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114 Cards in this Set

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why are we concerned with homeostasis?
water and sodium are associated with ecf volume and osmolarity
-disturbances in K+ balance can cause cardiac + muscle problems
-calcium, H+, bicarbonate ions allhelp with pH
why is maintaining osmolarity so important?
because water crosses most cell membranes freely
what happens if ECF osmolarity increases as a result of salt intake?
water moves out of the cells and shrinks
what is needed for fluid and electrolyte balance?
respiratory and cardiovascular systems in addition to renal and behavioral responses
decreased blood volume leads to
decreased BP
which triggers volume receptors in atria, carotid, and aortic baroreceptors
-triggers homeostatic reflexes
if BP decreases it triggers 3 reflexes
the cardio system does what when bp decreases?
it increases CO by vasoconstriction
thus raising BP
the behavior reflex does what?
thirst causes increased water intake
increases ECF and ICF volume
thus raising BP
conserve water to minimize further volume loss
water percentages
50% in women
60% in men
2/3 inside cells
3/70 in plasma
11/70 in isf
water gain
2.2 L/day in food and drink
.3 metabolism
= 2.5 total
water loss
urine 1.5
insensible water loss (skin+lungs) .9
feces .1
= 2.5 total
pathological water loss disrupts homeostasis how
volume depletion of the extra compartment decreases BP which means tissue doesnt get adequate oxygen
kidneys do what
only conserve fluid
cannot restore lost volume
where is urine concentration determined?
in the loop of henle and collecting duct
diuresis is
the removal of excess water in urine
kidneys put out very diluted 50 mosm urine
how do you get dilute urine?
kidney must reabsorb solute without allowing water to follow by osmosis
fluid leaving loop of henle is hyposmotic why
because thick portion of ascending limb transports Na+, K+, and Cl- out but is impermeable to water thus casing hyposmotic solution
vasopressin controls
water reabsorption and is an antidiretic hormone
with maximal vasopressin
collecting duct is freely permeable to water, water leaeves by osmosis and is carried away by the vasa recta caps... urine is concentrated
in the absence of vasopressin
the collecting duct is impermeable to water and the urine is diluted
vasopressin and aquaporins
exocytosis inserts the AQP2 water pores into the apical membrane and the cell is permeable to water
mechanisms of vasopressin action
1) vasopressin binds to membrane receptor
2) receptor activates cAMP 2nd messenger system
3) cell inserts AQP2 water pores into apical membrane
4) Water is absorbed by osmosis into the blood
what stimuli control vasopressin secretion?
plasma osmolarity- most potent stimulus is increase
blood volume
blood pressure
what threshold number is needed for osmoreceptors to stimulate release of vasopressin
280 mOsM need to be met to fire
osmolarity greater than 280
hypothalamic osmorecpt
interneurons to hypothalamus
hypothalamic neurons that synthesize vasopressin
vasopressin released
collecting duct epith
insertion of water pores in apical membrane
increased water reabsorption to conserve water
countercurrent exchange systems
require arterial and venous blood vessels that pass very close to each other, with their fluid flow moving in opposite directions
-reduces heat lost to environment
countercurrent multiplier
filtrate in descending limb becomes more concentrated
-in ascending limb, pumps out na, k, cl, and becomes hyposmotic
blood in the vasa recta removes water
leaving the loop of henle and functionally goes in the other direction of filtrate flow in the loops of henle
water leaving the descending limb does what
it is attracted by the high plasma osmolarity
this increases the osmolarity of he medullary interstitium
nearly half the solute in the medullary interstitial fluid is urea
why does salt increase blood pressure?
because too much sodium requires more water to keep ecf na+ concentration at 140 mOsM... 1.1 more liters of water increases volume of ecf thus raising bp
if we do not add water but increase salt what happens to osmolarity
it goes up to 307 causing drawing away of water from the cells, shrinking them and disrupting normal cell function
why does salt raise osmolarity?
triggers vasopressin secretion and thirst
controls sodium balance?
