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46 Cards in this Set

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Path of blood through body?
Right atrium
Right ventricle --> pulmonary arteries
Lungs --> pulmonary veins
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Inferior/superior vena cava
Blood pressure gradient
greatest to smallest pressures:
venae cavae
Resistance and Flow
Resistance is proportional to inverse radius to the 4th power.

Flow is inversely proportional to resistance
Velocity of flow
Velocity = Flow rate (Q) / cross-sectional area (A)

flow is in cm cubed/min
Ohm's Law

Mean Arterial Pressure = Cardiac Output * Total Peripheral Resistance
Direct relationship: MAP decreases as SNS decreases and vice versa
Cardiac Output
MAP(P) = CO (Q) X TPR (R)

Q = [(p1-p2)*radius^4] / (length * viscosity)


CO = HR * SV
(heart rate, stroke volume)
Heart Valves
Right atrium -> Right ventricle: right AV (tricuspid) valve

Left atrium -> left ventricle: left AV (bicuspid) MITRAL valve

Pulmonary artery: pulmonary semilunar valve
Cardiac vs. Skeletal muscle
- Smaller and have single nucleus per fiber
- Have intercalated disks
- Desmosomes allow force to be transferred
- Gap Junctions provide electrical connection
- T-tubules are larger and branch
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum is smaller
- Mitochondria occupy one-third of cell volume
Excitation/relaxation in cardiac muscle cells
1. Action potential enters from adjacent cell.
2. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open. Ca2+ enters cell.
3. Ca2+ induces Ca2+ release through ryanodine
receptor-channels (RyR).
4. Local release causes Ca2+ spark.
5. Summed Ca2+ Sparks create a Ca2+ signal.
6. Ca2+ ions bind to troponin to initiate contraction.
7. Relaxation occurs when Ca2+ unbinds from troponin.
8. Ca2+ is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum for storage.
9. Ca2+ is exchanged with Na+.
10. Na+ gradient is maintained by the Na+-K+-ATPase.
Graded cardiac potential
- Can be graded
- SNS -> NE -> b1 -> increased Ca2+ influx
- Ca2+ channel blockers
- b1 blockers
- Sarcomere length affects force of contraction
- Action potentials vary according to cell type
Refractory period
Skeletal muscle: short refractory period, exhibit summation and tetanus

Cardiac muscle: long refractory period prevents tetanus
Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic on heart rate
Sympathetic: more rapid depolarization, faster heart rate, NE

Parasympathetic: slower depolarization (hyperpolarizes membrane potential), slower heart rate, ACh
Electrical Conduction in Heart
1. SA node depolarizes
2. Electrical activity goes rapidly to AV node via internodal pathways
3. Depolarization spreads more slowly across the atria. Conduction slows through AV node
4. Depolarization moves rapidly through ventricular conducting system to apex of the heart
5. Depolarization wave spreads upward from the apex
AV vs. SA node
AV node: Direction of electrical signals, delay the transmission of action potentials
SA node: Set the pace of the heartbeat at 70 bpm, AV node (50 bpm) and Purkinje fibers (25-40 bpm) can act as pacemakers under some conditions
Einthoven's Triangle
R arm: -, -
L arm: +, -
L leg: +, +
ECG and electric events in heart
P wave: start depolarization
PQ/PR segment: conduction through AV node and A-V bundle; atria contract
ST segment: ventricles contract
T wave: ventricle repolarization
Mechanical events of cardiac cycle
1. Late diastole: both sets of chambers are relaxed and ventricles fill passively
2. Atrial systole: atrial contraction forces a small amount of additional blood into ventricles
3. Isovolumic ventricular contraction: first phase of ventricular contraction pushes AV valves closed but does not create enough pressure to open semilunar valves
4. Ventricular ejection: as ventricular pressure rises and exceeds pressure in arteries, the semilunar valves open and blood is ejected
5. Isovolumic ventricular relaxation: as ventricles relax, pressure in ventricles falls, blood falls back into cups of semilunar valves and snaps them closed.
Reflex control of heart rate
- NE
- Beta-1 receptors of autorhythmic cells
- Na+ and Ca2+ influx
- Rate of depolarization faster, faster heart rate

- ACh
- Muscarinic receptors
- K+ efflux, Ca2+ influx
- hyperpolarizes cell, decreases depolarization rate, decreases heart rate
Frank-Starling law: Stroke volume increases as EDV increases
Increasing venous return increases EDV
- Skeletal muscle pump
- Respiratory pump
- Blood volume
Length-tension increases
What the heart must pump against
- Arterial pressure
- Aortic stenosis
Increasing afterload
- Decreases ejection fraction
- Increases ESV
Contractility and effects on SV
(End Diastolic Volume - End Systolic Volume)
Increasing contractility reduces ESV at the same EDV (elevates SV)
Contractility increases with sympathetic stimulation (NE)
Immediate Effect compensation
1. Immediate effect – consider only changes in variables up to the point at which a highly regulated physiological variable is disrupted.
What are some highly regulated physiologic variables?
Blood pressure
Blood volume
Blood glucose
Short-Term compensation
2. Short-term compensation
This is what the body does in an attempt to bring the disrupted critical physiological variable back into homeostasis – RIGHT NOW.
What can we do right now? Neural effects – osmosis – things that can happen quickly
Long-Term compensation
3. Long-term compensation
If the problem persists what can the body do to help maintain homeostasis over a period of days/months/years?
Facilitation/inhibition of cellular responses
Neural pathways change over time (set-points)
New blood vessel development
Necessary for normal development
Wound healing and uterine lining growth
Coronary heart disease
-Collateral circulation
Elastic recoil in arteries
1. Ventricle contracts
2. Semilunar valve opens
3. Aorta and arteries expand and store pressure in elastic walls

