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46 Cards in this Set

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Extends forever in either direction
Points that lie on the same line
Line segment
A piece of the line between points
Points that end the line segment
Supplementary angles
Angles that add up to 180 degrees
Vertical angles
Angles that are opposite from each other and always equal each other
Perpendicular lines
2 lines that meet in a 90 degree angle
Parallel lines
When two lines in the same plane are drawn so that they could extend into infinity without ever meeting
Isosceles triangle
Has 2 equal sides . The angles opposite those sides are also equal
Equilateral triangle
Has three equal sides and three equal angles. Because of the three equal angles must add up to 180 degrees, all three angles of an equilateral triangle are always equal to 60 degrees
Right triangle
Has one inside angle that is equal to 90 degrees
The longest side of a right triangle ( the one opposite the 90 degree angle)
Pythagorean theorem
A formula used to decide any side of a right triangle
A^2+ B^2= C^2
Right triangle triples
1) 3 - 4 - 5 (and its multiples)
2) 5-12-13 (and its multiples)
3) 7-24-25 ( and its multiples)
Isosceles right triangle
the sides and angles of the isosceles right triangle are always in a particular portion
The 30 - 60 - 90 triangle
Always has the same proportions
Area of a triangle
Area = base ×height /2
Similar triangles
Two triangles are called similar if their angles have the same degree measures. This means their sides will be in proportion
Because the sides of the two triangles are in the same proportion, you can find the missing side , X, by setting up a proportion equation
The interior angles of any four - sided figure add up to 360 degrees
1. A four sided figure who is for interior angles are each equal to 90 degrees
2. The diagonals are equal
Area = base × height
Perimeter = the sum of all four of its sides
1. A rectangle whose four sides are all equal in length
2. The diagonals are perpendicular
Perimeter = 4s
Area = s^2
1. A four sided figure made up of two sets of parallel lines
2. Opposite sides are parallel and equal
3. Opposite angles are equal
4. Adjacent angles are supplementary, they add up to 180 degrees
The area of a parallelogram is also base × height, but because of the shape of the figure, the height of the parallelogram is not necessarily equal to one of its sides. Height is measured by a perpendicular line drawn from the base to the top of the figure
A four sided figure in which two sides are parallel
The area of a trapezoid is the average of the two parallel sides times the height, or 1/2 ( base 1 + base 2 )( height) OR divide the trapezoid into two triangles and a rectangle and add up the two areas together
1. This distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle
2. All radii in a circle are equal
The distance from one point on the circle through the center of the circle to another point on the circle
Diamete = 2r
The outer perimeter of the circle
Circumference= 2×pi×r OR pi× d
Angle facts
1. There are 90 degrees in a right triangle
2. When two straight lines intersect, angles offset each other are equal
3. There are 180 degrees in a straight line
4. Two lines are perpendicular when they meet at a 90 degree angle
5. Bisect means to cut exactly in half
6. There are 180 degrees in a triangle
7. There 360 degrees in any four sided figure
Triangle facts
1. The longest side is opposite the largest angle
2. The shortest is opposite of the smallest angle
3. All angles add up to 180 degrees
4. Area =1/2 ( base × height)
5. The height is the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite vertex
6. Perimeter is the sum of the sides
7. The third side of any triangle is always less than the sum and greater than the difference on the two other sides
1. Opposite sides are parallel
2. Opposite angles are equal
3. Adjacent angles are supplementary, they add up to 180 degrees
4. All four sides are equal
5. The high is the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite side
6. The diagonals are perpendicular
Area = base × height
There are 360 degrees in a circle
1. Any line segment connecting two points on the edge of a circle
2. The longest chord is called the diameter
Area of a circle
The amount of space within the boundaries of a circle
1. Any part of the area formed by two radii and the outside of the circle
2. The area of a sector is proportional to the size of the interior angle
The curved portion of a circle between two points
The angle formed by drawing lines from the center of the circle to 2 points
A ray extends infinitely in one direction but has an endpoint
1. Tangent means intersecting at one point. For example, a line tangent to a circle intersects exactly one point on the circumference of the circle. Two circles that touch at just one point are also tangent
2. A tangent line to a circle is always perpendicular to the radius drawn to that point of intersection
Surrounded by a circle as small as possible
Equal in size
Diagonal of a polygon
A line segment connecting opposite vertices
Inscribed angle in a circle
An angle in a circle with its vertex on the circumference
A flat surface extending in all directions
A closed figure with two or more sides
Regular polygon
A figure with all equal sides and angles
Surface area
The sum of areas of each face of a figure
Vertex / vertices
A corner point. For angles, its where to rays meet. For figures, its where two adjacent sides meet