the more aldosterone, the more
na+ reabsorption
primary location and target of aldosterone?
last third of distal tube
target is principal cells
why is na reabs auto followed by water reabs?
because proximal tubule epithelium is always permeable to water
what controls physio aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex/
increased ec k conc. and decreased bp
what trophic hormone stimulates aldosterone secretion in most situations?
angiotensin II ANG II
RAAS pathways
1) granular cells in aa of nephron secretes enzyme renin
2) renin converts an inactive plasma protein, ANG I
3) ACE converts it to ANG II
4) finally, at the distal nephron, aldosterone initiates reabs of na+
ANG II does what to bp
it increases it
-increases vasopressin secretion
-stimulates thirst
-one of the most potent vasoconstrictors known in humans
-activation of angII receptors in the cardio center increases sympathetic output to the heart and blood vessels
what do you do to Co and vasoconstriction to increase BP
increase them
ANG II related strongly to ____ bp
increasing BP
what drugs are made to stop ANG II
ACE inhibitors
natriuretic peptides
enhance na+ and water excretion
-increase GFR, decrease nacl and water reabs in collecting duct
k+ balance is essential
for maintaining a state of well-being
K+ low conc
optimal levels of k+ conc
hypokalemia below 3 leads to muscle weakness
why we need gatorade?
hyperkalemia is more dangerous K disturbance because cells arent able to repolarize fully and become less excitable, consider a golfer who is dehydrated because of weather
-if you drink water, you keep ecf volume normal but drop osmolarity of k and na conc causing muscle weakness
increased osmolarity and volume
ingestion of hypertonic saline
-excretion of hypertonic urine is called for
increased volume, no change in osm
ingestion of isotonic saline
-excretion of isotonic urine
increased volume, decreased osm
drinking large amounts of water
nc volume, increased osm
eating salt without drinking water
-intense thirst, prompts water
nc volume, decrease osm
led to gatorade
replacement of sweat loss with plain water
decreased vol, inc osm
decreased vol, no change in osm
decrease in both
incomplete compensation of dehydration, but uncommon so ignored
visit table 20-1
page 660
what do you do in response to severe dehydration
you do not secrete aldostereon which would cause na reabs which could worsen the already-high osm
-dehydration has low vol but high osm
increased osmolarity and volume
ingestion of hypertonic saline
-excretion of hypertonic urine is called for
increased volume, no change in osm
ingestion of isotonic saline
-excretion of isotonic urine
increased volume, decreased osm
drinking large amounts of water
nc volume, increased osm
eating salt without drinking water
-intense thirst, prompts water
nc volume, decrease osm
led to gatorade
replacement of sweat loss with plain water
decreased vol, inc osm
decreased vol, no change in osm
decrease in both
incomplete compensation of dehydration, but uncommon so ignored
visit table 20-1
page 660
what do you do in response to severe dehydration
you do not secrete aldostereon which would cause na reabs which could worsen the already-high osm
-dehydration has low vol but high osm
figure 20-18 homeostatic compensation for severe dehydration
1) carotid and aortic baroreceptors raise blood pressure
2) decreased peripheral bp directly decreases GFR which conserves ecf volume by filtering less fluid into the nephron
dehydration continued
3) paracrine feedback causes the granular cells to release renin
4) granular cells respond to decreased bp by releasing renin which ensures increased production of ang II
dehydration continued again
5) decreased bp, decreased volume, increased osm, and increased ang II all stimulate vasopressin and the thirst centers of the hypothalamus
increases water permeability of the renal collecting ducts allowing water reabs to conserve fluid
the net result of the cardio response, ang II, vasopressin, and oral intake of water is
restoration of volume by water conservation and fluid intake
-maintenance of bp thru increased volume, increased co, and vasoconstriction
-restoration of normal osm by decreased na reabs and increased water reabs
what are particularly sensitive to changes in pH
enzymes and the nervous system
neurons become less excitable and cns depression results
-kidneys excrete H+ and reabsorb K+
pH is too high and muscles begin to twitch
-kidneys reabsorb H+ and excrete K+
H+ input into plasma pH via
diet (fatty acids, aa) and metabolism (co2 and water)
acid input v. base input?
