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395 Cards in this Set

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Volatile acid

Is CO2, created from metabolism of cells.

CO2 combines with H2O to create bicarbonate.

- Carbonic anhydrase catalyze the reversible reaction.

Non-volatile acid

An acid created in the body from other substances than CO2, and not excreted by the lungs.

Fixed acid, like sulfuric and phosphoric

Can be overdigested or produced

ph of venous and arterial blood

Arterial blood: pH=7.40

Venous blood: pH= 7.36

What regulated pH in the body?


Lungs via CO2 elimination

Kidneys via H+ secretion


Prevent pH change when H+ ions are added or removed.

Weak acid and conjugated base

Weak base and conjugated acids

Buffer base

Bicarbonate and hemoglobin together

44-49 mmol/L

Buffers in plasma


Protein, phosphate, ammonia

Buffers in blood

Bicarbonate, hemoglobin and organic phosphate

Actual bicarbonate

Blood bicarbonate measured at the actual pCO2 level

Standard bicarbonate

Blood bicarbonate level, when blood is saturated at 40 Hg mm pCO2

Base excess

Means base deficit or sufficit which would be required to be added or removed in order to restore the blood pH to 7.4 at 40 Hgmm

H+ secretion with bicarbonate

Occurs in proximal tubule

Causes netabsorption of filtered HCO3-, without net secretion of H+.

1.H+ and HCO3 is created in proximal tubule from CO2 and H2O. First H2CO3, then dissociate to H+ and HCO3. H+ will secreted to lumen via Na+-H exchange, while HCO3+- is reabsorbed.

2. In lumen the secreted H+ will combine with HCO3, and form H2CO3, which dissociates to CO2 and H2O by carbonic anhydrase.

CO2 and H2O diffuse into cell and start cycle again.

Excretion of H+ as H2PO4-

Amount of H+ excreted as titratable acid will depend on amount of urinary buffer present, and pk.

Result is net secretion of H+ and net reabsorption of HCO3.

1. H+ and HCO3 are produced in intercalated cell. H+ is secreted into lumen via H+-ATPase. HCO3- is reabsorbed into blood.

In urine the H+ will join with filtered HPO4 and form H2PO4

H2PO4 is excreted.

What increases the activity of H+-ATPase?


H+ secretion as NH4+

Amount of H+ which secreted is dependent on amount of NH3+ synthesized by renal cells and urine pH.

NH3 is produced by renal cells from glutamine, and diffuses into lumen with it´s gradient.

1. H and HCO3 is produced in intercalated cells, and H´is secreted into lumen via H+-ATPase. In lumen H+ will bind with NH3, and form NH4.

NH$ is excreted, while HCO3 is reabsorbed in blood.

How does the pH of the tubular fluid affect the excretion of H+ via NH4?

The lower the pH of the tubular fluid is, the greater the excretion of H+ via NH4 will be. Because when urine pH is low, there is more NH4 than NH3, which increases the diffusion of NH3 from the tubular cells.

How does hyperkalemia and hypokalemia affect NH3 synthesis?

Hyperkalemia inhibits the NH3 synthesis

Hypokalemia stimulates the NH3 synthesis

What causes metabolic acidosis?

Increased exogen acid intake

increased endogen acid production

Renal failure

Excessive loss of alkalic fluid


- Inhibits NH3 synthesis

What causes respiratory acidosis?

Inhalation of high CO2 containing air

Decreased respiratory surface

- Pulmonary fluid

- Inflammation

Insufficient ventilation

- Pneumothorax

- Muscle weakness

- Airway obstruction

What causes metabolic alkalosis?

Exogen intake of alkalic chemicals

Loss of HCl acids


- increased NH3 synthesis

What causes respiratory alkalosis?
CNS lesion

Artificial respiration

Voluntary hyperventilation

Panic attack



Basal metabolic rate is the minimal rate of energy expenditure per unit of time at rest.

Standard criteria is applied.

What is the base metabolic rate by organs?

Liver - 1/4

Muscle - 1/4

Brain and heart - 1/4

Kidney and others - 1/4

What are the nutrient classes?

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water

What regulates food intake?

Two hypothalamic centers regulate eating.

1. Feeding center

- when stimulates it initiates feeding.

2. Satiety center

- During stimulation causes cessation of eating, even if starved.

Feeding center is always active, but satiety center can inhibit it.

What causes the satiety center to inhibit the feeding center?

May inhibit due to changes in blood composition

- Glucostatic theory

- Lipostatic theory

- Aminostatic theory

Other influences

- Temperature -> high temp decreases appetite

- Habit, hormones etc


Warm blooded

constant body temperature


Constant/changing body temperature



Cold blooded

Changing body temperature

What are some characteristics of core temperature?

Temperature of internal organs

Heat production

Constant since it´s regulated

Independent from ambient temperature

Changes in narrow range: 36.5-37.1

What are some characteristics of surface temperature?

Skin temperature

Heat exchange

- Loss and absorption

Varying, depends on ambient temperature

Changes in wide range

Difference between distinct areas

How is temperature regulated?

Regulated via two systems

1. Chemical thermoregulation

- Metabolism, muscular activity

2. Physical thermoregulation

- Depends on ambient temperature

- Heat loss

- Heat absorption only above 34 C

What influences internal temperature?

Diurnal rhythm -> 1 C

Menstrual cycle

Seasonal changes

Ambient temperature

Work out



Hormonal state


Emotional stress



What´s is the thermostat model?

it´s the basis of thermoregulation.

Set point -> temperature to achieve

Error signal -> Regulation and negative feedback mechanism.

- Cold signal -> decrease in heat loss, increase in heat production

- Warm signal -> Increase i heat loss

Ways of heat production

1. Basal metabolism

2. Muscular activity -> shivering

3. Thyroxine and epinephrine

4. Temperature effect on cells

Ways of heat loss

1. Radiation

- Loss of heat in form of infrared rays

2. Conduction

-Transfer of heat between objects in contact

3. Convection

- Transfer of heat by current

4. Evaporation

- Thermal cooling by water


Core temp below 35 C

Mild, moderate and severe

Heat production

Increased heat loss in cold environment or newborns.

Decreased heat production in malnutrition, elders, chronic diseases etc.


Core temperature above 38C

Heat production > heat loss

Overload of thermoregulation

Heat loss inhibited by humid/warm, overclothing, impaired regulation, dehydration.

Increased heat production due to increase muscle work, epilepsy, hyperthyreosis



Core temp above 38C

1. Subfebrility: 37-38 C

2. Moderate fever: 38-39 C

3. Severe fever: 39-40 C

4. Hyperpyrexia: above 40 C

What´s the mechanism behind fever?

What is the peripheral control mechanism for thermoregulation?

1. Physical thermoregulation

Processes of heat dissipation and heat absorption. Small changes in temperature -> heat loss is adjusted.

2. Chemical thermoregulation Heat producing process.

- Larger and longer lasting changes in temperature.

- Metabolism is adjusted.

Non-evaporative heat exchange

Heat loss or gain depending on temperature.




Evaporative heat exchange

Only heat loss

Insensible perspiration

-20-30% of heat loss

- Can not be regulated directly

- Surface of skin and airways

Sensible perspiration

- In high ambient temp, non-evaporative heat loss is not enough. Compensated by sweating.

- Humidity influences the effectiveness of evaporation.


Produced by sweat glands

1. Corpus

- Almost isosmotic

2. Ductus

- Leading to surface

- Reabsorption of water and electrolyte

-Aldosterone regulates


- Neural -> sympathetic cholinergic

- Humoral -> Bradykinin

Shivering thermogenesis

Heat producing process of muscles

1. Skeletal muscle tone increases

- Increase heat prod by 50%

2. Shivering thermogenesis -> involuntary process

- causes higher O2 consumption and heat production

Maximum at 33-34 C core temp

Stops at below 30 C

Non-shivering thermogenesis

Sympathetic stimulation -> NA and A increased

- Metabolism of cells increase

- total energy released increases

- UCP proteins are important

In newborns brown fat tissue

Increased secretion of thyroid hormones

Neutral temperature zone

Temperature at which activity of heat producing and heat loss mechanisms are at a minimum.

the person does not feel cold nor hot.

naked: 27-30 C

Dressed: 20-23 C

What is the role of skin circulation?

