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109 Cards in this Set

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What are the components of air?
Mostly nitrogen
carbon dioxide
water vapor
What is Dalton's Law?
The sum of all the gases in the air which equals atmospheric pressure
What is partial pressure?
the separate contribution of each gas in the air
What variables affect efficiency of alveolar gas exchange?
-pressure gradients of gases
-solubility of the gases
-membrane thickness
-membrane area
-ventilation-perfusion coupling
Pressure gradients of blood entering and leaving the lungs
pp of oxygen: 40 mm Hg
pp of carbon dioxide: 46 mm Hg

pp of oxygen: 95 mm Hg
pp of carbon dioxide: 40 mm Hg
Alveolar air- what gas does it have a high concentration of?
higher carbon dioxide, lower oxygen
Solubility of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is about 20 times more soluble than oxygen
How does pressure gradient and solubility affect the amount of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide?
***equal amounts of the two gases are exchanged since carbon dioxide is more soluble and oxygen has a higher pressure gradient
How does membrane thickness affect gas exchange?
It's very thin- gas exchange is not difficult (in normal healthy conditions)

**however, with heart conditions like left ventricular failure, blood backs up into lungs promoting capillary filtration into connective tissues= causes thickness of respiratory membrane and gas exchange difficult to impossible
How does membrane surface area affect affect gas exchange?
The more membrane surface area, the more gas exchange.

This is decreased by pulmonary disease such as emphysema and lung cancer

*decreased membrane surface area of the lungs= low blood partial pressure of oxygen
What is ventilation-perfusion coupling and how does it relate to gas exchange?
It is the ability to match ventilation and perfusion to each other- depending on the amt of oxygen available to one aveoli, the perfusion to that alveoli will adjust- ie: alveoli with great amt of oxygen will have greater perfusion

*a VQ scan measures this to make sure that ventilation and perfusion match
-a pulmonary embolis- obstruction of pulmonary artery would affect this
What is gas transport?
The transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the alveoli to the systemic tissues and vice versa
How is oxygen transported?
Oxygen is transported by the protein hemoglobin which is present in red blood cells
-Hemoglobin contains 4 protein chains each with 1 heme group- each heme group can carry one oxygen molecule... so 1 hemoglobin= carries 4 oxygen

*hemoglobin carrying bound oxygen is called OXYHEMOGLOBIN
Explain the Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
It is the relationship btw hemoglobin saturation and partial pressure of oxygen

*@ low pp of oxygen, the curve rises slowly then a rapid increase as oxygen is loading- it plateaus when hemoglobin is full and all 4 heme groups are occupied
what form is carbon dioxide transported in?
In 3 forms:
1. Carbonic acid - 90%
2. Carbamino compounds- 5%
3. Dissolved gas - 5%
What is carbonic acid?
One of the forms that carbon dioxide is transported in (about 90%)
-Carbon dioxide is hydrated to form carbonic acid which dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions
What are carbamino compounds?
One of the forms that carbon dioxide is transported in (5%)
-Carbon dioxide binds to an amino group of plasma proteins and hemoglobin to for carbamino compounds
How is the remaining 5% of carbon dioxide in the blood transported if not by carbonic acid or carbamino compounds?
The remaining 5% of carbon dioxide is transported as dissolved gas in the blood
What is the very general breakdown of gas exchange at the alveoli and the systemic tissues?
@ alveoli- oxygen comes into the blood, CO2 leaves the blood

@ systemic tissues- oxygen leaves the blood to enter tissues, CO2 enters the blood
What is carbon dioxide loading?
Tissue fluid has a relatively high pp of carbon dioxide (since aerobic resp. produces a molecule of CO2 for ever molecule of oxygen it consumes

*Carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood stream from the systemic tissues where it is transported as 3 forms (carbonic acid, carbamino group, dissolved gas)
What is oxygen unloading?
*Oxygen diffuses from the blood into the tissue fluid

-H binds to oxyhemoglobin, reducing the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen which makes hemoglobin release the oxygen
-when blood arrives at the systemic capillaries its oxygen concentration is 20 ml/dl, hemoglobin is 97% saturated
-as blood leaves the capillaries of a resting tissue, oxygen conc is 15 ml/dl, hemoglobin is 75% saturated
-venous reserve remains in blood
What is venous reserve?
The oxygen remaining in the blood after oxygen unloading in the systemic tissues (about 15-20% saturation of hemoglobin)

