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331 Cards in this Set

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Hematocrit - definition

The ratio of volume of blood cells to the volume of the whole blood.

Hematocrit - cell distribution

RBC - 99%

Leukocytes 0.1-0.2%

Thrombocytes: 0.8-0.9%

Hematocrit - normal range

Male: 42-52%

Female: 37-47%

Hematocrit - evaluation of result

Low hematocrit value

- Anemia or recent bleeding

High hematocrit value

- Polycytemia

- Dehydration

- Physiological

Hayem´s solution

A hypertonic salt which prevents the RBCs from sticking together.

Since it´s a hypertonic solution it shrinks the ER.

Burker´s chamber

A type of counting chambers.


RBC counting dilution

Diluted 1:100 with hayem´s solution.


Left hand or lower sides of the area are counted, while the right side and the upper sides are not.

Burker chamber squares

Large square - used for leukocytes - 1/5*1/5mm

Small square - RBC - 1/20*1/20 mm

Rectangle - RBC and thrombocytes - 1/5*1/20mm

RBC count - calculation and evaluation

RBC/ul = RBC count (40-40 small sq)/volume (1/4000mm^3) * dilution(100x)

Low RBC - anemia

- Decreased production of RBC in bm

- Increased rate of RBC loss

High RBC - polyglobublia

-Polycythemia vera

- Acclimatization to high altitude

RBC - normal range

Male: 4.5 -6 million/ul

Female: 3.8-5.2 million/ul

What does the mean RBC diameter tell us?

The mean diameter and distribution width gives us information regarding anemias and other hematological disorders.

RBC mean size - procedure

Must be diluted with NaCl solution. If the blood sample is not diluted enough the RBC will stack in layers, and size can´t be measured.

If the sample is over diluted the cells will float, and can´t be measured.

RBC mean size - Evaluation

Price-Jones curve

Normal curve

- 7-8um mean size

Left curve

- Small RBC

- Microcytosis

- Ex. Fe deficiency

Right curve

- Large RBC


- Vitamin B12 defiency

Platelet count - direct vs indirect

Indirect is done by counting the platelet in blood smear and comparing them to RBC count. This is just an estimation.

Direct method requires thrombocyte-rich plasma and can be done by:

- Lysin RBC in procain

- Low speed centrifugation

- Reer-Ecker´s solution

We use the Reer-ecker´s solution

Platelet count - Dilution

We use Reer-ecker´s solution

- A few drops of Loffler´s methylene blue dissolved in 3.8% Na-citrate

Contain anticoagulant

Platelet count - normal range

Normal range of thrombocytes is 150.000-400.000/ul

Platelet count - evaluation

Low - Thrombocytopenia

-Production is decreased

- Breakdown is increased

- Usage increased

High - trombocytosis

- Essential

- Reactive

WBC count

A test to determine the number of leukocytes in the blood. It does not differentiate between the different types of WBC.

WBC count - Dilution

It´s diluted 1:10 with Turk´s solution.

Turk´s solution

Used in WBC count

It contains 1% acetic acid which hemolyses RBC, but not WBC. it also contains gentian violet which stains the nucleus of WBC.

-Doesn't´t hemolys WBC because they are resistant.

WBC count - Burker´s chamber

Count WBC in 20 large squares

WBC count - evaluation

Normal range: 4000 -10000/ul

Low - Leukopaenia

- Toxic bone marrow effects

- Some infections

High - Leukocytosis

- inflammation

- Strenuous exercise

- Epilepsy

- EMotional stress, labour etc.

Differential leukocyte count

Performed using stained blood smears.

This procedure is the Pappenheim´s procedure, which used the May-Grunwald-Giemsa staining.

First stained with May-Grunwald, then the giemsa stain.

Pappenheim´s procedure

Used the May-Grunwald-Giemsa staining

Neutrophilic leukocytosis

Acute bacterial inflammation

Sterile inflammation

Eosinophilic leukocytosis

Allergic disorders

Parasitic infections


Systemic autoimmune diseases

Basophilic leukocytosis

Inflammatory reactions

Myeloproliferative diseass


Chronic bacterial infections

Systemic autoimmune diseases

Inflammatory bowl diseases


Viral infections



Reticulocytes are immature RBC´s which we find in circulation. Around 1% of RBC are replaced each day by reticulocytes.

Reticulocytes still have remnants of protein translation machinery.

Supravital dyes

Supra vital dyes stain unfixed cells outside the body. Degradation of cells causes the preparation only to be viable for a short period of time.

Brilliant cresyl blue

Briliant cresyl blue stain solution

A supravital dye we use to stain reticulocyte, during counting.

Reticulocyte count - Range

Normal range: 0.7-1.5%

Reticulocyte - Aregenerative status

Aregenereative status is when you have a low reticulocyte count.

- Aplastic anaemia

Reticulocyte - hyperregenerative status

Hyperregerative status is when you have a high reticulocyte count.

