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82 Cards in this Set

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epithelial tissue
selective secretion and absorption of ions and organic molecules, and for protection. located at surfaces of body and individual organs, and hollow structures within body
connective tissue
connect and support structures of the body. some are found in loose meshwork of cells and fibers underlying most epithelial layers.
nerve tissue
specialized to initiate and conduct electrical signals, over long distances.
muscle tissue
specialized to generate the mechanical forces that produce movement. may be attached through other structures to bones and produce movements of the limbs or trunk. may be attached to skin, may surround hollow cavities- heart.
plasma membrane
covers the cell surface.
hydrophobic/philic, amphipathic
hate water- CH chains of phospholipid tails/water loving-polar heads of phospholipid. both water loving and hating.
integral membrane proteins
closely associated with membrane lipids and cannot be extracted from the membrane without disrupting the lipid bilayer. amphipathic.
peripheral membrane proteins
NOT amphipathic, do not associate with nonpolar regions of the lipids in the interior of the membrane. located at the membrane surface where they are bound to the polar regions of the integral membrane proteins.
simple diffusion
hydrophobic enough molecules to get through phospholipid bilayer.
facilitated diffusion
down a concentration gradient. no energy required. eg. glucose entry into most body cells-transport protein changes shape without energy.
net flux
difference between the two one-way fluxes.
primary active transport
against a concentration gradient (creates one), direct slipping of ATP
secondary active transport
against a concentration gradient, energy provided by another molecule's gradient. almost always in exchange for Na+
ion channels
selective for certain ions, gated by electrical/chemical/mechanical.
require ATP and many membrane proteins. bulk movement of macroscopic particles or large proteins into and out of cells.
facilitated diffusion
move particles down concentration gradient
water can cross most cell membranes due to channels called aquaporins.
absolute refractory
region of the membrane, when during the AP, a second stimulus, no matter how strong, will not produce a second AP. voltage-gated Na channels either already open or have proceeded to inactivated state.
relative refractory
following absolute refractory period, there's an interval during which a second AP can be produced, but only if the stimulus strength is considerably greater than usual.
node of ranvier
AP occur only here, where myelin coating is interrupted and the concentration of voltage-gated Na channels is high.
causes saltatory conduction. speeds up neurons, for motor neurons or when have sharp pain.
changes in membrane potential can cause movement of charged regions on a channel protein, altering its shape.
mechanically- gated
physically deforming (stretching) the membrane may affect the conformation of some channel proteins.
binding of specific molecules to channel proteins may directly or indirectly change the shape of channel protein.
acetylcholine ACh
NT in peripheral nervous system at the neuromuscular junction and in the brain. excitatory NT
hydrophobic structure allows rapid absorption. binds tightly. receptors mediate EPSPs within glanglia of the autonomic nervous system, and presynaptic facilitation of excitatory NTs release at widespread synapses in brain
mushroom poison. these receptors couple with G proteins, which then alter the activity of different enzymes and ion channels. prevalent at synapses in brain and junctions of neurons that innervate many glands and the heart.
graded potential
amplitude varies with size of event, can be summed, has no threshold, has no refractory period, decreases with distance, duration varies ith initiating conditions, can be depolarization or hyper, depends on ligand channels or other chem/physical changes.
receptor potential
in afferent neurons, the initial depolarization to threshold is achieved by a graded potention, which is generated in the sensory receptors at the peripheral ends of the neurons.
process that decreases in receptor sensitivity, which results in a decrease in AP frequency in an afferent neuron despite a stimulus of constant strength.
PNS, somatic sensory, visceral sensory, special sensory
PNS, somatic motor, autonomic motor (sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric)
presynaptic inhibition
decreases depolarization and neurotransmitter release
presynaptic facilitation
increases depolarization and NT release.
connect neurons within CNS. integrate efferent and afferent divisions of the PNS in the CNS.
pre/postsynaptic IPSP
NT binds to receptor, ligand-gated channels open, either K+ out or Cl- in, net effect is either hyperpolarization (if K+) or prevent depolarization (Cl-).
pre/postsynaptic EPSP
postsynaptic- NT binds to receptor, ligand-gated channels open, cations flow through (mainly Na+), K+ leaves, net effect is depolarization.
spatial summation
2 neurons firing at same time
temporal summation
1 neuron firing, close in time
dorsal, ventral roots
where groups of afferent fibers enter the spinal cord from peripheral nerves.
ventral roots
where axons of efferent neurons leave the spinal cord.
facilitates dephosphorylation accomplished by a second class of enzymes. mechanism for removing the phosphate group and returning the protein to its original shape.
protein complex bound to receptor located on cytosolic surface of plasma membrane. reversibly binds guanosine with nucleotides. interact with membrane ion channels.
adenylyl cyclase
enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of ATP molecules to cAMP- acts as second messenger.
corpus callosum
cortex layers of left and right cerebral hemispheres, although largely separated by a deep longitudinal division, are connected by a massive bundle of nerve fibers.
signal transduction
diverse sequences of events between receptor activation and cellular responses. stimulus is transformed into a response.
phosphate group, which has net negative charge, is covalently attached by a chemical reaction, where a phosphate group is transferred from one molecule to another.
somotopic map
where neurons of the motor cortex that control muscle groups in various parts of the body are arranged anatomically, relative sizes of body structures are proportional to the number of neurons dedicated to their motor control.
cerebral cortex
cerebral hemispheres, consisting of an outer shell of gray matter, and an inner layer of white matter, composed primarily of myelinated fiber tracts.
