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74 Cards in this Set

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a large body of rock or gas that moves around a star (sun)
How many planets are there
different colors
What color are the planets?
different sizes
What size are planets?
no they reflect light from the sun
Do planets give off light?
as they orbit the sun
When do planets change position?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Order of planets from the sun.
Which one is bigger: stars or planets?
___________ are big balls of gas. Stars do not _______ or __________.
rock or gas
Planets are made of ____________ or ______________.
True or False: Planets do not orbit.
Planets are ________ than stars.
different sizes, colors, space
Stars and Planets both have ___________ ___________, different ___________, and both are in ______________.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
What are the four inner planets?
What is the closest planet to the sun?
Mercury has the shortest ___________.
What is the smallest planet?
What is the hottest planet?
Venus is the _______ planet from the sun.
earth's twin
Venus is __________ __________ because it is about the same size as earth.
What is the second brightest planet in the night sky?
Earth; third
____________ is the only planet that supports life and it is the ______ from the sun.
Which planet is the largest inner planet?
water; oxygen
Earth has _______ and __________.
Mars; fourth
___________ is called the red planet and is the ___________ from the sun.
Mars is the ___________ smallest planet.
solar system
sun, planets, moons and other objects that orbit the sun
orbit/ revolve
to move in a path around an object (planets orbit the sun)
to turn on an axis (to spin)
a small rounded body in orbit around a planet
a group of stars that forms a pattern
outer planets
____________ ______________ are very far from the sun
gas giants
the outer planets are made of gas and given the name _____ _____________
The outer planets are ________.
longer orbits.
The outer planets have ____ _________.
The outer planets have ________.
Jupiter. biggest
The fifth planet from the sun. And it is the _______ planet.
great red spot
Jupiter is like a ________ ___________ __________.
Saturn; Sixth
Second largest planet is ___________ and is the ___________ planet from the sun.
bright, rings
Saturn has ________, beautiful ________.
Uranus; seventh
____________ rotates on its side and is the ________ planet from the sun.
largest planet
Uranus is the third _________ ____________.
blue green color
What color is Uranus?
Smallest gas giant and farest from the sun.
Neptune has the _____________ orbit.
coldest and eighth
Neptune is the ________ ____ ___________ planet from the sun.
Inner plants are the ________
Inner planets have ___________.
Which planets have a shorter orbit?
Which planets have a longer orbit?
Inner planets have less ________ than outer planets.
rotate around the sun
have 4 planets
reflect light from the sun
Both inner and outer planets _____, _____, _____, and ______.
Outer planets are the ______ planets.
Outer planets have ______.
more moons.
Outer planets have ___ ____ than inner planets.
Day and night
Earth's rotation causes _____ and ______.
24 hours
1 rotation takes ____________.
To turn on an axis is to ______.
Axis and imaginary line
There is an ____ and ______ _____ through the center of an object.
rotates, sets
As earth ________, the sun appears to rise; then it moves across the sky and _____.
24 hours
It takes the _____ ____ for the Earth to make one complete rotation.
turn; spin
north, south poles
To rotate is to _____ on an axis or to _____.
Earth's axis passes through the ____ and _____ ______.
sphere; 1/2, sun
Earth shaped like a ________.
Only ____ the earth receives light from the _____ at any given time.
move; moving
The sun appears to ______ across the sky throughout the day.
The sun is not truly _______.
sunlight; shadows
Throughout the day, __________ strikes the Earth at different angles. This causes the length and angle of ___________ to change.
longer; shorter
When the sun is low in the sky, the shadows are ________.
When the sun is high in the sky, the shadows are _________.
An orbit is a ________
1 year; 365 days
How long does it take the earth to orbit the sun?
Earth's orbit and the tilt of the Earth's axis
Summer Fall Winter Spring
What are the reasons for the 4 seasons?
What are the four seasons?
equator; half way; north; south
The ____________ is an imaginary line that circles the Earth ____________ between the ________ and ___________ poles.
Northern Hemisphere and Southern hemisphere
The equator divides the Earth in northern and southern halves called: ____________ ___________ and _________ _________
sun; season to season; orbit
The position of the ________ in the sky changes from ______ to ___________; this is because of earth's _______ around the sun.
length; sun; hours of day; higher
The __________ of the day changes throughout the year because of the changing position of the __________. During the summer there are more ________ of _____ and the sun rises _____ in the sky causing this season to be warmer.
toward the sun; strong, direct light; winter; weak, indirect light
When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted ____ ___ ___, it is having summer and receiving ____, ____ ____.
At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, so it is having ________ and receiving ____, ____ _____.
The moons _________ around the Earth causes the phases of the moon.