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15 Cards in this Set

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Mucosa and submucosa layers form rugae
Function of rugae is to allow the stomach to expand
gastric pits
Mucosa layer is covered in small depressions
gastric glands
The base of a gastric pit splits into two or three _____
Mucous neck cells secrete
Chief cells secrete
Converted to pepsin by acid to be activated
Protein digestion
Parietal cells – secrete
hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Enteroendocrine (EE) cells secrete
-gastrin and histamine(hormones)
-stimulated by sight/smell (first) and then expansion of stomach (second)
Gastrin and histamine
Gastrin stimulates parietal cells to release acid and chief cells to release pepsinogen
Also promote release of histamine from other EE cells
Histamine further stimulates release of acid
digested food
enters small intestine in a slow, controlled manner
Pancreatic juices/bile enter here
Mucosa layer also has intestinal crypts
Contain absorptive cells and mucous- producing cells (goblet cells)
Crypts also contain enteroendocrine cells
Gastric inhibiting peptide (GIP)
Secretin  stimulate pancreas and liver
Cholecystokinin (CCK)  stimulate pancreas and liver
Composition and Functions of Pancreatic Juice
-Enzymes - help with digestion
-Sodium bicarbonate - neutralize stomach acid
Pancreatic amylase - digest starch
Pancreatic lipase -digest fat
Proteases - digest proteins
Ribonuclease - to digest nucleic acids
Liver produces
Bile: consists of chemical that help with digestion and wastes from liver (~ one liter a day)
Bile components
---Bile salts - DIGESTION
Bile acids conjugated with potassium or sodium
Helps with fat emulsification
---Cholesterol - WASTE
Produced in and removed by liver as waste
---Bile pigments (bilirubin) from hemoglobin - WASTE
globin = a reuseable protein
heme = broken down into iron and bilirubin
Gives bile, urine, and feces color
Stores and concentrates bile (removes water)
Releases bile after fatty meals to aid in digestion
Large Intestines
-1.5 meters long
-Functions in absorption of water and salts