Haemolytic anaemia or haemorrhagic aneaemia


Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is the rate at which RBC settle down in a tube in one hour. It´s measured in mm/hour.

Westergren´s method is used, dilution 4:1 with Na-citrate solution.

Sodium-citrate is an anticoagulant

ESR - factors affecting

- Shape and size of RBC

- RBC count

- Viscosity of plasma

- Albumin/globulin - fibrinogen ratio


Columns which RBC form when they stick together. It affects the ESR, since it lowers surface to volume.

Negative charge due to acidic residues and albumin block rouleaux formation. But globulins and fibrinogen carry less negative charge, and therefore acts as glue to stick RBC´s together.

What causes increased ESR?

Increases due to pregnancy, infections, inflammations and tumor diseases.

Westergren method and tubes

Used in erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

ESR - normal range

Male: 2-6 mm/hour

Female: 3-10 mm/hour

ESR - evaluation

High ESR

- Pregnancy

- Inflammation

- Tumor

- Anaemia

- Hydraemia


- Hypofibrinogenaemia

- Macrocytic anaemia

- Polycytaemia

- Exsiccosis

Viscosity - factors


Formed elements

-Hct, WBC, RBC shape

Plasma proteins and lipids

Vessels diameter


Flow rate


Blood: 4-6

Plasma: 1.8-2

Osmotic resistance

Osmotic resistance is the minimum concentration of NaCl the RBC can withstand without hemolys.

We use different NaCl solutions

Osmotic resistance - hypotonic

Hypotonic solution causes the RBC to take up water and swell. If the osmotic concentration is to small the membrane ruptures and hemolysis occurs.

Osmotic resistance - isotonic

RBC retain their bioconcave shape

Osmotic resistance - hypertonic

They shrink because of water loss to the hypertonic solution.

Osmotic resistance - Evaluation

Clear supernatant + sediment -> no hemolysis

Reddish supernatant + sediment -> partial hemolysis

Red liquid -> Complete hemolysis

Osmotic resistance - normal range

Min resistance: 0.46-0.42% NaCl

Max resistance: 0.34-0.30% Nacl


Mean corposcular volume

- Avg volume of red blood cells

- MCV= Htc/RBC-count

Normal range 80-95 Fl

- High values indicate macrocytosis

- Low values indicate microcytosis


Mean corpuscular hemoglobin

- Hb content in one RBC

- MCH= Hb/RBC-count

Normal range : 26-36pg

- Hyper

- Hypochrom


Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

- Average Hb- concentration

- MCHC= Hb/Htc

Normal range: 310-360g/liter

Drabkin´s method

Used in determination of hemoglobin concentration.

Involves osmotic hemolysis of RBC and transformation of hemoglobin molecules to cyan-hemiglobin.

- Very stable and can be determined photometrically.


Used in hemoglobin concentration determination

Potassium ferricyanid

Potassium cyanide

Potassium dihydroen phosphate

Hb concentration - Photometry

Photometry of sample and control at 540 nm.

Comparison with control tube which validates answers.


Hb concentration - Normal range

120-180 g/L

Hb concentration - evaluation


- Anemia

- Hyperhydration


- Polycythemia

- Exsiccosis

Hb spectroscopy

O2- Hb - 542 and 578 nm

Desoxy - Hb - 555 nm

Co - Hb - 539 and 570 nm

Met- Hb - 540, 580, 630

Hb gas compounds - Oxygenated Hb

O2 bind to Hb

Two stripes in yellow field

N arterial blood of a healthy person

Hb gas compounds - Desoxygenated Hb

CO2 bind to HB

1 stripe at yellow field

N in small amounts in venous blood

If absolute amount increase, bluish-purple discoloration of skin

Hb gas compounds - Carb-Hb


2 stripes of yellow and green

Can not release oxygen in presence of moderate reducing agents.

Doesn´t change when sodium-dithonite is added

Hb gas compunds - Met-Hb

Created by oxidizing hemoglobin to methemoglobin with potassium-ferrycyanide

Met binds O2 stronger than Hb.

Not deoxygenated by slight reducing agents.

Bleeding time

Time from puncture until cessation of blood.

Tells us the efficiency of the hemostasic processes in the capillaries, and the function of platelets and vascular reactions.

Bleeding time normal range

2-3 minutes

Longer than 5 minutes indicate thrombocytopenia or impairment of platelets function

Clotting time

The time it takes for a blood samples coagulate when placed on glass.

It reflects the activity of the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation system.

Stop when first fibrin fiber appears

Clotting time - normal range

5-10 minutes

Increasing temperatur decreases the clotting time

Prothrombin time

Test reflects the extrinsic pathway. The time needed for the first fibrin fiber to appear reflect the the activity of the extrinsic pathway.

Can be used to check vitamin K status or liver function.

Use thromboplastin + Ca reagent

Prothrombin time - normal range

15-20 sec


International normalized ratio


PT- patient prothrombin time

NPT - Normal prothrombin time

ISI - internation sensitivity index


ABO blood typing

Composed of four main blood types. A, B, AB and O.