occipital, temporal, parietal, frontal lobes
cortex of each cerebral hemisphere is divided into four lobes. highly folded.
little brain
forebrain- cerebral hemispheres
contain cerebral cortex: perception, generation of skilled movements, reasoning, learning and memory. contain subcortical nuclei, which participate in coordination of skeletal muscle activity
forebrain- thalamus
acts as a synaptic relay station for sensory pathways on their way to the cerebral cortex, participates in control of skeletal muscle coordination, plays a key role in awareness
forebrain- hypothalamus
regulates anterior pituitary gland, water balance, eating/drinking behavior, reproductive system, circadian rhythms, autonomic nervous system and body temp. participates in generation of emotional behavior, reinforces certain behaviors
brain stem- pons, medulla
CNS, contains all fibers passing between the spinal cord, forebrain and cerebellum. contains the reticular formation and integrating centers for cardiovascular and respiratory activity, and contains nuclei for cranial nerves.
Somatic motor
PNS, efferent division, body's skeletal muscles.
from CNS to skeletal muscles, signal travels along 1 neuron (autonomic travels through 2)
somatic sensory
PNS, afferent division, touch, pressure, heat, cold, muscle force and position, pain. cold and warmth receptors
visceral sensory
PNS, afferent division, blood pressure, oxygen levels, osmolarity
special sensory
PNS, afferent division, vision, hearing, taste, smell
Autonomic motor
PNS, efferent division, sympathetic and parasympathetic. Both para/sympa are tonically (constantly) active. effects on organs are opposite.
from CNS to smooth/cardiac muscles, glands or GI neurons, signal travels on preganglionic fiber, to a ganglion, and through a postganglionic fiber.
Sympathetic nervous system
PNS (autonomic motor, efferent), thoracic area of spine, activates processes facilitating physical exertion and inhibits processes that do not help, generalized. eg: heart and blood vessels, slows digesting. "fight or flight" passes through pre and postganglionic neurons from CNS to destination
Parasympathetic nervous system
PNS (autonomic motor, efferent), brainstem and sacral area of spine, activates processes that help during the resting state and inhibit processes that aid in physical exertion, discrete. eg: digesting. "rest and digest" passes through pre and postganglionic neurons from CNS to destination
receptors on on presynaptic terminals strongly modulate synthesis and release of this neurotransmitter. nerve fibers that release this NT is called adrenergic fibers (adrenaline)
Fick's law (flux equation)
magnitude of net flux is directly proportional to difference in concentration across membrane (C0-Ci); surface area of membrane A, and membrane permeability coefficient P: J=PA(C0-Ci)
Body fluid compartments
26 L ICF (water)
11 L interstitial fluid
3 L plasma
Botulinum toxin
destroys SNAREs at EPSPs (botox- paralyzes muscles)
Tetanus toxin
destroys SNAREs at ISPS, anaerobically makes tetanus toxic. Ca mediated exocytosis causes jaw muscles to contract
second messenger system
substances that enter or are generated in the cytoplasm as a result of receptor activation by first messenger. second messengers diffuse throughout the cell to serve as chemical relays from the plasma membrane to the biochemical machinery inside the cell.
activated adenylyl cyclase catalyzes conversion of cytosolic ATP molecules to cyclic AMP- acts as a second messenger to trigger the sequence of events leading to cell's ultimate response of the first messenger.
labeled lines
every location on body has a dedicated pathway. eg: temperature wire- only fires to brain if hot/cold. if touch this wire, feel hot/cold even if not actually! labeled lines terminate in regoins of the brain dedicated to each area.
phantom limb
neurons from amputated limb are still present in brain. labeled lines firing to brain inappropriately.
Rapid adaptation (phasic)
stimulus intensity is the same over time. APs are few at first, but not after a bit. when stimulus removed, APs fired again. eg: sit down in chair- don't need to keep being told that you're sitting
Slow adaptation (tonic)
stimulus is same over time. lots of APs at first, but then fewer and farther apart. when stimulus removed, no AP. eg: knowing where arms are when sitting still/falling asleep.
sciatic nerve pain
eg: leg hurts, but not because it is injured, because pinched nerve in spinal cord.
overlapping receptive fields
have 3 neurons, stimulus is on middle neuron, all 3 overlap. middle neuron has highest AP frequency, bordering neurons have small APs
lateral inhibition
enhances acuity- precision of localizing a stimulus. exaggerates location of stimulus to help locate it. neurons cancel each other out to enhance contrast to allow stimulated neuron to be felt. a;odfhvafdg
receptor potential
graded potentials. bigger stimulus means more APs, not higher AP.
pre-ganglionic neurons
first neuron from CNS to ganglion.
post-ganglionic neurons
second neuron passing between ganglia and effector cells (smooth or cardiac muscles, glands or GI neurons)
pacinian corpuscle
pressure receptor touches with probe on nerve with capsule. rapidly adapting (phasic) response. told touched, and when touch removed.
probe on nerve without capsule, slowly adapting (tonic) response. constantly being told it was being touched.
long-term potentiation
1. high frequency APs in presynaptic cell
2. glutamate released
3. glutamate binds to AMPA and NMDA channels
4. Na+ entry depolarizes cell
5. depolarization drives Mg2 out of NMDA
6. Ca2 entry activates second messenger system
7. long-lasting increase in glutamate receptors and sensitivity
8. long-lasting increase in glutamate synthesis and release from presynaptic cell
recognizes glutamate during stressful events, help remember better