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51 Cards in this Set

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Do all somatic neurons release acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter?
Where are acetylcholine receptors found on a muscle fiber?
In the area called the "motor end plate".
Are all motor end plate potentials excitatory?
How do action potentials spread to the interior of a skeletal muscle cell? .
By depolarization of the T-tubules
What are the thick and thin filaments?
Thick and thin filaments form the sarcomere interior, the thick filaments are made of myosin and the thin filaments are made of three
proteins (actin, tropomyosin, and troponin)
What is the physical relationship between thin and thick filaments?
The thin filaments (actin et.al.) are physically attached to the Z disks, the thick filaments are tethered in the middle of the sarcomere in between the thin filaments.
Where are troponin and tropomyosin found?
Tropomyosin is wrapped around the actin helixes, and troponin is attached to the tropomyosin.
Does troponin or tropomyosin have a calcium binding site?
Yes, troponin has a binding site for calcium.
Do actin filaments shorten during contraction?
Do myosin filaments shorten during contraction?
Do sarcomeres shorten during contraction?
How do sarcomeres shorten during contraction?
By myosin filaments binding and "pulling" the actin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere.
What is the function of the powerstroke?
It physically "pulls" the actin filament incrementally toward the center of the sarcomere.
Is there more than one "powerstroke" per contraction?
yes, many occur !
Where does the energy come from for the power stroke?
From the release of the inorganic phosphate, which has been hydrolyzed from and ATP molecule.
What ion within the muscle triggers contraction?
Calcium (Ca++)
Where is Calcium (Ca ++) stored?
In the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR).
What stimulates the release of Calcium (Ca++) into the cytosol of the muscle fiber?
The depolarization of the sarcolemma spreads into the T-tubule which has voltage-gated DHP receptors in the membrane of the T-tubules. The DHP receptors are
physically linked to gates on the SR and become pulled open, which releases the Ca++
into the sarcoplasma.
Once the Calcium (Ca++) is released, where does it go?
Into the sarcoplasma (the cytosol
of the muscle fiber.)
What is the linkage between action potentials on the sarcolemma surface and sarcomere shortening?
It triggers the release of Ca++ which when bound to troponin moves the tropomyosin out of the way so that the myosin binding sites on the actin molecules are
What prevents actin and myosin binding during muscle relaxation?
As Ca++ is resequestered
back into the SR, the tropomyosin starts rolling back over the myosin binding
sites preventing myosin/actin interactions and cross-bridges cannot be formed, so the
muscle returns to its original length (also with the aid of the series elastic components
"tugging" on the ends of the muscle fibers).
During contraction are all the myosin crossbridges bound to the actin sites at the same
No, absolutely not! As the example I gave in class, if a number of people were
pulling on a rope, the myosin head groups would be like the hands of the people pulling
on the rope.
Once a muscle is contracting, what causes it to stop and go back to relaxation length?
Removal of the cytosolic Ca++.
How is calcium returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
By the actions of Ca++ATPase pumps (that are continually working) found in the SR membrane and pumping Ca++
back into the SR.
Is ATP used in both contraction and relaxation?
What are three functions of ATP in the contraction/relaxation cycle?
1) Allows myosin head groups to dissociate from the actin binding site.
2) Through hydrolysis and release, provides the energy for the powerstroke.
3) Provides the energy for the Ca++ATPase pumps, to re-sequester Ca++ from the cytosol back into the SR.
What happens if a cell runs out of ATP?
It will be in a state of rigor mortis - prolonged contraction.
Do you think fatigue occurs before a cell runs out of ATP?
Yes, definitely
Does the length of a muscle affect its ability to develop tension?
Yes, the length-tension
relationship is actually a very important variable in the ability of a muscle to develop
At the length that can generate the most tension, what is the relationship of the actin and
There is a minimal amount of overlap between the actin and myosin filaments
Muscle Fiber
A single muscle cell which is a relatively long and cylindrical in shape, made up of multiple nuclei that can generate signals for the fiber, consists of multiple myofibrils
Surrounds muscle fiber and goes into muscle to create T-tubules
Houses SR, myofibrils, mitochondria, and glycogen granules
A specialized intracellular structure of muscle cells that contains the contractile apparatus, multiple of these combine together to form a single muscle fiber
The filaments inside of the myofibril that consist of actin and myosin
Functional unit of skeletal muscle as well as muscle fiber, the area between two z lines within a myofibril
Continuous with sarcolemma, perpendicular infolding of the surface membrane of a muscle fiber, rapidly spread surface electric activity into the central portions of the muscle fiber
Somatic Motor Neuron
The motor neuron that holds the terminal button and releases the NT acetylcholine that sends the signal for a contraction to occur as the acetylcholine releases and bind on the motor end plate
Motor End Plate
Specialized portion of a skeletal muscle fiber that lies immediately underneath the terminal button of the motor neuron and possesses receptor sites for binding acetylcholine released from the terminal button, the binding of acetylcholine on these receptor sites opens up the voltage gated K/Na channels to allow for depolarization and an action potential to occur along the sarcolemma
Terminal Button
A motor neuron’s enlarged knoblike ending that terminates near a skeletal muscle fiber and releases acetylcholine in response to an action potential in the neuron, holds the vesicles containing acetylcholine that get exocytosized
DHP (Dihydropyridine) receptor
Linked to SR, once the action potential travels down the T-tubules, this receptor gate opens to release Ca from the SR into the sarcoplasma
One of the regulatory proteins found in the thin filaments (actin) of muscle fibers, binds to tropomyosin and calcium when available
One of the regulatory proteins found in the thin filaments (actin) of muscle fibers, attaches to the actin double helix and covers the crossbridge bind sites on the actin
A fine meshwork of interconnected tubules that surrounds a muscle fiber’s myofibrils, contains expanded lateral sacs, which store calcium that is released into the cytosol in response to a local action potential, when DHP receptor is open the SR releases calcium into the sarcoplasma
Contractile protein that forms the thick filaments in muscle fibers, contains crossbridge heads that bind to actin
Contractile protein that forms the backbone of the thin filaments in muscle fibers, form double helixs and has myosin binding sits that tropomyosin covers until calcium is present in which troponin and tropomyosin move out of way
Z Disk
A flattened disk like cytoskeletal protein that connects the thin filaments of two adjoining sarcomeres, during contraction the z disks get brought closer together by the powerstroke of the sliding filament theory
A state in which no ATP is available so relaxation of muscles cannot occur because the myosin heads cannot detach from the actin
Rigor Mortis
A state that happens during death, a stiff like state in which all muscles cannot relax
Ryanodine Receptor
Involved in the sliding filament theory, as myosin needs the detachment of phosphate for the powerstroke to occur, and a new ATP must attach inorder for the myson to detach and find a new actin site