O type - only H

A or B type - either A or B antigens

AB type - Both A and B antigens

Blood to be diluted with NaCl

Bombay blood type

Lack the H antigens and AB.

Not a universal donor

AB type

A universal recipient

Landsteiner law

A person does not have antibody to his own antigens.

Each person has antibody to the antigen he lacks.

Agglutinogens and agglutigens



Glicolipids or glicoproteins on the RBC surface

Difference between antigenes is determined by epitopes.



LgM -> plasma

Human blood contains natural Antibodies against those agglutinogens that we dont have in our ABO system.

LgG in Rh.

ABO determination - 1 sided test vs 2 sided

1 sided test - known serum + unknown blood.

2 sided test

- Known serum + unknown blood.

- Known blood + unknown serum

In vitro vs in vivo - blood typing

In vitro the blood precipitation = agglutination

In vivo hemolysis

Rh blood group

Contain D, E, C, c, f, e Ag, D-Ag.

D is the strongest antigen.

Europe: 85% Rh+ and 15 Rh-

Which antigen penetrates the placenta?


Rh- determination

Anti-D serum and NaCl for control

Tidal volume

Air moved into or out of lungs during one cycle of quiet breath

500 ml

Eupnoea vs dyspnoea vs apnoea

Eupnoea is normal good, unlabored ventilation.

Dyspnoea is uncomfortable awareness of breathing, shortness of breath.

Apnoea is temporary suspension of breathing.

Inspiratory reserve volume

The additional air that can forcibly be inhaled after inspiration of tidal volume.

2500 ml.

Expiratory reserve volume

The additional volume of air which can forcible be exhaled after normal expiration.

1000 ml.

Residual volume

Volume which cannot be exhaled voluntarily.

About 1500 ml.

Inspiratory capacity

Volume of air that can be inhaled during a full inhalation from resting expiratory postion.

It´s equal to tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume.

3000 ml

Vital capacity

Maximum amount of air a person can exhale from lungs after maximum inhalation.

Avg of 4000 ml in males and 3100 in females.

Functional residual capacity

Volume of air present in lungs after normal expiration.

Cannot me measured with spirometer, since it includes the residual volume.

2500 ml

Total lung capacity

Volume in the lungs at maximal inflation.

The normal value is 5500 ml


Maximal breathing capacity

The maximum amount of gas a person can inhale and exhale per minute by breathing as quickly and deeply as possible.

70-200 l/min


Forced expiratory volume

The volume exhaled during the first seconds of a forced expiratory maneuver.

Obstructive respiratory disorders

Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

This causes FEV1 to decrease and tiffany index is decreased, in relation to VC.

Increased RV

Increased TLC

Restrictive respiratory disorder

Chest deformity or reduction of pulmonary surface causing decreased lung volume.

VC and TLC is smaller tha normal.

FEV1 is decreased due to reduction in VC.

But tiffanea-index is normal


Occurs when rate and quantity of alveolar ventilation of CO2 exceeds the body´s production of CO2

Valsalva maneuver

Performed by doing forceful attempted exhalation against closed glottis. This creates a positive intrapleural pressure, which blocks the blood from entering the right side of the heart from the central veins. This causes the body to compensate with sympathetic activity.

-Increased heart rate, vasoconstriction and increased total peripheral resistance.

Muller maneuver

Forced inspiration made with closed glottis. This creates negative intreplauleral pressure, flooding the lungs and heart with blood. The stroke volume will decrease du to increased wall tension. This leads to weak radial pulse.

Frank-Starling law

Intrapulmonary pressure during normal inhalation and exhalation

Intrapulmonary is lower during normal inhalation and higher during normal exhalation

Intrapleural pressure during normal inhalation and exhalation

Pressure remains negative til the end of exhalation.

During inhalation the expansion of the thorax causes the intrapleural pressure to decrease.

Donder´s model

Displays the relationship between the intrapleural and intrapulmonary pressure, and the volume changes.

Pulmonary compliance

The capability of lungs and chest to distend under pressure.

It´s measured by pulmonary volume change per unit of pressure change.


total pulmonary compliance

In the case of total pulmonary compliance is the elasticity of the elastic and collagen fibers found in the parenchyme of the lung + surface tension.

Saline decreases the surface tension to almost zero.

Pulmonary compliance - normal value

1 liter/kPa

Metabolic rate - indirect

Metabolic rate can be measured indirectly.

If we measure the amount of O2 used in oxidation, which is the same as the O2 demand.

The consumed O2 is than proportional with heat release.

Metabolic rate - influencing factors

Temperature, position, medical substances, mental and physical state, and diet.

We can measure the basal metabolic rate if we standardize these influencing factors.

Resistance of the respiratory system

Elastic resistance: 80-90%

- Elastic resistance of the lungs

- Elastic resistance of the chest wall

Resistance of airways: 10-20%

- Sympathetic causes less resistance (dilation)

- Parasympathetic causes resistance (constriction)

Belák-Illényi apperatus

Used to measure the oxygen consumption of a rat.

