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101 Cards in this Set

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Helps to control arterial bp, GI motility, GI secretion, urinary bladder emptying, sweating, body temp...
ANS can increase HR in _______ and arterial pressure can
3-5 sec to 2X normal; double in 10-15 sec.
ANS is activated mainly by centers located in
spinal cord; brain stem and hypothalamus as well as portions of the cerebral cortex, esp. limbic cortex
ANS operates through
visceral reflexes and return subconscious reflex response directly back to the visceral organ
efferent autonomic signals are transmitted to the various organs through what two major subdivisions?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Anatomy of Sympathetic Nervous System is organized into what 3 peripheral portions?
1 of 2 paravertebral sympathetic chains of ganglia that are interconnected with the spinal nerves on the side of the vertebral column
2 paravetebral ganglia (celiac and hypogastric)
Nerves extending from the ganglia to the different internal organs
Sympathetic Neurons to its target tissue consist of
2 neurons, pre and post sympathetic
The cell body of each preganglionic neuron lies in the
intermediolateral horn of the spinal cord
3 courses of sympathetic nerve fibers after leaving the spinal cord and passing through anterior root and white ramus are
-Synapse with postganglionic sympathetic neurons in the ganglion that it enters
-it can pass up or down in the chain and synapse in one of the other ganglion of the cahin
-it can pass for a variable distance through the chain and then through one of teh sympathetic nerves radiating outward from the chain, finally synapsing in a peripheral sympathetic ganglion.
Postganglionic sympathetic nerves
originate at either in the sympathetic chain ganglion or in one of the peripheral ganglion then travel to their destination in various organs
Gray Rami
postganglionic fibers that pass back from the sympathetic and into the spinal nerves thought this. Its at all levels of the spinal cord.
type C fibers
Sympathetic fibers that pass through the gray rami, Are very small and extend to all parts of the body by way of skeletal nerves.
Percentage of fibers in the average skeletal nerve that is sympathetic
8%, therefore, very important. Control blood vessels, sweat glands and piloerector muscles
Segmental Distribution of the sympathetic nerve fibers
T1---generally up and to the head
T2--terminate in the neck
T3-6--the thorax
T12, L1-2--The legs
Sympathetics to the adrenal medulla
Preganglionics dont synapse and go directly from the intermediolateral horn cells ->sympathetic chain->splanchnic nerves->into medulla
Parasympathetic fibers originate from
CN3,7,9,10 and S2-3
Vagus Nerve
75% of Parasympathetic fibers. Entire thoracic and abdominal regions
heart, lung esophagus, stomach, small intestine, proximal half of colon, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and upper ureters
Parasympathetic CN3
Pupillary sphincter and ciliary eye muscles
Parasympathetic CN 7
lacrimal, nasal and submandibular glands
Parasympathetics CN9
Parotid gland
Parasympathetics of sacral nerves
pelvic nerves (S2-S3) to descending colon, rectum, urinary bladder, and lower portion of ureters. Also to external genitalia for erection
Parasympathetic Preganglionic neurons synapse
The wall of the target organ wist post that are extremely short leave the neuron and innervate the tissues of the organ.
Location of parasympathetic cell bodies
IN the excited organ instead of the sympathetic ganglion for sympathetic cell bodies
fibers that secrete acetlycholine
Fibers that secrete norepinephrin
All preganglionic neurons are
Parasympathetic nerurons are
almost all cholinergic (pre and post)
Most postganglionic sympathetics are
adrenergic. Exception is sweat glands, piloerector muscles of hairs, and a few blood vessels are cholenergic
bulbous enlargements were sympathetic/para filaments touch or pass over or near the cells to be stimulated.

They contain transmitter vesicles of acetlycholine or norepinephrine are synthisized and stored. Therefore they also have alot of mitochondria to supply ATP
Role of Calcium in neuron transmitters
WHen the action potential spreads over the terminal fibers, the depolarization process increases Ca permeability of the membrane allowing them to diffuse into the nerve terminal or varicosities. The Ca ion then causes the terminal/varicosity to empty theri contents.
Destruction of acetlycholine
Split into acetate ion and choline by acetlycholinesterase thats bound to collagen and GAGs.
Synthesis of Acetylcholine
In the terminal endings and variscosities of cholinergic nerves were it is stored as a concentrated form.
Acetyl-CoA+Choline--Choline Acetlytransferase-->=Acetylcholine
Synthesis of Norepinephrine
Begins in axoplasm of terminal nerve endings but is completed inside the secretory vesicles.
