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41 Cards in this Set

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Glomerular ultrafiltration process

Plasma moves across porous glomerular membrane under the influence of net filtration pressure
What is the first and rate-limiting step in urine production?
Glomerular ultrafiltration process
Glomerular is similar to __ but contains virtually no __. This is known as __.
plasma; protein; plasma ultrafiltrate
The glomerular membrane is highly permeable to ___ but impermeable to ___.
water and small molecules; proteins/large negative molecules
Why is the glomerular membrane highly permeable to water?
1. large capillary surface area for filtration
2. large numbers of large pores (fenestrae of endothelium, mesh-like basement membrane)
3. large number of filtration slits
What does a high filtration coefficient (Kf) correspond to?
high permeability
All three layers of glomerular membrane are covered with ___ surface that repels negatively charged proteins such as albumin
negatively charged
What is the glomerular filtration barrier composed of?
endothelium, basement membrane, podocyte epithelium
What is found between podocytes that prevent filtration of large molecules?
Slit diaphragms
What are the 3 sieves in series?
1. capillary endothelium
2. basement membrane
3. Bowman's capsule epithelium (podocytes)
Starling hypothesis for transcapillary exchange
Predicts whether the net movement of fluid and substances will be out of the capillary (filtration) or into the capillary (absorption)
For glomerular capillaries, the interstitial osmotic pressure is __ because there is virtually no protein in the filtrate.
Forces involved in glomerular filtration
-[forces favoring filtration] - [forces opposing filtration]
-[glomerular capillary pressure] - [pressure in Bowman's capsule + plasma protein osmotic force]
What is the net ultrafiltration pressure?
What is the magnitude of glomerular filtration rate?
__ of the glomerular barrier (normal thickness of basement membrane, intact foot processes, presence of negative charges) is critical for normal filtration
Glomerular filtration rate equation
GFR = Kf [(Pc - Pt) - πp]
= Filtration coefficient x Net filtration pressure
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
the amount of plasma filtered between the two kidneys per unit time
-one-fifth (20%) of RPF is filtered at the glomerulus at any one time.
Renal Blood Flow (RBF)
1200mL/min (20-25% of CO)
Renal Plasma Flow (RPF)
650mL/min (55% of RBF)
Both renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate are well-autoregulated between mean arterial pressure of __ (flow autoregulation).
80 and 180mmHg
The intrinsic mechanism (renal auto-regulation) keeps GFR and RBF constant despite changes in ___.
renal arterial pressure
Changes in renal arterial pressure are caused by..
changes in afferent arteriolar resistance
Renal auto-regulation allows the kidney to..
perform its homeostatic function relatively independently
Extrinsic regulation of GFR
-Neurohumoral actions (sympathetic nerve activity, catecholamines, angiotensins, prostaglandins, kinins)
-composition of blood (drugs) on renal structures result in changes in GFR and allow the kidney to adjust its function appropriately in response to perturbations
Changes in contractility affect what 3 things?
filtration area and Kf thus GFR
Extrinsic regulators of GFR are mostly agents that affect contractility of __.
blood vessels
Dopamine is a strong __.
Mesangial cell
specialized connective tissue cells providing support for capillary loops
__ affect mesangial cells contractility through specific messenger systems.
-angiotensinII, endothelin, prostaglandins, nitric oxide,
Renal auto-regulation
minimizes the impact of changes in arterial blood pressure on renal function
Renal clearance
volume of plasma from which that substance is completely cleared by the kidney (via filtration, reabsorption, secretion) per unit time.
The magnitude of the renal clearance of a conserved substance will be __.
Renal clearance formula
Cx = (Ux V)/Px

Cx = renal clearance of X
Ux = concentration of X in urine
V = rate of urine flow
Px = concentration of X in blood plasma
Inulin can't be __ so it is completely __ and excreted in the urine.
reabsorbed/metabolized; filtered
If a substance is only filtered at the glomerulus then the amount filtered equals the __.
amount excreted
The renal clearance of inulin is a measure of __.
glomerular filtration rate
Clearance of endogenous creatinine is used as an __.
estimate of GFR or clearance of inulin
Plasma creatinine concentration is used as an ___.
indicator of GFR
Plasma creatinine concentration is __ correlated with GFR.
Under normal steady state, plasma creatinine concentration is kept relatively constant because muscular creatinine production equals renal
creatinine excretion. If the kidney function fails and creatinine excretion decreases, plasma creatinine concentration will be __.