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56 Cards in this Set

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3 Classes of membrane lipids
phospholipids (70-75%)
cholesterol (20-25%)
glycolipids (2-3%)
subclasses of phospholipids
choline-phospholipids: phosphatidyl-choline, sphingomyelins

amino-pholipids: phosphatidylserine
function of cholesterol and saturated FA chains
adds stiffness, decrease membrane fluidity
where's glycolipids located
outer leaflet
where are phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol
inner leaflet
where's sphingomyelin
external, some internal leaflet
the composition of membrane rafts and it's function
clusters of cholesterol, proteins sphingolipids

rafts provide island to cluster key signaling components, internalization with caveolae
functions of membrane proteins
transport (pumps/carrier/channels)
structural - anchors, maintain membrane integrity
glycoproteins - Ab recognition
types of membrane transport
facilitated diffusion - channel, carrier
active transport - primary, secondary
random thermal Brownian motion
allow diffusion of molecules
Fick's First Law of Diffusion
J = -DA(dC/dX)
J - net rate of diffusion on moles or grams/time;
D - diffusion coefficient of the solute
A - area of the membrane
dC - concentration difference across the membrane
dX - membrane thickness
D - diffusion coefficient of the solute, is inversely proportional to size and charge of particle and viscosity of solvent? (1/D)
permeability across membrane depend on ... (4)
size, charge, lipid solubility, membrane thickness
Facilitated diffusion, carrier proteins, transport solute via
ping-pong conformational change
Can facilitated diffusion and active transport reach Vmax?
Yes, b/c they are similar to enzyme
Facilitated diffusion and active transport exhibits 3 properties.
chemical specificity, stereospecificity, competitive inhibition
In simple diffusion, the greater the concentration difference, the ____ the rate of diffusion.
faster the rate of diffusion
the ion channel can be triggered open by .... (3)
voltage, ligands, stretch
1. primary active transport uses ___ as energy
2. secondary active transport couples
1. ATP
2. energy from gradients
examples of primary active transport, and its role
Na-K ATPase, moves 3Na+ out and 2K+ in. set up gradient across the membrane.

v-HATPase. moves H+ across gradient.
Steps of Na+ and K+ transport by Na-K ATPase
1.Binding of 3 Na+ inside
2.Hydrolysis of ATP for energy
3.Release of Na+ outside
4.Binding of 2 K+ outside
6.Release of K+ inside
what chemical blocks Na-K ATPase? Which part of the pump does the chemical exhibit its effect? What is the effect on the heart?
oubain - digitalis glycosides
oubain binds extracellular side
It slows heart rate - treat atrial fibrillation.
v-HATPase function on bone and stomach.
What will happen if vHATPase are blocked with bafilomycin?
It enhances bone resorption, and reduce acid release in the the stomach.
Inhibition will block tooth eruption
Subsets of secondary active transport.
symport and antiport
example of symporter. how many Na+ are translocated per cycle.
Na/aa symport. 2 Na+ are translocated.
example of antiporter, and its functions
Na+/H+ antiporter, drives proton out of the cell.
Steps of transport of glucose from gut lumen into extracellular fluid. (active transport and facilitated diffusion)
Intestinal epithelium: [glucose] higher in than out
1. Na+ gradient established using primary active transport – ATP hydrolysis powers Na/K pump
2. Use energy of Na+ to get glucose into the cell using secondary active transport
3. Let glucose flow out down the gradient through carrier using facilitated diffusion
Osmotic pressure
pressure needed to stop water movement.
osmolarity goes down refer to ...
in hypotonic solution
Osmotic pressure equation
p = RTfic
p - osmotic pressure
RT - 22.4 atm
f - osmotic coefficient
i - number of ions formed by dissociation of solute
c - molar concentration of solute
Ions have both ____ and ____ gradients that must be balanced at equilibrium
electrical, chemical
chemical energy equation
electrical energy equation
Chem energy F = -RT ln([G]i/[G]o)

Electrical energy F = zFV
z = charge
F = Faraday constant
V = voltage
Nernst equation
Ek in Nernst eqation is
Vm when major ions are at equilibrium, the potential at which there's no net movement of ions for the given intracellular and extracellular concentrations
typical cells' membrane potential at rest is at what range?
-50mV ~ -80mV
Which ions contribute to the membrane potential?
Na+, Cl-, K+, Mg++, Ca++
the more permeable the ion X, the ___ it contributes to the membrane potential
the more
in resting cell, ___ has the biggest influence on membrane potential, since it has the largest P.
K+ (or Cl-)
In resting cell, Vm is close to
Ek (equilibrium potential for K+)
when Vm = -60mV, resting membrane potential, are ions at equilibrium?
no, energy are required to pump ions against their concentration gradient
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHK) equation
P = permeability coefficient
what sets resting membrane potential?
negatively charged proteins - impermeable

Na+-K+ pump - maintains gradients

large K+ conductance (leak K+ currents add to negative membrane potential) - Vm near Ek
impermeable intracellular anionic proteins will have what kind of effect of ions and water
cations will be attracted inside of the cell to balance out the charge, will allow water to move in by osmosis.
a small change in ion concentration makes a big change in membrane voltage. T/F
voltage ion channel structure
each domain has 6 segments span the membrane.

4 subunits (domains) create a pore
key characteristics of ion channels ... (4)
gating, permeation/selectivity, inactivation, block
Gating of ion channels are mediated by (3)
secondary messenger (Ca2+), neurotransmitter, voltage change
how do ion channel discriminate against ions (permeation/selectivity)?
size of the ions, charge of the ion, and molecular interaction along the wall of the channel.
selectivity filter (close to extracellular space) bind to their ions.
conductance of ion channels are
how quickly ions moving through the channel.
the more rapidly the ion move through the ion channel, ___ the conductance and ___ IpA
higher and higher
2 ways to increase total current across membrane
increase number of channels open

increase the amount of time each channel is open
How is ion channels gated?
Ball and chain model of inactivation: positive protein loop moves into region exposed when voltage gates channel open.
tetradotoxin (TTX) blocks ___ channels
Na+ channel blocker
function of lidocaine derivative (QX-222) on ion channels
channel closes most of the time
effect of local anesthetics on ion channels
block movemnent of ions through pores
= + 60 mV
= – 86 mV
= – 68 mV
= + 125 mV