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76 Cards in this Set

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Which cells secrete testosterone?

Leydig cells of the testes

Which horomone stimulates the Leydig Cells?


Which horomone stimulates the Sertoli cells?


What are the two compartments of the testes called?

-Seminiferous tubules

-Interstitial tissue

What occurs in the seminiferous tubules?


Where are the Lydig cells located?

Interstitial tissue

What accounts for about 90% of the weight of the testes?

Seminiferous tubules

Spermatogenesis is stimulated by what horomone?


_______hormone stimulates testosterone secreation by the _______cells, and testerone inhibits ________ secretion of _________ hormone


What is the horomone that is produced by the Sertoli cells called?


Which horomone has been shown to inhibit FSH secretion in men?


Estradiol is formed from testosterone by the action of what enzyme?


What is the name of the reaction when estradiol is formed from testosterone?


Aromatization also refers t the presence of what?

Carbon ring

What are the active derivatives of testosterone?


-5alpha-reduced androgens


What is the hypogonadal state?

defined as plasma testosterone concentrations below 320 ng/dl

By what age do men usually reach their hypogonadal state?

By the age of 70

What are some additional factor (other than age) that lower plasma testosterone levels?

-Physical inactivity



Low testosterone levels are associate with what body change?

-Reduction in lean muscle

-Reduction in bone mass

What is the major androgen secreted by the adult testis?


What is another word for androgens?

Anabolic steroids

Why are androgens sometimes referred to as anabolic steroids?

They stimulate anabolism which leads to growth of muscles and other structures

Androgens stimulate the growth of what that results in a lowering of the voice?


What is the name of the enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens?


IF men have a deficiency in aromatase, what does this mean?

They are infertile

The conversion of testosteron into estradiol occurs in what part of the body?


Which two hormones can stimulate Serotoli cell function?


Which horomone inhibits Sertoli function?


What are the germ cells that migrate from the yolk to the testes during early embryotic development?

Spermatogonia (aka stermatogenic stem cells)

Where are the spermatognia located in the seminiferous tubules and why?

Outermost region to be close to the blood vessel in the intersitial tissue

Are spermoatogonia haploid cells or diploid cells?

Diploid cells

In what process do the spermatogonia give rise to mature haploid gametes by a process of reductive cell division?


Meisosis of one diploid spermatogonium cell produces how many haploid cells?

4 haploid cells

One primary spermatocyte produces how many spermatid?

4 spermatids

Spermatagonia and primary spermatocytes are located on the _______ side of the tubule, where as spermatids and mature espermatoza are located on the ________side of the tubule


What is the name for the mature form of a spermatid?


What is the process called when the interconnected spermatids become spermatoza?


What is the name of the protein that replaces histone proteins during spermiogenesis?


What is a acrosome?

Cap of digestive enzymes located on the head of the sperm

What is the purpose of the blood-testis barrier?

prevent autoimmune destruction of the sperm

Which cells help make the seminiferous tubules an immunologically pivileged site?

Sertoli cells

What is produced by the Sertoli cells that helps prevent immune attack of the developing sperm?

FAS Ligand

Production of ABP is stimulated by which hormone?


T or F: All effects of FSH in the testes must be mediated by the Sertoli cells


What is the name of the protein secreated by the Sertoli cells?

androgen-binding protein (ABP)

What are the components of a spermatozoon?




What is another name used for the "9+2" microtubule strucure of the flagellum?


Describe each piece of the flagellum of sperm adn what it contains.

Mid piece: fibrous sheath and mitochondria around the axoneme

Principal piece: only fibrous sheath around axoneme

End piece:only the axoneme

T or F: FSH is required for spermatogenesis. Explain

False; it only enhances the effect

A newborn male has about how much percent of the adult male Sertoli cells?


When does a male receive the adult amount of Sertoli cells?

Beginning into puberty

T or F: If a boy/man does not have FSH, spermatogenesis can still occur. Explain

True; will occur later in puberty

What is a tighly coild structure, about 5 meters (16 feet) long, that receives tubular products?


What is the name of the tubes where spermatoza drain out?

Ductus or vas deferns

T or F: Spermatoza that enter the head of the epididymis are motile.

False; they are non-motile

What is the passage way of sperm (begining with the epididymis)?

Epididymis-->scrotum->pelvic body-->seminal vesicles-->prostate-->prostatic urethra

What is the name of the fluid formed in the prostate?


The corpa cavernosa is located on what side of the penis?

Dorsal side

The Corpus spongiosum is located on what side of the penis?

Ventral side

What is the neurotransmitter that mediates the increased blood flow during an erection?

Nitric oxide

Nitric oxide activates what enzyme and where?

Activate the guanylate cyclase in the vascular smooth muscle cells

What is the term used to describe the movement of semen into the urethra?


What is the term used to describe the forcible exulsion of semen from the urethra out of the penis?


Which nerves stimulate emission and ejaculation?

Sympathetic nerves

What two portions of the central nervous system control an erection?

-Hypothalmus in the brain

-Sacral portion of the spinal cord

What is the aproximate volume of semen during ejaculation?

1.5-5 mL

There are usualy about how many sprem in ejaculate?

- 60-150 milion sperm per mL

What is one of the mosy widely used mathods of male contreception?


A sperm concetration below 20 million/mL is referred to as what?


What is the pH of semen?


What is the Leukocyte count in semen?


1 hour after ejaculation, how much percentage of the semen is motile? after 3 hours?

1 hr= 70% or more

3 hr= 60% or more

In the male, FSH receptors are located where?

In the Sertoli Cells

The secretion of FSH in a male is inhibited by negative feedbacks of what?

Inhibin secreated from the tubules

T or F: Sperm are not motile until they pass through the epididymis.


T or F: A secondary oocyte does not complete meiotic division until it has been fertalized
