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55 Cards in this Set

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Epithelial Tissue

Flat sheet, upper surface exposed to environment / internal body cavity

No blood vessels

Rests on basement membrane

Classified by # of layers (simple/stratified) & shape of cell (squamous / cuboidal / columnar)

Simple Squamous Epithelium - fx

permits diffusion of substances

Simple Squamous Epithelium - location

alveoli (lung), glomeruli, endothelium, serosa

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium - fx

absorption and secretion, mucous production

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium - location

liver, thyroid, mammary and salivary glands, bronchioles, kidney tubules

Simple Columnar Epithelium - fx

absorption and secretion; mucus secretion

Simple Columnar Epithelium - location

lining of GI tract, uterus, kidney, uterine tubes

Keratinized Stratified Squamous - fx

retards water loss and barrier to organisms

Keratinized Stratified Squamous - location


Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous - fx

forms moist, slippery layer

Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous - location

tongue, oral mucosa, esophagus, vagina

Pseudostratified Epithelium - fx

secretes & propels respiratory mucus

Pseudostratified Epithelium - location

lining of trachea, upper respiratory tract

Connective Tissue

Widely spaced cells separated by fibers and ground substance (matrix)

Most abundant and variable tissue type

Connects organs, gives support and protection (physical and immune), stores energy and produces heat, movement and transport of materials

Collagen Fibers

White Fibers

Elastic Fibers

Yellow Fibers

Loose Connective Tissue

gel-like ground substance between cells (areolar & adipose)

Dense Connective Tissue

fibers fill spaces between cells

Areolar Tissue - fx / location

underlies all epithelia, between muscles, passageway for nerves and blood vessels

Adipose Tissue - fx

energy storage, insulation, cushioning

brown fat (hibernating animals) produces heat

Adipose Tissue - location

subcutaneous fat & organs

Hyaline Cartilage - fx

supports airway, eases joint movements

Hyaline Cartilage - location

ends of bones at movable joints, sternal ends of ribs, supportive material in larynx, trachea, bronchi, & fetal skeleton

Elastic Cartilage - fx

provides flexible, elastic support

Elastic Cartilage - location

external ear & epiglottis

Fibrocartilage - fx

resists compression & absorbs shock

Fibrocartilage - location

pubic symphysis, meniscus, and intervertebral discs


spongy (spongy in appearance) & compact (solid in appearance)


I mean duh

Nerve Tissue

Large cells with long cell processes (surrounded by smaller glial cells lacking processes)

Nerve Tissue - fx

internal communication between cells

Nerve Tissue - locatino

brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia

Skeletal Muscle - fx & location

movement, facial expression, posture, breathing, speech, swallowing, excretion

Cardiac Muscle - fx & location

pumping of blood by cardiac (heart) muscle

Smooth Muscle - fx & location

sheets of muscle in viscera; iris; hair follicles and sphincters

swallowing, GI tract functions, labor contractions, control of airflow, erection of hairs, control of pupil


an aggregation of cells that are similar in structure and that work together to perform a specialized activity


the most abundant and important inorganic molecule in living materials

Properties of Water

high heat capacity, high heat of vaporization, polar solvent, reactivity, cushioning

Factors which influence rate of diffusion

concentration gradient, size of atoms or molecules, solubility of substance


the diffusion of water or a solvent across a semipermeable membrane from high to low osmolarity


water moves from low particle concentration to high particle concentration


the ability of a solution to change the tone or shape of cells by altering their internal water volume


the substance that is dissolved in a solution


a liquid capable of dissolving other substances


a solution which has a lower solute concentration than normal


a solution which has higher solute concentration than normal


a solution which has a concentration of solutes equal to that found in the reference cell

Characteristics of an isotonic solution

300 milliosmoles, .9% NaCl (normal saline), 5% glucose / dextrose


random movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration of those molecules to an area of lower concentration

Water Potential

a measure of free energy of water in a solution


the movement of a solute through a selectively permeable membrane

Osmotic Pressure

a measure of the ability of a solution to "pull in" water from another solution separated from it by a semipermeable membrane

Beer's Law

states that the concentration of a substance in a solution is directly proportional to the amount of light absorbed by the solution and inversely proportional to the logarithm of the amount of light transmitted by the solution.


measures what is impeding light source

The more protein, the _____ amount of light is absorbed.
