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22 Cards in this Set

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No change in length
Isometric contraction
Force production with shortening in length
Concentric contraction
-Force production with lengthening m
(lower arm slowly while holding something)
Eccentric contraction
What happens when there are tiny tears in the muscle following eccentric contraction?
activate signals to inc. protein sythesis-->builds muscle msass (hypertrophy)

How? IGF promotes hypertropy & cell fusion
Muscle allowed to shorten but maintains a constant force
Force-length relationship
Total force developed by a muscle depends on the starting length
The amount of force produced by a muscle during an isometric contraction depends on the # of cross-bridges formed
-More overlap, more crossbridges, shorter sarcomere

-Less overlap, fewer crossbridges, longer sarcomere
Length-Tension curve
inc. length-->less overlap so 0 Force

dec. length-->creates interference btw thick & thin filaments-->interfers w/ cross-bridge formation-->dec. force
What are some ways to increase the amount of crossbridges formed?
1. Inc. size/diameter of myofibrils

2. Alter # of myofibrils
Force depends on passive properties of the muscle
Muscle is elastic and will resist stretch even w/o electrical stimulation.

Sources of elasticity: Titin, CT (epi,peri, endo, tendon)
Total length-tension curve
Sum of passive & active components

-Passive: stretching w/o electrical stimulation

-Total: F developed when muscle is electrically stimulated

-Active: difference between total & passive
Torque produced by muscle is greater than Force applied
In muscles, apply force near joint. This allows for limited shortening with wide displacement
Torque = F x Moment arm
Distance btw joint pivot & where it perpendicularly meets the muscle
Moment arm
The max moment arm
at 90 degrees & declines with greater flexion/extension
What happens when the moment are is less
The amount of torque dec.-->so need to produce more force to hold weight
If put muscle at the optimal position...

If put muscle at a mechanical disadvantage (fully extended)
The muscle weakness may be masked

Moment are small-->torque less
Length-velocity relationship
Greater the load, the slower the shortening velocity

Faster the rate of cross bridge cycling, the faster the rate of shortening (myosin ATPase)

Opposing load slows down crossbridge cycling
How quickly muscle shortens depends on the kind of myosin & how heavy load is
When does a muscle shorten?
After it develops a force that is equal to the external load
Force-velocity curve
Vmax: max shortening velocity, no load

Fmax: eccentric contraction, peak isometric force (no shortening), 0 velocity, 0 shortening
What type of contractions are a common mechanism for braking movement at a joint?
Eccentric contractions