Blood flow through the skin -> skin temperature/heat loss

Tissues are bad heat-conducters.

Heat is transferred between core and surface via blood flow.

Heat dissipation is depends on temperature gradient of core and skin.

How is heat dissipation regulated in acral areas?

Acral -> Extremities

Sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone changes -> Regulates amount of blood flowing through skin, which in turn regulates the heat dissipation

How is heat dissipation regulated in non-apical areas?

Sympathetic vasoconstrictors have little influence. An active vasodilator will be used: Bradykinin

What happens with the arteriovenous anastomoses during cold and warm weather?

During cold weather they close, while they open during warm weather.

Regulates blood flow through plexus of subcutis.


Goose bumps

What type of thermoreceptors do we have?

Peripheral thermoreceptors

Core thermoreceptors

Central thermoreceptors

Peripheral thermoreceptors

Found in skin

Measures surface temp

Thermoreceptors and thermal nociceptors

Core thermoreceptors

measure core temperature in deep body

arterial blood

walls of internal organs

Central thermoreceptors

Core temperature of CNS


other brain regions

Spinal cord


Sensitive to cold or heat

Thermal nociceptors

Sensitive to temperature above 45 C or damaging cold.

What kind of receptors do we find in skin?

In the skin we find mostly cold thermoreceptors. Stimulation of these evoke reactions before a significant decrease in core temperature can happen.


Sympathetic activation

- Vasoconstriction, piloerection and increase in cell metabolism.

Which part of the hypothalamus contribute to heat dissipation and heat conservation?

Anterior hypothalamus -> heat dissipation

Posterior hypothalamus -> Heat conservation

Where do we find warmth sensing neurons?

We find them in central thermoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus.

Activity of the heat dissipation area will increase based on the stimulation of these warmth receptors.

Cold sensing neurons

Will stimulate the posterior hypothalamus.

- increased activity evoked by hypothalamic cold stimulation

G proteins

Guanosine triphosphate binding proteins, which couple with hormone receptors to adjacent effector molecule.

- Used in adenylate cyclase and IP3

What are the subunits of G proteins?

They have 3 subunits

Alpha -> Can bind either GDP or GTP, when GDP is bound the g protein is inactive, when GTP it´s active.

What the difference between Alpha I and Alpha S?

G proteins can be stimulatory and inhibitory.

Activity resides in the alpha subunit.

Alpha S -> Stimulate

Alpha I -> inhibit

Describe the mechanism of adenylate cyclase in 7 steps

1. Hormone binds to receptor in cell membrane.

2.GDP is releases and replaced by GTP in alfa subunit.

3. Activated g protein can either stimulate or inhibit adenylate cyclase.

4. Activated adenylate cyclase will catalyse ATP to cAMP.

5. cAMP will activate protein kinase A

6. cAMP is degraded to 5-AMP by phosphodiesterase

Describe the IP3 mechanism in 3 steps

1. Hormone will bind to receptors on cell membrane, and via G protein activate phospholipase C.

2. Phospholipase C liberates diacylglycerol and IP3 from membrane lipids.

3. IP3 mobilizes Ca2+ from ER

4. Ca2+ and diacylglycerol will together activate protein kinase C.

What signals act through the guanylyl cyclase receptor?

ANP or atrial natriuret peptide

- GTP to cGMP

Nitric oxide will act on cytosolic guanylyl cyclase

- GTP to cGMP

Receptor tyrosine kinases

Hormone binds to extracellular part, intracellular side has intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity.

Two types .> Monomers and dimers.

- Monomers go through dimerization, then activate intrinsic tyrosine kinase.

- Dimer will activate intrinsic tyrosine kinase.

What type of tyrosine kinase is a receptor for insulin?

Receptor tyrosine kinase dimer is a receptor for insulin.

Tyrosine-associated receptors

Mechanism of action of growth hormone.

Intracellular side does not have tyrosine activity, but non-covalently associated with tyrosine kinase.

Binding of growth hormone causes dimerization and activation of tyrosine kinase in associated protein, like JAK.

Steroid hormone and thyroid hormone mechanism

1. Will diffuse across the cell membrane, and bind to receptor.

2. Receptor complex will enter nucleus and dimerize.

3. Has transcription factors, which bind to steroid-responsive element of DNA.

4. Initiate DNA synthesis

5. Protein will have specific physiological actions

What is the derivative of steroid hormones?


What is the derivative of amine hormone synthesis?


How is hormone secretion regulated?

Negative feedback

- Most common, self limiting

- Hormone has biological actions which directly or indirectly inhibits further secretion.

Positive feedback

- Rare, self-reinforcing -> explosive

- Hormone has biological actions which directly or indirectly lead to more secretion of that hormone.

How are hormone receptors regulated?

Down regulation of receptors

- A hormone decreases the number or affinity of receptor for itself or an other hormone.

Up regulation of receptors

- A hormone increase the number or affinity of a receptor for itself or others.

Example of down-regulating a hormone receptor?

Progesterone will down regulate it´s own receptors and the receptors for estrogen.

Example of up-regulating a hormone receptor?

In the ovaries, estrogen will up regulates it´s own receptors and receptors of LH.

What is the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system?

A system linking the anterior lobe of pituitary gland to the hypothalamus.

Blood from hypothalamus, concentrated with hormones, will reach the anterior pituitary.

Here it can either stimulate or inhibit secretion of anterior pituitary hormones.

What is the posterior lobe derived from, and how does it secrete it´s hormones?

Derived from neural tissue

Pituitary hormones are synthesized within the nerve cell bodies, then packaged in granules and transported down the axons. Here they are released for circulation.

What type of hormones are secreted from anterior pituitary?

Growth hormones

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Thyroid stimulating hormone

Luteinizing hormone

Follicle stimulating hormone



All secreted from anterior pituitary

All from same glycoprotein family

Each has alpha and beta subunit

- Alpha is identical

- Beta subunits are different, responsible for their individual biological activity

Which hormones are derived from proopiomelanocortin?


Melanocyte-stimulating hormone



Where are alpha-MSH and beta-MSH produced?

Intermediary lobe

What increases and decrease secretion of growth hormones?

Secretion is increased by sleep stress, hormones related to puberty, starvation, exercise and hypoglemica.

Secretion is decreased by somatostatin, somatomedins, obesity, hyperglemica and pregnancy

What regulates growth hormones?

1. Hypothalamic control -GHRH and somatostatin

2. Negative feedback control by somatomedins

3. Negative feedback control by GHRH and growth hormone

Negative feedback control by GHRH and growth hormone - growth hormone regulation

GHRH will inhibit it´s own secretion from hypothalamus

Growth hormone will also inhibit it´s own secretion indirectly, by stimulating secretion of somatostatin

Hypothalamic control - GHRH and somatostatin - growth hormone regulation

GHRH will stimulate synthesis and secretion of growth hormones.

Somatostatin will inhibit secretion of growth hormones, by blocking the response of the anterior pituitary to GHRH.

Negative feedback control by somatomedins

Somatomedins are produced when growth hormones act on target tissue.

It will directly act on anterior pituitary gland, and act on hypothalamus by stimulating somatostatin secretion.

Whats the direct action of growth hormones?

Increase glucose uptake

Increase lipolysis

Increase proteins synthesis in muscle

Increase production of IGF

Whats the indirect action of growth hormones?

Happens via IGF

Increase protein synthesis in chondrocytes -> linear body growth

Increase ps in muscle -> Lean body mass

increase protein synthesis in organs -> size of organs


Major hormone responsible for lactogenesis

secreted by the anterior pituitary

Participates in estrogen and breast development.

- Homologous to growth hormone

What regulates prolactin?

