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52 Cards in this Set

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increase of sodium causes what in the kidneys
increase of sodium excretion
what is erthropoietin
stimulates production of red blood cells by hematopoietic stem cells
short term arterial pressure regulation by secretiong what that leads to formation of vasoactive angiotensin II
what is needed for calcium deposition in bone and reabsorption by GI tract
calcitrol, or vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 made by kidneys
medulla is divided into 8-10 what?
renal pyramids
what is erthropoietin
stimulates production of red blood cells by hematopoietic stem cells
what do the renal pyramids terminate at
the papilla
kidneys synthesize what from amino acids during fasting
glucose in gluconeogenesis
medulla is divided into 8-10 what?
renal pyramids
what colelcts urine from tubules of each paipilla
minor calyces
what do the renal pyramids terminate at
the papilla
what does the papilla project into
renal pelvis
what does the papilla project into
renal pelvis
what is the outer border of the renal pelvis divided into?
major calyces
blood flow to the two kidneys is how much percent of cardiac output
what does the renal artery form
the interlobar, arcuate, and interlobular arteries as well as afferent arterioles, which lead to the glomerular capillaries
where does the efferent arteriole lead to
to a secondary capillary network, the peritubular capillaries, that surrounds the renal tubules
what happens to fluid in both capillaries
filtration in the glomerular capillaries at 6- mm Hg and reabsorption in the peritubular capillaries at 13 mm Hg
where do the peritubular capillaries empty into?
the venous system of interlobular vein, arcuate vein, interlobar vein, and renal vein
you have a million nephrons at age 40. how many will you have at age 50
What is the glomerulus encased in?
Bowman's capsule
where does the proximal tubule lie?
the cortex
where is the macula densa located?
at the end of the thick ascending limb
What is after the macula densa
the distal tubule, the connecting tubule, the cortical collecting tubule, which lead to the cortical collecting duct
nephrons with glomeruli deep in the cortex are called what
juxtamedullary nephrons
nephrons that have glomeruli in the outer cortex
cortical nephrons. short loops of henle
process of micturition
bladder fills until tension rises above a threshold, this elicitis the micturition reflex that empties the bladder. this is an autonomic spinal cord reflex
two parts of the bladder
body where urine collects and the neck
nephrons with glomeruli deep in the cortex are called what
juxtamedullary nephrons
lower part of the bladder neck
posterior urethra
what do juxtamedullary have?
vasa recta
What is the smooth muscle of the blader called?
the detrusor muscle
what occurs at the trigone?
bladder neck opens into posterior urethra and the two ureteres enter the bladder
what is the muscle called in the posterior urethra
internal sphincter
two parts of the bladder
body where urine collects and the neck
what is in the urogenital diaphragm
the external sphincter
what occurs at the trigone?
bladder neck opens into posterior urethra and the two ureteres enter the bladder
what is in the urogenital diaphragm
the external sphincter
what is the muscle called in the posterior urethra
internal sphincter
principal nerve of the bladder
pelvic nerves from sacral plexus. sensory detects stretch and motor is parasympathetic to the detrusor
what nerves to the external bladder sphincter
the pudendal nerves with sympathetic from the hypogastric nerves
effect of parasympathetic and sympathetic
peristaltic contractions are enhanced by parasympathetic stimulation and inhibited by sympathetic stimulation
function of detrusor muscles
to prevent backflow
what is it called when bladder is propelled backward into the ureter
vesicoureteral reflux
what is the ureterorenal reflex
when a sympathetic reflex caused by pain sends signal to kidney to constrict the renal arterioles to decrease urine output
micturition contractions are a result of what?
a stretch reflex started by sensory stretch receptors in the bladder wall
micturition reflex is what?
self-regenerative because initial contraction activates stretch receptors to cause greater increase in sensory impulses
what can inhibit the micturition reflex?
inhibitory centers in the pons and centers in the cerebral cortex
what center prevents micturition
the higher centers
when does a person lose bladder control
if they lose sensory they cant transmit stretch signals
when the bladder fills to capacity and overflows a few drops at a time
overflow incontinence
what does syphilis do
damage to dorsal root nerve fibers that enter the spinal cord called tabes dorsalis and resulting bladder condition is called tabetic bladder