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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the Fick Principle?
Pulmonary Blood Flow equals Cardiac Output which equals the O2 Consumed divided by the difference between Arterial and Venous O2 content:
CO = VO2/(CaO2-CvO2)
What factors constrict pulmonary vessels but dilate peripheral blood vessels?
Hypoxia - the most important!!
Hypercapnia (CO2)
What factors can cause pulmonary hypertension?
Hypoxemia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction (Rx: low flow O2, inhaled NO)
Loss of alveolar capillaries (emphysema)
Elevated left atrial pressure (mitral stenosis, left heart failure)
Pulmonary emboli
What affect does gravity, inspiration, and expiration have on pulmonary blood flow?
When standing, some parts of the lung are above the heart, making the top lobes barely perfused by the heart. Upon inspiration, blood flow through the pulmonary capillaries experiences increased resistance due to the expanding alveoli. This resistance is lowered during expiration.
Describe Zone 1 perfusion.
Pa <PA >Pv
The arterial pressure is less than the alveolar pressure so that the alveoli are not perfused.
This is only seen in patients with low pulmonary perfusion pressures (e.g. shock, or in patients being ventilated with PEEP)
Describe Zone 2 perfusion
Pa > PA > Pv
Arterial pressure exceeds the alveolar pressure, but the alveolar pressure is still greater than the venous pressure. Here blood flow will be intermittent as alveoli pressure fluctuates during inspiration (higher PA) and expiration (lower PA).
This is present in the normal lung.
Describe Zone 3 perfusion
Pa > PA < PV
Arterial pressure is greater than the alveolar pressure and the alveolar pressure is less than venous pressure. Here now alveoli are always perfused.This is present in the normal lung.
How does gravity affect ventilation in the lung?
Although gravity does not affect air pressure in the airways and alveoli, it does affect the flow of air, because the weight of the lungs compresses the airways and compresses the lower airways more than the upper ones. Thus, when you breathe in starting from residual volume more of the air flows into the upper lobes. However, when you breathe in starting from FRC--as one normally does-- most of this air goes to the lower lobes. As a consquence, the lower lobes are better ventilated than the upper lobes during normal breathing.
How to measure Ventilation/Perfusion ratios?
Inject radioactive Xenon w/ saline into the blood, use Geiger counter to measure perfusion of lungs in different lobes.
Similarly, ventilation can be measured by inhaling radioactive Xenon gas and measuring its distribution in the lobes using a Geiger counter.
What would the PO2, PCO2, and pH be in blood collected from pulmonary veins draining the upper and lower lung lobes?
Upper lobe: pH high, PCO2 low, PO2 high

Lower lobe: pH low, PCO2 high, PO2 low

This is because in the upper lobes, Va/Qc >1, but in the lower lobes, Va/Qc < 1
What happens the ventilation/perfusion ratio if the left bronchus is obstructed by a mucus plug? How does the lung compensate, and by what mechanism?
Ventilation/perfusion ratio will be close to 0 --> right-to-left shunting (i.e. same effect as right ventricle deoxy blood --> left ventricle).

Compensation: low O2 --> local arteriolar constriction to divert venous blood to ventilated units. This occurs by the following mechanism: Low PAO2 -> K+channel closes in arteriolar smooth muscle -> depolarization -> Volt.Gated Ca2+ channels open -> Ca2+ influx, arteriolar constriction
What happens to the ventilation/perfusion ratio if the rifht pulmonary artery is obstructed by a thrombus?
Va/Qc ratio will be >>>1, close to infinity. This increases physiological dead space.
To compensate, the alveolar duct muscle constricts and diverts air towards healthy units. The alveolar duct constriction is mediated by the lower PACO2 as well as the release of histamine.
What is the Bohr Equation, and what does it tell you?
Vd/Vt = (PaCO2 - PeCO2)/PaCO2
This tells you the fraction of the tidal volume that is dead space. PeCO2 = expired CO2, which if is equal to the PaCO2 (i.e. not diluted by dead air volume), means there is no dead space.
How do you measure physiological dead space?
Via the Bohr Equation!
Vd/Vt = (PaCO2 - PeCO2)/ PaCO2
What is the distribution of alveoli with high or low Va/Qc's in a normal person, a person with a bronchial obstruction, a person with a PE, or a person with COPD?
Normal: Most alveoli have a Va/Qc close to 1.
Bronchial obstruction: The alveoli of the obstructed lung have a low Va/Qc, whereas those in the unobstructed lung have a slightly higher Va/Qc.
PE: Alveoli have a Va/Qc higher than 1 in the obstructed lung, but alveoli in the unobstructed lung have a Va/Qc lower than 1.
COPD: Alveoli are widely distributed with an average Va/Qc of 1.
What are some sign of hypoxemia?
Nervous, irritable, forgetful
Increase BP
30-40 Breaths/min
What are some signs of Hypercapnia?
Drowsy, yawning
Flushed skin
What neural dysfunctions can cause Ventilatory Failure?
Stroke, heroin OD, Ondine's curse, crib death
What chest wall dysfunctions can cause ventilatory failure?
Kyphoscoliosis, Obesity
What neuromuscular dysfunction can cause ventilatory failure?
Polio, Guillain-Barre, Curare, Myasthenia gravis, Exhaustion
What upper airway obstruction can cause Ventilatory failure?
Laryngospasm, Diphteria, Foreign Body
How to get use airflow/ventilation to get PACO2? How to get PAO2?
The PACO2 will be inversely proportional to the airflow, so that if an obstruction reduces the flow by a half, the PACO2 will double, etc.