Hypothalamic control is done by dopamine and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).

- Inhibited by dopamine

- TRH increase prolactin secretion

Negative feedback control

-Proaction will inhibit itself by stimulating release of dopamine from hypothalamus

Whats the symptoms of hyperthyrodism?

Increased metabolic rate, heat production and CO.

Weight loss

Negative nitrogen balance




What are the symptoms of hypothyrodism?

Decreased metabolic rate, heat production, CO

- Weight gain

- Positive nitrogen balance

- Hypoventilation

- Mental slowness

- Retardation

How are the TSH levels affected by hyper and hypothyrodism?


- decreased b/c feedback inhibition of anterior pituitary by high thyroid hormone levels.


- Increased b/c decreased feedback on anterior pituitary.


Compounds that lead to goiter

- Attacking iodine uptake by the follicular cells

- By inhibiting enzyme activity for iodination and coupling

What does minimal concentration of T3 and T4 cause?

Causes high concentration of TSH, -> cell proliferation -> enlargement of thyroid gland

Synthesis of thyroid hormones

Each step of is stimulated by TSH

1. Thyroglobulin into follicular lumen

2. Iodide pump or Na+-I cotransport

3. Oxidation of I- to I2

4. Organification of iodine

5. Coupling of MIT and DIT

6. Stimulating of thyroid cells by TSH

7. Binding of T3 and T4

8. Conversion of T4 to T3

Wollf-Chaikoff effect

High levels of I- will inhibit organification, and inhibit synthesis of thyroid hormones

Regulation of thyroid hormone secretion

1. Hypothalamic pituitary control

- Done with TRH and TSH

TRH secreted and stimulates secretion of TSH by anterior pituitary. TSH increase both synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones via cAMP.

T3 down-regulates TRH receptors, and will inhibit TSG secretion

Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins

-IG bind and stimulate thyroid gland to secrete T3 and T4.

T3 vs T4 thyroid hormone

T3 is 3 times as potent as T4, and because of this target tissue will convert T4 to T3

Actions of thyroid hormones

1. Growth

2. Development of central nervous system

3. Autonomic nervous system

4. Basal metabolic rate

- Increased by thyroid hormone

4.Cardiovascular systems

- Heart rate and stroke volume increased

5. Metabolic effects

- Overall metabolism is increased

synthesis of estrogen and progesterone

1. Theca cells produce testosterone under LH stimulation.

2. Androstenedione will diffuse to nearby granulose cells containing hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and aromatase.

3. Hydroxysteroid will convert androstenedione to testerone.

4. Aromatase will convert testosterone to 17B-estradiol

Regulation of ovaries

1. Hypothalamic control - GnRH

- GnRH will stimulate anterior pituitary to secrete FSH and LH

2. Anterior lobe of pituitary

- FSH and LH stimulate steroidogenesis, follicular development, ovulation and latinization

3. Negative and positive feedback -> done by estrogen and progesterone

Negative and positive feedback control

of estrogen and progesterone on FSH and LH

Whats the functions of estrogen?

1. Negative and positive feedback effect on FSH and LH

2. Causes maturation and maintenance of cervix, uterus etc

3. Development of sex characteristics

4. Up-regulates estrogen, LH and progesterone receptors.

5. Proliferation of ovarian granulose cells

6. Maintains pregnancy

7. Stimulates prolactin secretion

Functions of progesterone

1. Negative feedback on LH and FSH

2. Maintains pregnancy

3. Secretory activity of uterus

4. Breast development

Follicular phase of menstrual cycle

- Hormones

Day 0 to 14

LH and FSH receptors are up-regulated in theca and granulose cells

Estradiol levels rise

FSH and LH are surpassed by negative feedback of estradiol.

Progesterone levels are low

Ovulation of menstrual cycles - hormones

Burst of estradiol synthesis on the end of follicular phase -> cause positive feedback effect on secretion of FSH and LH -> LH surge.

Ovulation occurs as result of estrogen induced LH surge

Estrogen levels decrease just after ovulation

Luteal phase of menstrual cycle - hormones

Corpus luteum develops, synthesize estrogen and progesterone.

If fertilization does not occur, corpus luteal will regress, causing abruptly decreasing estradiol and progesterone levels

Menses of menstrual cycle - hormones

Endometrium is sloughed because of the abrupt withdrawal of estradiol nd progesterone

What rescues the corpus luteum from regression if there is fertilization?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, produced by placenta

Where is estradiol and progesterone produced during first trimester?

Corpus luteum, which is stimulated by HCG

Where is progesterone and estrogen produced in second trimester?

Progesterone is produced by placenta

Estrogen is produced by fetal adrenal gland and placenta.

What increases the threshold for uterine contraction?

Progesterone increases the threshold for uterine contraction, and closer to term the estrogen/progesterone ratio will increase. This causes the uterus to be more sensitive to contractile stimuli.

Will lactation happen during pregnancy?

NO, since estrogen and progesterone will block the action of prolactin on the breast.

- Levels decrease, lactation occurs

What is the regulatory function of prolactin?

Prolactin will suppress ovulation as long as lactating happens.

PL inhibits hypothalamic GnRH secretion

PL inhibits action of GnRH, LH and FSH

Synthesis of testosterone

Testosterone is a major androgen, which is synthesized in leydig cells.

LH increase testosterone synthesis by stimulating cholesterol desmolase.

How is testosterone activated in sex organs?

Sex organs have 5alpha - reductase which converts testosterone to it´s active form, dihydrotestosterone.

How is testosterone regulated?

1. Hypothalamic control - GnRH

GnRH stimulate FSH and LH secretion

2. Anterior pituitary - FSH and LH

- LH will act on leydig cells, promoting.

- FSH will act on sertoli cells -> Inhibin

3. Negative feedback control - Inhibin and testosterone.

- Testosterone inhibits secretion of LH, via GnRH and directly

- Inhibin inhibits the secretion of FSH from anterior pituitary

Action of testosterone

1. Differentiation of vas deferens, epididymis and seminal vesicle

2. Pubertal growth spurt

3. Libido

4. Muscle mass

5. Growth of penis and seminal vesicle

6. Negative feedback on ap gland

Action of dihydrotestosterone

1. Differentiation between penis, scrotum and prostate

2. Hair, baldness

3. Sebaceous gland

Androgen insensitivity disorder

Caused by deficiency in androgen receptors in target tissue in males

Actions of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are absent

Female genitalia, but no tract

Testosterone levels are elevated -> no negative feedback

Hormones in male and female sexual behavior

Male -> testosterone

Female -> testosterone and estrogens


In male and female

Produced in hypothalamus

Stimulates the release of milk during breast-feeding.

Released during physical touch

- Increases sensitivity

- Remain high after orgasm

stress lowers oxytocin secretin

Limbic system

Associate with emotion, motivation and memory

Dopamine during sexual arousal

Released in pleasure center of limbic center

Facilitates sexual arousal and response

Stimulated by testosterone in both genders


Inhibits sexual activity

Inhibits release of dopamine

Antidepressants called SRRIs increase serotonin levels in brain

- Side effect


Antidepressant which increase serotonin levels in brain


Beginning of androgen production of the adrenal gland

Around 7-8 years

The larche

Begining of development of breast buds


Beginning of development of pubic hair growth


Time of first menstruation


Beginning of sperm production

Tanner´s rating of sexual maturity

Tells us at which age sexual maturity a female or male is at, based on breast, testes, scrotum and pubic hair.

Where is vasopressin ADH produced?

Produced in hypothalamus, but stored in posterior hypophysis.

What is the effect of vasopressin?

