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88 Cards in this Set

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does the CNS or PNS have the additional branches
what are the two main divisions of the PNS
efferent and afferent
afferent or efferent has two more branches
what are the division of the efferent division of the PNS
autonomic and somatic
of the autonomic or somatic which have further division
what are the three divisions of the autonomic nervous system
enteric division
axon =
nerve fiber
definition. group of many axons that originate and innervate in the same general location in the PNS
are there nerves in the CNS
NO there are pathways and commisures
definition. tract. group of axons traveling together in the CNS
definition. group of axons traveling together and lins the right and left hemispheres of the CNS
definition. group of neuron cell bodies in the PNS
definitionl grou pof neuron cell bodies in the CNS
what are the four subdivisions of the brain
definition. consists of the right and left cerebral hemispheres
forebrain or cerebrum
is the cerebral cortex white or gray matter
definition. a massive bundle of nerve fibers commissure that connects the two cerebral
corpus callosum
is a gyri a ridge or groove
definition heterogeneous groups of gray matter deep within the cerebrum
subcortical nuclei
subcortical nuclei includes the ___ ____ important for controlling movement and posture
basal nuclei
what do the basal nuclei control
movement and posture
what are the four lobes of the cerebral cortex
where is the motor area (which lobe)
frontal lobe
inwhich lobe is the sensory cortex
parietal lobe
in which lobe is the primary visual cortex
what is in the temporal lobe
primary auditory cortex
true or false cells of the cerebral cortex are organized into six layers
definition. form the major otuput cells with their axons reaching other parts of the cortex and the CNS
pyramidal cells
definition. the most complex integrating area of the nervous system. receives basic afferent infromationa nd processes it into perceptual images
cerebral corex in the forebrain or cerebrum
this refines control over systems that regulate movement of the skeletal muscles generates skilled movments
cerebral cortex
where does the cerebral cortex receive most of its nerve fibers
diencephalon specifically the thalamux
what three things does the cerebrum do
reasoning learning and memory
what are the major things to know about the cerebrum
integrating area
control over movemnet of skeletal muscle
Learning memory reasoning
what makes up the forebrain
diencephalon and cerebum
what is the "core" of the forebrain
what are the two major parts of the diencephalon
thal and hypothal
definition. collection of nuclei that serve as synaptic relay stations integrating cents for most inputs to the cerrebral cortex.
hypothal or thal. participates in skeletal msucle control and awareness and attention
hypothal or thal. the most important control area for homeostatic regulation of the internal environment
what are three major functions of the hypothal
autonoic nervous system regulation
circadian rhythms
temp of the bodyd
where is the hypothal
atop the anterior pituitary gland
hypothal or thal. regulates water balance
where is the limbic system found
definnition. a functional system of the forebrain associated with learning emotional experience and behavior nd a wide variety of endocrine functions
limbi system
definition. consists of an outer layer of cells and several deeper cell clusters. receives info form the muscles joitns skin eyes ears viscera and parts of the brian invovled i control of movement.
what is the cerebellum important for
coordination of the mvmt for posture and balance
what is the outer layer of the cerebellum called
cerebellar cortex
what makes up the brainstem
midbrain pons an dmedulla oblongata
definitoin. contains all the fibers passing between the spinal cord forebrain and cerebellum
brain stem
what is the core of the brainstem
reticular formation
definition. loosely arrranged neuron cell bodies intermingled with bundles of axons
reticular formation
true or false. the reticular formation is the one part of the brain absolutely essential for life
reticular formation
what is involved in motor functions cardiovascular cotrol repiratory contorl and mechanisms that regulate sleep wakefulness and focus attention
reticular formation
fromt he reticular formation it's neurons relase ___ ___ ____
biogenic amine neurotrans
is the central butterfly shaped are gray or white matter in the spinal cord
gray matter
what contains interneurons the cells bodies and endrites of offerent enurons and entering axons of afferent neurons an dglia
gray matter of the spinal cord
does the outer layer of white matter in the spinal cord have ascending, descending, or both pathways
what contains the cell bodies of afferent neurons whose axons etiher the spinal cord
dorsal root ganglia
efferent axons exit the spinal cord via the ___ ____
ventral root
in the somatic nervous system where are the cell bodies located
groups in the brainstem or the ventral horns of the psinal cord
do somatic neurons directly or indirectly innervate the skeletal muscle
are somatic neurosn small diameter and unmyelinates or large diameter myelinated
large and myelinates
true or false. somatic neurons are also called motor neurons
true or false. somatic neurons are cholinergic
true or false. somatic neurons act on muscarinic receptors located on the skeletal msucle fibers
what is another name for the autonomic nervous system
viscerla nervous sytem
what are examples of things under autonomic control
heart rate repsiratorycontrol bp
somatic neurons =
motor neurons
autonomic or somatic. consists of single neuron between cns and seletal muscle
autonomic or somatic.innervates skeletal msucle
autonomic or somatic. has two neuron chain connected by a synapse between CNS and effector organ
autonomic or somatic. cal lead only to muscle excitation or contraction
autonomic or somatic. can be either excitatory or inhigibotry
autonomic or somatic.innervates smootha nd cardiac msucle glands and GI neurons
true or flase. al sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons project axons at equal levels of the CNS
Most sympathetic ganglia lie close ot the spinal cord and form 2 chians on each side of the cord. these are called ___ ____
sympathetic trunks
in both parasmp or symp. ACh is the neuro trans released betwene the pre and post ganglinic neurons
parasymp or symp. ACh is a lso the neurotrans released between postganglionic neurons and the effector cells
parasymp or symp. NE is usually the postganglionic neurotrnas
one set of symp postganglionic neurons form the adrenal medulla which release ___ and ___ into the blood
epi and NE
these receptors for acwetylcholiner are on postganglionic neurons in the autnomic ganglia and at neuromuscular junction sof the seletal muscle and come central nervous system neurons
nicotinic receptors
these ACh receptors are on smooth msucle cardiac muscle and gland cells and some of the CNS neurons
muscarinic receptors
receptors for NE and epi are found on ___ ____ and _____
smooth msucle cardiac msucle and gland cells
what is dual innervation
when glands or targtes are innervated by both symp and parasymp fibers
what is the dual innervation analogy
brake or accelerate
which is the brake and which is the acclerator
brake = parasymp
accelerator = smp
which is fight or flight
which is rest digest