When the rat consumes O2 it produces CO2 and water vape, this decrease in O2 is adjusted by fluid administration, which directly equals the O2 volume consumed.

In situ

On site

Electrical stimulation of heart - systole

No effect since the heart muscle is in a absolute refractory period.

Electrical stimulation of heart - diastole

This causes premature ventricular contraction, or PVC. This is followed by a compensational pause. Both of these can be seen on the ECG.

The pacemaker is not effected by this, so the heart rhythm returns to normal.


Premature ventricular contraction or extrasystole - caused by electrical simulation during diastolic phase.

Electrical stimulation of heart in systole with serial stimuli

No effect since the cardiac muscle is in absolute refractory period during the whole systole.

Thermal stimulation - sinus node

Effect of warming: frequency of contractions increases.

Effects of cooling: frequency of contraction decreases.

No change in magnitude of contractions.

Thermal stimulation - Ventricular muscle

Effect of heating: Magnitude increases

Effects of cooling: Magnitude decreases

NO change in frequencies.

Stannius-ligature I

This causes binding off sinus venosus.

Pacemaker frequency of sinus venosus remains the same, but the contractions stops.

After 15-20 minutes the heart restarts with a lower heart rate.

Not only sinus has pacemaker activity, the atrium takes over.

Bowditch's all or nothing law

If that stimulus exceeds the threshold potential, the nerve or muscle fiber will give a complete response; otherwise, there is no response.

Ligature of stannius II

Binding of the atrio-ventricular border

Blocking the AV.

Ventricular stop beating, but atria continue in same rhythm. After a while ventricle starts contacting in a separate frequency, lower than the atrial one.

Specific regions of ventricles has a pacemaker function, but slower than original.

Atrio-ventricular dissociation

Happens during ligature of stannius II.

It causes the atrium and the ventricle to beat totally independent.

Ligature of stannius III

Apex is cut of from the heart and placed in ringer´s solution.

No spontaneous contractions since the ventricular working fibers have no pacemaker activity.

Mechanical or electrical stimuli causes contraction. So conduction and contraction remains.

Summation of frog heart

Summation is when we have a series of subtreshold stimuli are added together, and at a critical momentthey evoke the maximal contraction of the heart.



Registration of voltage changes

Impulses towards the electrode gives positive curve.

Impulses away from the electrode gives negative curve.

Einthoven´s triangle

Lead dependent changes of amplitudes of the ECG waves are explained by einthoven´s triangel.

I - Right arm- left arm

II- Right arm - left foot

III - Left arm - left foot

Einthoven´s rule


P- wave

Positive wave

Atrial depolarization

D: 0.1 sec

A: 0.1-0.2 mV

P-wave is positive in I, II, aVF, V4-V6

sometimes negative in: III, V1, V2

Always negative in aVR

Atrial repolarization in ECG

Cannot be seen, as it will merge with QRS.

PQ interval

Beginning of the P wave and ends at the beginning of the QRS complex.

Time that signal from SA node to reach the ventricles.

D: 0.12-0.20 sec

Atrioventricular transmission

The time it takes for the signal to travel from SA node to reach the ventricles.

PQ interval

H wave

Found in the PQ segment, but not visible in a regular ECG.

QRS complex

Ventricular depolarization

1st negative wave is the Q wave.

First positive after Q wave is R wave

A: Q: 1/4 of R, R: 1-21 mm, S:1/3 of R

D: 0.1 s

Positive: I, II, III, aVF

Negative: aVR

QRS - 5 parameters

1. Duration of QRS complex

2. Amplitude of QRS

3. Presence, duration and amplitude of Q

4. Electrical axis

5. Transition zone in chest leads

QRS - 1. duration of QRS complex

Duration of QRS should be between 0.04 and 0.1 s.

Measurement should be done in standard limb leads.

QRS - 2. amplitude of QRS complex

The amplitude has to be minimum of 0.5 mV in frontal leads.

Maximum in limb leads of 20 mm

QRS - 3. Presence, duration and amplitude of Q wave

W wave is important in diagnosis myocardial infarction.

D: 0.03s

A: 1-2mm

QRS - 4. Electrical axis

Between -30 and 100*

Determination of E and J point

E point is at the end of the PQ segment

J point is at the end of the QRS complex.

ST segment

Starts at the end of S wave and lasts until the beginning of T wave.

Isoelectric at rest

T wave

T wave is produced by ventricular repolarization.

A: 5-15 mm

D: 0.15-0.25 sec

Positive in I, II, aVF and V4-V6

Negative in aVR

Variable in III, aVL, V1-V3


aVR always gives negative P and T wave.

QT interval

Electrical systole

starts at the beginning of Q and ends at T

D:0.4 sec

Highly heart rate dependent.

U wave

Rare waveform that can in some causes lead to wrong diagnosis if its not considered.

