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21 Cards in this Set

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Describe the Pareto Principle as it relates to time management.
80% of any activity yields only 20% of the desired goals. Conversely, 20% of any activity could yield up to 80% of the desired result.
What is the key to successful selling in regard to time management?
Determine which of your activities contribute to the productive 20% and then prioritize those activities.
T or F: Effective time maangement must be PRIORITY-DRIVEN rather than time/task driven.
What are the two ways to prioritize time?
1. By dollar value.
2. Identify those things that are critical to the achievement oif a goal.
On a daily basis, how is job time spent as reflected in the Important/Urgent Matrix?
Cell 3 - Routine Interruptions 50 - 70%
Cell 4 - Trivia Waste: 10 - 40%
Cells 1 & 3 combined: 80+%
What cell in the Important/Urgent Matrix should you spend the most time?
Cell 2
What are the six basic questions that provide the key to formulating a weekly plan?
1. What are the GOALS for the week?
2. What ACTIVITIES will be required to achieve the goals?
3. What PRIORITIES are involved?
4. How much TIME will each activity require?
5. What shall the SCHEDULE be for these activities?
6. How much FLEXIBILITY should be allowed for the unexpected?
When should daily plans be prepared?
Each evening and reviewed each morning. At the end of the day, review your notes and thoughts regarding ploans for he next day. Update the to-do list items that have not been completed or add those that have developed that day. Begin the day with ta review of the list and establish priorities.
Outline Weekly Plans.
Should begin Friday afternoon. Review daily plans at this time for information that must be incorporated into the weekly plan. Review and update the weeklyp to-do list on Monday morning and set priorities for he coming five days using the 1-2-3 or A-B-C format for prioritizing
Oultine To-Do lists
No value unless they are prioritized at each days end and each week's end some effort has been made toward acdhieveing high priority items. Otherwise, urgent things take precedence and consume most of the prime selling time.
What is the tendency to reasct to urgent things called?
Tyranny of the urgent.
What are the critical factors in the development of daily and weekly plans?
Territory size, travel routs and the location and concentration of customers.
Why is it important to break a territory down into zones?
Cusstomers witin each zone are contacted during specific time periods which helps reduce travel time between sale calls.
According to Neil Rackham, which poeple shoud be contacted for an appointment and in what order?
1. Someone who will listen and who can provide needed info. Called the "focus of receptivity". This person will lead the way to the second party called the "focus of disssatisfaction".
2. The "focus of dissatisfaction" understand the problem and obastacles to a sale and can lead you to the "focus of power".
3. The "focus of power" is the person who dcan approve action, prevent action and/or influence action.
What are the general times of day to make an appointment?
9:00 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
What are the two high priority days for calling to make appointments?
Monday and Friday
What is the main purpose for calling a customer to make an appointment?
Making the appointment and nothing else.
T or F:
The first phone call should be brief?
Can the telephone or mail be used as a substitute for personal selling.
What questions should a salesperson ask himself before each phone call to a customer?
1. Why am I making this call?
2. What result am I seeking
3. How do I achieve the result?
4. How much time will I need?
5. When is the best time to call?
6. Should I consider a telepone appointment to save the other party time?
What are the three major acuses of procrastination?
1. Unpleasant task
2 Difficult task
3. Indecision