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23 Cards in this Set

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Carbs are broken down to _________ and _________. They are ultimately broken down to __________
oligosacharides and disacharides; monosacharides
Fats are broken into __________ and __________
fatty acids and 2-monoglycerides
Proteins are broken down to ________ and ____________
small peptides and amino acids
What are the three compartments for digestion?
Luminal digestion; Membrane digestion; Intracellular digestion
alpha-Amylase is most effective in _____ pH environment. It is secreted from the pancreas in the ________ form
neutral; active
alpha-Amylase begins working in the _______
Amylose is broken down to __________ and ___________
Maltotriose; Maltose
Amylopectin is broken down to _________, _______ and ____________
Maltotriose; alpha-Limit dextrin; Maltose
What digestive compartment do lactase, maltase and sucrase-isomaltase function in?
Membrane digestion
sucrase-isomaltase breaks down __________ and __________ into __________ and ____________
sucrose and alpha-Limit dextrin; glucose and fructose
What is the best treatment for a patient with glucose intolerance due to poor absorption?
feed patient with fructose
Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and Elastase are ________peptidases
carboxypeptidase A and B are _______peptidases
__________ stimulates the transformation of precursors to active proteases
What enzyme is involved in the transformation of Trypsinogen to Trypsin?
__________ triggers the release of Trypsinogen
What does PepT1 do?
co-transports peptides and H+ from lumen into intracellular space
What are the five processes in lipid assimilation?
secretion of bile/lipases -> emulsification -> enzymatic hydrolysis of ester linkages -> solubilization of lipolytic products within bile salt micelles -> Transportation into and out of the enterocyte
________ and __________ stimulate the release of bicarb from the pancreatic ductal cells
secretin and ACh
_______________ is known as the non-specific esterase
cholesterol esterase
do short and medium chain fatty acids need micelle transport?
Glycerol, short-chain and medium chain fatty acids pass through the enterocyte and enter the __________
Chylomicrons and VLDLs are secreted from the endothelium and enter the ___________