Water retention

- Increase expression of Aqua-2 channels in luminal, which facilitates water reabsorption

Urea reabsorption

Smooth muscle contraction -> vasoconstriction

Vasopressin is regulated by

Stimulated by

- Increased plasma osmolality

- Hypovolemia

- Muscular work, pain, emotional stress

Inhibited by

- Decreased plasma osmolality

- Hypervolemia

- Alcohol

Atrial natriuertric peptide or hormone

Released from right atrium

Factors which increase release

- Wall stretch

- Increased NaCl concentration

Has effect on kidney and arterioles

- Kidney -> increased GFR

- Arterioles -> vasodilation

Prostaglandins, and it´s derivatives

Differ from endocrine hormones, since they are not produced at specific sites, but throughout the human body.

Two derivatives


- Powerful vasodilator, inhibits blood platelets.

- Role in inflammation


- Strong vasoconstrictor, facilitate platelet aggregation

effect of Gastrin

Increase gastric H+ secretion

Stimulates growth of gastric mucosa

effect of CCK

Stimulation of contraction of gallbladder and relaxation of sphincter of oddi.

Increased pancreatic enzyme and HCO3- secretion

Increased growth of exocrine pancreas and gallbladder

Inhibits gastric emptying

effect of Secretin

Increase pancreatic HCO3- secretion

Increase biliary HCO3- secretion

Decrease gastric H+ secretion

effect of GIP

Increases insulin secretion

Decrease gastric H+ secretion

When does the breakdown of carbohydrates start?

By the salivary galnds

What inhibits gastrin?

H+ concentration in lumen of stomach -> negative feedback


Affected by VIP

What stimulates secretin?

Secretin is secreted for S cells in duodenum.

Secretion is stimulated by high H+ levels in the duodenum

HCO3- is used to neutralize

What stimulates GIP secretion?

GIP Is secreted by duodenum and jejenum.

GIP is released in response to fat, protein, and carbohydrate

Effect of motilin

A candidate hormone

Increases GI motility, and is involved in myoelectrical complexes.

Hormone vs paracrines vs neurocrines

Hormones -> secretion via portal system

Paracrine -> diffusion

Neurocrines -> neuron gives off action potential

Gi Paracrines

Somatostatin and histamine

Somatostatin in gi tract

Secreted by cells throughout the GI tract in response to H+ in lumen

Inhibits release of all GI hormones

Inhibits gastric H+ secretion

It´s secretion is inhibited by vagal stimulation

Histamine in gi tract

Secreted by mast cells of the gastric mucosa

Increases gastric H+ secretion directly, and by potentiating the effects of gastrin and vagal stimulation

Neurocrines of Gi tract

Synthesized in neurons of GI tract, moved via axons and released by action potential in the nerves.

Diffuse across to target cell

VIP, GRP and enkephalins


Produces relaxation of GI smooth muscle

Stimulates pancreatic HCO3 secretion and inhibits gastric H+ secretion.

Resembles secretin


Released from vagus nerve

Stimulates gastrin release


Stimulate contraction of GI smooth muscle cells

Inhibit intestinal secretion of fluid and electrolytes.

How is salivary secretion regulated?

Parasympathetic: High flow rate, watery

Sympathetic: decreases salivary secretion, lower flow rate and larger viscous

How much is the gastric secretion and salivary secretion per day?

Pancreatic juice?

Gastric 2.5-3.5 liter/day

salivary: 1-1.5 liter/day

Pancreatic juice: 2liters/day

What increases HCl secretion?

Histamine, gastrin, vagus nerve, food

What inhibits HCl secretion?

negative feedback

Fat containing food





Receptive relaxation

A vagovagal reflex which is initiated by distention of stomach.

CCK participates, increasing the distensibility of stomach

No efferent input via vagus nerve

What inhibits gastric emptying?

Fat inhibits gastric emptying by stimulating CCK release.

H+ in the duodenum will also inhibit gastric emptying

When is the rate of gastric emptying the fastest?

When the content of the stomach is isotonic, it´s slowed if the content is hypertonic or isotonic.

Gastroileal reflex

Reflex mediated by extrinsic ANS, and gastrin.

Presence of food in stomach triggers peristalsis in ileum and relaxation of ilieoceacal sphincter

To empty the colon

Gastrocolic reflex

Presence of food in stomach increases motility of the colon and increases the frequency of mass movements

Parasymp when stomach is stretched by food.

CCK and gastrin

What is the major characteristics of gastric secretion?

HCl, pepsinogen, intrinsic facotor

What is the major characteristics of pancreatic secretion?



Pancreatic lipase, amylase and proteases

What are the two major functions of bile?

1. Digestive/secretory - bile acids

- Detergents

- Binding of colipase to micells

- Activate lipid degrading enzymes

2. Not digestive/excretory

- Excretion of cholesterin

- Excretion of bile pigments - bilirubin

What is bile secretion stimulated by?


Parasympathetic nervous system

- Vagus nerve

What is pancreatic secretion stimulated by?



parasympathetic nervous system

- Vagus nerve

What is gastric secretion stimulates by


Parasympathetic nervous system

- Vagus nerve


How does the pancreatic composition change due to flow rate?

At low flow rate the isotonic fluid is mostly consistent of Na and Cl.

At high flow rates the isotonic fluid is mostly consistent of NA and HCO3

What are the different biles?

Liver bile is C-bile.

- Produced by hepatocytes.

Gallbladder bile is B-bile.

- Concentrated and stored

Duodenum bile is a-bile

- Released

What does bile contain?

Bile contains water, ions, lectinine, cholesterole, bile acids, salts and pigments, proteins, organic metabolites.

- bile pigments - bilirubin

Bile does not contain enzymes

What´s the function of bile salts?

Lipid emulisification


Primary bile salts

Synthesized from cholestrole by hepatocytes.

- Steroids

Convert to secondary in ileum.

Recirculation of bile acids to liver

Bile acids are reabsorbed by secondary active transporters like Na´-bile acid cotrasnporter.

They are transported/recycled to the liver when they reach the terminal ileum,

Secretin stimulation on pancreas

Secretin stimulates ductal cells, increasing HCO3 secretion.

Second messenger is cAMP

CCK stimulation on pancreatic secretion

CKK acts on acinar cells, to increase enzymatic stimulation

IP3 as 2nd messenger

ACh stimulation on pancreatic secretion

ACh stimulates enzymes secretion by acinar cells.

Vagal stimulation of stomach

Will increase H+ secretion by direct and indirect pathway.

- Innervating parietal cells to stimulate H+

- Innervate G cells to secrete gastrin

Why doesn't´t atropine block H+ secretion completely in stomach?

Because it only blocks H+ secretion from the direct pathway. But does not inhibit the indirect pathway

What does vagotomy to gastric H+ stimulation?

It eliminates it both directly and indireclty

Gastrin stimulation of stomach

Released in response to eating a meal

Stimulates H+ secretion via CCK receptors on parietal cells.

Second messenger is IP3 and Ca2+

Gastrin also simulates histamine secretion, which stimulates H+ secretion.

Histamine stimulation of stomach

Released from eCL cells, and diffuse to nearby parietal cells.

Activates H2 receptors on parietal cell membrane.

cAMP as second messenger

Inhibition of gastric H+ secretion

Negative feedback

Low pH in stomach

- inhibits gastrin secretin -> inhibits H+ secretion


- Inhibits H+ secretion in two ways- direct and indirect


- Decrease cAMP levels

How are carbohydrates digested?

First salivary amylase starts the starch digestion

Pancreatic amylase digest starch to oligosaccharides.

Oligosaccharides are hydrolyzed by brush border enzymes.

Glucose is transported via Na+ into capillaries.

How is carbohydrates absorbed?

Only as monosaccharides

Glucose and galactose in two steps via transporter.

Mannose and pentose via diffusion

Fructose uses Glut-5 to facilitate diffusion

How is fat digested?

Digestion starts with salivary lipase and gastric lipase.

Lipids in duodenum break up fat droplets and form micelles.

Pancreatic lipase and colipase hydrolyze triglycerids to form free fatty acids and monoglycerides.

Where is fat absorbed?

Lipids are absorbed in lower duodenum and upper jejunum.

- Either directly or by first forming lipoproteins

How is protein digested?

starts in stomach, as pepsin digest proteins to form polypeptides.