*this can sustain life for 4-5 minutes in the event of respiratory arrest
How much water is in the body of a young adult and what are the two percentages?
40 L

65% intracellular fluid
35% extracellular fluid

-water moves osmotically from one fluid compartment to another so that osmolarities of the ECF & ICF seldom differ
What is the average amt of water gained and lost on daily basis? How is this water gained and lost?
2500 mL

gained: metabolism (reabsorbed by large intestine) & by ingestion of food and drink

lost: urine, feces, expired breath and sweat
How is fluid intake governed?
By the thirst center in the hypothalamus
-center responds to release of angiotensin II
-causes the release of ADH (increases water reabsorption- just water not Na)
-signals from osmoreceptor neurons monitor blood osmolarity
How is fluid loss governed?
Mainly by factors that control urine output
-ADH secreted in response to dehydration= reduces urine output
What is fluid deficiency?
when fluid output exceeds fluid input
Occurs with:
-Volume depletion (hypovolemia) when total body water is reduced but osmolarity is normal (severe hemorrhage)
-Dehydration- volume is reduced and osmolarity is elevated (sweating profusely= losing water AND Na- if only replaced with water, extracellular Na conc becomes very low- water rushes into cells and they lyse)
What role does sodium play in electrolyte balance?
It's the major cation of the ECF
-important in osmotic and fluid balance
-nerve and muscle activity (depolarization)
-Cotransport (binds with another molecule)
-Acid-base balance
-Heat generation
What is a normal level of sodium and how is it maintained?
Btw 130-145 mE/L

-Aldosterone promotes Na reabsoption
-ADH reduces Na concentration
What is Hypernatremia?
Excess sodium (greater than 145 mE/L)
-Causes water retention, hypertension (high blood pressure) and edema
What is Hyponatremia?
Sodium deficiency (less than 130 mE/L)
results from hypotonic hydration (losing too much water and Na and only replacing it with water- cells lyse)
What is Potassium's role in electrolyte balance?
It is the major cation of the ICF
*excretion of K+ promoted by aldosterone
-important in osmotic and fluid balance
-nerve and muscle activity (depolarization)
-Cotransport (binds with another molecule)
-Acid-base balance
-Heat generation
-cofactor for some enzymes
What is Hyperkalemia?
Excess potassium (greater than 5.5 mE/L)
-can cause nerve muscle dysfunction
-cardiac arrest (causes PVCs- resting membrane pot. becomes less neg, heart contracts too soon, looses strength, becomes flaccid)
What is Hypokalemia?
Potassium deficiency (less than 3.5 mE/L
-inhibits nerve function
-inhibits muscle function
*can be caused by blood pressure medication (diuretic)
-causes muscle cramps (sign of K+ deficiency)
What is Chloride's role in electrolyte balance?
It is the major anion of the ECF
*chloride follows Na and is regulated by Na homeostasis
Important in:
-osmotic balance
-formation of stomach acid
-respiratory and renal function (chloride shift mechanism)
What happens when there is a chloride imbalance?
pH becomes imbalanced
What is Ca necessary for?
-muscle contraction
-nerve transmission
-blood clotting
-hormone action
-bone and tooth formation

*regulated by PTH and Calcitonin
What is Hypercalcemia?
excess Ca+ (greater than 5.8 mE/L)
-causes muscle weakness
-depressed reflexes
-cardiac arrhythmias
What is Hypocalcemia?
Ca+ deficiency (less than 4.5 mE/L)
-Fatal tetany (low Ca causes increased inward flow through Na channels bringing membrane potential closer to threshold causing involuntary contractions of heart)
What is normal pH level of the ECF?
What affects the balance of pH?
The tendency of weak and strong acids to give up H ions and weak and strong bases to absorb H ions
What is a buffer system?
any system that resists changes in pH by converting a strong acid or base into a weak one