1. Tyrosin--(Hydroxylation)-->Dopa
2. Dopa--(Decarboxylation)-->Dopamine
3. Transport of Dopamine into the vesicles
4. Dopamine--(Hydroxylation)-->Nor-epinephrine
Synthesis of Epinephrine
IN the adrenal medulla there is a step 5

Removal of Norepinephrine from secretory site
1. Reuptake into the adrenergic nerve by active transport (50-80%)
2. Diffusion away from the nerve endings (most of the rest)
3. Destruction of small amounts by tissue enzymes; monoamine oxidase in nerve endings and catechol-O-methyl transferase which is present diffusely in all tissue
Main place were nor/epinephrine in the blood is destroyed at (secreted from the medulla)
The liver by catechol-O-methyl transferase
(activity lasts for 10-30 sec)
Actions of receptor molecules when bound to transmitter
Conformational change that causes a change in cell membrane permeability to one or more ions; or activating/inactivating an enzyme attached to the other end of the receptor protein.
Second Messenger System of norepinephrine
increase the activity of adenylyl cyclase on the outside of the cell causing formation of cAMP inside of the cell which in turn initiates many different intracellular actions
2 types of acetylcholine receptors
Muscarinic and Nicotinic; both are activated by acetylcholine
Muscarinic Receptors
found on effector cells that are stimulated by postganglionic cholinergic neurons of either sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems
Nicotinic Receptors
Found in autonomic ganglia at synapses between pre and post ganglionic neurons of symp/parapathetic systems
Also in many non-autonomic nerve endings--i.e. in skeletal muscle neuromuscular junctions.
two major types of adrenergic receptors
alpha (1&2) and beta (1,2&3)
Norepinephrine on adrenergic receptors
excites mainly alpha but beta to a lesser extent.
Epinephrine on adrenergic receptors
both alpha and beta equally
isopropyl norepinephrine
synthetic hormone that has extremely strong action on beta, but none an alpha receptors
Action of alpha 1 receptors
Vasoconstriction, iris dilation, intestinal relaxation, intestinal sphincter contraction, pilomotor contraction and bladder sphincter contraction
Action of alpha 2 receptor
Inhibits neurotransmitter release
Action of beta 1 receptors
Cardioacceleration, increased myocardial strength, lipolysis
Action of beta 2 receptor
vasodilation, intestinal, uterus and bladder wall relaxation, bronchodialtion, calorigenesis, and glycogenesis
Action of beta 3 receptor
Sympathetic stimulation of the eye
contracts the meridional fibers of the iris that dilate the pupil
Parasympathetic action of the eye
contracts the circular muscles of the iris to constrict the pupil
focuses the lens by contracting the ciliary muscle which releases the tension of the ligaments and allows the lens to become more convex (near sight)
Nasal, lacrimal, salivary and GI glands
strongly stimulated by parasympathetics resulting in copious secretions. Especially in upper tract (mouth and stomach). Intestines are mainly controlled by intestinal enteric nervous system and less by autonomics
Sympathetic stimulation of most alimentary glands
formation of a concentrated secretion that has high % of enzymes and mucus.
Causes vasoconstriction of BV that supply the glands (possibly reducing rate of secretion)
Sweat glands
Sympathetics cause large quantities to be secreated. No parasympathetic effect, but receptors are cholinergic
Apocrine Glands
sympathetic causes secretion of thick, odoriferous secretion . No response to parasympathetics. Adrenergic, not cholinergic fibers
intramural plexus / intestinal enteric nervous system
intrinsic set of nerves in GI tract.
GI parasympathetic activity
increases overall degree of activity by promoting peristalsis and tone and relaxing the sphincters allowing for rapid propulsion of contents
Sympathetic GI stimulation
strong stimulation inhibits peristalsis and increases tones of sphincters. Can cause constipation
Heart Sympathetics
Increased stimulation of rate and force of contractions. Dilates coronary arteries
Heart Parasympathetics
decreases HR and strength of contraction, allows heart to rest
Dilates coronary arteries
Blood Vessels
Sympathetic- constriction, beta function causes dilation if alpha receptors have been paralyzed.