ECG - heart rate determination

1. When heart beats are rhythmic we measure between two successive R waves.

2. Estimation - 1 thick division between heart rates is 300, 2 is 150 and 3 is 100 per minute.

3. Based on 3 seconds mark on the edge of the ECG paper.



The amplitudes of the waves are determined by the frequency.

1st heart sound is the closure of AV valves

2nd heart sound is the closure of semilunar valves.

3rd is the vibration of the ventricular walls,

Blood pressure measuring

Blood pressure can measured directly (animals only) and indirectly.

Indirectly with a sphygmomanometer + stethoscope


Measures finger pulse and oxygen saturation of hemoglobin.

Arterial oxygen saturation should be 95-100%

Blood pressure with sphygomomanometer

Inflate sphygomomanometer to above 180 mmHg, collapsing major arteries in the arm.

Then slowly release air.

Sound is produced by turbulent blood flow

1st sound is systolic blood pressure

-The blood flowing in the artery is greater than the pressure in the cuff.

As the pressure drop and all sound disappear we have diastolic pressure.

Korotkov sounds

Turbulent blood flow producing sound during blood pressure measurement with sphygomomanometer.

Physical fitness index

Harvard step-test

1. step up and down 30 times per minute.

2. rest for 1 min

3. check pulse after 1, 2 and 3 minutes

PFI=Exercise duration*100 / sum of counted pulse*2

Age-dependent index

weak vs strong vagus stimulation

The heart rate decreases due to weak vagus stimulation. While strong stimulation current stops the heart.

Because the vagus nerve is inhibitory of the heart.

Effects of ions on the isolated frog heart

- Calcium

Calcium - stops in systole because we increase the extracellular concentration, which prevents the muscle cell form pumping out calcium, and the cell can´t repolarize.

Effects of ions on the isolated frog heart- Potassium

Potassium - heart stops in diastole

We increase the potassium concentration, and the late potassium pumps can´t pump out. Because of this the cell will not be depolarized.

Effects of ions on the isolated frog heart- Physiological saline

Will stop heart in diastole

The cells runs out of calcium and potassium if there isn´t a supply from extracellular fluids.

Effects of adrenalin on frog heart

Epinephrine is a sympathetic stimulant. Increases therefor contractions and heart rate.

Positive inotropic (amplitude of contractions)

Positive chronotropic (HR)

Effect of acetylcholine

Acetylcholine is a parasympathetic stimulant, suppressing the heart. It gives a negative inotropic (contractions) and negative chronotropy (HR)

Can cause heart to stop in diastole

Antropine inhibits the effects of acetylcholine.

Primary waves

Changes of the cardiac cycle cause primary waves.

Secondary wave

According to herin-breuer reflex

Which is triggered to prevent overfilling of lungs

Inspiration: HR up, BP up

Expiration: HR down, BP down

Herin-Breuer reflex

Tertiary waves

Called meyer waves

Cause increased BP when chemoreceptors are stimulated.

Hypoxia can lead to Meyer waves

Meyer waves

Effect of adrenaline - small dose

In small dose moderately decreases blood pressure.

B2 receptors are closer, and therefore mostly affected. These cause vasodilation, which causes drop in blood pressure.

Effect of adrenaline - Large dose

Large dose of epinephrine causes increase of blood pressure and heart rate. In the viscera, further out the A1 receptors are found in larger numbers than beta. The alpha 1 causes vasoconstriction and the B1 causes increased heart rate.

a1 -> BP( vasoconstriction)

B1 -> increased heart rate

Loven reflex - weak electrical stimulation

Sensory nerve stimulation

Causes increase in vasomotor activity and rise in BP.

local vasodilations override, causing a depressor response

Loven reflex

Sensory nerve stimulation

Local vasodilation

General vasoconstriction

Pressor response, causing increases BP, RR and TV.

Effect of acetylcholine

decrease in blood pressure and heart rate

Baroreceptor mechanism

A mechanism that keeps the arterial blood pressure almost constant.

Baroreceptors are stretch receptors in the walls of vessels.

Carotid sinus and aortic arch monitor the arterial blood pressure.

Pressure falls in carotid sinus

This causes a lower baroreceptor activity. This causes an overall vasoconstriction and heart rate and respiration rise

Asphyxia or hypoxia

Strong stressor, leads to adrenalin release. This result in increased blood pressure and dyspnea.

Depressor reflex

Stretch of arterial wall causes decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.


Arterial wall

Transection of vagus nerve - peripheral and central

Peripheral will induce decrease blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate.

Central - weak stimulation cause irregular respiration, strong stops respiration. Since the vagus nerve carries afferent fibers from lung baroreceptors. During stimulation these tell the brain that the lungs are filled.


Produced by endothelium.

constricts blood vessels

Nitric oxide

Vasodilator produced by endothelium


Vasodialtor produced by endothelium


Vasodilator produced by endothelium

Increased lactate concentration, hydrogen ion concentration, potassium ions concentration and reduced oxygen tension causes vaso..


What causes a right shift in the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation curve?

Acidosis and an increase in 2,3-diphosphglycerat

How is urine moved from kidney to bladder?

