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9 Cards in this Set

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What premise is Piaget's theory of cog development based on?

That people actively construct their higher levels of knowledge from elements contributed by biological and environment

What is assimilation?

Incorporation of new knowledge into existing cognitive schemas (i.e. child saying airplane is a bird)

What is accomodation?

The modification of existing schemas to incorporate new knowledge

What are the stages of cognitive development in Piaget's theory?

1. Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years)

2. Preoperational stage (2 to 7 years)

3. Concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years)

4. Formal operational stage (11+ years)

What happens in sensorimotor stage?

-Birth to 2 years

-Children understand things by using senses (i.e. hitting, sucking on things, how things feel)

-Accomplish object permanance (8 mos), begin to grasp understanding of causality (10 mos), and development of symbolic thought (18 mos)

What happens in preoperational stage?

-2 to 7 years

-Key characteristic is symbolic functioning; extention of symbolic thought and permist child to learn through the use of language, mental images, and other symbols.

-Able to engage in symbolic play

What other factors are present in preoperational stage?

-Precausal reasoning (incomplete understanding of cause/effect)

-Magical thinking: thinking about something will make it occur

-Animism: attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects

-Egocentrism: unable to separate his perspective from that of others

-Child does not recognize that things can be reversed

What happens in concrete operational?

-7 to 11 years

-Capable of mental operations which are logical rules for transforming and manipulating info.

-Able to classify in more sophisticated ways

What happens in formal operations?

-11+ years

-Person is able to think abstractly, relativistically, and hypothetically.