Pancreatic jucie and small intestinal fluid continue the digestion

- Endopeptideoases cleave interior of the polypeptide

- Exopeptidases cleve the ends of polypeptide

In which forms are protein digested?

Protein is digested in two forms

Di-and tripeptides


Function of kidneys

Regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance

- Volume regulation and pH regulation

- Maintaining isoiona and isosmose

Excretion of metabolic products and toxins

Production of enzymes

- Renin etc

Elimination of insulin


Glomerular filtration rate

GFR= Amount excreted/time*plasma inulin concentration* urinary inulin concentration

GFR= Kf*net filtration pressure

*KF= capillary filtration coefficient

What is the filtered fluid made up of?

Glomerular capillaries are almost impermeable to proteins, so filtered fluid is mostly made up of salts and organic molecules.

Similar to plasma

- ions, little organic molecules

- Poor in proteins

What determines GFR?

1. Balance of hydrostatic and colloid forces, which act on the glomerular capillary membrane

- Sum of these become net filtration pressure

2. Capillary filtration coefficient - KF

- Product of permeability and filtering surface area.

What will affect net filtration pressure?

1. Hydrostatic pressure inside glomerular capillaries

- Promotes filtration

2. Hydrostatic pressure in bowman´s capsule

- opposes filtration

3. Colloid osmotic pressure in glomerular

- opposes filtration

4. Colloid osmotic pressure in bowman´s capsule

- promotes filtration

What promotes filtration?

High colloid osmotic pressure in bowman´s capsule and high hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries.

What opposes filtration?

High osmotic colloid pressure in glomerular capillaries and high hydrostatic pressure in bowman´s capsule.

Filtration factor

GFR/renal plasma flow

How does the molecules characteristics change its filtration rate?

Molecular weight increases filterability decreases.

Negatively charged molecules are harder to filtrate than the positively charged molecules of same size

Renal oxygen consumption

Oxygen delivered to the kidneys will far exceeds its needs.

Renal oxygen consumption varies proportionally to the renal tubular sodium reabsorption.

- Which again is related to GFR.

If GFR decreases, renal reabsorption will decrease, and oxygen consumption will decrease

Clearance of PAH to calculate RPF

We can use PAH to calculate the renal plasma flow. No substance is completely cleared from plasma, but 90% of PAH is.

Total renal plasma=PAH clearance/PAH extraction ratio.

PAH extraction ratio is calculated based on difference of PAH in arterial and venous renal vessels, divided by renal arterial PAH concentration


Filtration factor

The fraction of plasma which filtrates through the glomerular mambrane.


Whats the function of the auto regulation of kidneys?

The function is to maintain a constant GFR, and allow for precise control of renal excretion of water and solutes

How does diameter changes in efferent and afferent arteries change GFR?

Vasodilation in afferent increases GFR

Vasoconstriction in afferent decreases GFR

Vasodilation in efferent decreases GFR

Vasoconstriction in efferent increases GFR

How is RBF regulated

Vasoconstriction of renal arterioles-> decrease RBF. Done by angiotensin 2 and sympa.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme or ACE inhibitors will dilate efferent arterioles, producing decreased GFR.

Vasodilation of renal arterioles lead to increased RBF.

- Prostaglandings E and I, bradykinin, nitric oxide and dopamine

How is GFR protected during low concentrations?

At low concentrations, angiotensin II will constrict efferent arterioles, to increase the GFR

What vasodilates renal arterioles?

Prostaglandins E2 and I2, bradykinin, nitric oxide and dopamine.

causes an increased RBF

How does atrial natriuretic peptide or ANP effect RBF?

It will cause vasodilation of afferent arterioles, and to a lesser extent, vasoconstriction of efferent arterioles.

ANP increases RBF

What are the mechanisms for autoregulation?

Myogenic mechanism

- Renal afferent arterioles contract in response to stretch. Meaning when increased arterial pressure, it will contract, which increases resistant, and maintains a constant blood flow.

Tubuloglomerular feedback

- Increased arteriole pressure leads to increased delivery of fluid to macula densa. Macula densa senses the increased load, and causes constriction of nearby afferent arterioles.


Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

Regulates blood volume, bp, cardiac and vascular function, regulation of water and salt intake.


Protelytic enzyme which transforms ATG to AT in liver.

Stimulated by BP decrease, bleeding and dehydration, sympa from B1.

Inhibited by negative feedback from AT-II or aldosterone

Angiotensin I

Converted from angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.

Has no physiological activity, but is activated by angiotensin converting enzyme.


ACE is produced in pulmonary capillaries


Angiotensin converting enzyme

Proteolytic enzyme, which converts AT-I to AT-II

Produced in the pulmonary capillaries

Angiotensin II

Active form, mostly produced in pulmonary capillaries.

Effect of AT


- Causing BP to increase, and RBF and GFR to decrease

Ion-secreting effects in kidney

- Sodium reabsorption is increased

Salt appetite and thirst increases

Secretion of aldosterone


Aldosterone is the steroid which is produced in response to angiotensin II.

Effects kidney, sweat and salivation

What does aldosterone effect?

Effect on kidneys

- Na/k+ ratio increases in blood and decreases in tubular fluid.

-NaCl retention

- Water retention

- K+ and H+ secretion

Sweat -> Na/K ratio increases in blood, down in sweat

Salivation -> Na/K ratio increases in blood, down in sweat

Reabsorption and secretion rate

Reabsorption and secretion rate is the difference between what's filtered across the glomerular membrane and what's excreted with urine

Excretion rate

excretion rate= Volume*urine concentration

Filtrated load

Fl= GFR* plasma concentration

Reabsorption rate

Filtered load - excretion rate

Secretion rate

Excretion rate - filtered load

If filtered load is greater than excretion rate..

Net absorption of the given substance has occurred

If excretion rate is greater than filtered rate..

The net secretion of that given substance has occurred

Filtered rate of glucose?

Filtration rate of glucose will increase directly proportional to the plasma glucose concentration

Transport of glucose

Glucose will be reabsorbed by Na-glucose cotransporters in proximal tubule.

There are limited amounts of these transports.

Concentrations below 250 mg/dl all glucose will be reabsorbed.

Concentrations above 350mg/dl -> carriers are saturated, and glucose reabsorption will not increase

Transport maximum for glucose?

Happens when glucose concentration is above 350 mg/dl

Transport maximum for glucose is reached when all the Na-glucose cotransporters are saturated.

Plasma levels below 250mg/dl all glucose will be reabsorbed


Region of glucose curve between threshold and transport maximum.

Represents the excretion of glucose in urine before saturation of reabsorption has been achieved

PAH's filtered load

PAH´s filtered load increase directly proportional to plasma concentration.

Happens in proximal tubule via carriers.

Carriers becomes saturated at one point, which causes no further increase in secretion rate.

When calculating RPF with clearance of PAH, we need to keep the plasma concentration below transport maximum

Substances with highest clearance rate

Those which both filtered across the glomerular capillaries, and are secreted from the peritubular into the urine

Substances with lowest clearance rate

Those substances that are not filtered, or are filtered bu reabsorebd by peritubular capillary blood, like Na, glucose, aa etc.

Substances with equal clearance to GFR


Glomerular markers, these are freely filtrated and not reabsorbed or secreted.

What are the ways of tubular transport?


- Through the tubular cell

- Active or passive

- Pumps, carriers or channels


- Among tubular cells

- Always passive transport according to the electrochemical gradient

Transport characteristics of thin descending loop of Henle´s

Very permeable to water

Transport characteristics of thick ascending loop of Henle´s

25% of filtered load is reabsorbed

- Na, Cl, K, HCO3, Ca, Mg

- Secretion of H+

- not permeable to H2O

Transport characteristics of early distal tubules

5% filtered load is resorbed

NaCl is reabsorbed

Ca++. Na+, Cl-, K+ and Mg

-Active reabsorption

Not permeable to H2O

Not very permeable to urea

Contains macula densa cells

Transport characteristics of late distal tubules and collecting tubules

Aquaporin 2 channels facilitate water reabsorption

- Stimulated by ADH

Na-Cl resorption

- Aldosterone

Not very permeable to urea

Tubules principal cells secrete K+

Tubules intercalated cells secrete H+

Transport characteristics of medullar collecting ducts

Reabsorption of Na, Cl

Permeable to urea, HCO3 and H2O

- H2O when ADH is present

Absorption of H+

Angiotensin II's effect on tubular reabsorption

Effects proximal tubule, thick ascending, distal tubule and collecting tubule.