PAO2 requires the alveolar gas equation.
How to estimate the PaO2 of mixed blood when given two values of the CaO2?
Use Hb-O2 binding curve: Take the average of the CaO2s, and look at the corresponding PaO2 on the Hb Saturation curve.
What is the Haldane effect?
The effect of oxygen displacing CO2 from the RBC's when venous blood travels through the lungs to become oxygenated.
What is the distribution of CO2 in the body?
90% of the CO2 produced by cells enters RBC's in the capillaries, and the remaining 10% is transported to the lungs in plasma. One-half of the plasma-CO2 is in physical combination with the plasma, the other half is bound to plasma proteins by forming caramino compounds.
What happens to CO2 as it enters the RBCs?
Of the CO2 enter RBC's, 2/3rds is rapidly hydrated via carbonic anhydrase to carbonic acid, which dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. The bicarbonate ions exchange with Cl ions via a Band III membrane protein. Thus 2/3 of the CO2 is carried as bicarbonate ions in plasma to the lungs. The extra H+ ions are buffered by the imidazole groups of histidine in the hemoglobin molecule-- H+ binding decreases Hb-O2 affinity (Bohr effect).
25% of the CO2 entering RBCs forms carbamino groups with hemoglobin.
Why is the hematocrit of venous blood a little greater than the hematocrit of arterial blood?
During CO2 uptake, RBC's swell as water moves in, because the number of osmotically active particles have increased as a result of chloride entry. For this reason, the hematocrit of venous blood is a little greater than the hematocrit of arterial blood.
What is the Henderson-Hasselbach Equation?
pH = pK + log[HCO3-]/PaCO2*0.03
Normally [HCO3]=24, PaCO2=40, thus pH = 7.4
What is a PaCO2 40 Isobar?
It is the graph of [HCO3] vs pH while the PaCO2 is kept constant at 40mmHg. Bicarbonate and pH decline when blood is infused with acid; and bicarb and pH rise when blood is infused with base.
What happens to the pH and [HCO3] when you increase the PaCO2 isobar (e.g. from 40 to 60mmHg)?
Bicarbonate increases, pH decreases
Describe the normal buffer lines on a [HCO3] vs pH plot
When altering the PaCO2 concentrations, all the points will fall on a line-- the so-called normal buffer line. The slope of this line is related to the buffering capacity of blood, that is, the ability of the imidazole groups of the histidine residues of Hgb to accept H+ ions. This depends on [Hb] and [O2].
NOTE: Slope of buffer line steeper above pH 7.4
What is the normal range of ABG's for pH, PaCO2, and HCO3?
pH 7.36 - 7.44
PaCO2 36-77 mmHg
HCO3 22-26 meq/L
Describe how the [HCO3] vs pH graph changes with the introduction of a fixed acid into the circulation.
Initially, the pH will lower along a isobar line. Then, the body will compensate by breathing off CO2, so that the isobar will change to one with a lower PaCO2, lower [HCO3], and higher (almost normal) pH.
What change is expected with a decrease in HCO3 concentration by 1meq/L?
A corresponding decrease in PaCO2 by 1.2mmHg.

I.e. 24 --> 14meq/L
will change PaCO2 40 --> 28mmHg
What change is expected with an increase in HCO3 concentration by 1 meq/L?
A corresponding increase in PaCO2 by 0.7 mmHg.

24 --> 34 meq/L will change PaCO2 = 40 --> 47 mmHg
What happens to the blood gases of a person who is vomiting?
Metabolic Acidosis. Excess bicarbonate enters the circulation. ABGs will move up the PaCO2 isobar (of 40 initially). At this elevated pH and HCO3 state, the body will respond by diminishing ventilation so that ABGs move along buffer line to higher isobar (lower pH)
What happens to the ABG's of a person who begins hypoventilating because of emphysema?
Respiratory Acidosis. Hypoventilation leads to increase in PaCO2 --> increase isobar along normal buffer line. This results in a low pH, high bicarb ABG. This is acute respiratory acidosis. To compensate, the body retains bicarb, moving the ABGs up along the PaCO2 buffer line to a higher pH. This is chronic respiratory acidosis.
What changes in ABG's are expected for an increase in PaCO2 by 10mmHg in an acute vs chronic resp. acidosis patient?
Acute: ^ PaCO2 by 10mmHg --> ^ HCO3 by 1meq/L.

Chronic: ^ PaCO2 by 10mmHg --> ^ HCO3 by 3.5meq/L
What changes in ABG's are expected if a person hyperventilates because of an altitude change?
ABGs will change by moving down the normal buffer line to a lower PaCO2 isobar. This the point her PaCO2 will be les and her pH will be high. She will be in acute respiratory alkalosis. Now her kidneys, being perfused with blood low in CO2, retain and make less bicarbonate than usual and as a result, her ABGs gradually move down the low PaCO2 isobar towards a normal pH, but low HCO3-- this is chronic respiratory alkalosis.
What changes in HCO3 is expected in a decreased in PaCO2 of 10mmHg?
Acute Respiratory Alkalosis:
Decrease of HCO3 by 2meq/L

Chronic Respiratory Alkalosis:
Decrease of 4meq/L