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53 Cards in this Set

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Various Units of Solute Concentration, their meaning
1) mmol/L: Mole
2) mEq/L :Equivalents =Mole * Valence
e.g. 1 mmol of Ca2+ = 2mEq/L
3) mOsm/L: Osmole = Mole * # of particles dissolved into
e.g. 1 mmol NaCl = 2mOsm/L
Principle of electroneutrality
Each compartment in the body must have the same concentration, in mEq/L, of positive charges as of negative charges.
Total Body Water
Accounts for 50-70% of body weight

e.g. 75kg man with 65% body water has 45.5 kg = 45.5 L of water
Proportion of body water in ICF, ECF
ICF: two thirds of total body water

ECF: one third of total body water
ECF further divided into interstitial fluid (plasma ultrafiltrate that bathes the cells) and plasma.
ECF, ICF separated by cell membranes
Composition of ICF, ECF
ECF: cation is Na+, anions Cl- and HCO3-

ICF: cations are K+ and Mg2+, anions proteins and organic phosphates

Both ICF and ECF have same osmolarity
Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium
redistribution of small cations and anions across the capillary wall to equilibriate with the negatively charged plasma proteins in the blood. [Na+], [K+] increases in the blood, [Cl-] increases in the interstitium.
What is the driving force for diffusion across a cell membrane?
The concentration gradient.
Partition coefficient, K
K = [solute in oil]/ [solute in H2O]

describes the solubility of a solute in oil relative to its solubility in water. The great K is, the greater its ability to dissolve in oil/lipid bilayer
Stokes-Einstein equation for Diffusion Coefficient
D = KT/6πrη

D = diffusion coefficient
K = Boltzmann Constant
T = Absolute Temp
r = molecular radius
η = viscosity of medium
Equation for permeability
P = KD/Δx

P = permeability
K = Boltzmann's constant
D = diffusion constant
Δx = thickness of membrane
Equation for Net Diffusion
J = PA (Ca-Cb)

J = Net rate of Diffusion (mmol/sec)
P = Permeability
A = Surface area for diffusion (cm2)
Ca,Cb = concentration is solution a,b
van't Hoff equation for Osmotic Pressure
π = g*C*σ*RT

π = osmotic pressure/pressure required to stop the flow of water into a hypertonic solution
g = number of particles per mole in solution (Osm/mol)
C = concentration (mmol/L)
σ = Reflection coefficient (0-1), ease by which a solute crosses the membrane (1 = impermeable)
RT = gast constant * absolute temp
Definition of Isotonic
Two solutions that have the same osmotic pressure according to the van't Hoff equation: π = g*C*σ*RT

Water will flow from less pressure --> more pressure
Nernst equation
E = -2.3RT/zF*log10[Ci]/[Ce]

E = equilibrium potential (mV)
2.3RT/F = Constant (60mV at 37 deg)
z = charge of ion
Ci, Ce = concentrations intra,extra cellularly
60-40-20 Rule
60% of body weight is water
40% is ICF
20% is ECF

3/4 ECF in intersititium
How to measure volume of a Body Fluid Compartment?
1. Identify an appropriate marker
ECF: large molecular wt sugars
plasma: radioactive albumin
2. Inject a known amount of marker
3. Equilibriate and measure plasma concentration
4. Calculate Volume = Amt/Concentration
Principles of Fluid Shifts between compartments
1. The volume of the compartment depends on the amount of solute it contains
2. Osmolarity is the concentration of osmotically active particles, expressed as milliosmoles per liter (mOsm/L)
3. In a steady state, intracellular osmolarity is equal to extracellular osmolarity. To maintain this equilibrium, water shifts freely across cell membranes.
4. Solutes such as NaCl and NaHCO3 and large sugars such as mannitol are assumed to be confined to the ECF because they do not readily cross cell membranes.
Isosmotic volume contraction:
volume lost from GI tract is isosmotic to that of ECF. Thus, disturbance in diarrhea is loss of isosmotic fluid from ECF.
ECF volume decreases, but because it's isosmotic, there's no change in ICF volume.
Results in concentration of hematocrit/blood proteins.
Water deprivation (Lost in Desert)
Hyperosmotic Volume Contraction
Sweat is hyperosmotic relative to ECF: loss of sweat reduces ECF volume, increases ECF osmolarity. Water shifts from ICF to ECF, increasing ICF osmolarity. End result: decreased ICF, ECF volumes, increased ICF, ECF osmolarities. [Plasma protein] increases, but not hematocrit (RBC's lose water volume too!)
Adrenal Insufficiency
Hormonal problem leading to Na+ malresorption in distal tubule; excess NaCl excreted in urine. NaCl is an ECF solute, so ECF osmolarity decreases. Water shifts from hypotonic (ECF) to hypertonic (ICF) until equilibrated.
Both [plasma protein] and hematocrit increased because of decrease in ECF volume (water INTO RBC's!)
Infusion of NaCl
Isotonic Volume Expansion:
NaCl stays in ECF, isotonic means no water will travel from ICF; ECF volume increases, [plasma protein] + hematocrit decrease.
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
Hypoosmotic Volume Expansion
Too much ADH --> too much water resorbed, added proportionately to ICF, ECF. [plasma protein] decreases, hematocrit remains the same
Colloidosmotic pressure
AKA oncotic pressure: the osmotic pressure in capillaries generated solely by proteins
Starling Equation
Jv = Kf [(Pc-Pi) -(πc-πi)]
Jv = Fluid movement (ml/min)
Kf = Hydraulic conductance (ml/min*mmHg)
Pc = capillary hydrostatic pressure (mmHg)
Pi = Interstitial hydrostatic pressure (mm Hg)
πc = Capillary oncotic pressure (mm Hg)
πi = Interstitial oncotic pressure (mm Hg)

