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87 Cards in this Set

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What is responsible for the resting membrane potential in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
- IR K channels (high K conductance, low Na -- RMP near EK = -90mV)
- Only open at very negative membrane potentials
What happens to IR K channels when depolarization occurs in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
- They are blocked by Mg so no more K flows out
What is responsible for rapid depolarization (phase 0) in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
- Na channels activate
- IR K channels become blocked
What is responsible for partial repolarization (phase 0) in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
- Na channels inactivate
When to I-to K channels activate in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
During phase 0 depolarization
What is responsible for the plateau (phase 2) in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
- Ca channels open and Ca goes into cells
- I-to K channels are open and K is going out of cells
- This causes membrane potential to settle around 0
- Na channels are inactivated
What happens during phase 2 to facilitate repolarization (phase 3) in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
- Ca channels inactivate slowly
- DR K channels activate slowly
- This swings membrane permeability balance in favor of K
What is responsible for the transition to resting membrane potential in phase 4 in ventricular/atrial myocytes?
As membrane becomes more negative...
- DR K channels close
- IR K channels become unblocked
When is the absolute refractory period in ventricular/atrial myocytes and what causes it?
- Lasts from phase 0 to midway through phase 3
- Na channels are inactivated and Ca channels are activated
- Therefore no stimulus could trigger another AP
When is the relative refractory period in ventricular/atrial myocytes and what causes it?
- Last from midway through phase 3 to beginning of phase 4
- Na channels are still inactivated, but Ca channels slowly recover from inactivation
- A strong stimulus could activate these available Ca channels to cause slowly depolarizing AP (because Ca channels open slowly)
What is the normal maximum diastolic polarization in pacemaker cells and why is it lower?
-60 to -70mV
- It is lower because there are fewer IR K channels than in ventricular myocytes
Why do action potentials in pacemaker cells propagate slower and what is the effect?
- Virtually no Na channels are involved b/c it never gets repolarized enough for them to reactivate
- Propagation is due to Ca channels which open/close more slowly
- This allows time for ventricular filling
What are the main results of Na channels not being involved in pacemaker cell APs?
- Phase 0 is slower
- No phase 1
What are I-h channels and where are they involved?
- Channels permeable to both Na and K that open at negative membrane potentials
- Responsible for phase 4 depolarization in pacemaker cell action potentials
- Driving force for Na to come into the cell is higher than for K to leave cell, so membrane potential creeps toward E-Na
What causes the slow depolarization of phase 4 in pacemaker cell action potentials?
- The DR K channels that were open in phase 3 close slowly
- So K is still leaking out as Na moves in through I-h channels
What sets the threshold in pacemaker cells?
- Activation of Ca channels
- Leads to slow phase 0 depolarization
Why does action potential propagate more slowly in pacemaker cells?
- Activation of Ca channels is slow (responsible for phase 0 depolarization)
What causes the delay at the AV node?
- Pacemaker potential is set to slower rate (longer phase 4)
- Fewer gap junctions
What are three ways to increase the rate of phase 4 depolarization in pacemaker cell action potentials and what will the result be?
1) Increase I-h channel activity
2) Increase DR K channel closing
3) Increase activation of Ca channels
- Results in increased HR
What effect will increasing I-h channel activity have in pacemaker cell action potentials?
- Increase rate of phase 4 depolarization
- Increases HR
What effect will increasing rate of DR K channel closing have in pacemaker cell action potentials?
- Increase rate of phase 4 depolarization
- Increases HR
What effect will increasing activation of Ca channels have in pacemaker cell action potentials?
- Increase rate of phase 4 depolarization
- Increases HR
What are two ways to raise (make more positive) the MDP (maximum diastolic polarization) and what will the result be?
1) Decrease the activity of IR K channels
2) Decrease the activity of DR K channels
- Results in increased heart rate
What effect will decreasing the activity of IR K channels have in pacemaker cell action potentials?
- Makes MDP more positive
- Increases HR
What effect will decreasing the activity of DR K channels have in pacemaker cell action potentials?
- Makes MDP more positive
- Increases HR
Why does sympathetic innvervation increase DR K channel activity in order to increase heart rate?
- Seems counterintuitive because it would seem to lower MDP
- However, the purpose is to get membrane negative again so that it can respond to stimulus and create another AP
Why is MDP not lowered when the sympathetic nervous system increases DR K channel activity in order to increase heart rate?
- The increased I-h activity counters the MDP lowering effect of increased DR K activity
What does the parasympathetic nervous system do to lower the heart rate in pacemaker cells?
1) Inhibits Ca channel activity
2) Inhibits I-h channel activity
3) Stimulates K channels (similar to IR K channels, but these are G-protein coupled = GIR K channels
What is the IR K channel analog targeted by the parasympathetic nervous system to lower the heart rate?
