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187 Cards in this Set

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A girlfriend and boyfriend break a date. What does the boyfriend use to remember if this has happened before ?

Hippocampus and association cortex

Biological rhythms are controlled by

Melatonin & Exogenous light

If a patient suffers damage to his hippocampus he will experience

Severe short term memory trouble

Damage to amygdalae results in

Trouble with emotional responses

What does IPSP cause

K to move out of the cell

The main neurotransmitter always in muscle is


Which part of the brain secretes melatonin ?

Pineal gland

Parts of the limbic system

Hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdalae and hippocampus

What hormones cause aggression ?

Decreased serotonin. Decreased cortisol. Increased dopamine.

Danger to amygdalae causes

Decreased fear

What do the splanich nerves innervate?

Visceral nerves that contribute to the internal organs

Imagine two neutrons, A and B, where A signals B across a synapse. What is most important in determining how B will respond to A ?

The type of post synaptic receptor on B

Resting membrane potential in neutron of CNS ranges

-70 to -80mV

Resting membrane potential in neutron of CNS ranges

-70 to -80mV

Nerst equation is used for

Equilibrium potential calculations

Resting membrane potential in neutron of CNS ranges

-70 to -80mV

Nerst equation is used for

Equilibrium potential calculations

Equilibrium potential for k+ is


Resting membrane potential in neutron of CNS ranges

-70 to -80mV

Nerst equation is used for

Equilibrium potential calculations

Equilibrium potential for k+ is


Na/K pump exchanges

2K+ for 3Na

Cell inhibition is accompanied by

Hyperpolarisation of plasma membrane

Cell inhibition is accompanied by

Hyperpolarisation of plasma membrane

The main inhibitory transmitter is


Average K+ in intercellular space is

10*higher than extra cellular space

Average K+ in intercellular space is

10*higher than extra cellular space

The index of cell excitability is


Sensory information is coded as

Frequency of action potential

EPSP is associated with

Depolarisation of post synaptic membrane

EPSP is associated with

Depolarisation of post synaptic membrane

The lowest level of modulation of pain sensation occurs at

2nd Neuron in dorsal horn of spinal cord grey matter

EPSP is associated with

Depolarisation of post synaptic membrane

The lowest level of modulation of pain sensation occurs at

2nd Neuron in dorsal horn of spinal cord grey matter

The patellar reflex originates from


EPSP is associated with

Depolarisation of post synaptic membrane

The lowest level of modulation of pain sensation occurs at

2nd Neuron in dorsal horn of spinal cord grey matter

The patellar reflex originates from


The inverse myotottic reflex originates from

Golgi tendon organ

Primary area of somatic organisation of sensory neutrons in brain cortex is located in

Post central gyrus area 3

Equilibrium potential for Na+ is


Equilibrium potential for Cl- is


The frontal lobe is for

Short term memory

The frontal lobe is for

Short term memory

The parietal lobe is for

Sensory and vision

The frontal lobe is for

Short term memory

The parietal lobe is for

Sensory and vision

The hippocampus is for

Middle term memory

The frontal lobe is for

Short term memory

The parietal lobe is for

Sensory and vision

The hippocampus is for

Middle term memory

The upper temporal lobe is for

Long term memory

EEG gives beta waves

Alert awake

EEG gives delta waves

Deep sleep rapid eye movement

EEG gives delta waves

Deep sleep rapid eye movement

EEG gives teta waves

Light sleep

The common final pathway of Sherringtons is formed by

Alpha and gamma motor neurons

The common final pathway of Sherringtons is formed by

Alpha and gamma motor neurons

In voluntary movement the reconsideration of movement plan occurs at the level of

Basel ganglia and cerebellum

Papez circuit is involved in function of

Limbic system

Long term potential in hippocampus is associated with activation of

NMDA receptors

Long term potential in hippocampus is associated with activation of

NMDA receptors

Amygdalae is responsible for

Rage, attack, sexual behaviour

Dreams occur in


Dreams occur in


The main receptor in ganglion in synapses of ANS is

Nicotine receptor of Ach

The main cotransmitter in post ganglionic synapses of parasymatic nerves system is


The main cotransmitter in post ganglionic synapses of parasymatic nerves system is


Among proteins playing a significant role in the functioning of sacromere are

Actin, myosin, titin, actinin

The main source of energy for skeletal muscle contraction is


The main source of energy for skeletal muscle contraction is


If A and B synapse on C, A releases 2EPSPs they will

Elicit a response from C if they reach the threshold

The main source of energy for skeletal muscle contraction is


If A and B synapse on C, A releases 2EPSPs they will

Elicit a response from C if they reach the threshold

The blind spot is in

The optic disc of retina where optic nerve leaves the eye

What cell in the eye responds to a blue bouncing ball?

