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46 Cards in this Set

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What kind of d/o is Aphasia?
speech d/o where there are problems comprehending and producing sentences b/c the words are thrown together
What is the cause of Aphasia?
damage to the left temporal lobe
- fatigue
- loss of energy
- inability to concentrate
- sleep disturbances
- thoughts of death are all symptoms of what d/o?
Clinical Depression
Why may depression be connected to biological rhythms?
depression is cyclical
How is dysthymia different from clinical depression?
the symptoms are the same BUT less severe
Bi-polar consists of periods of ______ and _______.
Mania ------Depression
What are the symptoms of mania?
- inflated self esteem
- decreased need for sleep
- increased speech
- distractability
- increased activity levels
- pleasure seeking
- occaisionally there may be delusions
How are the cycles of bipolar different in children than in adults?
cycles are faster (typically daily) in children
What are the two lesser forms of bipolar d/o?
Bipolar 2 and Cyclothymia
What phase is shorter in Bipolar 2?
Why is Cyclothymia considered less severe than bi-polar?
the symptoms are less severe and less disruptive in their lives
Are concordance rates higher for bipolar or depression?
Higher for Depression (50%)
Bipolar (20-75%)
What area of the brain is most effected by affect d/os?
Frontal Lobe
Where is the frontal lobe located?
The Cortex
Most of the brain's ______ matter is located in the cortex.
People with depression have significantly ______ grey matter in the __________.
less---- orbital frontal cortex
People with bipolar d/o have significantly__________ grey matter in the _______.
less--- prefrontal
What areas have reductions in brain tissue with both bipolar and depression?
subcortical structures (ie amygdala_
Those with ___________ have less activity in their __________.
depression---- left frontal cortex
Those with __________ have increased activity in their ______.
bipolar------ frontal lobe
What neurotransmitters are impacted in depression?
What is the monoamine hypothesis?
decreased levels of the neurotransmitters induce the symptoms of depression
Why does increasing dopamine levels stop depression?
the changes in mood are actually due to the changes in sensitivity to neurotransmitters, not the neurotransmitters themselves
What are the 3 classes of antidepressants?
-Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
-Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Are antidepressants agonists or antagonists?
How do MAOIs work?
prevent oxidase from breaking down norepinephrine and serotonin
this leaves the neurotransmitters in the synapse for longer
What is the side effect of MAOIs?
negative interaction with acids in foods and can increase blood pressure to fatal levels
How do Tricyclics work?
prevents the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin
Tricyclics work best for what kind of depression?
What are the side effects of Tricyclics?
dizziness, drowsiness, sweating dry mouth blurred vision
How do SSRIs work?
decreases the reuptake of serotonin which leaves it in the synapse longer
Which antidepressant works the fastest?
SSRIs (one week compared to 2-3 for others)
What are the side effects for SSRIs?
nausea, headaches, suicidal tendancies
What d/o was ECT originally used to treat?
How does ECT work?
might normalize/increase blood flow to the frontal lobe
What were the side effects for ECT? How are the mitigated now?
contraction of the muscles could break bones.... now the patients are given sedatives and muscle relaxants so that only the brain goes through the seizures
what is rTMS?
Retinal Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

expensive & experimental treatment for depression that focuses energy on the prefrontal cortex
What kinds of episodes do the best bipolar treatments focus on?
What kinds of medications are used to treat bipolar d/o?
mood stabilizers
How does Lithium Carbonate work?
effects the production, reuptake, and breakdown of several neurotransmitters
What is the main problem involved with using lithium?
it is difficult to find and maintain the correct dosage
What are the side effects of lithium?
cognitive deficiencies, obesity, frequent urination
What role do circadian rhythms play in depression and bipolar d/o?
the d/o are cyclical and individuals with depression have sleep disturbances
What kinds of sleep disturbances do individuals with depression experience?
less slow wave sleep (3&4)
more time in stage 1 & REM sleep
they have faster sleep cycles
How does selective sleep deprivation work?
decreasing REM sleep decreases the experience of depression symptoms
What is the problem with total sleep deprivation?
can trigger manic episode in bipolar patients and the depression comes back as soon as they sleep