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64 Cards in this Set

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fertilization by the father's sperm
A person's genetic sex determined at the time of ..
(Ova and sperm) contain one member of each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes

22 pairs= autosomes
1 pair= sex chromosomes
Genetic basis of sex determination
normal female = xx
normal male- xy (y has SRY)
xx male with SRY traslocation = XX(one with SRY)

xy female with SRY missing = XY ( no SRY)
Turner's Syndrome
X0 genotype

Poor ovaries (formation requires 2 x chromosomes)

Still develop normal internam and external genitalia

Low hormonal levels.. need hormones pills to induce puberty and sexual maturation.

infertile (b.c no ovaries)
Klinefelter's Syndrome
XXY genotype


internal sex OK

Small testes

Low T

Low sperm (but sometimes fertile)


MUllerian system
the embryonic precursors of the female internal sex organs

Wolffian system
the embryonic precursors of the male internal sex organs

anti-Mullerian hormone
a peptide secreted by the fetal testes that inhibits the development of the Mullerian system, which would otherwise become the female sex organs.
Persistant mullerian duct syndrome
genetic male without anti-mullerian hormone or anti-mullerian hormone receptors
-SRY gene, so gonads become testes.
-Masculanization occurs (T) but no defeminization (AMH) - intermal male and female sex organs

External male organs (DHT)
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Genetic Male (XY) w/o androgen receptors (mutation in gene for receptors ((x chromosome))

gonads forms into testes. Testes produce androgens and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH)

AMH produces internal defeminization; internal sex organs fail to develop

without T-and DHT- receptors, no internal or external masculinization.
4 main steroid hormones
activiational effect
the permanent effect of a hormone on tissue differentiation and development
ex. menstrual cycle, puberty onset, secondary sex characteristics, ect.
organizational effect (of hormone)
the effect of a hormone that occurs in the fully developed organism

may depend on the organism's prior exposure to the organizational effects of hormones.

ex. T and AMH effects on structure/function; can't go back
sexual maturation

triggered when the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)...

anterior pituitary secretes FSH and LH..

gonads secrete T & E
Puberty is starting earlier
Probably b.c of better nutrition,
thinner girls go thru puberty later than than do obese girls

Leptin is secreted by fat cells, so amt of leptin directly related to amt of fat on body.. give juvenile female mice leptin-- suppresses appetite and accelerates onset of puberty.
Androgens and estrogen
Initiate closure of growing portions of the bones, halting skeletal growth.
breast development
growth of lining of uterus
changes in deposition of body fat
maturation of female genitalia
Growth of facial, underarm and pubic hair
(latter 2 occur in females under control of adrenal androgens)

lower the voice
alter hairline
muscular development
genital growth
Menstrual cycle
FSH & LH secreted by anterior pituitary
FSH stimulates grown of ovarian follicles (epithelial cells surrounding and ovum; usually, 1 per month)
Follicles secrete estradiol  buildup of uterine lining and feedback to anterior pituitary to release lots of LH
LH surge causes ovulation (follicle ruptures and ovum is released)
Ruptured follicle becomes corpus luteum, which secretes estrogen and progesterone
Progesterone maintains uterine lining, prevents maturation of another follicle, and promotes pregnancy (upon fertilization and implantation)
If no fertilization/implantation, corpus luteum stops making estrogen and progesterone, uterine lining sloughs off
Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior:

a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland

causes contraction of the smooth muscle of the milk ducts the uterus, and the male ejaculatory system.
Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior:

a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland

necessary for production of milk

has an inhibitory effect on male sexual behavior
Copulating rats

A spinal reflex seen in many four-legged animals; arching of the back in response to approach of a male or to touching the flanks, which elevates the hindquarters.
Copulating Rats
In females, progesterone (w/ estrogen “priming”) produces sexual receptivity, proceptivity and attractiveness
Male sexual behavior also controlled by hormones
Refractory period
Coollidge effect
Oxytocin and Prolactin involved
Prolactin has inhibitory effect on male sexual behavior, so likely involved in refractory period