Fast wave cones

What cell in the eye responds to a blue bouncing ball?

Fast wave cones

Which protein is responsible for muscle fiber type ?


What cell in the eye responds to a blue bouncing ball?

Fast wave cones

Which protein is responsible for muscle fiber type ?


What is most important for muscle contraction ?

Number of motor units

Impulses travel from A to B over a synapse. What is the most import ant factor in how B will respond ?

Type of post synaptic receptor on B

Impulses travel from A to B over a synapse. What is the most import ant factor in how B will respond ?

Type of post synaptic receptor on B

If a patient damages his hippocampus he will

Have trouble forming new memories

Impulses travel from A to B over a synapse. What is the most import ant factor in how B will respond ?

Type of post synaptic receptor on B

If a patient damages his hippocampus he will

Have trouble forming new memories

The components of nicotine receptor is a pentameter made up of

2alpha 1beta 1delta 1gamma

Impulses travel from A to B over a synapse. What is the most import ant factor in how B will respond ?

Type of post synaptic receptor on B

If a patient damages his hippocampus he will

Have trouble forming new memories

The components of nicotine receptor is a pentameter made up of

2alpha 1beta 1delta 1gamma

The lever motion movement of actin to myosin is


Impulses travel from A to B over a synapse. What is the most import ant factor in how B will respond ?

Type of post synaptic receptor on B

If a patient damages his hippocampus he will

Have trouble forming new memories

The components of nicotine receptor is a pentameter made up of

2alpha 1beta 1delta 1gamma

The lever motion movement of actin to myosin is


How does emotion improve long term memory ?

Epinephrine stimulates the vagus nerve which stimulates the amygdalae and the hippocampus

Impulses travel from A to B over a synapse. What is the most import ant factor in how B will respond ?

Type of post synaptic receptor on B

If a patient damages his hippocampus he will

Have trouble forming new memories

The components of nicotine receptor is a pentameter made up of

2alpha 1beta 1delta 1gamma

The lever motion movement of actin to myosin is


How does emotion improve long term memory ?

Epinephrine stimulates the vagus nerve which stimulates the amygdalae and the hippocampus

What is DHP?

Found in sacrolemma

Repeated stimuli are stronger than a single stimulus due to

Temporal summation

With regard to olfaction

Humans have a small vomeronasel organ compared to other mammals

With regard to olfaction

Humans have a small vomeronasel organ compared to other mammals

Which is not true for taste ?

40 different receptors for bitterness

Fast twitch muscles are

Anaerobic and tire quickly

Which of the following is probably not a function of the cerebellum ?

Changing attention to different stimulus

Which of the following is probably not a function of the cerebellum ?

Changing attention to different stimulus

Biological rhythms are controlled by

Exogenous light

Spence neurons A and B synapse onto C which has a threshold of 50mV. If A has 20mV what does B need to activate C ?


A careless surgeon cuts the optic nerve of a patient who dies a few months later. In autopsy what situation will be found ?

Number of rods and cones do not change

A careless surgeon cuts the optic nerve of a patient who dies a few months later. In autopsy what situation will be found ?

Number of rods and cones do not change

Movement is controlled by ?

Cerebellum and Basel ganglia

A careless surgeon cuts the optic nerve of a patient who dies a few months later. In autopsy what situation will be found ?

Number of rods and cones do not change

Movement is controlled by ?

Cerebellum and Basel ganglia

Which factors are necessary for skeletal muscle contraction ?

Ca2+, ACh, ATP

A careless surgeon cuts the optic nerve of a patient who dies a few months later. In autopsy what situation will be found ?

