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70 Cards in this Set

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a dynamic state of constancy
the level or value that the body tries to maintain
set point
any deviation from the set point is referred to as
processing mechanism to identify if th error is enough to require action
integrating center
when an error is detected in the body, the mechanism that couteracts the error is known as a/n
______ identify the thing/signals sent by the body that an error is occuring
the range of values in homeostasis that would be considered acceptable
normal range
biomolecule polymers consist of these four categories
carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids/proteins, and nucleotides
attached to polymers to give special characteristics to a portion of a molecule
functional groups
functional group; OH, polar, acidic
functional group; SH, polar, acidic
functional group; HPO4, polar, acidic
functional group; COOH, polar, acidic
functional group; NH2, polar, base
functional group; NO2,
three major classifications of carbohydrates are;
mono., di., and polysacharides(more than 2)
hydrogen bonds with carbon, or hydrocarbon, refers to this hydrophobic/lipoohilic polymer
the four major classifications of lipids are
triglycerides, phospholipids, eicosanoids, and steroids
three lipids bound to a glycerol molecule
carbon, hydrogen, and one fuctional group bond together to form __________, such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and alderosterone
a wide variety of molecules, primarily constructed of amino acids (building blocks)
a covalent bond between a carboxyl from one group and an amino from another group
peptide bond
protein structures are classified as (4)
primary(order), secondary(interactions, tertiary(3D), quaternary(proteins interact to form a larger unit)
interactions causing a tertiary structure (4)
ionic bonds, van der Waal forces, hydrogen bonds, and covalent bonds
cellular adhesions that stitch membranes together, not permeable- stomach lining, bladder, etc
tight junctions
cellular adhesions that attach neighboring membranes together, via proteins that resemble velcro (3)
molecules can move between cells
desmosomes, hemidesmosomes, adherens
cellular adhesions that join neighboring membranes like tight junctions, but the proteins that link cells act as channels- materials pass between cells
gap junctions
molecular movement which requires ATP, commonly move from low concentration to high concentration, many different types
active transport
molecular movement which occurs spontaneously, requires no additional energy, variations of diffusion
passive transport
the net movement of molecules based on the amount of electrical and chemical forces in and out of a cell
electrochemical gradient
mediated transport of materials into and out of a cells membrane through carrier/channel proteins
facilitated diffusion
when all carrier proteins are moving molecules at the maximum rate
difusion of water accross a semi permeable membrane
the number of particles in a solution
the number of membrane-permeable particles in a solution, in addition to water
tonicity with no net flux of water
tonicity with net flux of water out of a cell
tonicity with a net flux of water into a cell
______ are proteins that act as catalysts in the body, lowering the activation energy required for metabolism
an enzyme will bind to only one type of molecule. This is known as
a reaction which breaks down a large molecule into two or more smaller molecules
a reaction that builds up smaller molecules into one larger molecule
the breakdown of glucose (6C) into two pyruvate (3C) molecules, requires some ATP
Step 1 of glycolysis, uses one ATP to attach a P group to glucose
step 3 of glycolysis, uses one ATP to attach a P group to Fructose 6 P
step 6 of glycolysis, removes H from G3P and creates one NADH
glyceraldehide 3 phosphate dehydrogenase
step 7 of glycolysis, removes P from biphosphate 3 glucose group, transfers P to make one ATP
phosphoglycerate kinase
step 10 of glycolysis, removes P group from phosphoenolpyruvate(PEP), transfers to make make ATP
pyruvate kinase
the net result of glycolysis is two ____ used in steps 1 and 3, 2 ____ are produced in step 6, and 4 ____ are produced in steps 7 and 10
the linking step between glycolysis and krebs converts _____ to _____, and produces _____ and ___
pyruvate, acetyl CoA, NADH, CO2
step 1 of Krebs cycle, combines acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate, produces citrate/citric acid(6C)
citrate synthase
step 3 of Krebs cycle, removes H, produces NADH and CO2
isocitrate dehydrogenase
step 4 of Krebs cycle, removes H from alpha ketogluterate, transfers to NADH
alpha ketogluterate dehydrogenase
step 6 of Krebs cycle, removes H from succinate, transfers it to FADH-->FADH2
succinate dehydrogenase
step 8 of Krebs cycle, removes H from malate, transfers to NAD-->NADH, back to beginning of cycle
malate dehydrogenase
electron transport protein chain
FMN, ISP1, CoE Q, Cyt B, ISP, Cyt C1, Cyt C, Cyt a, Cyt a3, ATP synthase
electron transport, NADH donates an electron at 1 and 5, and FADH2 donates an electron at 3. These #s refer to which proteins?
FMN, ISP, and CoEnzyme Q
a molecule loses an e- is said to be_______, a molecule gains an e- is said to be______
oxidized, reduced
glycolysis takes place in the ______, krebs cycle takes place in the ______
cytoplasm, mitochondria
although AcCoA can be produced through protein metabolism, the downside is
NH2 becomes NH4, toxic
The Cori cycle refers to EPOC, which is
excess postexcercise oxygen consumption- excess pyruvate-->lactate. later O2 can be used to convert lactate back to pyruvate -->AcCoA-->krebs cycle
cells which provide a protective wrap around the perirheral nervous system
schwann cells
cells which provide a protective wrap around the axial nervous system
chemical gates and voltage gates open for Na+, causing __________ of the cell
when a signal reaches +30 (action potential) the K+ voltage gates open causing __________ of the cell
as repolarization finishes, the charge is slightly overcompensated, called ____________
the period when the membrane is less excitable than at rest, including all of the depolarization and most of the repolarization period
absolute refractory period
during this period it is possible to generate a second action potential, but only with a strong stimulus
relative refractory period
different from conduction, electical signal are moved along the nerve by jumping, and lose no voltage along the way