GIR K channels
- These are stimulated to lower MDP and cause a slower phase 4 depolarization
What is the main difference in cardiac muscle compared to skeletal muscle with excitation-contraction coupling?
- Cardiac muscle uses calcium induced calcium release from SR
- Influx of Ca through voltage-gated Ca channels is necessary for contraction (versus voltage sensors in skeletal muscles)
What are three ways in which sympathoexcitation increases contractility in cardiac muscle cells?
1) Increased extracellular Ca entry
2) Increased intracellular Ca release
3) Increased Ca reuptake to speed relaxation
What is the big difference in cardiac muscle compared to skeletal muscle with strength of contraction?
- Cardiac muscle is graded contraction based on Ca concentration while skeletal muscle is fixed contraction per AP
How is Ca concentration increased in smooth muscle cells?
1) Activate voltage-gated Ca channels
2) Increase Ca release from SR
3) Increase stretch activated Ca channels
What is the GPCR receptor and its steps in vasoconstriction?
1) G-alpha Q
2) IP3
3) Ca release from SR
4) Vasoconstriction
What is the GPCR receptor and its steps in vasodilation?
1) G-alpha S
2) PK A or PK G
3) Activates K channels or Ca pumps
4) Ca concentration decreases
5) Vasodilation
How is intracellular Ca concentration regulated in smooth muscle?
Voltage gated Ca channels signal G-protein coupled receptors
What favors a reentry arrhythmia?
1) Two pathways
2) Dispersion of refractoriness (conduction travels slower in one of the pathways, usually the less refractory one)
Where is the re-entry pathway in paroxysmal SVT?
- Around AV node (AVNRT)
- In a bypass tract (AVRT)
Where is the re-entry in atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation?
- Atria
What causes re-entry in v-tach?
- Scar tissue from MI or injury
On the Wiggers diagram, what happens when the AV valves close?
- Isovolumetric contraction
- Ventricular pressure begins to increase
- S1 heart sound
On the Wiggers diagram, what happens when the aortic valve opens?
- Ventricular volume rapidly decreases
- Aortic pressure begins to increase
On the Wiggers diagram, what happens when the aortic valve closes?
- Aortic pressure has a hump (from elastic recoil)
- S2 heart sound
On the Wiggers diagram, what happens when the AV valve opens?
- Rapid ventricular filling (although pressure stays the same)
- S3 heart sound (tensing of chordae tendinae as blood flows across mitral valve)
What causes S3 heart sound?
Tensing of chordae tendinae as blood flows over these during ventricular filling
What causes S4 heart sound?
Contraction of atria against a stiffened ventricle
When are systolic murmers heard in relation to S1 and S2?
In between them
What are three causes of systolic murmers?
1) Semilunar valve stenosis
2) AV valve regurgitation
3) Ventricular septal defects
What are three causes of diastolic murmers?
1) Semilunar regurgitation
2) AV valve stenosis
3) Patent ductus arteriosis (continuous murmer)
How is compliance formulated and explained?
= Change in volume / Change in pressure
- Veins have large compliance: over a given change in volume, they have the smallest change in pressure
What does a decrease in compliance do to systolic pressure?
Increases it (stiff vessel)
What does a decrease in compliance do to diastolic pressure?
Decreases it
- Less expansion of arteries during systole, less passive recoil during diastole (diastolic pump), so pressure decreases more rapidly
What happens to diastolic pressure with a decreased heart rate and why?
- Diastolic pressure decreases because there is more time for blood to leave aorta and go into systemic circulation, lowering the pressure at the end of the contraction
What does a decrease in CO do to CVP?
Decreases it
- Lower cardiac output leaves more blood in veins
What changes and stays the same in a vein when smooth muscle contracts?
- Compliance decreases (stiffens)
- Diameter stays the same (no change in resistance so no pressure drop)
- Because it is less compliant, CVP and venous return increase
What determines blood flow to a specific tissue?
Resistance of capillaries
- Determined by radius
- Increase blood flow with dilators which cause blood to be flowing through more capillaries
What are the three forms of intrinsic control of blood flow through capillaries?
1) Myogenic
2) Metabolic
3) Autocoid
How does myogenic regulation of capillary blood flow work?
- Stretch-activated contraction
- Ex. reduced cerebral blood flow (less stretch) dilates the vessels so more blood flows there
How does metabolic regulation of capillary blood flow work and what are the vasodilators - what is it called?
- Matches blood flow to local tissue needs
- Vasodilators are metabolic waste products: CO2, adenosine, K
- Can also vasodilate in response to metabolic needs: low O2 or pH
- "Active hyperemia"
How does autocoid regulation of capillary blood flow work?
