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62 Cards in this Set

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Retinal Targets
Lateral geniculate nucleus
The primary relay center for visual information received from the retina of the eye
Superior colliculus
Tectum - midbrain
Edinger-westphal nucleus
Controls pupillary constriction
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Synchronization of diurnal rhythms with the day-night cycle
Wavelengths: short, long, visible
Short = gamma rays
Long = radio waves
Visible = 400 - 700 nm
Visual Acuity
The capacity of the visual system to resolve fine spatial detail
Three factors:
1) The eye
2) The stimulus
3) The central visual pathways
Snellen Acuity
Chart viewed at 20 feet
20/20 - viewer can detect 1 deg critical features
20/40 - you can see like normal people at 40 feet, lower acuity
20/15 - you can see like normal people at 15 feet, higher acuity
Legal Blindness
When a persons best-corrected vision is 20/200 or worse
Hole in the center
The color of your eye, regulates the size of the pupil
A clear sheet in front of the pupil and iris
The white part of the eye
The majority of the eyeball
Inside of the eyelid
How many extraocular eye muscles are there?
Optic Nerve
Nerves gather, blind spot, no photoreceptors
Eye Cross Section
Lens, ciliary muscles, aqueous humor, vitreous humor, retina, fovea
*Diagram page 92
Aqueous Humor
Between the cornea and the lens
Vitreous Humor
Between the lens and the retina
No arteries or veins
The two classic photoreceptor cells are rods and cones
Light sensitive cells
Bipolar Cells
Connect rods&cones to ganglion cells
Ganglion Cells
Output cells of the retina
Form action potentials and send axons out of the retina
The axon cells form the optic nerve
Amacrine and horizontal cells
The two other basic cell types of the retina
Nuclear Retinal Layer
Where the cell bodies are
Plexiform Layers
Where the synapses and axons are
Six Layers:
1. Ganglion
2. Inner plexiform
3. Inner nuclear
4. Outer plexiform
5. Outer nuclear
6. Photoreceptor outer segments
The Retina
A sheet of several layers of cell that lies against the back wall of the eye
Set up backwards to the way that you would expect it to be - light goes through processors then goes to the photoreceptors
Epithelium pigment lines the back of the retina, against the photoreceptors
Final light absorption
Not all animals absorb - cats reflect
Have two major parts
1) Outer segment - the photosensitive part
2) Inner segment - contains cell body
Two Types: Rods & Cons
Light sensitive, used during dim lighting conditions (scotopic vision)
Color sensitive
Used during daylight conditions (photopic vision)
Cones are much smaller than rods
Diagram page 96
The Nasal Retina
Larger than the temporal retina
Contains the blind spot - no photoreceptors
Contains only cones
How many rods and cones are in each retina?
5 million cones
120 million rods
Rod and Cone Distribution
Rods are concentrated in peripheral vision and outnumber cones 20:1
Cones are concentrated in the central visions fovea (the fovea contains no rods)
No photoreceptors are found on the optic disk
The Blind Spot
Receptors are on the back wall of the eye and block ganglion cell axons from leaving the eye
The blind spot has no receptors - it is where 1 million ganglion cell axons leave the eye to form the optic nerve
The brain fills in the blind spot and blends left & right worlds into one
The Fovea
A pit with the ganglion and bipolar cells pushed to the side so the light has an easier time striking the photoreceptors
Phototransduction and The Eye
Turning light into electricity
The photoreceptor outer segment is where light acts to create electricity
Outer segment contains stacks of discs which contain visual pigment molecules
*Diagram page 100
Visual Pigment Molecules
Two components:
1. Large protein called opsin
2. Small light sensitive molecule called retinal
Absorbs one photon of light
Retinal changes its shape, a process called isomerization
Rod Phototransduction
The conversion of light energy into changes in membrane potentials
Membrane potential of rod outer segments is normally -30mV... this is caused by a steady influx of sodium ions
Cyclic gyanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is produced in the cell and its action keeps the channels open
Light reduces cGMP, causing the sodium channels to close
This makes the membrane more negative/hyperpolarized
Photoreceptors and the light response/prolonged rod illumination
Hyperpolarize in response to light!
Prolonged rod illumination causes cGMP levels to fall to a point whrre no more hyperpolarization is possible (saturated)
The photopigment in rod outer segments
Rod Saturation
When rods are illuminated for too long and cGMP levels fall so no more hyperpolarization is possible
Cone Phototransduction
Three principle cone types: blue, green, red
Each type is sensitive to different ranges in the color spectrum
Cones fire in different patterns to get all of the colors we see
Color Blindness
2% of men lack red or green pigment... red-green color blind and are dichromats
6% have red or green pigments that do not absorb the same wavelengths as everyone else
8% of all males have colorblindness... it is an x linked chromosome!
How many degrees is the visual field? How many degrees can each eye see?
Visual field = 180 degrees
Eye = 150 degrees
The Optic Chiasm
Ganglion cell axons originating from nasal retina cross to the contralateral side
Axons from temporal retina do not cross, they stay ipsilateral
Which neurons cross over at the optic chiaam?
Optic neurons from the nasal part of the eye
Why do the nasal retina fibers cross?
The left hemisphere sees the right side of your wold and vice versa
Therefore the left side of each retina must go to the left hemisphere and vice versa
The temporal retina stays ipsilateral and nasal retina crosses to the contralateral side
What happens if you cut an optic nerve?
What happens if you cut an optic chiasm?
What happens if you cut an optic tract?
Where is the primary visual cortex?
Occipital lobe... very far posterior in the brain
V1 Facts
All neocortex, including V1, contain six layers
#1 is on the surface, #6 is the deepest
It is 2-3mm thick
V1 is the first place on the brain where cells receive signals from both eyes
Info from both eyes merges in the primary visual cortex
Information Processing in V1
Neurons are specialized to respond best to specific aspects of stimuli, such as orientation, movement and size
Specializations can be demonstrated physiologically, by recording from neurons
What information is being carried in the right optic nerve?
Info from the right eye
What information is being carried in the right optic tract?
Info from the left visual field
V1 Physiology
Spots of light stimulate ganglion cells
Spots of light do little to stimulate neurons in V1
Sliding a slit of light across the visual field caused neurons to discharge
V1 neurons respond best to bar-like stimuli with specific orientations
V1 Neurons
Cortical neurons fire in response to specific features of the stimulus, such as orientation or direction of motion
These neurons are called feature detectors
As we move farther from the retina, neurons will be found to only respond to more complex stimuli
Dorsal Stream
Where or how pathway
Parietal cortex
Spatial analysis
Visual control of movement
Ventral Stream
What pathways
Temporal cortex
Object and pattern identification