1. Isovolumic ventricular relaxation occurs
2. Semilunar valve shuts, preventing flow of blood back into ventricle
3. Elastic recoil of arteries sends blood forward into the rest of the circulatory system
Pulse pressure and MAP
Pulse Pressure = systolic P – diastolic P
Valves ensure one-way flow in veins
MAP = diastolic P + 1/3(systolic P – diastolic P)
MAP is proportional to cardiac output * resistance
Blood pressure control
Increased blood volume -->
Increased blood pressure -->

Compensation by cardiac system (vasodilation or decreased cardiac output)

Compensation by kidneys
Excretion of fluid in urine; decreased blood volume
1. Vasoconstrictors
- NE
Sympathetic nerves
- Vasopressin (ADH)
Hormone from posterior pituitary
- AngiotensinII
Plasma hormone (Involves Kidney (renin) & Lungs)

2. Vasodilators
- NO
Produced from endothelial cells
- Metabolites
Low O2, High CO2, lactate, adenosine, temperature
Active Hyperemia
Increased tissue metabolism
Increased release of metabolic vasodilators in ECF
Arterioles dilate
Decreased resistance
Increased blood flow
Blood flow matches metabolism
Reactive Hyperemia
Decreased tissue blood flow due to occlusion
Metabolic vasodilators accumulate in ECF
Arterioles dilate, but occlusion prevents bloodflow
Remove occlusion
Decreased resistance
Increased blood flow
As vasodilators wash away, arterioles constrict and blood flow returns to normal
Arteriole diameter and NE
Arteriole diameter is controlled by tonic release of NE
Increase NE on alpha receptors - blood vessel constricts
Decrease NE on alpha receptors - blood vessel dilates
Capillaries: Exchange
Plasma and cells exchange materials across thin capillary wall
Capillary density is related to metabolic activity of cells
Capillaries have the thinnest walls
- Single layer of flattened endothelial cells
- Supported by basal lamina
Bone marrow, liver and spleen do not have typical capillaries but sinusoids
Continuous capillaries
Leaky junctions
Water and small dissolved solutes pass
Fenestrated capillaries
Large pores
Proteins and macromolecules across endothelium
Some vesicles may fuse to create temporary channels
Capillary exchange
Exchange by paracellular pathway or transendothelial transport
Small dissolved solutes and gasses by diffusion is determined by concentration gradient
Large solutes and proteins by vesicular transport
- In most capillaries, large proteins are transported by transcytosis
Bulk flow
- Mass movement as result of hydrostatic or osmotic pressure gradients
Absorption: fluid movement into capillaries
- Net absorption at venous end
Filtration: fluid movement out of capillaries
- Caused by hydrostatic pressure
- Net filtration at arterial end
Lymphatic system
Returning fluid and proteins to circulatory system
Picking up fat absorbed and transferring it to circulatory system
Serving as filter for pathogens
Baroreceptor reflex
Change in BP (Carotid and aortic baroreceptors)
Medullary cardiovascular control center
Para/sympathetic neurons
- SA node
Sympathetic neurons
- Ventricles
- Arterioles
- Veins
CVD factors
Not controllable
- Gender
- Age
- Family History
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Untreated hypertension
Uncontrollable genetic but modifiable lifestyle
- Blood lipids
-- Leads to atherosclerosis
-- HDL-C versus LDL-C
Diabetes mellitus
- Metabolic disorder contributes to development of atherosclerosis
Carotid and aortic baroreceptors adapt
- Set-point in brain is now higher!
Risk factor for atherosclerosis
- Disrupts endothelium ( NO -> vasodilation)
Heart muscle hypertrophies
- Increased afterload
- Pulmonary edema
- Congestive heart failure
- Calcium channel blockers, diuretics, beta-blocking drugs, and ACE inhibitors
Monosynaptic reflex
single synapse between afferent and efferent neurons
Stimulus -> receptor -> sensory neuron
Spinal cord integrating center
Efferent neuron -> target cell receptor -> response
Polysynaptic reflex
Two or more synapses
stimulus -> receptor -> sensory neuron
efferent neuron -> target cell receptor -> response
Skeletal muscle reflexes
Proprioceptors are located in skeletal muscle, joint capsules, and ligaments
Proprioceptors carry input sensory neurons to CNS
CNS integrates input signal
Somatic motor neurons carry output signal
- Alpha motor neurons
Effectors are contractile skeletal muscle fibers
Muscle spindle
Golgi tendon organ
Joint receptors
- Are found in capsules and ligaments around joints
Muscle spindles
1. Extrafusal muscle fibers at resting length
2. Sensory neuron is tonically active
3. Spinal cord integrates function
4. Alpha motor neurons to extrafusal fibers receive tonic input from muscle spindles
5. Extrafusal fibers maintain a certain level of tension even at rest