Hormones critical:
activational effects of hormones
menstrual cycle
sexual behavior
but not development of the male or female. reproductive tracts..t
organizational effects of hormones
making the brain female or male...
defeminization (remember. "nature's impulse is to crease a female" ____ of androgens that prevent female sexual behavior

Masculanization: ____ of androgens that enable male sexual behavior
Organizational effects of testosterone
if a brain isn't exposed to androgens during critical period of development, animal will engage in female sexual behavior as an adults

Rodents: Around the time of birth, testosterone masulinizes and defeminizes sexual behavior
a chemical released by one animal that affects the hehavior or physiology of another animal

usually smelled or tasted

usually compounds are in urine

species (strain?) specific

VNO-accessory OB- amygdala- hypothalamus

Estrous cycle
Lee-Boot effect: female mice housed together stop cycling
Whitten effect*: those female mice, exposed to male odor, start cycling (& synchronized)
Vandenbergh effect*: acceleration of onset of puberty by odor of a male
Bruce effect*: recently impregnated mouse miscarries when exposed to different male
*Only if male has not been castrated (& VNO system is intact).

McClintock effect
Women who live together cycle together
From compound(s) in fluids
In male sweat
Increases alterness & positive mood in women; decreases positive mood in men
Activates hypothalamus (POA and VMH) in women but not in men
Does in homosexual men (2005 study)
In female urine
Activates hypothalamus (PVN and DMH) in men but not in women
how do sex hormones effect women?
based -inpart- on hormones of the menstrual cycle
testosterone: amplifies the effects of estrogen.

Ovariectomized women given EST + testosterone  more sex fantasies, masturbation, intercourse, higher self-reported level of well-being (huh).
how do sex hormones effect men?
GnRH ant. -- decrease T-- decrease sex fantacy, interest, intercourse.

T also increases in anticipation of sexual activity or by viewing erotica
oxytocin and prolactin

both secreted during orgasm; both might be important in refractory period.
sexual orientation
evidence does not support social explanations of homosex...
not due to adult levels of sex hormones.

so what is it?

subtle differences in brain structure may be caused by differences in amount of prenatal exposure to androgens.
Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation
Congenital adrenal hyperplagia
Adrenal glands secrete too much testosterone leading to prenatal androgenization of genetic females
Boys develop normally; girls’ sex at birth can look ambiguous
Girls draw more boyish things, play with boy-typical toys
1/3 of CAH girls are homosexual or bisexual

Failure of androgenization of genetic males
Androgen insensitivity syndrome: XY but gender identity is female and sexual orientation (based on being female) is heterosexual
THe human brain is sexually dimorphic
2 hemipheres share more functions in female brain compared with mail

men's brains are larger

shape of corpus callosum

differences in sizes of some specific regions (in helencephalon and diencephalon)

all probably the result of different exposure to androgens early in development.
In homesexual males and females, there are 3 brain regions that show differences (in home studies)
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus:
larger in homosexual men compared to heterosexual men and to women

Anterior commissure
larger in homosexual men compared to heterosexual men and to women

sexually dimorphic nucleus of the hypothalamus...
Sexually dimorphic nucleus of the hypothalamus
Aka, third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus
Larger in heterosexual men compared to homosexual men and to women
A sexually dimorphic nucleus in sheep:
8% of males show sexual preference toward other males (still male behaviors);
SDN is larger in males than females; similar in females and male-oriented males.
sexual orientation and the brain
Brain responds to pheromones differently: homosexual men show responses more like heterosexual women than heterosexual men

In transexual men, BNST (forebrain region) is small, like in women; there is no difference b/t heterosexual and homosexual men.
Also, similar between female to male transexuals and normal males.
Therefore, the correlation is to sexual identity; not sexual orientation!
Are these differences cause or effect of identity and behavior?
sex. orientation
Causes of differences in brain development
Prenatal androgenization of males: maternal stress
Maternal stress  decreased T in male fetuses
Stress  endorphins and corticosterone  both antagonize Testosterone
Causes female behaviors (sexual and play) in male rats
Alters the size of the sexually dimorphic nucleus
Above results also seen in humans
In 2 out of 3 studies, moms of gay men reported more stress during pregnancy than moms of straight men
Heredity and sexual orientation
Male homosexuality: 52% concordance for identical twins; 22% concordance for fraternal twins
Female homosexuality: 48% concordance for identical twins; 16% concordance for fraternal twins
sexual development
masulinizing effect
an effect of hormone present early in development that promotes the later development of anatomical or behavioral characteristics of males
sexual development

the principal androgen found in males
Hormonal abnormalities of sexual development:

Hormonal abnormalities of sexual development
genetic male without anti-mullerian hormone or anti-mullerian hormone receptors.
Hormonal abnormalities of sexual development:

androgen insensitivity syndrome
genetic male without androgen receptors
Hormonal abnormalities of sexual development:

congenital adrenal hyperplagia
genetic female with excess androgens
Hormonal abnormalities of sexual development

5-alpha reductase deficiency
genetic male that can't convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
sexual development

persistent Müllerian duct syndrome
a condition caused by a congenital lack of anti-mullerian hormone or receptors for this hormone; in a male, causes development of both male and female internal sex organs.
Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY)
Males, heterosexual orientation
Treated w/ testosterone, & treatment for other issues (learning disabilities, esteem)
In US, 1 in 500-1000 newborn boys affected
Some cells have XXY, others XY
Sometimes can father children
Increased risk of autoimmune disease & breast cancer
denotes the presence of two populations of cells with different genotypes in one individual, who has developed from a single fertilized egg.
the two or more genotypes arise from more than one zygote, while in mosaics, these genotypes arise from only a single cell.

formed from four parent cells (two fertilized eggs or early embryos fuse together) or from three parent cells (a fertilized egg is fused with an unfertilized egg or a fertilized egg is fused with an extra sperm). Each population of cells keeps its own character and the resulting animal is a mixture of mis-matched parts
Turner’s syndrome (XO)
98% spontaneously abort (10% of miscariages in US)
Incidence: 1 in 2500 live births
Gender identity is female, and sexual orientation is heterosexual
“Hyperfeminine” in play
Depressed visuospatial & quantitative skills
Other health risks include: high blood pressure, kidney problems, diabetes, cataracts, osteoporosis and thyroid problems, heart problems
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Inherited (autosomal recessive)
Only small minotiry of people with CAH are considered intersex… ambiguous genitalia is only one of many potential conditions caused by CAH
Others include precocious puberty or lack of puberty
Behavior: mixed b/t boy and girl
Gender identity is female
Sexual orientation more mixed, but majority are heterosexual
Incidence 1:10,000 to 1:21,000

Genetic defect
Low Corticoid synthesis
Adrenal cortex
Excess androgens
XY male ok
Wolffian Duct
External genitals
DHT deficiency
incidence is 1:90 in Dominican Republic

can have normal male, ambigous or normal female genitalia

"phallus" increases in length to 4-8 cm. (when begin with female genitalia?)
sexually diorphic behavior
a behavior that has diff forms or that occurs with diff. probabilities or under diff. circumstances in makes and females.
a mature reproductive cell; a sperm or ovum
an ovary or testis
the gene on the y chromosome whose product instucts the undifferentiated fetal gonads to develop into testes
coolidge effect
the restorative effect of introduing a new female sex partner to a male that has appartently become exhasuted by sexual activity
a pinal sexual reflex seen in mayn 4 legged female mammals; arching of the back in response to approach of a male or to touching the flanks, which elevated the hind quarters.
vomeronasal organ
a sensory organ that detects the presence of certain chemicals, esp when a liquid is actuvely sniffed; mediates the effects of some phermones.
medial preoptic area
an area of cell bodies just rostral to the hypothalamus; plays an essential role in male sexual behavior
the act of giving birth
a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, necessary for production of milk; also facilitates maternal behavior
lateral nucleus
a nucleus of the amygdala that receives sensory info from the neocortex, thalamus, and hippocampus and sends projections to the basal, accessory basal, and central nucleus of the amygdala.
central nucleus
the region of the amygdala that receives info from the basal , lateral, and accessory basal nuclei and sends projections to a wide variety of regions in the brain; involved in emotional responses.
threat behavior
a stereotypical species- sypical behavior that warns antoerh animal that it may be attacked if it does not flee or show a submissive behavior.