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42 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac conduction system
SA node >> internodal tracts >> AV node >> bundle of his >> bundle branches >> purkinje fibers
SA node
primary pacemaker; spontaneously generates AP's, can be modified by PS and Symp
internodal tracts
path for rapid spread of AP through muscle
atrial myocytes
specialized for contraction and rapid conduction. Excitation forces blood into ventricles
AV node
gateway for propagation of AP into ventricles located on R atrial septum. Specialized for slow conduction
Bundle of His, Bundle Branches, Purkinje fibers
myocytes specialized for rapid conduction. Purkinje have fastest conduction in heart.
Ventricular myocytes
specialized for contraction, rapid conduction.
contraction within ventricles
goes from apex to base and from endocardium to epicardium
cardiac cycle
AP >> muscular contraction >> pressure in heart chambers increases >> valves open >> blood ejected
Ventricular AP phases
4: RMP and disastole; 0: rapid depolarization, onset of electrical systole; 1: partial repolarization; 2: plateau; contractile force peaks, mechanical systole; 3: rapid repolarization; end of systole.
IRk channels
inward rectifying K channels; open when membrane potential is more negative than -70mV and allow K efflux. Blocked by Mg during depolarization and reopen in phase 3.
Na channels
rapidly activating, voltage dependent; determines threshold in Phase 0. inactivated in phase 1
Ito channels
transient outward K channels; open during phase 0 and close during phase 2
Ca channels
voltage-dependent, open during phase 1 and cause plateau in phase 2, inactivated in phase 3
delayed rectifying K channels; open during phase 2 to keep membrane potential near 0mV and help return to RMP.
Phase 4
RMP and diastole; RMP close to -90mV
-IRK channels allow K efflux (condunctance small b/c RMP is near Ek)
Phase 0
rapid depolarization, onset of electrical systole;
-depolarization triggered by depolarization of neighboring cell; rapidly-activating, voltage-dependent Na channels are opening
-positive feedback loop increases Mp to +55
Voltage at which there are enough Na channels open to produce full-blown AP. critical # of channels needed to overpower hyperpolarizing effects of K efflux through IRK.
decreasing # or rate of Na channels
higher threshold needed to reach AP
Phase 1
partial repolarization; 3 steps bring Mp to near 0 mV
-Fast Na channels are inactivated
-Transient outward K channels opened during phase 0 and force MP back toward Ek.
-voltage dependent Ca channels activate
phase 2
plateau; electrical and mechanical systole. plateau due to slow activation of Ca channels; Ito and DRK channels that keep MP around 0. Ca influx triggers muscle ocntraction
Phase 3
repolarization, end of systole. Inactivation of Ca channels and persistence of DRK channels elicits return to RMP
Return to phase 4
Na/Ca/Ito channels recover from inactivation and return to resting, closed state. IRK open and DRk close slowly.
Absolute refractory period
cannot fire another AP from phase 0 to middle of phase 3. Na channels inactive, Ca active or inactive.
Relative refractory
slowly propagating/depolarizing AP can occur. Phase 3 to start of phase 4. Na channels still inactive but Ca channels have recovered.
MDP for pacemaker cells
maximum diastolic polarization, -60 to -70 mV due to lower IRK conductance.
Why do pacemaker cells have slow depolarization
1. DRk close and IRK are scarce (allow MP to slowly rise) 2. Lh ionic current activated by hyperpolarization allows Na to enter; 3. A few slow Ca channels can be activated above -50mV
SA node threshold
Ca channels open once MP > -50mV; trigger AP. **Na channels do Not play a role in SA node because RMP is never negative enough to end their inactivation
Slow AV node conduction - mechanisms
REMP = -55mV, due to fewer IRK channels. Na channels remain inactivated; fewer GJ
AV node AP based on
AV absolute refractory
phase 0 to phase 3; determined by activation of DRK, inactivation of Ca
phase 3- phase 4; larger stimulus needed b/c Ca channels not recovered from inactivation; determined by Ca channel activity
Calcium channel blockers and refractory periods
reduce ARP but increase RRP
How to increase rate of phase 4 depolarization in SA
Increase Lh activity, DRK closing, partial activation of calcium channels above -60mV
How to change MDP in SA
Make more negative to slow rate of depolarization; change IRK, DRK activity
How to change threshold potential in SA
icreasing activation of Ca channels at -50mV lowers threshold point.
Sympathetic innervation of heart
pregang from spinal cord releases Ach at sympathetic chain. postgang releases NE at atria, ventricles, nodes. E also delivered from adrenal gland.
NE and E innervation of heart
stimulate beta adrenergic receptors in cardiac myocytes to increase HR, contractile force
Mechanism of positive chronotropy
1. increase Ca channel activity; more open at any given voltage increases rate of depol. 2. increased Lh causes increased rate of depol in phase 4. 3. stimulation of DRK - increases rate of repolarization and keeps Ap and refractory period short.
Mechanism of positive iontropy
increase in contractile force due to 1. increase Ca channel activity; influx leads to more SR Ca release and increase in rate/force of contraction. 2. increase rate of Ca resequestration in SR keeps systole brief
PS innervation of heart
Branches of vagus release Ach at cardiac plexus, postgang nerves release Ach at SA and AV nodes.
mechanisms of negative chronotropy
1. inhibition of Ca channels slows phase 4 depolarization and raises threshold for AP. 2. stimulation of K channels causes hyperpolarization. 3. inhibition of lh to slow depolarization.