Peristaltic contractions

What is the difference between the glomerular filtrate and the plasma

The filtrate has less proteins, as they are not filtrated out.

What does the juxtaglomerular apperatus regulate?

It regulates the glomerular filtration.

What increases the glomerular filtration rate

Increased sympathetic stimulation, dilation of afferent arterioles, constriction of efferent arterioles.


A powerful vasodilator

How is glucose and amino reabsorbed in kidneys?

Secondary active transport

How can substances move from blood into tubular fluid

Via tubular secretion and glomerular filtration

What produces 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol


Which blood flow is higher in the kidney

Cortical or medullary


When can airways resistance be measured?

Only when air is flowing into or out of the lungs

How is CO2 mostly carried in the blood

As bicarbonate ions in the plasma

What would lack of ADH cause

It would cause maximally diluted urine, as ADH functions are as a vasopressin. keeping water in the body

What´s the function of thick ascending limb cells in the kidney

Actively transporting Na+, K+ and Cl-

Arterial pH below 7.35

Metabolic acidosis

Damage to glossopharyngeal nerve effects

Pharyngeal phase of swelling and the carotid sinus reflex.

Receptive relaxation in stomach

During this period there is no efferent input via the vagus nerve

Gastrin secretion is inhibited by?

Inhibited by H+ levels
Gastrin secretion is stimulated by?

Activated by stretch, peptides and neural signals

Gastrin - function

Acid secretion and motility

Mucosal growth in gut and stomach

What trigger the enterogastric inhibitory reflex?

Acidic or hypertonic solutions in duodenum

Where are bile salts synthesized?

In the hepatocytes, only.

In which phase of stomach secretion does the greatest amount of secretion take place?

Gastric phase

Difference between serum and plasma

Plasma has fibrinogen

When is erythroblastosis fetalis most likely to become a problem in Rh-negative mothers as?

Second Rh-positive fetus develops

Term for slow heart rate


Term for fast heart rate


What prevents overfilling of lungs during normal respiration?

Hering-Bruer reflex

function of LDL

Transport of lipids from the liver to tissues

Reverse of HDL´s function

HDL function

Transport of the lipids from the tissues to livers.

Reverse of LDL´s function

Growls from stomach is part of which phase

The cephalic phase

Which type of ingested food would stay for the longest period in the stomach?

Meal with high concentrations of lipids.

Which part of the GI system does the following:

Storage of undigested material

absorption of water

Absorption of electrolytes

Large intestine

When does the breakdown of proteins vs carbohydrates begin?

Protein: Stomach

Carbohydrates: salivary glands

Intestinal epithelial cell secretion

Brush border

Maltase, aminopeptidase, lactase, sucrase

Function of chylomicrons

Enables fat and cholesterole to move in the blood stream

Gastrocolic reflex

Is a reflex controlling motility in the GI tract, in the colon.

Gastrin, CCK, serotonin

Histamin secretion in stomach causes

This can caused hyper secretion of HCL acids by parietal cells.

Stimulation of b1

Increase in heart rate, impulse conduction, contraction.

Positive chronotropic, dromotropic and inotropic effect

Stimulation of a1

Vasoconstriction of blood vessls

Stimulation of b2

Smooth muscle relaxation

Blocked forced inspiration

Muller manoeuvre

Blocked forced expiration

Valsalva manoeurvre

Blocking forced expiration

1.Decreased or increases peripheral resistance

2.Decreased or elevated jugular venous pressure

3. Drop or increased blood pressure

4. Tachycardia or bradycardia

5. Increased blood volume in systemic or pulmonary circulation?

1. Increased peripheral resistance

2. Eleveated jugular venous pressure

3. Drop in arterial blood pressure

4. Tachycardia

5. Increased blood volume in systemic

Blocking forced inspiration

1.Increased or decreased pO2 in blood

2.Decreased or elevated jugular venous pressure3. Drop or increased blood pressure

4. Tachycardia or bradycardia

5. Increased blood volume in systemic or pulmonary circulation?

1. Decreased pO2 in blood

2. Elevated jugular venous pressure ???

3. Drop in arterial blood pressure

4. tachycardia

5. Increased blood volume in pulmonary circulation

What leukocytes is increased in numbers during allergic diseases?


What can inhibit blood clotting?

Antithrombin, heparin

Deficiency in vit k

How to demonstrate summation of electric stimuli?

Apply below threshold stimulus, and increase frequency of it.

A slide with cover slip is needed in?

Determination of retikulocyte count

Hyperventilation results in what?

Decreased frequency of respiration

Carotid sinus reflex

Stretch of arterial wall. Causes decrease in BP and HR.

Receptors are baroreceptors


Caused by hypoxia. Causes increased HR, TPR and BP.


Bezold-Jarish reflex

Stretch of ventricular wall.

Decrease in HP and BP

Pressure receptors

Brainbridge reflex

Increase central venous pressure and therefore stretch in atrial wall.

