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36 Cards in this Set

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An ion with a negative charge.
An ion with a positive charge.
chemical bond
A strong attractive force between atoms.
covalent bond
A bond whose electrons are shared between atoms.
double covalent bond
A bond in which atoms share two pairs (four total) of electrons.
The ability of an atom to pull a bonding electron toward itself.
An atom or group of atoms that has either gained or lost electrons and so has an electrical charge.
ionic bond
A bond in which one atom steals at least one electron from another atom in an attempt to fill its valence shell.
metallic bond
A bond that holds two metals together.
A grouping of at least two atoms.
polar covalent bond
A bond in which an atom with a higher electronegativity pulls the bonding electron toward itself, causing an unbalanced charge.
single covalent bond
A covalent bond in which electrons are shared between atoms.
triple covalent bond
A bond in which atoms share three pairs (six total) of electrons.
valence electron
An electron in the outermost shell of an atom.
Avogadro's number
6.022 x 10^23, the number of objects in one mole.
bonding pair
Two shared electrons in a covalent bond.
bond order
The number of bonding pairs of electrons in a covalent bond.
A unit of measurement of energy in food.
diatomic molecule
A molecule formed with exactly two atoms.
electron group
Any collection of one or more electrons that circles a central atom in a molecule.
electron-group geometry
The spatial arrangement of electron groups around the central atom.
endothermic reaction
A reaction in which heat must be added in order for the reaction to occur.
exothermic reaction
A reaction in which heat is given off.
hydrogen bonding
A process by which positively charged hydrogen atoms bond to other atoms' lone pairs.
Lewis dot structure
A sketch of a molecule that uses dots to represent electrons as they are configured in the molecule.
lone pair
Two electrons not involved in bonding.
602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of a substance. This number is called Avogadro's number.
octet rule
Each atom in a molecule should have eight valence-shell electrons.
binary covalent compound
A compound formed by two nonmetals in a shared covalent bond.
binary ionic compound
A compound formed by the bonding of one metal to one nonmetal.
chemical nomenclature
A systematic method of assigning names to chemical compounds.
monatomic ion
A charged ion formed from a single atom.
oxidation number
A theoretical charge a molecule would have if each pair of bonded electrons belonged solely to the more electronegative atom.
A polyatomic anion that contains oxygen combined with another nonmetal atom.
polyatomic ion
An ion made up of two or more covalently bonded atoms that carry a charge.
Stock system
A method of identifying ions of a common element through the use of Roman numerals.