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68 Cards in this Set

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Having camouflage that matches an animal's typical surrounding due to selective distribution of melanocytic pigments throughout the animals skin and fur is an example of a(n) ____________ explanation.
a physiological explanation
According to your textbook, one operational definition of consciousness is based on our ability to...
describe our experience
Having camouflage that matches an animal's typical surroundings in order to provide protection from predators is an example of a(n) ____________ explanation.
If a person believes that hormones released at different stages of the menstrual cycle affect a person's mood, then it would be considered a(n) ______________ explanation.
Brain imaging studies on consciousness suggest that the major difference in the brain between conscious and unconscious perception is the...
amount of brain activation
Jill is interested in studying how hormones influence sexual behavior of rats. Jill is most likely a...
biological psychologist
If you believe the mind and the brain to be separate but somehow interact with each other, you would be considered a...
An evolutionary explanation of why we get goose bumps when cold is that...
we inherited the mechanism from our remote ancestors with more hair
A monist believes that mind and body are...
the same thing
Chocolate can be described in terms of the chemicals that comprise it or in terms of how good it tastes. These different descriptions of the same thing are comparable to how differently some people describe mental processes and brain activities according to...
the identity position
The primary difference between biological psychologists and neuroscientists is that neuroscientists place greater emphasis on studying...
both chemistry and anatomy
Chalmers' fundamental "hard problem" is...
why and how brain activity is associated with consciousness
The primary difference between biological psychologists and neuroscientists is that biological psychologists place greater emphasis on studying...
Biological psychologists are primarily interested in the...
"animal roots" of behavior
Which of the following is TRUE about genetic drift?
it occurs more often in small populations
The belief that everything is physical is...
Understanding how genes, nutrition, and experiences work together to produce a tendency toward a particular sexual orientation is an example of a(n) _____________ explanation.
Solipsism is the position that...
I alone have a consciousness
Two people arguing over whether or not a rat has conscious experiences are arguing about...
the problem of other minds
Dualism is the belief that...
the mind and body are different in substance
Dr. Slide's research emphasizes understanding the anatomical pathways in the cortex and neurotransmitters they release. Dr. Slide is most likely a...
Having comouflage that matches an animal's typical surroundings due to a change in color patterns as the young animal matures is an example of a(n) ___________ explanation.
Having camouflage that matches an animal's typical surroundings because this provided a survival and reproductive advantage to previous generations is an example of a(n) ____________ explanation.
For Descartes, the most problematic issue facing dualism was...
how an immaterial mind could influence a physical brain
If you were unsure whether or not the physical world really exists outside of your mind, you would be considered a(n)...
Interruption of the production of RNA would directly affect which of the following?
protein synthesis
Being born with long fingers may make it more likely that you’ll be invited to play a stringed instrument, which would increase amount of time you practice the instrument, which would increase the chance of you playing in a famous orchestra. The magnification of this genetic advantage (having long fingers) by the environment is known as the:
multiplier effect
Why do children with PKU become mentally retarded?
unmetabolized amino acids accumulate and affect the brain
In one family, all three children are homozygous for a recessive gene. What can be concluded about the parents?
each parent is either homozygous for the recessive gene or heterozygous
Genes located on the sex chromosomes are called:
Recessive genes manifest their effects only when the individual is ____ for them.
An autosomal gene is a gene
on any chromosome other than the X or Y chromosome
When organisms help those they recognize as capable of returning the favor, this is termed
reciprocal altruism
Chromosomes consist of large, double-stranded molecules of
For natural selection to generate evolutionary change in a population
the differences must have a hereditary basis
A trait not expressed when combined with a dominant trait is called a(n) ____ trait.
What contributes to an overestimation of heritability?
ignoring the effect of the prenatal environment
Kin selection as an explanation for altruistic behavior would argue that:
individuals spread their genes by helping their family
Chemically, what is the route from genes to their expression?
DNA to RNA to protein
In general, when biologists speak of sex-linked genes they are referring to genes on:
the X chromosome
Suppose "A" is a dominant gene and "a" is a recessive gene. One parent has genes Aa and the other parent has genes aa. What genes will the children probably have?
Half will be Aa and half will be aa
RNA is
A complementary copy of one strand of a DNA molecule
Suppose all people with blonde hair have blue eyes and all people with dark hair have brown eyes. Which of the following would be the most likely explanation?
hair and eye color are on the same chromosome
Enzymes serve as ____.
biological catalysts that regulate chemical reactions in the body
Which of the following pairs of sex chromosomes would be found in a normal male mammal?
If a group of individuals shares a highly similar environment, what effect does this have on the heritability estimate of a characteristic?
heritability will be high
Sex-limited genes are found on
any chromosomes
Almost all humans have 23 pairs of which of the following?
A strand of DNA serves as a template (model) for the synthesis of ____.
Most mutations produce:
recessive genes
What supports the argument that humans have NOT stopped evolving?
evolution is based on the rate of reproduction so as long as some people have more children their genes will spread
Why is a genetic explanation for altruism problematic?
altruistic behaviors rarely benefit the individual performing them
Suppose that adopted children are more similar to their biological parents than their adoptive parents in their preferences for a flavor of ice cream. What is true about the heritability of the trait?
heritability of this trait is high
If a characteristic is controlled by an X-linked recessive gene, it produces its apparent effects more often in males or females?
more often in males
How is it possible to prevent the mental retardation that is generally associated with PKU?
mental retardation associated with PKU can be prevented
through the diet
Suppose "A" is a dominant gene for the ability to taste phenylthiocarbamide and "a" is a recessive gene for inability to taste it. Which of the following couples could possibly have both a child who tastes it and a child who does not?
Father Aa and Mother Aa
Units of heredity that maintain their structural identity from one generation to another are:
Breeding particular cows together to create offspring that produce more milk is an example of:
artificial selection
Changes in single genes are called?
A gene is found that controls the age at which a man grows bald, if at all. That gene seldom affects women, even if they have the gene. What kind of gene is this MOST likely to be?
sex-limited genes
Color vision deficiency is more common in males than in females because it is controlled by a:
recessive X-linked genes
For a group of individuals, the heritability score for a particular trait = .5. What can be said about the heredity of this trait?
hereditary differences account for some of the observed differences for this group of individuals
Generationally changing frequencies of various genes in the population is necessary in the concept of _________.
The function of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee is to:
evaluate proposed experiments to ensure that they minimize pain and discomfort
When it comes to animal research, minimalists believe that:
Some animal research is acceptable, but not all
Which of the following is NOT a reason that biological psychologists study animals?
one does not have to consider ethical issues with animals
How do most biological psychologists feel regarding the use of animals in research?
They use animals only if the potential benefits to humans outweigh the costs to the animals.
Which statement about most psychological experiments using nonhuman animals is correct?
The research is regulated by animal care committees.