don't have which organelles
The discovery of non-Mendelian inheritance
Carl Correns

Erwin Baur
4 o’clock plant follows what kind of plastid inheritance?
snap dragon follows what kind of plastid inheritance?
Maternal- Baur
Are all variegated plants follow maternal inheritance/ Non-Mendellian?
No, arabidopsis has variegated based on nuclear genes that affect plastid & mitochondrion
Uniparental Maternal

CO2 + Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate +H2O --> 2* 3-Phosohoglycerate
1 5C --> 2 3C
do any parasitic plants harm crop plants?

Are all parasitic plants small?
Yes, Dodder

No, Rafflesia arnoldii: parasitic plant w/worlds largest flower
What is the pathway of Carbon in Calvin cycle
CO2 --> 3-Phosphoglycerate
--> 1,3Bisphosphoglycerate
--> Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
--> Ribulose 5-phosphate
--> Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate
This molecule from the Calvin cycle is transported from stroma into cytosol to make sucrose
Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
sucrose synthesis from Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
2) Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
-->1) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
--> Fructose 1-Phosphate
--> Glucose 1-phsophate
--> 1UDP Glucose
1UDP Glucose + Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
--> Sucrose (12C)
Rubisco Carboxylase/Oxygenase
Oxygenase activity: Photorespiration
Photorespiration: step 1
Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate + O2
--> 3 Phosphoglycerate + phosphoglycolate
Photorespiration: step 2
phosphoglycolate + H2O --> glycolate (2C) + Pi
Photorespiration: Step 3
glycolate + glycolate --> Glycerate (3C)+ CO2
Photorespiration Step 4
Glycerate + ATP --> 3-phosphoglycerate
Why photorespiration?
stomate closes with little water ->depleating CO2 levels
Photorespiration generates CO2
C4 plants use this enzyme to grab CO2
PEP Carboxylase
CO2 + PEP --> Oxaloacetate
What are the benefits of C4?
faster under high light/temp b/c CO2 is delivered directly to Rubisco

PEP Carboxylase brings in CO2 faster, loose less water through stromata
anataomical & biochemical differences btw C3 & C4 plants
C3: carbon fix & Calvin happen in mesophyll cells with O2 present

C4: bundle sheath-chloroplasts;
carbon fixed in mesophyll cells
-> bundle sheath cells where Calvin Cycle w/out O2
C4 pathway
CO2 + PEP -> PEP carboxylase -->
Oxaloacetate +NADPH+H --> malate
malate --> bundle sheeth cell
malate + NADP --> Pyruvate + CO2
Inheritance of Rubisco:
Large Subunit?

Small Subunit?
Large: Plastid inheritance: Maternal

Small: followed Mendelian -Nuclear
this inhibits a 70S chloroplast ribosome

This inhibits an 80S ribosomes
plastid gene from Rubisco
Cashmore: experimental
Pulse-Chase w/S-35
S-35Met incorporated into protein
Immunoprecipitate: Rubisco
SDS-PAGE: separates subunits by MW
Auto radiography: now can see Protein w/S35
Cashmore: basics
wanted to fig where Rubisco parts are made
CAM:chloramphenicol to inhibit 70s
CHI: to inhibit 80S

Large: chloroplasts
Small: Nuclear
AA target sequence
this is the gene for the large subunit
Rubisco activase
formation of the critical carbamate in the active site of RuBisCO

Rubisco's catalytic chaperone
Protein Import Mito Matrix
TOM (Translocaon Outer Membrane)
TIM (Translocon Inner Membrane)
signal sequence is cleaved
Protein import chloroplasts

additional level of targeting for thylakoid lumen (2 pathways, 1 shared w/mito
Thylakoid protein import
cleave 1st part of N-term

2 Paths: SRP(Plastocyanin) or DpH (metal binding)

after imported the final signal seq is clipped
Chloroplast TOC has GTP but TOM doesn’t

SSP cleaves Signal Sequence
1. binds protein & ATP
2. (DnaJ/Hsp40 help) fold & use ATP
3.(GrpE/Bag1 help) exchange ADP/ATP
4. folded protein leaves & DnaK binds
only in Mito & Chloro; Not in Cytosol;
ATPase, Barrel

Protein + GroEL (dimmer)
-> + ATP + GroES (Cap)
--> uses ATP & Folds protein
Support for endo-symbionic
1. double membrane
2. Prokaryotic like DNA
3. Prokaryotic like ribosomes
4. Proteins of organelle origin have N-formylmethionine start
5. structure and biochemistry of plastids is similar to cyanobacteria
6. Mito- prokayotic like enzymes & transport systems
7. Mito & Chloro ~ binary fission
parasitic roots
Parasitic: wrapping around bark
Largest flower
what kind of plastid inheritance does Pelargonium (geraniums) have?
yeast have this type of mito inheritance
green alge hase what kind of plastid inheritance?
Sequoia inheritance
Plastid & Mito: UniPaternal
Blue Mussel inheritance
always Uni: Either Um or Up