NaCl and H2O reabsorption increases

H secretion increases

Antidiuretic hormone's effect on tubular reabsorption

Distal tubule and collecting tubule and duct.

H2O reabsorption increases

Atrial naturetic peptide

Distal tubule and collecting tubule and duct

Decrease in NaCl reabsorption

Parathyroid hormone

Proximal tubule, ascending loop of henle´s

PO4 reabsorption decreases

Ca++ reabsorption increases

What stimulates ADH secretion?

Increased osmolarity

Decreased blood volume

Decreased blood pressure

Stimuli from cerebral cortex, angiotensin II, nausea, nicotine, morphine

What decreases ADH secretion?

Decreased osmolarity

Increased blood volume

Increased blood pressure

Antidiuretic hormone

Synthesized in hypothalamus, released by posterior pituitary gland and functions on kidney

Stimulates H2O reabsorption and thirst

How is diluted urine formed?

Caused by decreased ADH release, which reduces the water permeability in the distal and collecting tubules.

How is concentrated urine formed?

Produced when ADH levels are high, due to water deprivation, volume deprivation or SIADH.

Continued electrolyte reabsorption

Increased water reabsorption

What causes the buildup of solute in the renal medulla?

Countercurrent multiplier

Active transport of ions from thick ascending loop to interstitium.

Active transport of ions from medullary collecting ducts to interstitium

Passive diffusion of urea from medullary collecting ducts into interstitium

Diffusion of only small amounts of water into medullary interstitium

What is the result of countercurrent multiplier?

More solute than water is added to renal medulla.

Fluid in the ascending loop is diluted

Most of water reabsorption occurs in cortex

Central diabetes insipidus

Failure to produce ADH

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

Failure to respond to ADH

What is the range of osmolarity of urine?

50 mOsm/kg water to 1300 mOsm/kg water

What is the effect of ANP and what stimulates ANP?

ANP is stimulated by atrial pressure and high NaCl levels

Increase in GFR, decrease in Na+ reabsorption

What is the effect and stimuli of PTH?

Decrease in calcium concentration in plasma stimulates it.

Decreases phosphate reabsorption

Increases Ca reabsorption

What is micturition?

It´s the process of emptying the urinary bladder.

1. Bladder fills until tension above threshold

2. Elicits a nervous reflex, which empties bladder.

Addition of isotonic fluids

Unchanged ECF osmolarity

1. Will cause a volume change in ECF, but no change in osmolarity since fluid is isotnoic

2. Plasma protein concentration and hematocrit will decrease, as it dilutes. RBC will not shrink

3. Arterial blood pressure will increase, since volume is added.

Addition of NaCl

1. ECF volume will change, and osmolarity will increase. Causing a shift from ICF to ECF, to equal out the osmolarity.3

2. ECF volume will increase, ICF decrease

3. Plasma and hematocrit levels will decrease.

Loss of water

1. ECF volume will change, and osmolarity will change. Shift of water from ICF to ECF

2. Plasma will increase, but no change happen due to the hematocrit, since water will shift out of RBC

What happens with carbohydrate in liver?

Almost al monosaccharides which are absorbed from the GI tract are converted to glucose in the liver.

Glycogenolysis, glycogen synthesis, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentose-phosphate pathway

What metabolic functions does the liver have?

Carbohydrate metabolism

Protein metabolism

Lipid metabolism

What are the vasodilators produced by endothelium?

Endothelium derived relaxing factor - ERDF

Nitric oxide


Juxtaglomerular apparatus regulates what?

Glomerular filtration

Where does most of the sodium and water reabsorption occur?

Proximal convoluted tubule

When can substances move from blood to tubular fluid?

During glomerular filtration and tubular secretion

Is the cortical or medullary blood flow of the kidney highest?

The cortical

How is the lining of the glomerular capillaries?

Highly fenestrated

Allow free passage of solutes, ions etc

Mesengial cell nertwork

Provides structural support for the capillaries

Can contract, reducing the glomerular surface area, and thereby the filtration rate.

If the pH is below 7.4, and the Pco2 is below 40 mmHg what is most likely?

Metabolic acidosis

If the pH is below 7.4, and the Pco2 is above 45 mmHg, what is most likely?

Respiratory acidosis

What will distention of stomach cause?

Increased acid secretion by parietal cells

why is regulating hormone receptor´s important?

Determines the pathway of signal transduction, extent of endocrine response, responsible for first level of amplification of after hormone release

What hypothalamic hormones regulating anterior pituitary secretion as stimulatory and which are inhibiters?

TRH, ADH, Ocytocin, Adrenocorticotropic hormone and PRL are stimulatory

Somatostatin and dopamine are inhibitors

What does normal secretion of estrogen in the ovaries require?

Both FSH andLH

And involves active granulose and theca cells

Enterogastric reflex

signals from the colon and small intestine to inhibit stomach motility and stomach secretion

Colonoileal reflex

Reflexes from colon to inhibit emptying of ileal contents into the colon

What can cause the reverse enterogastric reflex?

Presence of food in small intestine

Distending small bowel

Presence of acid in duodenum

Presence of protein breakdown products

Acetylcholineesterase or AChE

An enzyme which degrades ACh to acetyl CoA and choline on the muscle end of the plate.

This causes the inactivation of a neurotransmitter

What is the resting membrane potential of a nerve cell, and what causes it

Resting membrane potential is at -70mV.

This is because the conductance of K+ is high, which cause the membrane potential to be closed to K+ equilibrium potential.

At rest Na+ channels will be closed

What causes the upstroke of the action potential in a nerve cell?

It´s caused by a inward current, which depolarized the membrane. This depolarization causes the voltage-gated Na+ channels to rapidly open, and increasing the Na+ conductance.

This causes the membrane potential to move towards Na+ equilibrium potential at +65mV.

Inward current of Na+

Tetrodotoxin and lidocaine

Will block voltage sensitive Na channels, and abolish action potential


At the peak of the action potential, when membrane potential is positive


After the repolarization the K+ conductance will remain higher than it is in resting, causing the membrane potential to be closer to the K+ equilibrium potential.

Repolarization of a nerve action potential

Depolarization will also close the inactivation gates of the Na+ channels, but much slower than it opens then the activation gates.

pancreatic acinar cells vs ductal cells

Pancreatic acinar cells produce enzymes, while ductal cells secrete bicarbonate and enzymes of the acinar cells.

Which enzymes are part of the intestinal epithelial cell secretion - brush border?

Maltase, aminopeptidase, lactase and sucrose

How are triglycerides transported through the lymphatic vessels?

In chylomicrons

What causes fat cells to be more sensitive to epinephrine?

Growth hormones

What increases the rate of testosterone synthesis in leydig cells?


What hormone released during pregnancy will reach it´s maximal level during first trimester?


What elicts the Hering-Breuer reflex?

Stretch of alveolar wall to proper extent

Stimulation of mechanoreceptors within alveolar wall

Forced inspiration


Carotid sinus reflex

Caused by stretch in arterial wall

- Decrease in blood pressure and HR

- Uses baroreceptors


Fast, neural mechanism

Negative feedback system, which is responsible for minute to minute regulation of arterial blood pressure.

Stretch receptors.

What is an example of the baroreceptors mechanism?

Valsalva maneuver

Expiring towards closed glottis

Causes increased intrathoracic pressure, which causes decreased venous return, which causes decreased arterial pressure sensed by baroreceptors. which causes increased heart rate.