acid input is greater
what is the biggest source of acid on a daily basis?
production of co2 during aerobic respiration (not an acid because doesnt contain any H+)
why does co2 from respiration take forever to convert into h and hco3
because of large amounts of carbonic anhydrase
___ is the single biggest source of acid input under normal conditions
production of h+ from co2 and water
pH homeostasis depends on
buffers- first line of d,
lungs- ventilation 75% of disturbances
kidneys- renal regulation of h and hco3
buffer systems include
proteins, phosphate ions, and hco3
-a buffer is a molecule that moderates but does not prevent changes in pH by combining with or releasing H
-without a buffer, acid would go way too high
most important extracellular buffer is?
large amounts of bicarbonate produced from metabolic co2
hco3 v H+ concentration in plasma
hco3 is 600,000x as concentrated
according to the law of mass action
any change in co2, h, or hco3 will shift the equation
now suppose h+ is added to the plasma from some metabolic source such as lactic acid
in this case plasma hco3 can act as a buffer
the effects of ventilation on pH
hypoventilation increases Co2 which shifts equation to the right
hyperventilation decreases co2 and shifts to the left
the kidneys handle 25% of compensation and alter ph in 2 ways
directly by excreting or reabs H+
indirectly by changing the rate at which hco3 buffer is reabs or excreted
membrane transporters
apical na-h antiport
basolateral na-hco3 symport
what does the proximal tube do with h and hco3
it secretes h and reabs hco3
the 2 pathways by which bicarbonate is reabs in the proximal tubule
1) converts filtered hco3 into co2 and back into hco3
-h+ is secreted from the pt into lumen in exchange for filtered na+
proximal tubule h+ secretion and reabs of filtered hco3 steps
secreted h combines with filtered hco3 to form co2 in the lumen
co2 diffuses into the tubule cell and combines with water to form h2co3 which dissociates to h and hco3
h created in step 3 is secreted, replacing the luminal h that combined with filtered hco3 in 2
hco is reabs
a second way to reabsorb bicarb and excrete h comes from metabolism of aa glutamine
glutamine is metabolized to ammonium ion and hco3
nh4 is secreted and excreted
hco3 is reabsorbed
intercalated cells
interspersed among the principle cells are responsible for acid-base regulation
-have high concentrations of carbonic anhydrase
two types of intercalated cells
type a function in acidosis
type b function in alkalosis
type a
h is excreted
hco and k are reabs
type b
hco3 and k are excreted
h is reabs
acid-base problems are caused by either
respiratory or metabolic origins
respiratory origins
change in pCO2 resulting from hyper or hypovent causes ph shift
pH problem from non-co2 origin
respiratory acidosis
alveolar hypoventilation results in co2 retention and elevated plasma Pco2
increased H and HCO3 and decreased pH
bc it is a respiratory problem, cannot use resp compensation
metabolic acidosis
input of H exceeds H excretion
metabolic acidosis
increase in H+ ions directly which shifts equilibrium to the left increasing co2 levels and using hco3 buffer
but pCo2 decreases thanks to hyperventilation
respiratory akalosis
occurs as a result of hyperventilation
-alveolar ventilation increases without a matching increase in metabolic co2 production
-a decrease in co2 shifts the equilibrium to the left, both H and and hco decrease, pH increases
what is the primary cause for respiratory alkalosis
excessive artificial ventilation
-because it is a respiratory cause, the only compensation available is renal
metabolic acidosis
2 common causes
excessive vomiting of acidic stomach contents
excessive ingestion of bicarbonate-containing antacids

-in both cases the H is decreased shifting the equilibrium to the right meaning that pco2 decreases and hco increases
-renal response is hco3 excreted and h is reabsorbed