Increase in HR and BP


Cushing reflex

Increased intracranial pressure

Decrease in HR and increase in BP.

intercranial baroreceptors


Painful stimulus

Causes increase in BP, HR and TPR

Goltz reflex

Mechanical stimulus of the abdomen causing decrease in heart rate

Oculo-cardial reflex

Compression of eyeball causes decrease in heart rate.

Atrialrenal reflex

Stretch in the atrial wall.

Baroreceptors in the right atrium

Systemic vs pulmonary circulation - cardiac ouput

Cardiac output can be measured on each side, and they are equivalent.

Small dose of epinephrine causes

Vasodilation, or a decrease in the total peripheral resistance

Transpulmonary pressure equals

Alveolar pressure minus intrapleural pressure

At the end of expiration it elastic recoil of the lung or chest wall the greatest?

At the end of respiration at rest the inward directed elastic recoil of the lung balances the outward elastic recoil of the chest wall.

Surfactant - size of alveoli

The surfactant has a greater effect on smaller alveoli than in larger, meaning it can reduce it's surface tension further

What increases the release of aldosterone and activates thirst?


Angiotensin II

Which system returns ions and proteins to the circulatory system?

Lymphatic system

Which law describes the intrinsic relationship between end-diastolic volume and stroke volume

Frank-starling law

Decreased pH level can cause vaso..?

Local vasodilation

Increased metabolism, CO2 production and K+ level can cause vaso..?

Local vasodilation

What happens during the processing of glomerular ultrafiltrate?

The transport maximum will be reached, and glucose which is present in excess to this will appear in the urine

What stimulates gallbladder contraction, pancreatic enzyme secretion and HCl seceretion by parietal cells



An important enzyme in blood pressure regulation. It´s secreted by the liver, and it acts on angiotensin.

Hypoventilation can cause

Respiratory acidosis

Can cause the pH of the blood to decrease

What does hypercapnia stimulate

It stimulates the central chemoreceptors


Decreases cerebral blood flow, increases blood pH, causes hypocapnia, and increases cardiac output.

Number of white blood cells
WBC – percentage of each type
62% neutrophils
2.3% eosinophils
0.4% basophils
5.3% monocytes
30% Lymphocytes
WBC – size'
Eosinophils – 12
Neutrophils – 12
Basophils – 8–10
Monocytes – twice as big as an RBC
Physiological range of platelets
150000 – 300000 / microliter
Hemaglobin concentration in blood
120–180 g/l
Hemaglobin molecular weight
64.5 kDa
Iron amount and distribution
4–5 g of iron
Hemoglobin 65–70%
Storages 20–25%
Myoglobin 3.5–10%
Enzymes 5%
Serum 1%
Ferritin– normal range
17–304 μg / l
Prothrombin concentration in normal plasma
15 mg/dl
Fibrinogen in plasma
100 to 700 mg/dl
Bleeding time
2–3 min
Clotting time
5 – 10 min
Prothrombin time
13–22 seconds
Normal systolic pressure
120 mmHg
Normal diastolic pressure
80 mmHg
Velocity of pulse wave – aorta
4–6 m/sec
Blood pressure and pulse – Baby
80/ 50 and 110
Blood pressure and pulse – Child
90/60 and 100
Blood pressure and pulse – Adolescent
105/70 and 100
Hematocrit normal range – male and female
Male: 42% – 52%
Female: 37% –47%
RBC – male and female
Male: 4.5 –6 million/μl
Female: 3.8–5.2 million/μl
Capillary dimensions – systemic and pulmonary
systemic diameter: 6μm, length 750μm
Pulmonary diameter: 8 μm, length 350μm
Capillary structures – pores
Intra–cellular: 20–25nm
Inter–cellular: 4– 4.5 nmr
Total peripheral resistance
TPR – arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins
Artery: 10% of TPR
Arterioles: 50–55% of TPR
Capillaries: 30–35% of TPR
Veins: 5% of TPR
Reynold´s number
Re= (v * 2r * r)/ h
re>200 to 400 turbulent flow will occur in some parts.

Re> 2000 turbulence will always occur
Normal right atrial pressure
0 mm Hg
Pressure in right ventricle
Systolic: 25 mm Hg
Diastolic: 0 –1 mm Hg
Mean pulmonary arterial pressure
15 mm Hg
Mean pulmonary capillary pressure
7 mm Hg
Mean pressure in left atrium and major pulmonary veins
about 2 mm Hg
Blood volume in lungs
450 ml
70ml of this in the pulmonary capillaries
Normal coronary blood flow
225 ml/min
Cerebral blood flow
60 and 160 mm Hg
Blood flow and oxygen consumption of organs
– Except lung
Splanchnic area: 25–30% of CO, 25–35% O2
Kidney: 20–245 of CO, 6–7% of O2
Brain: 14–15% of CO, 18% of O2
Skeletal muscle: 15–20% of CO, 19–20% of O2
Skin, bone: 4–10% of CO, 2–5% of O2
Coronary blood flow: 5% of CO, 10–12% of O2
Highest specific blood flow
Glomus aorticum and caroticum is highest