Depressor reflex

Stretch of arterial wall

Causes decrease in BP and HR


Bainbridge reflex

Caused by increase in central venous pressure

-> Stretch of atrial wall which is sensed by baroreceptors

Increase in HR and BP

Cushing reflex

Caused by increased intracranial pressure sensed by intracranial baroreceptors

Decrease in HP and increase in BP

Atrialrenal reflex

Stretch of atrial wall

Baroreceptors in right atrium

Increased urination


Compression of eyeball

Decrease in heart rate

Bezold-Jarisch reflex

Caused by stretch of ventricular wall

Baroreceptors and pain receptors

Decrease in HR and BP


two types peripheral and central

They are sensitive to pH of cerebrospinal fluid.

Decrease in pH of the CSF will produce increased breathing rate

Chemoreflex - hypoxia

Increase in heart rate, TPR and BP



Painful stimulus

Causes increase in BP, HR and TPR

Pain receptors

Goltz reflex

Mechanical stimulus of abdomen

Causes decrease in Heart rate

Abdominal mechanoreceptors

How does decreased compliance effect the pulse pressure?

It increases the pulse pressure

Chronotropic effect

Produce changes in heart rate

Dromotropic effect

Causes changes in conduction velocity, in AV node primarily

Negative chronotropic effect

Causes a decreased heart rate

Neuotransmitter is acetylcholine which acts on muscarinic receptors

Postive chronotropic effect

Causes increased heart rate

By norepinephrine which acts on B1 receptors.


Contractibility of the cardaic msucle

It´s intrinsic ability to develop force at given muscle length

Related to intercellular Ca2+ concentration

Frank-starling relationship

Describes the effect that causes increased cardiac output and stroke volume, in response to increased venous return, or end-diastolic volume.

Transmular pressure

Transmural pressure is alveolar pressure minus intrapleural pressure

What is the intrapleural pressure during inspiration and expiration?

During inspiration the intrapleural pressure is negative, and the lungs expand, and lung volume increase.

During expiration the intrapleural pressure is positive, the lungs collapse and lung volume decrease

When's the compliance of lungs the highest?

During the middle rang of pressures.

At high expanding pressures, compliance is lowest, flattening the curve.

Coronary circulation

Controlled almost entirely by local metabolic factors

mediated by sympathetic nerves

Most important local metabolic factors are hypoxia and adenosine

Cerebral circulation

Controlled mainly by local metabolic factors

Exhibits active and reactive hyperemia

Most important local vasodilator is CO2

Sympathetic nerves play a minor role

What is the structure of the walls of true capillaries?

No smooth muscle, consisting only of one single layer of endothelial cells, which are surrounded by basement membrane


Increased RBC count

Higher viscosity,

Viscosity is proportional with resistance

Vasopressin is also called

Antidiuretic hormone

What's the result of hypoventilation?

Respiratory acidosis

Where does the countercurrent multiplayer take place?

Loop of Henle´s

What are the major factors to the countercurrent multiplayer

Takes place in loop of Henle's

1. Active transport of ions into the medullary interstitial from the ascending loop of Henle´s

2. Active transport of ions from the collecting ducts to the interstitial.

3. Diffusion of urea from collecting ducts

4. Diffusion of only small amounts of water into the medullary interstitium

During breathing, how is the intrapleural pressure in relation to the atmospheric pressure?

The intrapleural pressure is always smaller than the atmospheric pressure. Always negative

During inspiration, how is the intrapulmonary pressure in relation to the atmospheric?

the intrapulmonary or the alveolar pressure has to be smaller than the atmospheric pressure during inspiration

During expiration, how is the intrapulmonary pressure in relation to the atmospheric

During expiration the intrapulmonary pressure has to be higher than the atmospheric pressure.

During expiration, how is the intrapleural pressure in relation to the atmospheric?

Always negative, but during expiration it becomes more positive, but still negative

During inspiration, how is the intrapleural pressure in relation to the atmospheric?

During inspiration, the intrapleural pressure will decrease.

To -6

where in a neuron do we find voltage gated Na+ channels?

In the Ranvier nodes, between the myelin sheath

What causes the non-peaky AP in SA node and AV node, but Peaky or sharp AP in His bundle, Purkinje fibers, ventricle and Atrium?

Those that have a peaky AP, will have fast sodium channels opening during phase0.

SA and AV nodes have no fast sodium channels open during phase 0.

What are the pacemaker currents?

SA and AV node

T-Type calcium channel in

Nonselective cation current in or funny channel

When do funny currents or no selective cation current open?

opens during hyperpolarization

What is the resting potential in SA node, and how does this affect the fast sodium channels?

The resting potential is around -55 millivolt

This causes the fast sodium channels to already be inactivated.

What channels open during phase 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 in a working muscle cell?

0. Fast sodium current in

1. L-type calcium in, transient potassium current out, chloride in

2. L- type calcium current in

3. Late potassium current out

4. Inward rectified potassium current

How long is the refractory period?

200 ms

Last from phase 0 until the middle of phase 3

Where is voltage gated K channels found on the general neurone?

Found on thee input component and the conductive component of the neuron

Dendrit and soma, and axon

Where is the Ligand gated ion channels found on the general neuron?

On the input component

Dendrites and soma

where is the voltage gated Ca2+ channels found on the general neuron?

At the output component

- Synaptic terminal

What are the general characteristics of a chemical synapse?

1. Action potential in presynaptic cell causes a depolarization of the presynaptic terminal

2. This causes the calcium to enter the presynaptic terminal, which causes the release of a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft

3. The neurotransmitter will diffuse over the cleft, where it combines with receptors on postsynaptic cell membrane. Here it causes a change in membrane permeability to ions, and changes it's membrane potential

4. Inhibitory neurotransmitters hyperpolarize the postsynaptic membrane.

Excitatory neurotransmitters depolarize the postsynaptic membrane

What is the neurotransmitter released in a presynaptic terminal and what is the receptor of the postsynaptic membrane in a neuromuscular junction?

The neurotransmitter is ACh

Postsynaptic membrane contains a nicotinic receptor

What inactivates the ACh neurotransmitter?

Acetylcholinesterase will degraded ACh to acetyl Coa and choline on the muscle end plate

What are the types of synaptic transmissions?

One to one synapse

- Found in neuromuscular junction

Many to one synapses

- Found in spinal motoneurons

- A singel potential in a presynaptic cell is not sufficient to produce a action potential in the postsynaptic cell. Many cells synapse on the postsynaptic cell for it to reach depolarize to the threshold

ESPS or excitatory postsynaptic potentials

What are some excitatory neurotransmitters?

Inputs which depolarize postsynaptic cells

- Close to threshold, and firing AP

Opens channels of K+ and Na+, which depolarizes the membrane potential

Excitatory neurotransmitters

-ACh, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, glutamat, serotonin

IPSP or inhibitory postsynaptic potential

What are some inhibitory neurotransmitters?

Inputs which hyperpolarize the postsynaptic cell, moving it further away from treshold and firing a action potential

done by opening Cl- channels, which means that the membrane potential can move towards -90

Inhibitory neurotransmitters are GABA and glycine

What is the normal range for sodium, potassium, chloride?

Sodium: 135-145 mmol/L

Potassium: 3.5-5-3 mmol/L

Chloride: 98-108mmol/L

What is the normal osmolarity and glucose range?

Osmolarity: 275-300 mOsm/L

Glucose: 70-115 mg/dl

What is the normal range for Bicarbonate and hydrogen ions?

Bicarbonate: 22-29 mmol/L

Hydrogen ions: 30-50 nmol/L

What is the normal range for proteins and albumin?

Protein: 6-8 g/dl

Albumin: 3.5-5.5 g/dl

Monro-Kellie principle

Volume of brain + volume of blood + volume of cerebral spinal fluid volume is constant

Always takes up 15% of CO

- 20% of O2

What are the slowest and what are the fastest conduction velocities?