Physiological systems: urinary (kidneys- most important) and respiratory

Chemical systems: bicarbonate, phosphate and protein
How does the respiratory system balance acids and bases?
It buffers pH by adjusting pulmonary ventilation
-reduced ventilation allows carbon dioxide to accumulate in blood, LOWERING pH
-increased ventilation expels carbon dioxide too quickly, lowering H concentration and RAISING pH
What are the kidneys role in acid-base balance?
They neutralize more acid and base than any other buffer system
What is acidosis?
A pH lower than 7.35
2 types:
-Respiratory Acidosis: occurs when pulmonary gas exchange is insufficient and CO2 accumulates faster than the body can expel it
-Metabolic acidosis: the result of lactic acid or ketone accumulation, ingestion of acidic drugs (aspirin), loss of bases (diarrhea)
What is alkalosis?
pH greater than 7.45
2 types:
-Respiratory alkalosis: results from hyperventilation (stress, anxiety, panic attacks)
-Metabolic alkalosis: rare- can be caused by overuse of antacids or loss of stomach acids through vomiting
What is uncompensated acidosis or alkalosis?
when the pH imbalance in the body cannot be corrected by the body's homeostasis
-requires clinical intervention
-respiratory compensation: change in pulmonary ventilation
-renal compensation: changes in hydrogen secretion
What is the definition of pain?
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
Is pain subjective or objective?
It is SUBJECTIVE - different people handle pain in different ways

Multidimensional: biological factors, psychological factors, social factors
What are the dimensions of pain?
Pain is multidimensional: biological factors, psychological factors, social factors
Is pain difficult to treat?
Yes. PTs are not pain specialists, we control pain related to movement problems
What are the Melzack and Casey 3 dimensions of pain?
-Sensory-discriminative: quality of pain (burning, sharp, aching, dull) location, duration, and intensity

-Motivational-effective: concerned with its unpleasantness and our tendency to escape (become a victim) or attack the pain

-Cognitive-evaluative: past experience and the outcome of different response strategies
What is acute pain?
Acute pain: protective- warning sign that body is experiencing actual or potential tissue damage
What is Allodynia?
Pain resulting from a stimulus that doesn't usually cause pain
What is Hyperalgesia?
an increased response to something that is normally painful
-Primary: occurs at site of tissue damage
-Secondary: occurs outside of the site of tissue damage
What is Hypoalgesia?
Diminished pain in response to stimulation that would normally be painful
What is Referred pain?
Pain outside the area of tissue damage (ie: heart attack- feel pain in arm or back)
* most important type of pain for PTs to know about
What is Radicular pain?
pain that follows a dermatomal pattern secondary to a nerve compression (ie: sciatica)
Types of Muscle pain
-Myofascial pain
Types of Joint pain
-Acute: after injuries to ligaments or joint capsule
-Chronic: after osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
Where do sprains and strains happen?
Sprains happen in ligaments

Strains happen in muscle
How does pain travel through the peripheral pathways? (starting from injury)
Following joint or muscle inflammation, sensitization of primary afferent (sensory) fibers occurs
What is sensitization?
In response to inflammation of tissues
results in:
-an increase in spontaneous activity
-decrease in threshold of response to noxious stimuli
-an increased response to that same noxious stimuli
Substances released by inflammatory cells to sensitize primary afferent fibers
*all make pain fibers hypersensitive

Serotonin: released from platelets- activates muscle nociceptors and causes pain in humans

Bradykinin: released from plasma after tissue injury, sensitizes nociceptors and produces pain

Prostaglandins: metabolites of arachadonic acid, produced in response to tissue injury

Central pathways of pain
-Spinal cord
-Ascending facilitatory pathways
-Descending facilitatory pathways
-Descending inhibitory pathways
What is gate control theory?
Activation of Large Diameter Afferent (sensory) Fibers by pressure, proprioception, touch or vibration- inhibits transmission of pain by small afferent fibers (ie: massage- stops travel of pain)
-this happens by the excitation of an inhibitory interneuron in spinal cord (inhibits c-fibers)
What is Chronic pain?
Chronic pain: non protective, serves no biological purpose (not coming from tissue damage) **has a psychological aspect= the longer the pain is there, the less likely it is to go away
Types of pain
Mechanical pain: pain that you can alter w/mvmt (ie: give patient exercises, manipulate patient- does this increase or decrease the pain?)