2000–3000 ml/100g / min
Highest specific O2 consumption
Blood volume in splanchnic area
1/5 of total blood volume
Skin circulation blood flow – resting condition
100 ml/min
Local vasodilators – Metabolits
Local acidosis H+
K+ ion
Hypoxia (vasoconstrictor in lungs.)
Local vasodilators – Others
PG 12 – prostacyclin

Substance P
Neurokinin A
Vasoactive Intestinal polipeptide
Calcitonin gene–related peptide
Epinephrine (via alpha 1, but dilator via beta 2. )
Norepinephrine (via alpha 1, but dilator via beta 2)
Angiotensin II
Thromboxane A II
Intrapleural pressure during inspiration and expiration
Inspiration:P(intrapleura)= –8 cm H20
Expiration:P(intrapleura)=–5 cm H20
Alveolar ventilation
4200 ml/min
Saliva produced each day
1–1,5 liter/day
Gastic juice produced
2.5 –3.5 liters/day
Glomerular capillary pressure
Proximal tubular pressure
Colloid osmotic pressure
Effective filtration pressure
GCP – Afferent and efferent
Afferent GCP: 60 Hg mmEfferent GCP: 60 Hg mm

PTP – Afferent and efferent
Afferent PTP: 18 Hg mmEfferent PTP: 18 Hg mm
COP – afferent and efferent
COP afferent: 28 Hg mm
COP efferent: 36 Hg mm
EFP – Afferent and efferent
EFP afferent: 14 Hg mm
EFP efferent: 6 Hg mm
Renal blood flow – cardiac output
20–24% of CO
1200–1300 ml/min
Renal plasma flow: 600–800 ml/min
Glomerular filtration rate: 100–125 ml/min
Filtration factor: 0.2
Relative blood viscosity
Hemoglobin concentration in blood
120–180 g/L

What is the effect of thrombosthenin on platelets?

Cause the platelets to contract, we find it in the cytoplasm together with actin and myosin molecules.

What is the most important function of ER and golgi in platelets?

Store large amounts of calcium ions.

Growth factor in platelets

It causes vascular endothelial, vascular smooth muscle and fibroblasts to grow.

Help repair damaged vascular walls.

Extrinsic vs intrinsic pathway

Extrinsic pathway occurs when there is tissue trauma, while the intrisinc pathway starts with blood.

They both lead to the formation of a prothrombin activator.

Factors in extrinsic pathway

Factor V, VII, X

Ca2+ is important in every step

Factors in intrinsic pathway

Factor V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII

What is vitamin K required for?

Vitamin K is required for prothrombin production. So if prothrombin time is prolonged, it can be caused by insufficient production by the liver.

Function of plasmin

Plasmin can cleave a fibrin polymer, creating fibrin degrading product.

It´s important in anticlotting

What is the three-component model of the heart muscle?

Made up of

- Contractile element

- Parallel elastic component (Frank-starling mechanism)

- Series elastic component

What causes respiratory alkalosis, and how does it shift Hb dissociation

Caused by hyperventilation, and shifts the HB dissociation curve to the left.

Metabolic alkalosis

Caused by heavy vomiting

What causes respiratory acidosis and metabolic?

Hypoventilation causes respiratory acidosis.

Metabolic acidosis can be caused by build up of acidic substances, or the failure of kidneys.

Why does methemoglobin have a lower affinity for oxygen than deoxyhemoglobin?

Because the iron has been oxidized to the ferric state.

Which immunoglobulin protects the mucous membrane?

Ig A

What is produced in platelets?

Thromboxan - A2 and serotonin

Rh positive vs Rh negative - blood diffusion

A Rh positive can receive blood from Rh negative, but a patient with Rh negative cannot receive blood from a Rh positive.

where do we find secretin?


What activates secretin?

It´s activated by H+ concentration increase in the stomach.

Effects of secretin

Inhibit acid secretion and mucosal growth

HCO3 secretion in pancreas.

Bile flow and HCO3 secretion in bile ducts

Works to balance out gastrin

where do we find motilin?

Motilin is found in the small intestine

What activates motilin

motilin is activated neuronal

Effect of motilin

Motility during interdigestive phase.

Promotes emptying of the stomach

Where is Glukose-dependent insulinoptropic peptide found?

Found in the small intestine

What is the effect of GIP?

It inhibits acid secretion, digestive motility in stomach and the emptying of the stomach.

Promotes insulin secretion of the stomach

What activates GiP?

Activated by glucose, peptides and fattyacids

Where is CCK found and what activates it?

In the small intestine and it´s activated by fatty acids and amino acids.

Effect of CCK

Inhibit emptying of stomach

Stimulate enzyme secretion and growth in pancreas.

Stimulate gallbladder emptying

Which GI hormones are found in the small intestine?

Secretin, motilin, GIP, CCK.

Gastrin is found in both the stomach and the duodenum.