Fluid flow direction
Hydraulic Conductance, Kf
Water permeability of the capillary wall that varies amongst tissues. Highest in fenestrated capillaries (glomerulus) and lowers in cerebral capillaries. Kf independent of hypoxia, metabolite buildup, or changes in arteriolar resistance.
Capillary hydrostatic pressure
Pc: force favoring filtration out of the capillary, determined by arterial and venous pressures (closer to arterial pressure).
Pc affected MORE by changes in VENOUS pressure than arterial pressure.
Except in glomerular capillaries, Pc decreases along length of capillaries because of filtration of fluid; thus Pc highest at arteriolar end, lowest at venous end.
Interstitial hydrostatic pressure
Pi: force opposing filtration, normally 0 or slightly negative.
capillary oncotic pressure
πc: a force opposing filtration, is the effective osmotic pressure of capillary blood due to presence of proteins, and is determined by [proteins] of capillary blood.
interstitial oncotic pressure
πi: force favoring filtration. πi is determined by the interstitial fluid protein concentration. Normally, this is low.
What could cause an increase in filtration?
Increase in any Starling parameter that favors filtration (Pc, πi, Kf), or decrease in a parameter that favors absorption (Pi, πc).
Describe lymphatic capillaries
Lymphatic capillaries lie in the intertitial fluid, close to vascular capillaries, and possess one-way valves which permit interstitial fluid and protein to enter, but not to leave, the capillaries. These merge with other lymphatic vessels and eventually end in the thoracic duct.
An increase in interstitial fluid volume: occurs when the volume of interstitial fluid (due to filtration out of the capillaries) exceeds the ability of the lymphatics to return it to the circulation.
Somatic Nervous System: number of neurons, cell body location, effector organ, neurotransmitter, receptors
consists of single motoneuron --> skeletal muscle fibers
cell body location: CNS
effector organ: skeletal muscle
neurotransmitter: ACh
receptors: nicotinic receptors on motor end-plates
Autonomic Nervous System: number of neurons, effector organ, neurotransmitter, receptors
two neuron system: pre and postsynaptic
effector organ: smooth muscle, heart, glands
neurotransmitter: ACh for presynaptic; postsynaptic can be ACh (PSNS, somatic, SNS sweat-glands), NE (SNS), or neuropeptides
origin of preganglionic neurons in SNS, PSNS
SNS: T1-L3 spinal level (thoracolumbar)
PSNS: Nucleic of CN II, VII, IX, and X;
spinal cord segments S2-S4 (craniosacral)
Receptor types in organs with sympathetic innervation
α1, α2, β1, β2
Receptor types in organs with parasympathetic innervation
Muscarinic ACh
Adrenal medulla
A specialized ganglion in the sympathetic division of the ANS, with cell bodies in the thoraco spinal cord. Preganglionic neurons travel via greater splanchnic nerve to synapse on chromaffin cells, and release ACh onto Nicotinic receptors. This causes the chromaffin cells to release catecholamines (20% NE, 80% Epi)
Chromaffin cells
Cells in the adrenal medulla which are innervated by presynaptic sympathetic neurons. Upon stimulation, they release catecholamines (20% NE, 80% Epi) into the bloodstream.
SA Node ANS activity: action and receptors
SNS: Increases HR via β1 receptor

PSNS: Decreases HR via M receptor
AV Node ANS activity: action and receptors
SNS: Increases HR via β1 receptor

PSNS: Decreases HR via M receptor
Heart Contractility ANS activity: action and receptors
SNS: Increases contractility via β1 receptor

PSNS: Decreases atria contractility only via M receptor
ANS activity of Skin-- Splanchnic/Vascular Smooth Muscle
SNS: Constricts vascular smooth muscle via α1 receptors
ANS activity of Vascular Smooth Muscle/Skeletal Muscle: Receptors and Actions
SNS: Dilates via β2 receptor, and Constricts via α1 receptor
Endothelium ANS activity: Actions and receptors
PSNS: Release of EDRF (relax!) via M receptors
Bronchioles ANS activity: Actions and receptors
SNS: Dilates bronchioles via β2 receptor

PSNS: Constricts bronchioles via M receptors
ANS activity in the smooth muscle walls of the GI tract
SNS: relaxes smooth muscle in walls of GI tract via α2, β2 receptors

PSNS: Contracts smooth muscles in walls of GI tract via M receptors
ANS activity in the sphincters of the GI tract
SNS: Contracts smooth muscle sphincters in GI tract via α1 receptors

PSNS: Relaxes smooth muscle sphincters in GI tract via M receptors
ANS activity of Saliva secretion
SNS: Increase Saliva secretion via β1 receptors

PSNS: Increases Saliva secretion via M receptors
α1 receptors: location, action, mechanism
α1 receptors
Found in vascular smooth muscle of skin, skeletal muscle, and in splanchnic regiong, in sphincters of GI tract + bladder, and in radial muscle of iris.

Activation leads to CONTRACTION of these tissues via G-protein activation of phospholipase C.
α2 receptors: location, action, mechanism
less common than α1 receptors, α2 receptors are found in the wall of the GI tract and in presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminals.

Act by inhibiting adenylyl cyclase (reducing cAMP levels).
β1 receptors: location, action, mechanism
β1 receptors: Prominent in Heart (increase HR), also located in salivary glands, adipose, kidney (renin secretion).

Act via Gs protein activation of adenylyl cyclase.
β2 receptors: location, action, mechanism
β2 receptors are found in the vascular smooth muscle of skeletal muscle, in the walls of the GI tract and bladder, and in the bronchioles.

Act via Gs protein activation of adenylyl cyclase.