Chemical pain: inflammatory response (histamine, bradykinin) *treated with rest, ice, massage, heat etc

Neurogenic pain: when there is a central component to the pain (CNS becomes hypersensitive to the pain- chronic pain) *body starts to think the pain will always be there
What is wound healing?
The process to restore normal tissue architecture and function with minimal scar tissue
What are the processes involved in wound healing?
*similar in all types of wounds

Molecular processes

Cellular processes

Vascular processes
Phases of wound healing
*these phases are not exclusive of each other, they overlap

-Inflammatory response: acute or chronic
-Repair phase (proliferation)
-Remodeling phase
What is Acute Inflammatory Response?
Essential component of healing
Vasoconstriction, vasodilation, edema
Platelets, Neutrophils, Monocytes/Macrophages, Lymphocytes
-allows for recruitment of leukocytes (WBCs) for phagocytosis of pathogens and damaged tissue
Typically lasts 24-48 hours
-usually complete in 2 weeks
-Cardinal signs: redness, swell, heat & pain
-Redness swelling and heat are secondary reactions to vasodilation and increases permeability
-Pain (caused by swelling)
What are the signs of infection?

Puss, oozing, odor at wound
What happens during the acute inflammatory response on a cellular level?
-swelling allows for recruitment of leukocytes (WBCs) for phagocytosis of pathogens and damaged tissue
What is the vascular reaction to the acute inflammatory response?
Immediately after injury:
-vasconstriction to slow bleeding & allow platelets to gather
-vasoconstriction stimulates release of NE and seratonin
-vasodilation occurs= increased permeability and edema- brings WBCs to wound site
What substances mediate the Vascular Reaction of acute inflammatory response?

*Medications (anti-inflammatory) often over-prescribed by Dr., patients suppress inflammatory response too much
Transudate vs. Exudate
Transudate is fluid from the wound that is clear, no cells

Exudate is puss, lymph and WBCs (infection)
Part of the cellular response to acute inflammatory response

-first cells to appear when wound occurs
-bind to exposed fibrillar collagen to initiate coagulation
*clotting begins as prothrombin is converted to thrombin--> fibrinogen ---> fibrin
*fibrin forms matrix of mesh which forms clot
Neutrolphils are the first WBCs to site of wound
-appear 1 hours after wound and peak at 24-48 hours after
-pick up dead cells to fight infection

Monocytes are drawn to wound 48-96 hours after injury
-quickly transform into macrophages (eat debris)
*Most important cells for healing
-main cells responsible for removing dead tissue
-recycle important amino acids (to use in synthesis of new collagen)
Various types of Lymphocytes- immunological component of healing
-T-lymphocytes & B-lymphocytes play small role
-more prominent in chronic inflammation, not acute
-arrive 5 days after wound
-peak in number by 7th day
-not required for initiation of wound healing but essential for normal repair
What is Chronic inflammation?
Caused by
-repetitive microtrauma (overuse)
-autoimmune response

*not associated with cardinal signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, heat)
*predominant cell types found: lymphocytes and macrophages
Steps of Repair Phase
1. Granulation Tissue Formation
2. Fibroplasia
3. Angiogenesis
4. Re-Epithelialization
What happens during Granulation Tissue Formation?
Fibrin matrix is replaced by granulation tissue
-formed by: fibroplasia (collagen produces fibroblasts- go to wound site) & angiogenesis (re-oxygenation)
-Granulation tissue: macrophages, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts (collagen formation)
What does Granulation Tissue consist of?
Ground Substance
Hyaluronic Acid

-has a cobbled appearance due to underlying angiogenic (re-oxygenation) capillary beds
What is Fibroplasia?
A step in Repair Phase
-formation of fibrous tissue
-Begins as fibroblasts draw to wound (5-7 days after)
-fibroblasts ---> myofibroblasts (major role: contain actin filaments & huge amts of RER for protein synthesis)
What role does Type III collagen play in wound healing?
-Type III collagen first appears 48-72 hours after injury
-stimulated by hypoxic conditions (low amts of blood) = chronic wounds have excess fibrosis
-highly unorganized
-yields poor wound strength
-replaced by Type I collagen during remodeling phase
growth of new blood vessels

Occurs in response to:
-tissue hypoxia
-cytokine release during injury

moist environment is essential= KERATINOCYTES migration is the main factor in this stage
-keratinocytes draw moisture to environment
What are Cytokines
chemicals released in response to low oxygen
-stimulatory cytokines for angiogenesis synthesized by:
platelets, macrophages, fibroblasts
concurrent with formation of granulation tissue (as granulation tissue forms it undergoes re-epithelialization

*keratinocyte transformation takes place at free edge of wound
-migration occurs over framework or granulation tissue and cells move from periphery to center of wound
-cells slide over one another to center of wound to close it up
-complete re-epithelialization is crucial for continuation of repair and remodeling phases
What is the Remodeling phase?
balance btw tissue synthesis and degradation

