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41 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 ingredients of emotion?
1) assessment of situation (cognition)
2) Conscious experience (feeling)
3) Physiological arousal (readiness for action)
Which part of Phineas Gage brain was damged and caused his agression and irresponsibility?
the medial prefrontal lobe
What is the principle of antithesis?
The phenomenon where opposite messages are often signaled by opposite movements and postures. E.g. agression (ears forward, hair up, tail up) submission (ears down, hair down, tails down)
Describe the James-Lange theory.
According to the James-Lange theory, emotion-inducing sensory stimuli are received and interpreted by teh cortex, which triggers changes in the visceral organs via teh autonomic nervous system and in the skeletal muscle via teh somatic nervous system. Then, the ANS and SNS trigger the experience of eotion in the brain.
Flow chart of emotion in the James-Lange theory.
1) Cognitive appraisal
2) Body sensation and arousal
3) Cortex interprete body responses and identify/feel emotion
In the James-Lange theory, what causes what?
Physiological changes causes emotion.
According to the James-Lange theory, what are emotions?
emotions are different combinations of physiological changes. The cortex can identify different pattern of physiological responses to stimuli and determine what we feel.
What are the criticisms of the James-Lange theory?
- Body's responses are often too general. E.g. fear and anger cause very similar physiological response
- humans are not very sensitive to physiological functions e.g. heart rate, blood pressure
- physical changes sometimes takes a while to show e.g. 15 secs until blushing when embaraased.
Describe the Cannon-Bard theory
Emotional stimuli have two independent excitatory effects: They excite both the feelin of emotion in the brain and the expression of emotion in the antonomic and somatic nervous systems.
According to the Cannon-Bard view of emotion, is the feeling of emotion in response to stimuli a serial process?
No, Bard proposed that physiological reactions and emtional experiences are parallel processes that have no direct causal relation.
Is arousal necessary for emotion according to the James-Lange theory?
and to the Cannon-Bard theory?
According to the James-Lange theory, emotion is entirely dependent on arousal.
According to the Cannon-Bard theory, emotion is independent from arousal.
What are some of the criticism for the Cannon Bard theory?
Autonomic adn somatic responses to emotional stimuli can influence emotional experience.
What is sham rage?
These are inappropriately severe, non-directive aggression seen in decorticated animals.f
What is Kluver-Bucy Syndrome?
Damage of the amygdala causes a lack of fear, inappropriate behaviors. In monkeys, the consumption of almost anything that is edible, increased sexual activity often directed at inappropriate objectsd, a tendency to repeatedly investigate familiar objects, a tendency to investigate objects with teh mouth and a lack of fear.
Describe Pure Autonomic Failure.
It occurs usually later in life (40 or 50 yrs of age). More in female than in male. Output from the ANS completely fails or partially fails to reach body.
Physiological arousal happens but disconnected from ANS. E.g. stress does not lead to increase heart rate.
Do people with Pure autonomic failure still feels emotions?
Yes, they do but they do so in a less intense manner. They typically describe it as cognitive. They think through the situation and generate how they need to feel.
Which theory, James-Lange or Cannon-Bard theory, does the Pure autonomic failure patients supports?
It supports the Cannon-Bard theory, that emotions are not dependent on physiological arousal.
If it was Jame-Lange theory, patients should not feel emotions at all because they lack physiological arousal.
Is arousal suffient to explain emotions?
What evidence are there to support the notion that arousal is insuffient to justify emotions?
Adrenaline injection does not lead to a specific emotion, but if the context changes, that people will make sense of the physiological change caused by the adrenaline.
There are non-emotional stimuli that can cause arousal changes without bringong on emotional responses. E.g. Jogging Which theory does this NOT support?
The James-Lange theory. According to the james-Lange theory, certain sets of physiological response shoudl yield a certain emotion, but in teh case of jogging, we do not feel fear or anger when our heart beat faster.
When we experience physiological arousal that we cannot explain by the context, what do we conclude?
panic attacks.
Describe the Shacter 2-factors theory.
A stimuli casues an autonomic arousal. Our cognition attempts to interpret the arousal by the context and our past experience. Therefore, emotions experienced are context and history-dependent. The interpretation happens very quick and we may not be conscious of it.
What is one example that describe the schacter 2-factor theory?
E.g. Skydiving = fun or scary?
almost getting hit by a car = fun or scary?
both situation yields the same physiological changes, but we apply different interpretation.
What is correct about the James-Lange theory?
It suggests that different emotions have different physiological patterns
What is incorrect about the James-Lange theory?
Each physiological pattern changes is very subtle, not as precise as the theory suggests.
What is correct about the Cannon-Bard theory?
That people are insensitve monitor of their own bodies.
What is correct about the Schacter 2-factor theory?
That people use context and history to interpret physiological arousal.
What is the amygdala?
The amydala is part of the limbic system. It is responsible for emotions especially fear conditioning.
There are two pathways to fear. Describe the fast one.
The fast path is when the thalamus directly transmit stimulation to the amygdala. It is often very fast, and causes a startled response - it's quick and dirty.
E.g. startled by sudden sound.
Another pathway to fear is slow. Describe this slow pathway.
The thalamus relays sensory information first to the sensory cortex (visual/auditory) for understanding and interpretation of event, THEN to the amygdala for emotional response. responses from this pahtway is usually less intense and often make us feel silly after we are startled.
Which brain structure is responsible for fear of situation/place?
The hippocampus has this spacial sensitivity. Place cells.
Electrical stimulation of amygdala leads to what?
vague, apprehension and nervousness.. just uncomfortable arousal.
What happens to the individual if he/she has a bilateral amygdala damage?
he/she will has an impaired fear response.
E.g. monkey becomes not afraid of snakes; women lacks normal sense of distrust or danger. Psychopaths have abnormal amygdala, they have decreased nervousness and fear; they can easily pass lie detectors.
What is the facial feedback hypothesis?
They hypothesis that our facal expressions influence our emotional experience.
What is alpha male?
The dominant male.
what is subordination stress?
When conspecific threat becomes an enduring feature of daily life.
This person criticized teh James-Lange theory because he thought the body's response was too slow to be the cause of a conscious emotional experience
Walter Cannon
This hormone is released when mothers give birth, and later when they look at their babies' faces.
This type of test can tell you an animal's preference, but it cannot tell you how much it likes or dislikes something.
Forced choice test
This neurotransmitter is released when animals or humans do things that increase their chances of survival.
Shame is an example of this kind of emotion, which can only occur after a person or animal is cognitively developed enough to understand what it SHOULD have done, but did not do.
Secondary emotion