Parasympathetic: Almost no effect except to dilate bv in certain restricted areas (blushing)
Arterial Pressure
Determined by propulsion of blood by the heart and resistance of blood flow through peripheral blood vessels
Sympathetic stimulation of arterial pressure
increases propulsion and resistance to flow, causing an acute increase but little long term effect
Parasympathetic stimulation on arterial pressure
Decreases pumping of the heart and no effect on peripheral vascular resistance. Usually slight decrease in pressure, but very strong vagal stimulation can almost stop or occasionally stop the heart
Sympathetic metabolic effects
release of glucose from the liver, increase in blood glucose concentration, increase in glycogenolysis of liver and muscles, increase in skeletal muscle strength, increase in metabolic rate and increased mental activity
Proportions of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla
Circulatory effect time of medulla adrenergics
5-10 times longer than direct sympathetic stimulation becasue takes 2-4 minutes to remove from the blood
difference of epinephrine and norepinephrine
Great effect in stimulating beta receptors and has a greater effect on cardiac stimulation than norepinephrine. Also causes weaker constriction of blood vessels.

Norepinephrin greatly increases total peripheral resistance and elevates arterial pressure while epinephrine raises arterial pressure less but increases cardiac output more.
Metabolism effects on epinephrine and norepinephrine
Epinephrine has 5-10 times faster rate, therefore increasing metabolic rate of the whole body by 100%
2 way organs are stimulated by sympathetics
directly by sympathetic nerves and indirectly by adrenal medulla hormones (not necessarily to organs directly innervated by sympathetics)
Basal rates of activity are known as
sympathetic and parasympathetic tone
Value of tone
allows a single nervous system both to increase and decrease the activity of a stimulated organ
Normal resting rate of secretions of the adrenal medulla
.2ug/kg/min epinephrine
.05ug/kg/min norepinephrine
intrinsic tone
intrinsic compensation that soon develops in order to return the function of the organ almost to its normal basal level after damage to innervation.
Can take up to weeks for sympathetics and months for para
Denervation supersensitivity
phenomenon in which an organ becomes more sensitive to injected norepinephrine or acetylcholine after denervation. Occurs in both sympathetic and parasympathetic organs. Caused by upregulation of receptors
autonomic reflexes
regulate many of the visceral functions of the body
Cardiovascular Autonomic reflexes
Include baroreceptor reflex in the internal carotid artery and arch of the aorta
GI Autonomic Reflex
in uppermost part of GI tract and the rectum (smell of food causing salvation and need to poop when fecal matter fills the rectum)
Mass discharge
when almost all portions of the sympathetic system discharge simultaneously. Occures when the hypothalamus is activated by fright or fear or sever pain. Results in alarm or stress resoponse
Alarm or stress response of the sympathetic nervous system
1. Increased arterial pressure
2. Increased blood flow to active muscles concurrent wiht decreased blood flow to organs such as the GI tract and kidneys are not needed for rapid motor activity
3. Increased rates of cellular metabolism throughout the body
4. Increased blood glucose concentration
5. Increased glycolysis in the liver and in muscle
6. Increased muscle strength
7. Increased mental activity
8. Increased rate of blood coagulation
Sympathetic stress response
extra activation of the body in states of stress (mental or physical)
Brain stem
control arterial pressure, HR and Respiratory rate
sympathomimetric drug along with epinephrine
drug that stimulates alpha receptors
stimulates beta receptors
stimulates beta 2 receptors
indirect sympathomimetric drugs
ephedrine, tyramine, and amphetamine. Cause release of norepinephrine from its storage vesicles in the sympathetic nerve endings
Prevents the synthesis and storage of norepinephrine
blocks release of norepinephrine from nerve endings
phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine
blocks alpha receptors
blocks beta 1 and 2 receptors
blocks mainly beta 1 receptors
blocks transmission of nerve impulses through autonomic ganglia. blocks both sympathetic and parasympathetic transmission through the ganglia
pilocarpine and methacholine
directly act on muscarinic type cholinergic receptors
acetylcholinesterases drugs
neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and ambenonium. Potentiate the effects of the naturally secreted acetylcholine at the neuromuscular juncture by preventing rapid destruction of acetylcholine
block the action of acetylcholine on the muscarinic type of cholinergic effector organs. These do NOT effect nicotinic action. Similar drugs are homatropine and scopolamine
injected acetylcholine
stimulates postganglionic neurons of both systems, thereby causing effects at the same time in both systems.
stimulates postganglionic neurons that contain the nicotinic type of acetylcholine receptor. Results in strong sympathetic vasoconstriction in the abdominal organs and limbs but at the same time resulting in parasympathetic effects such as increased GI activity and sometimes slowing heart rate.
has both nicotinic and muscarinic actions on postganglionic neurons
Ganglionic blocking drugs
block impulse from pre to post ganglionic neurons. Drugs include tetraethyl, ammonium ion, hexamethonium ion and pentolinium. Block acetylcholine and usued especially for sympathetic blocking.
Reduce arterial pressure in patients with HTN, arent used clinically bc their effects are difficult to control