SA node is slowest - 0,01-0,05 m/s

Purkinje fibers are fastest - 4m/s

What is the length of action potential in SA and Av nodes vs working muscle cells?

SA and AV - 100ms

Working muscle: 200-250 ms

Rapid voltage-dependent Na+ channels

Has two gates, which both must be open for the Na channels to be opened.

Activation "m" gate

- Opening during depolarization, closes during plateu phase

Inactivation "h" gate

- Opened during resting potential

- Closes during depolarization, and closed at peak

- Closed until repolarization

The only time when both gates are open is during the depolarization, and at this stage we have a positive Na+ flow

Voltage dependent K+ channels

Only has activation gate

This means when the activation gate is open, the flow of potassium will be positive.

Gate is closed during resting potential

Opens during depolarization, and stays open until repolarization

Will therefore be a positive potassium flow during depolarization, peak of ap, plataue phase and repolarization

What is the length of the PR, QRS, QT?

PR: 120-200 ms

QRS: 80-100 ms

QT: 360-420 ms

Electric and mechanical systole?

Electic lasts from E point, just before QRS and until after T wave

- Same as QT - 360-420 ms

Mechanical lasts from after QRS at J point, until after T wave

- 280-320 ms

Electric and mechanical diastole

Electrical from T wave until QRS wave

- Last 380-440 ms

Mechanical from after T wave until J point after QRS

- 460-520 ms

Systolic pressure

1. Left ventricle

2. Aorta

3. LA

4. RV

5. pulmonary arteries

6. RA

1. 120-140 Hgmm

2. 120- 140 Hgmm

3. 15 Hgmm

4. 20-24 Hgmm

5. 20-24 Hgmm

6. 10 Hgmm

Diastol pressure

1. Left ventricle2. Aorta3. LA4. RV5. pulmonary arteries6. RA

1. 5-10 Hgmm

2. 60-80 Hgmm

3.5 Hgmm

4. 1-4 Hgmm

5. 9-15 Hgmm

6. 3 Hgmm

What are the humoral regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system?

Adrenal medulla

- Secretes epinephrine


- Vasopressin or ADH

Kidney and juxtaglomerular apperatus

- Renin

What are local regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system?

Bayliss effect



Vasoactive substances

What is the effect of M2, M3 and M5 muscarinic receptors?


- Negative heart effects


- Vasodilation of blood vessels


- Vasodilation of cerebral arteries

Effects on circulation due to standing up?

- Primary changes

- Compensation

- Final result

Primary changes

- Gravity -> blood flows to extremities

- Increase in CVP

- Decrease in EDV, SV, CO, MAP and blood supply to organs


- Increased HR

- Reflex causes vasoconstriction, which increases TPR

Final result

- CO is normalizing at a lower level than lying

- MAP is normalizing

Effects on circulation due to sitting or lying down?

- Primary changes

- Compensation

- Final result

Primary changes

- Arteric blood pressure decreases in lower part of body

- More blood in upper part

- Increased CVP, EDV, SV, MAP and blood flow to organs


- Decreased HR

- Vasodilation -> decreased TPR

Final result

- CO is normalizing, higher than standing

- MAP is normalizing

What vessels have the largest pressure and flow rate?

Arteries of systemic circulation

What vessels have the largest total cross-section, and smallest diameter and flowrate?


What vessels has the highest diameter and capacity of volume, but the smallest pressure and resistance?


What vessels have the highest TPR?

50-55% of TPR

Fick principle?

Use oxygen consumption to determine cardiac output.

CO= Oxygen consumption/ (O2 pressure in pulmonary vein - O2 pressure in pulmonary artery)

What is the heart index?

Heart index= CO/BSA m2

BSA is body surface area

Whats is does poesieuilles equation say that viscosity, radius and length affect the resistance?

Resistance is directly proportional to viscosity. As it increases, the resistance will increase.

Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the vessel

The resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the vessel radius

- if the blood vessel radius decreases by a factor of 2, it will increase the resistance by a factor of 16(2^4)

What is reynolds number?

Reynolds number predicts whether or not the blood flow will be turbulent

Greater chance when reynolds number is increased

What is vasomotion?

Spontaneous oscillation in tone of blood vessel

Independent from heart beat, innervation and respiration

What other effects than vasodilation does NO have?

Antagnoise the effect of AII, ET-1, and NA

Inhibit aggregation of thrombocytes

Inhibit adhesion of leukocytes

Inhibit proliferation of sm cells

Anti-inflammatoric effect

boosts venous return - Vis a tergo

The work of the heart pressure gradient from the left ventricle to the right atrium

boosts venous return - Vis a fronte

Suckling effect on large veins due to contractions of heart muscle

Also negative thoracic pressure during inspiration

boosts venous return - Vis a laterale

Muscle pump

Sympathetic tone

Thoracoabdominal pump

Arterial pulsation

Thoracoabdominal pump


-Decreased intrathoracic pressure, increases the venous return


- Increased intrathoracic pressure, decreases the venous return

Definition of tachypnea, hyperpnea, bradypnoe, hypohnoe, apnea, apneusis, dyspnea and orthopnea?

Tachypnea - increased respiratory frequency

Hyperpnea - increased respiratory minute volume

Bradypnoe - Decreased respiratory frequency

Hypopnoe - Decreased respiratory minute volume

Apnea - Breathing pause at expiration

Apneusis - Deep, gasping inspiration with a pause at full inspiration

Dyspnea - Shortness of breath

Orthopnea - Shortness of breath, referring to heart disorders

What parameters can be measured with a spirometry?

Resting respiration - static parameters

- Volume and capacities

Tidal volume, inspiratory volume, expiratory volume, vital capacity, inspiration capacity

The residual volume can not be measured- Because of this TLC and FRC can not be measured

During heavy breathing - dynamic parameters

- Velocities, volume/time curves


- Peak expiration flow

- Forced expiratory flow

Dynamic volumes


*Volume of air which can forcibly be blown out in a unit of time after full inspiration

- Tiffeneau-index: FEV1/FCV propotion

*Normally above 70%

*Decreases due to big flow resistance -> airway obstruction


*Forced inspiratory volume, volume which can forcible be inspirited in one unit of time

*Decreased caused by upper airway obstruction

What causes obstructive respiratory disorders?

Limitation of airflow

Obstruction of the upper airways

Increased resistance of the lower airways

Decreased elastic resistance

What causes restrictive disorders?

Decreasing of ventilation surface or expansibility


What is the site of action for aldosterone in the kidney and what is the effect?

Collecting tubule and duct

Increased NaCl and H2O reabsorption and increased K+ secretion

What is the site of action for Angiotensin II in the kidney and what is the effect?

Proximal, thick ascending, loop of Henle, distal tubule and collecting tubule

Function is increased NaCl and H2O reabsorption, and increased H+ secretion

What is the site of action for antidiuretic hormone or ADH in the kidney and what is the effect?

Distal tubule, collecting tubule and duct

H2O reabsorption

What is the site of action for Atrial natriuretic peptide or ANP in the kidney and what is the effect?

Distal tubule, collecting tubule and duct

Decreased NaCl reabsorption

What is the site of action for parathyroid hormone in the kidney and what is the effect?

Proximal tubule, thick ascending loop of Henle´s and distal tubule

Decreased PO4 reabsorption, Increased Ca++ reabsorption

Tritiated water

A marker for total body water

Distributes to wherever water is found


A marker for ECF

Mannitol is a large molecule, which can't cross cell membranes, and is therefore excluded from the ICF

Evans blue

Marker for plasma volume

the dye will bind to serum albumin and therefore is confined to the plasma compartment

What substances can be used to measure total body water?

Tritiated water, D2O, antipyrene

What substances can be used to measure ECF?

Sulfate, inulin, mannitol

What substances can be used to measure plasma?

RISA and evans blue

What substances can be used to measure interstitial?

none, must be measured indirectly

ECF - plasma volume

What substances can be used to measure ICF

measured indirectly

TBW-ECF volume