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100 Cards in this Set

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1. The transport maximum of carrier proteins is related to the property known as
2. Atoms sharing a pair of electrons form covalent bonds
3. The base that is NOT found in RNA is
4. A reducing agent
Donates electrons to an atom or molecule
5. Passive transport of water is known as
6. Epithelial membranes that are more than one layer thick are called
7. A cell which is actively involved in the detoxification of chemicals would contain large quantities of
8. When at atom loses one or more electrons, it
Becomes positively charged
9. The nitrogenous base adenine is a
10. Crossing over allows for the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes
11. The final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain system is
12. The amount of energy contained in fat is
9 kilocalories/gram
13. The addition of water with the proper enzymes to a molecule is called
14. The flow of energy in living systems is termed
15. The secondry structure of proteins is/are
Alpha-helix coils and beta-pleated sheet folds of a protein strand
16. Contraction of _____________
muscle can be consciously controlled
17. Cells placed in hypotonic solutions will
Increase in volume
18. The plasma membrane is referred to a mosaic because of the presence of
Proteins, Carbohydrates and Phospholipids
19. Endocrine glands secrete ________in response to specific stimuli
20. When a scientist performs measurements in an experiment and does not know if the subject is part of the experimental of the control group, it is known as a__________measurement
21. During oxidation, a molecule of atom
Loses electrons
(RIG-Reduction Is Gain)
22. Peptide bonds are formed by the process of
Dehydration synthesis
23. That energy transformations increase the entropy of a system is a statement of the
Second law of thermodynamics
24. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of RNA
Answer: dRNA
Choices: tRNA
25. Proteins located on the surface of the plasma membrane act as___________for hormones
26. That energy can change forms, but cannot be created nor destroyed is a statement of
First law of thermodynamics
27. Homeostasis is best thought of as being a state of
Dynamic constancy
28. Addition of phosphate groups to a particular molecule is catalyzed by
29. ______________is the opposite of glycogenesis.
30. T/F Acids release hydrogen ions into solutions
31. Which is not a primary tissue of the body? Nervous, Epithelium, Muscular, Osseous
32.Phospholipids are
Major components of the cell membrane and have a polar head and non-polar tail
33. ____________is a term which describes a membrane that allows only certain molecules to penetrate it.
Selectively permeable
34. The__________electrons are the outermost electrons of an atom.
Valence electrons
35. The pH of a solution increases as the ____________ion concentration decreases.
Hydrogen (pH number goes up as number of hydrogens decrease)
36. Proteins that are embedded completely within the plasma membrane are
Integral proteins
37. T/F Unsaturated fatty acids contain more hydrogen atoms that saturate fatty acids of the same length.
38. The main body compartment that is the part inside cells is the ___________compartment.
39. The study of how dz or injury alters physiological processes is termed
40. Isotopes have the same_________number, but a different _____________number.
Atomic, mass

same prot/elect, diff number of neutrons
41. The process of gene expression occurs as
Genetic transcription and genetic translation
42. An example of a monosaccharide is
43. Which of the following is not a component of DNA?
phosphate, deoxyribose sugar,guanine, uracil
44. DNA replication is
45. Telomeres serve to
Cap the ends of DNA and protect it from damage.
46. T/F Cyclins are a group of proteins which promote different phases of the cell cycle.
47. Fatty acid metabolism
Occurs via beta-oxidation
48. The first step in the scientific method involves the formation of a
49. What theory explains the ability of the electron transport system to pump protons between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes?
Chemiosmotic Theory
50. The spiral staircase structure of DNA is referred to as the
Double Helix
51. The backbone of a DNA molecule is a chain of
Alternating deoxyribose sugar and phosphate
52. Chomosomes move to opposite poles in
53. T/F Reduction and oxidation are always coupled.
54. Surface tension between water molecules occurs because adjacent water molecules form________bonds with each other.
55. Channels present in the membranes of some cells that allow rapid movement of water are called
56. The hydrolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol is called
57. The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly related to its______concentration.
58. Acetyl CoA is
Generated from pyruvate
59. T/F Phagocytosis is a bulk transport process in which the plasma membrane extends as pseudopods around a particle of organic matter.
60. Chemically reduced FAD has__________extra hydrogen atoms bound to it.
61. These muscle cells do not have a striated appearance.
Smooth muscle cells
62. The Cori cycle converts________to pyruvic acid.
Lactic acid
63. Reactant molecules of enzyme action are called
64. Oxidative deamination is required for
Protein breakdown
65. _______________is the universal energy carrier.
66. Glycolysis converts glucose into two ____________molecules.
Pyruvic Acid
67. Anabolic reactions do not
Release energy
68. The organelle involved in the production of energy is the
69. __________ glands secrete chemical through a duct that leads to the outside of a membrane.
70. T/F Tissues are a group of cells that have similar functions
71. __________ transport does not require membrane proteins.
Simple diffusion
72. The process by which cells secrete cellular products into the extracellular environment is
73. T/F Bulk transport is required for the transport of large, polar molecules into or out of cells.
74. What feature is the main characteristic of connective tissue?
Large amount of extracellular material
75. In newborns, _______ occurs in brown fat.
76. The highly branched extension of a neuron whose function is to receive input from other neurons or receptor cells are called
77. T/F The term homeostasis was coined by Walter Cannon to described the constancy of the milieu interieur.
78. Meiosis is only observed in the
Ovaries and testes
79. Enzymes_______ the rate of a specific chemical reaction.
80. _____________ reactions require energy to synthesize large molecule from small molecules.
81. The atomic nucleus do not contain ________, which are negatively charged subatomic particles.
83. Hydrolysis reactions are catalyzed by
84. Which stage of the cell cycle immediately precedes the S phase?
85. Metal ions, such as magnesium or calcium, can serve as enzyme
86. The electron transport system is a series of _____________ reactions.
87. The type of bond found in sodium chloride is
An ionic bond
88. T/F Organs involved in carrying our related functions are grouped into systems
89. Physiology
Emphasizes cause and effect mechanisms
90. The rate of diffusion is influenced by
Concentration gradient
Membrane permeability
Membrane surface area
91. Which of the following is NOT a general category of cell signaling molecules? endocrine, enzymatic, paracrine, synaptic
92. Active transport
utilizes energy
93. The process of cell death in which cell membranes remain intact but become bubbled and the nuclei condense is known as
94. This group of organic compounds acts as surfactants
95.The process in which an amine group is transferred from one amino acid to another is called
96. Folds of the plasma membrane that increase surface are are called
97. The Na+/K+ pump transports __________into the cell and _________ out of the cell per cycle
98. ________occurs when the product of a metabolic pathway binds to an enzyme and decreases enzymatic activity.
Allosteric inhibition
99. T/F The cytoskeleton of a cell can serve as a railway that can transport organelles and molecules to different intracellular destinations.
100. The Nobel Prize was awarded to __________________ for determining the structure of DNA.
Watson, Crick, Wilkins
101. Receptor-mediated endocytosis is defined as the
Engulfing of specific molecules that have been bound to receptors of the surface of the plasma membrane.