Number of rods and cones do not change

Movement is controlled by ?

Cerebellum and Basel ganglia

Which factors are necessary for skeletal muscle contraction ?

Ca2+, ACh, ATP

Lactic acid synthesised during muscle activity

Is a result of insufficient O2 intake

A careless surgeon cuts the optic nerve of a patient who dies a few months later. In autopsy what situation will be found ?

Number of rods and cones do not change

Movement is controlled by ?

Cerebellum and Basel ganglia

Which factors are necessary for skeletal muscle contraction ?

Ca2+, ACh, ATP

Lactic acid synthesised during muscle activity

Is a result of insufficient O2 intake

Motor units are

All muscle fibres controlled by a single motor Neuron

Fast oxidative skeletal muscles

Low anaerobic capacity

Respond quickly and to repetitive stimulation without becoming fatigued

Adaption of muscle fibres to endurance training is based on

Increased number of mitochondria as well as concentration and activation of oxidative enzymes

Adaption of muscle fibres to endurance training is based on

Increased number of mitochondria as well as concentration and activation of oxidative enzymes

Baylis effect concerns

Myogenic origin control of blood flow

What is a hebbian synapse ?

One which stimulates pre and post synaptic sensory neurons

What is a hebbian synapse ?

One which stimulates pre and post synaptic sensory neurons

When you climb the stairs which muscles are you using?

Slow twitch


Tires slowly

What is a hebbian synapse ?

One which stimulates pre and post synaptic sensory neurons

When you climb the stairs which muscles are you using?

Slow twitch


Tires slowly

Caffeine is an antagonist to which hormone ?

Dopamine and glutamate

What is a hebbian synapse ?

One which stimulates pre and post synaptic sensory neurons

When you climb the stairs which muscles are you using?

Slow twitch


Tires slowly

Caffeine is an antagonist to which hormone ?

Dopamine and glutamate

When Ach binds to muscalinic receptor

G proteins are activated

Which of these effects result in the stimulation if he parasymatic division ?

Increased contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the digestive tract

Neuron A is in resting state what is a relative ionic concentration

100nM Na outside

10nM Na inside

Neuron A is in resting state what is a relative ionic concentration

100nM Na outside

10nM Na inside

The skeletal muscles contact as a consequence of

Troponin and tropimyosin contracting

Which of these synapses is the fastest ?


What is the role of the cerebellum?

Timing of movement and events

The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The settings of SCN are altered by input of retinal

Ganglion cells

The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The settings of SCN are altered by input of retinal

Ganglion cells

Transatlantic sickness would be worse when traveling from

LA to Warsaw

The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The settings of SCN are altered by input of retinal

Ganglion cells

Transatlantic sickness would be worse when traveling from

LA to Warsaw

Epinephrine and cortisol enhance emotional memories by affecting


The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The settings of SCN are altered by input of retinal

Ganglion cells

Transatlantic sickness would be worse when traveling from

LA to Warsaw

Epinephrine and cortisol enhance emotional memories by affecting


People with locked in syndrome feel


The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The settings of SCN are altered by input of retinal

Ganglion cells

Transatlantic sickness would be worse when traveling from

LA to Warsaw

Epinephrine and cortisol enhance emotional memories by affecting


People with locked in syndrome feel


Victoria has a new genetic disorder thT results in lower orexin levels will she experience problems with

Falling asleep

The dorsolateral tract that crosses from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the spinal cord control movement of

Discrete movement of the toes

If someone injected into your tongue sine chemical that kept K+ channels open what would be the consequence

Couldn't taste sour pickles

The settings of SCN are altered by input of retinal

Ganglion cells

Transatlantic sickness would be worse when traveling from

LA to Warsaw

Epinephrine and cortisol enhance emotional memories by affecting


People with locked in syndrome feel


Victoria has a new genetic disorder thT results in lower orexin levels will she experience problems with

Falling asleep

Alcohol influences the brain in many ways but its effects on which neurotransmitter are responsible for its antianxiety and intoxicatingly affects similar to benzodiazepines


All pregangluonic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are



All pregangluonic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are




Frequency of AP increased

All pregangluonic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are




Frequency of AP increased