****collagen conversion from type III to type I- most important part of remodeling phase
-wound contraction
-scar formation
What is collagen conversion?
part of remodeling phase

-collagen converts from type III to type I
-converted via enzyme released by fibroblasts and macrophages
-oxygen necessary
-conversion won't happen without stress/strain on tissue (PTs responsible for applying stress/strain)
What is wound contraction?
process by which wounds close
*mediated by Epi, NE, Bradykinins
-contraction of actin filaments brings collagen fibers closer together
-effector cell myofibroblasts bind to adjacent collagen
-this process reduces wound size by about 40%
Stages of scar formation
Stage I: weak scar, prone to rupture, initial stage (days 2-4)

Stage II: (*btw repair & remodeling phase)
-inc. fibroplasia
-conversion of collagen
-wound contraction begins
-GREATEST responsiveness to intervention* most important phase for PTs to make change to tissue
-Days 5-21

Stage III: scar consolidation, remodeling begins to decrease, responsiveness to intervention diminishes, days 21-60

Stage IV: scar maturation, remodeling begins to cease, least responsive time, 60-360 days
What type of cartilage is most frequently injured?
Hyaline cartilage (bc its in all synovial joints)
Types of collagen
Type I- most common in body- strongest- type III converts to this

Type II- type of collagen in articular cartilage

Type III- initial collage laid down in wound healing- converts to type I
How does articular cartilage heal?
intervention- will not heal on its own due to avascular quality (gains nutrition through osmosis and diffusion from bone- mvmt needed to increase diffusion
*when wb is not allowed, motion must occur to preserve art cartilage

-during immobilization, art. cart. begins to degrade- most of the time braced in extension to maintain neutral allignment (however, bracing in extension may lead to irreversible and progressive Osteoarthritis)

*Remobilization-moderate activity promotes cartilage thickening (strenuous can cause damage)
Articular cartilage healing time
-48 Hours fibrin clot forms
-5 days fibroblasts combine w/collagen to replace clot
-2 weeks fibroblasts differentiate, chondrocytes appear
-1 month fibroblasts completely differentiated
-2 months satisfactory repair type I collagen
-6 months type I and type II collagen

***6 months to a year for full healing to take place
How do ligaments heal?
ligaments remodel based on the mechanical demands placed on them
-during immobilization bone-ligament junction is at increased risk for injury rather than midsubstance
MCL injuries
most MCL injuries heal on their own w/o surgery
-immobilization at 30 degrees flexion
-immediate wb and motion to prevent creep and loss of cross-sectional area
-same for LCL injury
ACL injuries
*never heals on its own
-increased risk for damage after immobilization
-after reconstruction, graft site is WEAKEST btw 3-7 weeks
Healing time of ligaments
**1 year healing time (90% strength back)

-first hours- RBCs WBCs
-24 hours- macrophages, fibroblasts
-2-3 days- fibroblasts produce matrix
-1-2 weeks- collagen present
-2 days-6 weeks- cellular structures replace blood clot
-6 weeks-12 months- macrophages and fibroblasts diminish
-up to 12 months- type I collagen replaces type III
-from 1 year on- near normal tensile strength
Remobilization of ligaments
-healing of bone-ligament junction SLOWER than midsubstance healing
-must consider the nontraumatized ligaments (they get tight)
Muscle immobilization
1st affect of muscle immobilizaton is loss of strength (loss of cross-sectional area)
-rate of loss most rapid during initial days of immobilization
-atrophy slows after first week
How do you rehab different muscle fiber types?
Type I- slow twitch- meant for endurance- low weight, high reps

Type II- fast twitch- meant for power- high weight, low reps
What is reflexive inhibition?
When muscle automatically shuts itself down & becomes weak due to:
-joint angle
-duration of immobilization
Muscle imbalances
Cross patterns in body
-tight muscle on anterior, long muscle on posterior and vice versa
Muscle healing time
** 6 months healing time

-6 hours- fragmentation of injured muscle fibers begins
-1-4 days- fibroblasts appear
-1 week- loss of muscle strength
-7-11 days- tensile strength near normal
-6 weeks- 6 months- contraction ability 90%
Muscle Remobilization
-Overload principle- to make muscle larger increase weight or reps
-neuromuscular stim- used with active exercise to increase results