- Vasodilators or vasoconstrictors are released from endothelium
What are the vasodilating autocoids?
- NO
- Prostacyclin
- Histamine from mast cells
What are the vasoconstricting autocoids?
- Endothelin
- Thromboxanes
- Serotonin
What are the extrinsic mechanisms for control of blood flow?
1) Neural
2) Hormonal
How does neural control of blood flow work?
- Release NE
- Effect depends upon density of alpha-adrenergic receptors
- Dense in tissues where flow can be sacrificed
- Sparse in tissues that need flow (brain, heart, lungs)
How does hormonal control of blood flow work?
- NE and EPI released into plasma from adrenal medulla
- Fight or flight: NE binds to constrict vessels (alpha-receptors) to increase SVR and MAP
- EPI binds to beta-receptors on skeletal muscle and coronary beads (opposes alpha response and allows blood to flow here)
What are the four hormones involved in hormonal control of blood flow?
1) NE
2) EPI
3) Angiotensin II
4) Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) or ADH
What is the origin and effect of angiotensin II and vasopressin?
Both constrictors to increase MAP during sympathoexcitation
- AII from liver (angiotensinogen) and kidney (renin)
- AVP from posterior pituitary
How is blood flow to brain, heart, and lungs spared during sympathoexcitation?
- Low alpha-adrenergic receptor density
- Low angiotensin II and AVP receptor density
What are the effects on capillary flow from vasodilation and inflammation?
- Increased surface area
- Increased permeability to plasma proteins
- Increased flow
- Pro-edema
What is the effect on capillary flow from vasoconstriction of arterioles?
- Increases arteriolar resistance which causes a bigger pressure drop
- Cappillary hydrostatic pressure is lower, which favors reabsorption
What are the effects of changes in MAP on capillary filtration?
Small effects because of myogenic buffering
What are the effects of changes in venous pressure on capillary filtration?
Large effects
- Increased venous pressure causes higher overall capillary hydrostatic pressure
- This causes increased capillary filtration rate and EDEMA
What are the two main factors in repaying the oxygen debt incurred by cardiac myocytes during sytole?
1) Diastolic arterial pressure (80% of CoBF occurs during diastole)
2) Diastolic duration
What two things put heart at risk for ischemia?
- Low diastolic pressure (80% of CoBF occurs during diastole)
- Fast heart rate (shortens diastole and perfusion time)
What are the main two factors in control of coronary vascular tone?
1) Metabolic regulation (icnreased metabolites from more cardiac work cause vasodilation - CO2, H+, adenosine, K+)
2) Myogenic regulation
- Very little sympathetic and hormonal regulation
What are the two major threats to cerebral blood flow?
1) Decreased MAP
2) Increased ICP
What can cause increased ICP?
- Tumors, hemorrhage
- Increased capillary permeability (no lymphatics in brain to drain off excess fluid)
- CSF aqueduct block
- Blocked flow of CSF from SA space into venous vessels (meningitis)
Why must pulmonary pressure stay low?
- Interstitial space must be kept dry around alveoli for gas exchange
- Capillary hydrostatic pressure is kept low so that Starling forces favor net reabsorption
What is unique about control of pulmonary blood flow?
- Typically very little control
- However, if an area is getting little oxygen, this area constricts to direct blood to areas with higher oxygen
- This is opposite the typical vascular smooth muscle response
What happens to CVP with a PE in left pulmonary artery?
- Preload to left vent. decreases
- SV of left vent. decreases
- Afterload in right vent. increases
- Pressure builds up in venous system, CVP increases
How does the venous baroreflex differ from the arterial?
- Venous has stronger hormonal response and arterial has stronger neural response
- Arterial wins out if competing
What is an example of the arterial and venous baroreflexes competing?
- Decreased CO and MAP
- Increased CVP
- Arterial reflex overrides, SNS is stimulated
What is the cause and general response of the cerebral ischemia reflex?
- Stimulated by profound hypotension
- Defends against decreased cerebral blood flow by inducing super sympathoexcitation to save MAP
What hallmarks are unique to the cerebral ischemic reflex?
1) Strong tachycardia
2) Low or normal MAP
What hallmarks are present in the cerebral ischemic reflex and cushings reflex?
1) Decreased LOC
2) Irregular respirations (variable)
3) Dilated pupils due to sympathetic response (variable)
What is the cause and general response of the cushings reflex?
- Stimulated by increased ICP
- Defends against decreased cerebral blood flow by inducing super sympathoexcitation to cause hypertension
What hallmarks are unique to the cushings reflex?
1) Bradycardia (unknown reason)
2) Profound hypertension (arterial baroreflex interrupted)