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74 Cards in this Set

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The _____ provides only partly information about mechanical events in the heart.
ECG deflections correspond to specific _______ events in the heart.
The actual _____ equals the main potential difference pointing in a certain direction.
The Einthoven ECG can not record ______ but only its projections to the three planes.
actual vector
What is meant by the reversal of an actual vector?
The vector of the Einthoven ECG can be reconstructed from its projections (with at least two out of the three).
What is meant when an actual vector can change its value & direction progressively during the cardiac cycle?
value=(size=electrical potential)
direction=(angle between the horizontal lead I & the vector)
The depolarization of the atria & ventricle, as well as the repolarization of the ventricle begib & end with _____ millivolts.
Accordingly the vector & all 3 projections of the EIN ECG begin & end with _____ millivolts.
During an AP triggered by the SA Node, the number of muscle fibers & the direction the depolarization take _______.
When the SA node triggers an AP, a wave of _______ runs through the entire heart.
The strength of the electrical signal generated by a depolarization depends directly on the number of ________ cells.
The max. measured potential can not ______ the max. generated potential.
The measured potential can be much _______ than the generated potential.
Why can a measured potential be generated but not measured?
B/c the direction of the depolarization is in relation to the direction of the measurement.
Ionic differences in the ECF can be measured as electrical potential only during ______ & _______.
repolarization & depolarization
Vertical orientation of the heart views ______.
Angular orientation of the heart views ________.
part of the length
Parallel orientation of the heart views ______.
full length
The viewed size of an item depends on the viewed _______.
The recorded electrical potential depends on what?
On the location of the depolarization & placement of the electrodes.
What is a vector?
It is an arrow on the heart
that represents an electrical potential generated by a progressing de/repolarization in the heart.
Looking st the heart from different positions results in the measurement of three different values of the same______.
In the _________ method three electrodes are connected to the arms & one foot, creating an almost equilateral triangle.
_________ w/ the heart in the center provides an equal distance for an electrical current to each of the electrodes, providing optimum measuring conditions.
Einthoven triangle
A _______ electrode is connected to the right foot.
fourth electrode
What is the purpose of the fourth electrode.
It is grounded in order to eliminate any external artificial electrical signals.
What happens if you don't used the 4th electrode?
The body would act as an antenna & pick up larger signals than the targeted cardiac signal.
Which vector represents the main potential difference in the heart?
What does a plane refer to as it pertains to a vector?
The orientation of pairs of electrodes in relation to the heart.
What does the orientation of a plane determine?
how much of the cardiac vector is measured.
Electrodes 1 & 2 & the first plane are horizontally placed this called Lead ___.
Electrodes 1 & 3 creates another planed which is called ______
Lead 2
The recorded size of the vector produced by lead II is smaller than Lead ___.
Lead 1
Using electrodes 2 & 3 creates a third plane called ______.
Lead III
What influences the ECG in animals?
different sizes & shapes
A _____ signal can occur if leads are incorrectly placed.
How is Lead 1 of the Eiththoven triangle connected?
(-)rt. forelimb --> (+)lft. forelimb
How is Lead 2 of the Eiththoven triangle connected?
(-)rt. forelimb --> (+)lft. hindlimb
How is Lead 3 of the Eiththoven triangle connected?
(-) left forelimb ---> (+) left hindlimb
Using the Einthoven method what does each lead record?
Why do the 3 recordings of the Einthoven method differ.
Due to the placement of leads in 3 different places.
What is the difference between the Einthoven & Goldberger method?
The Goldberger method of ECG recording provides stronger signals
______ of the ECG is responsible for the depolarization of the atria.
P Wave
______ of the ECG is responsible for the depolarization of the AV node & bundle of his.
PQ segment
________ is the time from the beginning of the atrial depolarization to the beginning of the ventricular depolarization
PQ interval
A _____ is one positve or negative deflection.
____ equals the distance/time between 2 waves
_______ consists of one or more waves & segments.
What are the main differences between the Einthoven & Goldberger methods?
Einthoven is bipolar, where as Goldberger is unipolar & provides a stronger signal.
If there is no visible Q wave it is called _______.
PR interval
What is a QRS interval?
depolarization of the ventricle
Q=septum, R= rt. & lft ventricle, S= final depolarization of the left ventricle wall
What is the ST segment?
ventricle remains depolarized (contraction)
________ is measured from end of the S wave to the start of the T wave.
ST segment
______ is the repolarization of the ventricle
T wave
______ is where depolarization begins & the ECG signal is too small to be recorded.
SA Node
_____ is recognized by the conduction of the atria & AV node & when depolarization of the AV Node begins.
P wave
________ represents the AV node & bundle of His on the ECG
PQ segment
_______ signal is too small to be recorded
PQ segment
PQ segment = PR segment if ____ wave is missing
Q wave
______ shows the septum on the ECG & can be missing physiologically
Q wave
_______ shows the ventricular muscle wall & is normally the strongest signal?
R wave
_____ shows the ventricular muscle wall, is assymetric & can be missing physiologically.
S wave
______ signals the the ventricles are continuing to remain depolarized
ST segment
______ signals the repolarization of the ventricles
T wave
_______ is the only repolarization signal in the physiological ECG.
T wave
_______ deflections are measured in time.
______ deflections are measured in direction & strength.
P-wave, QRS interval & T wave each generate _______ in a ECG/vectorcardiogram.
one full loop
When the heart is in a resting state what signals are shown on the ECG/VCG?
no signal recorded
VCG just shows a dot in the center
ECG shows a baseline
______ represents the largest loop in the VCG & the largest deflection in the ECG
ventricular depolarization
______ is shown as a smaller loop than ventricular depolarization in the VCG.
ventricular repolarization
______ are not represented in the VCG.
In the ECG where is the value of the electric potential = to zero?
Segments PQ,ST,TQ
What happens when the value of the vector is zero in a VCG?
It is represented as a dot in the intersection point of the leads & can't be measured.