- DUI (doubly uniparental inheritance) only in this mussel group
Mech for gernaium plastid inheritance
Zygotic Stochastic exclustion of plastids from embyonic tissue
can plants optimize absorption of light by leaves?
yes, heliotropism (leaf solar tracking), phototropism
Driven by blue light
flavoprotein, chloroplast can move if too much/little light
Production of Pollen grain
Microspore mother cell -> 2 rounds of Meiosis
-> Microspore
-> haploid microspore -> Mitosis
->pollen grain
Pollen grain: Nuclei
Haploid tube nucleus->join 2 haploid nuclei of central cell (endosperm mother cell)

Haploid generative Nucleus -> join egg nucleus
Maternal Inheritance
generative cell
Organelles excluded
geranium generative cells have ?
mito & plastids

only plastid is Both
Bannanas have what kind of organell inheritance
Generative cells have mito

Mito: Paternal
plastid: Maternal
Rododendron organell inheritance is special b/c?
has plastid DNA in generative cells & shows Bi-Paternal inheritance
kiwi organelle inheritance
generative cells have plastids
Paternal Plastids

Maternal Mito
Arabidopsis thalliana
thale cress

Maternal- Plastids & MIto
stains Nuclear DNA orange
stains Mito/Chloro green
Mito DNA yellow
Wheat plastid inheritance
persent in generative cell but Uni-Maternal
angiosperm organelle inheritance
most have maternal inheritance for mito/chloro
potential for biparental
tomato organelle inheritance
Maternal-Mito & Plastid

Sperm has Mito
Promotes genes for plastid polarization
Maternal: Mito * Plastid
Early generator has plastid

Sperm: Mito
promotes genes for plastid degeneration
Blocks genes for plastid polarization
geranium inheritance
Plastids: Bi-Paternal

generative cells: Mito & Plastids
Sperm: Mito & Plastid

Mito & Plastid DNA increases during sperm development

blocks genes for plastid polarization & degradation
these plants block genes for plastid polarization & degrad
Spider plant (Bi-Parental)

these plants promote genes for plastid polarization
Spider Plant (Maternal)
plastids are moved to area that will become vegitative cell
Inheritance Mech
promote polarization: (P+)

promote Plastid degeneration: (D+)

Increase Plastids/plastid DNA: (I+)
Why move plastid genes to nucleus?
Reactive Oxy generated by photosyntheis

advantagous for genes to be in a sexual pool

allows for regulated expression to integrate easier with other genes
strategy for testing whether exceptional transmission of plastids
use antibotic resistance
Two classes of plastid RNA polymerase in plants
Eubacteria type: Plastid Encoded RNA Pol (PEP)

Nuclear Encoded plastid RNA Pol (NEP)
Eubacter type plastid Enoded RNA Pol
uses nuclear encoded sigma factors
Nuclear Encoded plastid RNA Pol
Arabidopsis has 3 NEP genes
1. RPOTm found in mitochondria
2. RPOTp found in plastids,
3. RPOTmp found in BOTH
Monocots examined so far lack RPOTmp
when plastid Pols are active
NEP 1st

then switch to PEP
the 4 stages of photosynthesis
Light adsorption, gen e-& O2

e- trans, proton-motive force

ATP synthesis

CO2 fixation, carbohydrate synthesis
Rubisco large subunit
who is Dr. Norman Borlaug & why did he win noble prize?
disease resistant wheat
2X -> 4X prduction
Peace Prize
e- transport
PSII extracts e- from water
-> Plasto Quinone (PQ)
-> Cyt b6 f
-> Plasto-Cyanin (PC, found in lumen)
-> PS I
-> Ferridoxin
-> Ferridoxin NADP Reductase
What proteins are transmembrane (thykaloid) of e- transport?
Cytochrome bf complex
F0F1 complex
targets D1 polypeptide of PS (II) for competitive inhibition
atrazine gets e- & oxidizes Qb

reaction centers become resistant (but not PSII?)
1 AA mutation in psbA (coding D1) gene at Qb binding site
14 genes for PSII
5 for PSI: PSa/b/c/i/j

many are nuclear encoded
F1F0: F1
head group makes ATP
hexamer: 3 alpha & 3 beta
beta makes ATP, can make 3 ATP at a time